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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Kyoto, Yamatai - Star Army officials announced today that an Orbital Geological Survey Platform in orbit around a moon in the HX-5 star system had self-destructed today due to activation of its anti-tampering defense system. The Orbital Geological Scanning Platform's Geological Scanning Suite is capable of active scans up to eight thousand meters beneath a planet's surface. It uses a combination of electromagnetic, spectrometer and gravimetric scans to actively search for up to 130,000 natural phenomena and an extensive array of geothermal and chemical events. Its self-destruct system involves the release of anti-matter. It is unclear who was attempting to tamper with or board the OGSP, but SAINT says it is likely related to recent...
Kyoto, Yamatai -- Moon-day morning, Star Army announced it had lost contact with its small outpost on planet Ether, and that A SAINT scout dispatched to investigate found signs of a violent, sudden raid and a frantic effort to defend the base. During the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, Star Army Forces and the YSS Eucharis fought against NMX Nekovalkyrja and other enemy units in the icy, frozen wastes of Ether and conducted raids on NMX Bases there. The tiny base set up by the YSS Eucharis during that time had remained on the planet to keep a flag on the icy world, and was manned by just two soldiers: Jôtô Heisho Tokuhichi Erika, a soldier who the YSS Eucharis had rescued from the Mishhuvurthyar in the Sbuhfaba star system, and Itto Hei...
Kyoto, Yamatai -- The Yamatai Star Empire's department of foreign affairs held a press conference today to announce that it received a message from the local government of UX-3 III. Previously claimed by Yamatai in YE 35, the UX-3 star system was lost in the Kuvexian Invasion of YE 41. Rather than annex the system as part of the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia, the Kuvexian military has reportedly allowed the Kuvexian Corporations to claim the star system as a neutral territory and set up a colony called Sood Zadra on the surface of the third planet. In order to demonstrate its neutrality, the system has said that any civilian ships will be allowed to visit the system and trade freely there, including those from Yamatai and Nepleslia...
SANDRA reporters have just found out the 8th Fleet is being mobilized for intense operations in the Samurai Sector. With great fan fair the flagship YSS Hokorimasu has slipped its moors from the Valentine system along side the rest of the 8th fleet to begin more intense patrol missions against the Kuvexian threat. Though the sector has been so far spared from the fighting SAINT has report renewed activity in the captured KETSURUI Military Sector. Some sources point this to be a renewed offensive against the empire and as such Star Army again urges caution for all Civilian traffic due to a possibility of further incursions into the Empires territory. Please stay tuned for further information.
*Kzzt* A title card plays in with terrible late night infomercial music, showing the name of the show to be ‘Origin Spotlight!’. As the title card fades, the view of an expansive deck spreads out before the viewers, along with a man in a decently pressed business suit. A bit on the older side with palish skin and brown eyes, his hair has clung desperately to the sides of his head which he combs over in a poor attempt at hiding the fact that he is balding. He smiles and nods to the camera before he launches into a pre-rehearsed speech. “This week on the Origin Spotlight! We bring to you the brave men and women of the Karakoram. These fine folks are out in the far reaches of space testing all sorts of new products for our wonderful...