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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Head of Psychopomp LLC Kristen Romanov has announced that the company is now more open then ever before for volunteers. If you feel like joining the Psychopomp PMC and get all of the latest gear that they have available then come sign up. All that is necessary is to submit a volunteer form to the Psychopomp site and we'll send someone to pick you up. EDIT: OOC: PM me if you're interested.
It's seven dings, and sundown! Welcome back to this new installment of Unbuttoned Radio, sent straight to you from the Old Courthouse in Once Osman city to each new glorious citizen of the galaxy. I'm Marian Peck, and we'll first be bringing you our news headlines, before a live performance of "Nuzzlin' O'buzzo"! The latest installment of Star Harbor - Unbuttoned Radio's award winning Aural Drama. This episode is brought to you by Lundgren and Mizzlethorpe's Miracle Elixir. Lundgren and Mizzlethorpe's Miracle Elixir! Staves off Scurvy! Quickens the Blood! Makes Warm the Heart and Copious the Nervous Disjecta! Now available to you from all Brigadier Outposts, and the Traveling Market! On sale for three Usotzan Arcmarks a bottle for...
2日 1月 YE 39 Kyoto, Yamatai -- The heads of Yamatai's government, including Premier Ketsurui Yuumi, Star Army Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui, and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai, signed an agreement today with Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the Vekimen government, to provide military support the Vekimen species, which has a struggling population of only approximately 100,000 people remaining. The Vekimen Treaty of YE 39 sets the Vekimen and Yamatai up as allies, and promises measures to strengthen the species' ability to defend itself and the protection of the endangered species by the Star Army of Yamatai in cases where the VDTF is unable to do so. The hope is that Yamatai's goodwill will result in the Vekimen...
Been a long time, but Freethinker Buster Ramses Two Seven is back on your ass like a bad case of the rads! The Debug Funk Polycast has risen from the dead and is here to make some noise!~ Now submerge yourself in these fine beats, and I'll plug you some truths that you ain't getting nowhere else, baby! ♫ Slump Swordfish - Hexagon Nightmare ♫ ♫ Replica Trident - Broken Floorboards ♫ ♫ New Fangled - Microbe Nanite Particle Flashback ♫ That's what I'm talking about! Okay, gossip time, my meaty little eardrum farm! First up, and this is the big one, but you would not believe what is going on down by Freehold way. Some random fleet from the east came and kicked out that ultra-negative sour puss that was sitting on the place for the last...
9月 YE 38 Kyoto, Yamatai - Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui announced today that the Star Army would be undergoing major organizational changes in YE 39. In light of the increased tempo and area of operations demanded by the Kuvexian war, the Star Army would be consolidating its twelve current fleets into fewer, but much larger, fleets, which would be filled with a large number of semi-autonomous task forces. "Rather than continuing to add more and more fleets, we will use task forces as the major mission element and fleets will act as regional pools of ships and assets," Taisho Yui explained. When asked which fleets might be merged, Yui said the higher-numbered fleets and possibly the expeditionary fleets would be most likely to be...