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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
All screens on Nepleslia became simultaneously interrupted and began to play the NNN intro. The same sandy haired Nepleslian man that viewers were used to seeing sat behind the desk with a serious expression as the NNN logo faded. "Good evening. We're interrupting this broadcast with breaking news on terrorists that have committed treason against the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Former members of the Intelligence and Pacification Group, otherwise known as the IPG, have conspired to defect from the IPG for reasons currently unknown.” The newscaster looked down at his notes, then back up to the viewer and went on, saying, “The IPG, the Star Military of the Democractic Imperium of Nepleslia, and the government of Nepleslia has just...
2日 4月 YE 39 Kyoto, Yamatai -- After evacuating the Vekimen to the Komodo system and providing defensive three months of support to the Vekimen and Vekimen Defensive Task Force, the Yamatai Star Empire announced that it was withdrawing from the Vekimen Treaty of YE 39 effective immediately. On 2日 1月 YE 39 heads of Yamatai's government, including Premier Ketsurui Yuumi, Star Army Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui, and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai, signed the treaty with Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the Vekimen government. It was hoped that this defense treaty would be the building block of creating a new long-time ally for Yamatai, however problems arose quickly in what Yamataian government officials described as...
"This is the Nepleslian News Network," came a brusque voice while an image of two newscasters sitting behind a green desk with the star of Nepleslia emblazoned in the center filled the screen while the intro graphics faded. The first newscaster, a sandy haired and well-muscled man, opened the floor by telling the audience, "In no way was mayhem at bay today! There have been several recent developments in Nepleslia. Among them, acts of aggression and punctured peace bore their ugly heads in a bar on Fortuna!" The newscaster swiveled to the other one there and said, "Over to you. Tell us more about this event." The other said sharply, "In Leon City on Fortuna there has been a grave and gruesome amount of violence in an Akemi's...
You there! Yes, you! Do you want adventure out on the edge of space? Do you like mecha and want to learn to pilot one? Well, Camera shows planet 188604 The USO is the place for you. Who are we? We're a group of people out here, making our fortunes on the frontier. We uplifted planet 188604, and now we need help to protect it, and expand our influence on the frontier to make it a safer place. Camera cuts to planetside, showing the new Gartagen community that has landed. 188604 is home to many people, from the native human population, to USO members or even refugees and settlers from far off places. So where do you come in? Well, we need people willing to learn to pilot fighters and mecha, or learn to crew ships. Camera cuts...
"This is Astral News Distribution," said an Iromakuanhe announcer with black hair that hugged her face in a short cut that was next to a stony-faced and white haired Iromakuanhe man. The two announcers sat at a sleek, beige table with blue lines bisecting every once in a while on the edge with a starry night sky's background behind them. "Breaking news tonight," the male announcer said as he turned to face a different angled camera and the video feed switched to the one he now looked at. "A Dahbi-class colony is under attack. The same missile platform that nearly wrought havoc on our planet, Mazerin, with cobalt-salted fusion weapons years ago is an imminent threat. The perpetrators? The New Veyrin Republic." "Yes," said the female...