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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Yamatai City, Ye:45.9 In a groundbreaking development for the mining industry, Ryu Heavy Industries has unveiled its latest creation – the Moltek Biomechanical Mole Drone. The cutting-edge drone, designed for subterranean mining operations, is set to transform the landscape of resource extraction on a global scale. The Biomechanical Mole Drone, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, boasts a unique combination of biological and mechanical components. The drone is designed to navigate through the intricate underground networks, accessing valuable resources with unparalleled precision and efficiency. Its biomechanical nature allows it to adapt to diverse geological conditions, making it a versatile tool for mining operations in...
Date: YE 45 By Shana Shadelight In a groundbreaking collaboration between Yugumo Corporation and the esteemed Mining Guild, a new era in space exploration has dawned with the completion of the first-ever Pegasus Class Prospecting and Exploration Ship. Named "Yume no Kaseki" (Fossil of Dreams), the vessel marks a significant leap forward in the capabilities of deep space prospecting and mineral exploration. The Pegasus Class ship, a marvel of cutting-edge technology, is the result of years of research, development, and collaboration between the Mining Guild and Yugumo Corporation. This partnership has seamlessly blended the expertise of one of the galaxy's leading mining entities with the technological prowess of a corporation known...
YINN - Jiyuu The Yugumo Corporation has undergone significant changes in its Senior Management structure in response to the Yamataian Corporation's expansion into the Kosuke Sector. The new Kaicho, Motoyoshi Arisu, recently addressed a corporate conference, discussing the ongoing construction of the Tengumo-Class Space Station for the Jiyuu System. This station will replace Port Jiyuu, which has been relocated to the Sharie System within the new Kosuke Sector. In her announcement, Kaicho Arisu revealed that her parents, Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko and Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro, will step back from direct company operations starting in YE 46. Additionally, Motoyoshi Igarashi Yuka, the former Fuku-Kaicho, has retired to pursue other...
Pisces Station, Xylar System--In the cosmic expanse of the Kikyo Sector, Pisces International Station, once a prominent Star Army base, has transformed into a beacon of international diplomacy and diversity. The station, renowned for its vast agricultural marvels, recently welcomed the addition of a colossal domed module, creating a snow-globe-like winter wonderland atop it. This extraordinary environment, resembling an evergreen forest with a Yule-themed village, hosted the Yule Festival, a pinnacle of sector-wide festivity The festival attracted various visitors, including the crew of the YSS Resurgence and YSS Teisenjou, who were on shore leave. Poppy Pink, from the Resurgence and known for her Lovefruit soda Dr. Poppy, arrived with...