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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
[NNN] Ghost Town gets Second Wind
Nepleslia Prime, Sargasso, Drifter's Beach ♫ Mitch Murder - Frantic Aerobics ♫ A sunny beach was visible on the TV screen, camera spotting wave breakers out in the distance, the right side of a mixed spaceport and dock with a cargo drone carrying a cargo container up into the air and off camera, followed by some sunbathers with an umbrella looking out at the beach and some people swimming in the water as the camera panned towards a man in a light suit carrying the NNN microphone and wearing an earpiece, right eye cybernetic, standing straight and looking towards the camera. "Good morning from Nepleslia Prime." The news anchor introduced himself with a firm voice. "We're here in a town briefly on the map in YE33 for its insurgency...
Earlier this week the multi-national preparations to find the source of bacon have been cancelled indefinitely this week as cheltiwah governments cracked down on the popular movement. Officials have refused to comment on what brought about such a change in thinking, with the non-government effort being forcibly disbanded in some countries. Opponents to the bacon entering whole-scale into modern chelti society have hailed this as a victory, while others fear this is the first step towards making bacon a controlled substance. Promising to resist any attempt to regulate the widespread substance, advocacy groups have called upon privateers to source as much bacon as possible while ways to recreate such inside cheltiwah are explored...
Tokyo Megacity, Jiyuu III - After a nail-biting run-off election between the remaining two contenders that kept residents of the still-devastated metropolis in anticipation for days, the official Imperial sanctioned results are now in: The Jiyuu Heiwa ("Freedom & Harmony") party and its moderate leader Mochizuki Shiori narrowly defeated Mitsuya Satoru and his libertarian Jiyuu Rengou ("Freedom Alliance"), with the ex-Peacekeeper capturing 60% of the popular vote versus the local compressed helium fuel magnate's 40%. With the ascent of Mochizuki to the Senate seat, Jiyuu's loyalty to the Yamatai Star Empire is cemented and many citizens hope that she comes through on her campaign promises to rebuild the ravaged infrastructure and provide...
Navy techs unveiled a new kind of autonomous drone to be used by the military to expedite resupplying of vessels without the need for manned shuttles. These drones, however, are not very large and will only be able to ferry a small amount of goods - which means that shuttles and dedicated supply ships will still be in use, just that the drones will augment them.
Taisho Yui announced upcoming major changes to the Star Army of Yamatai's YE 38 pay scales today. The new pay scale is in chart format, with pay calculated by pay grade (rank) and years served. You can view it on the Star Army's ranks and pay article. In a statement released by Star Army Personnel, the intent was to put them on par with many civilian wages and help soldiers build foundations for their post-military lives. The new system is more simple. The previous experience credit system with a new one that automatically increased base pay every 3 years by 10%. The Family Support Allowance and Family Service Credit were also eliminated. "We are paying soldiers for the work they do, not for what their family looks like," Yui...