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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Ashiro TV "-And the stolen goods were successfully recovered from the pirate forces. Coming up, an announcement from Shinka Studios about their upcoming releases. " The camera switches to a stage at a small venue, where a black-suited Rider appears and makes flambouyant poses at the wall. A white-suited feminine rider appears behind him and whacks him on the head, making him face the audience. They eventually do two mirrored poses and dispel volumetrics, revealing it to be the two main actors in the show Jirou Harridan and Shinka Kaede. "Thank you for coming today. I am pleased to announce that Galaxy Rider Handsome has finally concluded filming of the first few episodes, and will begin airing in the next month. As it's director and...
Asura - Tenth Fleet's historic Star Army & UOCPF starbase "Leo" has now been assigned to protect the Asura star system. It will continue to serve as the headquarters of the Star Army's tenth fleet. The re-positioning is part of a series of moves by Star Army Command to fortify the Asura system against attacks. As the empire's second most populated system, Asura is very important to protect. It is also one of the YSE's border systems. YE 37
You're listening to Sargasso Community Radio on 130.33 MHz, your host for this evening is me, David Takeyama from the Ori-Mart. This afternoon we're bringing you breaking news of a bizarre theft that happened this morning in the strip mall off Wayfield's Legacy Mall. With crime on the rise in Sargasso, it can only mean that there are things worth stealing, and citizens are delighted that our town is beginning to see a rise in crime in our sleepy town. Stay tuned! ♫ Sargasso Community Radio - Interlude: Wednesday ♫ Crime is up by a whopping 3000% as today, we mark our first jewellery robbery since YE 32 near the end of YE 37. Onlookers said that the van parked with the back to the shop, and thought that there might be a very up-close...
For the past four years, nine vessels - including four navy and five civilian transports - have gone missing. Navy officials originally assumed that the Netrunu'marol were responsible, but with no evidence to support it, eyes are turning toward deeper in space and at the possibility that the ship were either hijacked by some as yet unknown entity or ran into mechnical problems and disappeared. The Navy is forming a special investigative unit with the sole task of searching for these missing vessels.
Location: Tioasme, Âmuar Tarbah Leyto, the Mui of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo stands on the steps of a building with snow falling. In the background the sound of children playing can be heard. "To all members of the Clan, and to our allies I offer greetings as we prepare to enter the Festival of Tâjya'pa. It only seemed right that as we enter the Festival that I should speak of the state of the Clan. I must say here and now that the State of Clan is good, and our future promises to bring prosperity and growth The fact that I am delivering this message from the surface of one of our colony worlds; is a sign of our status. I am standing on the steps of the government building in Tioasme, and down in the square there are dozens of our...