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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Yamatai, Kyoto City At 11pm local time the festivities in front of the Kyoto Tower hosted by the leader of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo were in full swing. Citizens of the city and members of the clan were enjoying the event hosted by the leader of the clan. Tarbah Leyto was combining the traditions of her people with those of Yamatai as a sign of unity. The festivities were abruptly interrupted by gun fire. While the white furred Qaktoro was giving out small gifts to those present two armed individuals approached her. They yelled “Ojâtem ria âyem” which translates to ‘Your future stops ‘and then drew weapons and fired upon the Clan leader and her entourage. Her security personnel were hampered by the crowd and the ensuing confusion...
Good evening, and welcome to another instalment of Sargasso Community Radio, only on 130.33. Tonight, I, Lina, of the Palace - The place for drinks and hugs in Sargasso, will be leading you through the top headlines this evening. The Phoenix Service Group has taken residence in The Rigs, and they have firmly established themselves as a group not to be trifled with. We'll interview one of their members very shortly, so stay tuned~ ♫ Sargasso Community Radio - Interlude: Tuesday ♫ So over the last few months you may have noticed that Sargasso's Rigs, out in the ocean to the wst have been changing. We sold them to the ISC Phoenix group, the mercenaries - you may recognise them from the energy drink advertisements, or from seeing them...
Star Army Clarifies Recruiting Standards
Kyoto, Yamatai -- The Star Army of Yamatai updated its recruiting standards today, making clarifications on both what factors make an applicant eligible or ineligible for service in the Star Army of Yamatai. The list also includes disqualifying factors that prevent unwanted persons from joining. See Star Army Recruiting for the latest standards.
Fort Minori, Nataria - The Star Army announced today that the retirement package would require 15 years to unlock, an increase from the previous six. The Star Army of Yamatai has relatively-short 3-year terms of enlistment and thus 15 years would be equal to five full terms. The 15-year time-in-service requirement to retire is still only three quarter of the 20 years required by many businesses and other organizations. Because, due to mind-transfer technology, a soldier could theoretically live forever, benefits are finite by necessity. Retired soldiers receive their retirement pay for a number of full years equal to that which they served. This payment is also available in a lump sum, or as half-payment for double the years. The...
You're listening to Sargasso Community Radio on the 130.33, and your host tonight is Karl! Owner of Threepenny Bullets, the number one gun store and ONLY gun store still here from the beginning! This week, I forged me Sargasso's new Nature Trail and apparently the folks think it explodes! Speaking from experience, that trail did not combust when I stomped over it with my quad! Maybe it's YOUR quad! Stay tuned! ♫ Sargasso Community Radio - Interlude: Monday ♫ Today residents who've got the gears'a'turnin' in their heads and a Nepleslian love for combustion engines took their machines for a thrash on the newly unveiled Sargasso Nature Trail - which goes to Mount Sargasso, overlookin' the Big Tray an' has the zipline from here all the...