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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Netoshen - City Guardian Officials have proclaimed that Operation Kita-she, also known as, Clean Sweep in trade; is a success. One thousand, seven hundred, and three(1,703) gang members have either been arrested or executed. Officials proclaim that out of fourteen confirmed gangs that resided in the capital, at least thirteen have now been removed. Those arrested face charges ranging from petty larceny to capital murder, officials state that many of the arrested had already been stripped of their citizenship due to previous crimes and that due to their continued criminal behaviour will face execution.
Vi'cana Pharmeceutical's has announced today their plans for the immediate future. Vi'cana Pharmeceutical, a subsidiary of Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing, CEO Viz'lieun'varya He'uiasye came forth today to release their yearly statement about the plans the company wishes to take in the future. Much to everyone's surprise, they announced that they have entered the testing phases for a new previously undisclosed drug. She admitted that while she couldn't tell us much about the drug at the moment, she was able to tell us the name at least and the general purpose of the drug. The drug will be called Uni'horu, and the general use of the drug will be Medical Military, meaning whatever the uses the drug will be most likely used by the...
Good evening! Evening all! Welcome to another instalment of Sargasso Community Radio, only on 130.33, Sargasso's best and only radio station, coming to you live. I'm Karl of the Threepenny Bullets shop and we're gonna have a swinger good time because I have some news for you regarding our beloved Ziplines. Foreign criminals agree they're the best way to leave a crime scene and would do so again! Isn't that a compliment, ladies and gents? I'll fill y'all in just a moment, stay tuned! ♫ Sargasso Community Radio - Interlude: Thursday ♫ Right well, as I was sayin', we were faced with another spate of crime in our slowly becoming more and more liveable city. Definitely better than after the bust fer certain, but I digress, today four...
Capital - Military officials have increased patrols after contact has been lost with three sensor outposts. These outposts, set up to serve as an early warning system for the home sector, were built almost forty years ago and each one had a staff of twenty personnel. With contact now lost, the Monarchy is worried that this may be a prelude to something more serious and has thus issued a travel advisory for any civilian ships headed in that direction. The Navy has authorized the creation of a special task force to provide escort duties to civilian freighter traffic, trade companies that operate in the area are being issued temporary military armament licenses, allowing them to use military weaponry on their own patrol ships, these...
Good evening. Sargasso Community Radio on 130.33Mhz. Host tonight: Mr. Neppie. Tonight's news: Mr. Pavone has invested in Sargasso. Perhaps misunderstanding his birthday. Celebrated hard. Fireworks on platforms. Sounds of revelling echoing across ocean. Many guests from Shuttles. All different makes. Many friends. More enemies. Admirable. Stay tuned. ♫ Sargasso Community Radio - Interlude: Sunday ♫ Windfall. Expected? Perhaps. Generous. Irrationally so. Was his birthday. Had privileges. Previously so? Accent too guttural for pantywaist city dwelling Yamataian. Ralt. Yes. Country folk. Nepleslian at heart. Odd mix. Ethnicity, birthplace, hometown, initial race. All different, all muddled up. Perhaps genetic freak, even in new bodies...