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OOC The Fringe - Discussion


Inactive Member
EDIT: Plot wiki article linked here.

After some consideration and discussion with a few others players and GMs, I've decided to test the waters and see if there is any interest in a small independent plot centered on the crew of a small smuggling ship doing odd jobs on the fringes of interstellar society's gray areas, as well as formally apply to be a GM of such a plot.

The plot would consist of 3 to 5 characters, plus one of my own, living aboard a small starship in the spirit of the ever-popular Firefly show, and have a similar tone and scope. The crew would perform various jobs for customers who are far removed from a heavily-trafficked and policed trade lane, as well as customers who prefer to keep their business as discrete and hidden from authorities as possible. Each job can vary wildly, including but not limited to scouting new planets and systems, transporting goods and passengers between worlds or ports (both legal and illegal), espionage and subterfuge, infiltration, even kidnapping and assassination, depending on the nature of the crew and the circumstances of the job.

I am looking at having the plot begin in a place a bit off the beaten path, such as the work-in-progress Sesestran Colonial Union, but I am open to alternatives, as well as travelling as much or as little as the plot dictates.

Basically, I intend to provide a venue for players/characters who, for whatever reason, wish or prefer not to be in the middle of galactic politics and warfare, and instead want to be out in the gray areas of morality and the frontier expanses of explored space, discovering uncharted worlds, and hopelessly entangling themselves in the seedier parts of the SARP universe. :)

The specifics of such a plot will be forthcoming if there is enough interest out there.
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It looks as though the minimum number of interested players has been met! Yay! Before I get started on the ground work, I'd like to put a couple of things out there for consideration, so that everyone is on the same page.

First, I intend to have this plot move at a relatively quick pace, meaning that I would expect players to post every two days at minimum, barring any RL complications. With such a small group, it would be immensely frustrating to everyone if they were constantly having to wait for one person to catch up. Of course, that isn't to say we wouldn't be able to accommodate extended absences when they come up - all that I would ask is for the courtesy of advance warning. Does that sound reasonable to everyone?

Second, I would very much prefer to have a mix of male and female characters aboard, for credibility if nothing else.

Third, the plot ship will be a aging and possibly modified Jinsoku Cargo Runner. At least in the beginning, it will not be without its quirks and oddities, to give the ship and living conditions a bit more character (as well as make confrontations and escape attempts more interesting... *wicked grin*). The specifics will be coming later. In the meantime, here is a list of jobs that the ship's permanent crew will most likely be filling:

1. Captain/Mechanic (my character)
2. First Mate/Muscle
3. Pilot/Gunner
4. Astrogator/Navigator
5. Medic

Any or all of the crew should preferably have at least some experience with firearms and/or hand-to-hand combat, but this will by no means require battle-hardened soldiers. "Ruffians" and "brigands" is more the type I'm thinking of, although I'm more than willing to consider a wide variety of character backgrounds. The list above is also not set in stone, so if anyone has any suggestions or thoughts, please let me know.

I'll begin laying the ground work over the next couple of weeks, and will post updates on this thread until it comes time to officially sign up and get going. Thanks to everyone who showed their support so far! :)
If i bring the char i was thinking of over to this plot, you'll have a pilot/gunner. also she is a sniper with her own rifle.
I have a linguist/demolition (long story from his time in the Marines) who could play the part of muscle for the ship.

Blame Fox for getting me interested. :p
Hmm well the char I would like to bring over would best fit the pilot or navigator...though seeing Jack as a medic would make me laugh.
There is still time for discussion and to work out who might want to do which jobs. The ship can hold a maximum crew of 6, so if need be, we can create a sixth job, and the captain will just have to deal with having a bunkmate. :) As I stated in my most recent post, any of the crew could fill a role as hired muscle, but a dedicated "thwomper" might not hurt.
Before I do an official sign-up thread, let's get some discussion going here on how everyone would like to see this handled.

First, someone brought up a good point to me about combat balance, and in the interest of keeping most of The Heroes on even footing, I'm going to ask that characters joining this plot either be human (Nepleslian or similar) or humanoid alien. Nekos and other similar "super-soldier" type characters will not be allowed unless their power is limited (I think that the latest Nekovalkyrja models are barred from leaving Yamatai space anyway outside of military duty, and this plot will spend most of its time on the frontiers of society). I will rule on each character individually, so I am willing to have some flexibility, but I wanted to get that out there. How does everyone feel about that?

Second, how would everyone feel about me using a simplified tabletop RPG system like GURPS to decide on characters' success rates at performing certain tasks? I would handle all of the rolling and number crunching on my end, so no one would need to worry about that on the forums, but would anyone be opposed to drawing up characters with quantifiable skills for my own benefit?

Third, let's start working out who wants to fill what role, and the shipboard jobs in general. As stated before, the plot ship will be a Jinsoku Cargo Runner (images and ship details updated, so have another look). I'm working with Nashoba on getting more detail added to the wiki page, and will be putting together a unique page for the plot ship within the next week or two. This wiki page will also be complete with interior deck maps (to scale) and as much detail on ship systems and locations as possible, and I hope that the players will help me add more as time goes on. The ship, as it says on the page, is very compact, so living space will be very limited, especially on long trips. The Jinsoku can be operated by only one person, but a full complement of six freelancers can fit and live aboard. With that said, I'll mention first that this particular ship's FTL drive will be limited to a Continuum Distortion Device, which will give the ship a maximum speed of 10,000c, or 1.15 ly/m. This will mean some longer travel times when the crew is moving between star systems, which gives us more off-duty RP opportunities, as well as requiring a relief pilot and navigator, both of which can be filled by the ship's captain and first mate. Please let me know what you think of this, as well as the expanded list of jobs below:

1. Captain/Mechanic: Sienna Audrey Shelton
Sienna will be the owner and captain of the ship as well as its outfit of freelancers, responsible for the operation of the ship as well as being the one making the final decisions on what jobs to take and how to perform them. She also is the one controlling the operation's purse strings, as well as choosing who she wants to work for her. She is very much a no-nonsense type of person, speaks only when necessary (for the most part) and says only what's needed, and is quite slow to trust people, so characters joining the ship's crew will have to impress her first. Since it is her ship, she will also take it upon herself to make sure that it is holding together and operating as intended, and while she is quite a capable mechanic herself, she would welcome the extra set of hands and know-how from time to time.

2. First Mate/Muscle: Gunsight1 (interested)
This character will be Sienna's right-hand man, and the one calling the shots when Sienna isn't around, or saying the things that Sienna might want to say but would rather not. The way I see it, this job would require leadership skills on par with or surpassing Sienna's (which, as a bit of a misanthrope, will be a bit lacking when the plot begins), as well as familiarity with weapons and hand-to-hand combat. The first mate will take the opposite command shift as the captain during long voyages, will frequently be the face of the crew when drops and meetings are arranged, and should have the nerve and stones to stand firm if and when his leadership is challenged, since this is not going to be a formal military operation, but rather, one or two steps away from a pirate ship. My inclination is for the first mate and captain to have a preexisting relationship of some kind (platonic) that would lend itself to her trusting him enough to help her run this operation. Details can be worked out between me and whoever decides to take this role, and I am open to other suggestions.

3. Pilot/Gunner:
This character's role will be to safely fly the ship from place to place, pulling a few crazy maneuvers from time to time if the situation warrants it. The pilot will also be in control of the ship's weapon systems, and will be trusted not to use them unless necessary. One of the other characters should be at least a competent pilot as well, to act as a relief pilot when the primary one needs to rest or sleep on long voyages. The Jinsoku's cockpit is very small, only having enough room for the pilot and navigator to sit side by side at the control console (think the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon, only perhaps slightly smaller and more cramped.

4. Astrogator/Navigator/Comms: Foxtrot813 (interested)
This character will be responsible for plotting warp courses, maintaining the ship's star charts, and keeping track of the ship's location at all times. Space is a big, big place, and getting lost usually means disaster. This job will also be charged with radio and FTL communications (or the jamming/monitoring thereof), although the pilot will also have full access to comms as well as a secondary contact. The Jinsoku's cockpit is very small, only having enough room for the pilot and navigator to sit side by side at the control console (think the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon, only perhaps slightly smaller and more cramped.

5. Medic:
This character will be the ship's doctor, and although the ship is too small to warrant the presence of a dedicated medical facility, the ship will have basic medical supplies on board as well as a modest lounge that can be used as a makeshift operating room if the worst should happen. This character is probably not likely to have the highest-grade formal medical training available, given the much more lucrative career opportunities in more civilized places, but rather have enough field knowledge of medicine and triage to make them effective (barring any crazy RP background this character might have). This character is welcome to have other skills as well, since without them they would be likely to be sitting on the sidelines when no one was injured.

6. Hired Goon/Thwomper (optional): Homeside 6 (interested)
This character will do the things that no one else wants to do, and will probably like hurting people or smashing things a bit more than the rest of the crew.

Lastly, I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about how to begin this plot. That is, how early in this crew's development would everyone like to begin? Do we want to start with Sienna and the first mate knowing one another and recruiting members one by one, all at once in one location, or would we prefer to sketch out everyone's introductions in character bios or a wiki page, and jump right into the action? Or is there something else anyone would like to see?

Let's hear your thoughts and bounce some ideas off of one another. I'll continue to work on getting the details worked out, and with your feedback, we'll get this show put together.
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Before I do an official sign-up thread, let's get some discussion going here on how everyone would like to see this handled.
First, someone brought up a good point to me about combat balance, and in the interest of keeping most of The Heroes on even footing, I'm going to ask that characters joining this plot either be human (Nepleslian or similar) or humanoid alien. Nekos and other similar "super-soldier" type characters will not be allowed unless their power is limited (I think that the latest Nekovalkyrja models are barred from leaving Yamatai space anyway outside of military duty, and this plot will spend most of its time on the frontiers of society). I will rule on each character individually, so I am willing to have some flexibility, but I wanted to get that out there. How does everyone feel about that?

Cool, being the person who brought that up, I think that's a good idea. It would suck, from having a good time point-of-view, to have 'human' characters struggle in a fight while the bio-engineered characters are throwing anything short of a plane at the enemy, there would be no challenge for the latter, since the threats that would be posed to the former would be negligible to them. Not only that, it would also put more strain towards you, as GM, to manage to put a challenge up to the challenge for those particular characters and not have that spill over the other PCs.

Second, how would everyone feel about me using a simplified tabletop RPG system like GURPS to decide on characters' success rates at performing certain tasks? I would handle all of the rolling and number crunching on my end, so no one would need to worry about that on the forums, but would anyone be opposed to drawing up characters with quantifiable skills for my own benefit?

I'm wary of this, as I've mostly been of the mindset to trust the good judgement of the GM for the sake of good storytelling. Leaving the outcome of decisions to Random Number Generators can be a problem too, because it can get people to say, for example, things like "There's no way my character failed that horribly even if they rolled a 1."

I know I would say that.

If the character is proficient at something and does it, then the outcome is more likely that he/she will succeed in it, whereas the opposite occurs if they're not. I think personally that it's just a matter of good judgement, after all we're all here to have a good time and roleplay.

Third, let's start working out who wants to fill what role, and the shipboard jobs in general. As stated before, the plot ship will be a Jinsoku Cargo Runner (images and ship details updated, so have another look). I'm working with Nashoba on getting more detail added to the wiki page, and will be putting together a unique page for the plot ship within the next week or two. This wiki page will also be complete with interior deck maps (to scale) and as much detail on ship systems and locations as possible, and I hope that the players will help me add more as time goes on. The ship, as it says on the page, is very compact, so living space will be very limited, especially on long trips. The Jinsoku can be operated by only one person, but a full complement of six freelancers can fit and live aboard. With that said, I'll mention first that this particular ship's FTL drive will be limited to a Continuum Distortion Device, which will give the ship a maximum speed of 10,000c, or 1.15 ly/m. This will mean some longer travel times when the crew is moving between star systems, which gives us more off-duty RP opportunities, as well as requiring a relief pilot and navigator, both of which can be filled by the ship's captain and first mate. Please let me know what you think of this, as well as the expanded list of jobs below:

This is cool, I like this, off-duty RP are the best opportunities to develop characters, in my opinion. I would like to ask for the Astrogator/Navigator spot too; I think it would fit my character more.
I support Fox on the first two, pretty much ditto. That's my stance on the entire matter. I'm also pro-offside RPing.

My character may be a linguist. But he became a demolition expert after falling in love with the "art" when surviving an explosion himself. So - probably the hired muscle. He likes to hurt people.
Im cool with all of this, though I don't think the use of a game system is needed to determin outcome. Usually if I cant decide how I want something to come out when GM'ing stuff I utilize a universal randomosity generator (ie a quarter)

As for character, I would like to go for First Mate :3 already working up a character on paper