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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

I'm brand-spanking new here, I don't even have a character yet, but I'd love to jump in on a topic just like this if there's still room!
Based on the feedback I've gotten so far, the decisions are:

1. Humans and near-humans only, no super-powers like gravity manipulation, etc.
2. Decisions made according to GM discretion only, no dice-based RPG system

I'll amend my last post to (tentatively) show who prefers which jobs in order to keep them straight. I'd like to hear how people would prefer to begin the plot as well, before I make a sign-up thread (see the second-to-last paragraph in my recent post).

As information, I'm waiting for the plot arc that Sienna is currently involved in to wrap up and provide her with an exit before things get underway with this plot. In the time after she leaves the ship she's aboard, she'll drift away and purchase the ship, and spend some time and money getting it in working order.
I was looking through ships and I think that if you outgrow your first ship, a Courier 2c is a good option for a replacement.
The wiki page is up! https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=starship:concordia_veil

There still remains a LOT of information to add to it, which will happen gradually over the following weeks. In the meantime, I have spoken to all but @Riko and @Homeside 6 at length about the roles they wish to fill, as well as how to begin. @Gunsight1 and I plan to begin the plot with a preliminary scene at the Amatsu-Nova space station in the Kohana Cloud, where the groundwork will be laid. Once we do, if you wish to join the plot at that location, please send me a message beforehand. If you prefer a seedier location, the starting crew will soon afterward be travelling to a pirate haven where they will hire the rest of the crew (bar fight scenes very likely, LOL).

Before that, I'd like to make a last call for any questions or concerns the interested parties have, as well as outline the posting expectations for this plot:

1. The plot will be primarily SP, but JPs are more than welcome when they're possible and appropriate.

2. Players will be expected to post every two days at minimum. I will gently remind players to post if they take too long, but if a character goes more than five or six days without a post after being reminded, I will be forced to NPC that character to move the plot along. Excessive delays may result in characters being removed from the plot by any IC means deemed appropriate, up to and including character death.

3. This plot will not be 18+, unless the majority of the players wish it to be so. I am not opposed to such, but in the event this plot is made 18+, I would still ask that graphic content exist primarily to advance and enrich the story, and that the players use good, adult judgement when posting such material.

I hope to have a detailed deck plan for the plot ship completed by the end of this weekend and available on the wiki page for all to see, as well as more detailed descriptions. Please ping me on IRC or send me a PM with any questions you might have.
If you want to have Sienna in both this and the Eucharis thread, that's okay with me, since the idea would be that the Concordia takes place after Sienna says her goodbyes to her military rescuers.
I probably will, since you're okay with it. Gunny and I will be working on a JP establishing how our characters meet to set the stage, and I'll be building it from there with the other players as they get their characters established.
The first deck plan is completed, and uploaded to the wiki page!

I'll be making some detail shots of one or two relevant areas as time goes on, as well as continuing to expand on the information on the ship's page. Also, as information, Gunsight1 and I have already begun working on the preliminary story as a JP, establishing how the captain and first mate come together. In the meantime, I'll be looking forward to seeing Homeside 6, Tanka, and Riko's character submissions in the next few days!
It seems that pretty much everything is set up for this plot, except a few minor details to be added to the wiki page later in the week, as well as the remaining characters' wiki articles. Gunny and I will finish the opening JP before the start of next week, and we'll be starting the RP on the Amatsu-Nova space station. As mentioned earlier, characters who wish to be recruited at this stage will be free to join in (I've discussed introductions already with one or two of you) as you please at that point. If you prefer to be recruited in a seedier enviornment, the ship, once fully operational, will be travelling to a pirate haven to fill up the crew complement, and things can get going.

Thanks to everyone for your cooperation so far! I'm excited to get this started!
The first RP thread is up here!

As I've discussed with a few of you, feel free to jump in anytime you feel is appropriate. Those of you who wish to wait to be hired until the pirate haven, you're welcome to wait for that as well. In the meantime, I'll be looking forward to the remaining character submissions!
I may have to wait, got a stomach bug and I'm riding that out so progress on Giani has ceased for the time being. Sorry. :/
That's perfectly okay, Homeside. I'm not sure how long this thread will go on for, so take all the time you need and concentrate on feeling better. We'll happily recruit you once we get to the next plot area, then the real thing can begin.

Hope it runs its course soon, though. :( Stomach bugs are no fun.

I hope to have the plot's prologue wrapped up by the end of this week, and the adventures can begin. As discussed, the ship, once it completes its repairs and overhauls on the Amatsu-Nova station, will be travelling to the Black Moon in the Halna system (RP post coming today), where the rest of the crew will have the opportunity to be hired. @Foxtrot 813, @Gunsight1, if there are any other plot points you wish to bring up before we move on, be sure to do so ASAP. @Tanka_001, I know your spider-bot is present in the bowels of the ship where Sienna hasn't discovered it yet. If you wish to RP an encounter, let's get it going today or tomorrow so we can stay on schedule. :)

I hope everyone is ready for this!
The new forum for The Fringe is up, and I've moved the RP and OOC threads here, leaving permanent redirects in the open RP and OOC forums so that people will be able to find it still. Note that The Fringe is in the Independent Roleplay section.