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Can ships turn WHILE in FTL? If so, which sorts?

The fold drive systems used by the Neshies 'do' allow for turning even in hyperspace folds; but these turns have to be done through the use of the ships computer. (manually turning is risky as it can rip the ship apart, but can be done with care... or in an emergency)
When you "Fold Space" is similar to like folding a piece of paper with two dots on it. Just line up the dots. Transfer from originating dot to the dot you want to go to. Avoiding all the space hazards like stars, asteroids, planets and other natural phenomenons that could ruin your day and ship.

Hyperspace is traveling FTL except that gravity from large mass that have their own gravity spheres which you would have to avoid by programming a flight computer to control the ship before you go hyperspace.

Tunnel system (like the Andromeda tv series) the person got to have ESP Clairvoyance and extremely quick reflexes with computer link to navigate at that extreme speeds.

The Gate in Stargate, just turns you to energy and shoots you through a prepared programmed route to avoid hazards of traveling in space at high speeds. But to set that up. The route must be traveled first through space from one known location to the next locations.

As a human pilot in control of a ship going ftl is not going to happen, unless you're superman or a deity.

my point of view on this matter :)
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You do not have the Tunneling, the 'tunneling' is creating an artificial wormhole and then passing through it.
And actually something I forgot to mention in my first post here. In the case of the Neshies, ships turning in a hyperspace fold is more difficult for large ships than it is for much smaller ships, for example; the shuttles, dropships, and starfighters can turn relatively easy in hyperspace fold (which means they serve rather well for star system defense) while on the other hand larger ships, such as the Kith'sobashen Class would quite literally tear itself in half if it tried to do the same thing (a small ship would take only a few seconds to turn around, larger ships like the Kith would require in upwards of several minutes)

Thus, it is only feasible for tiny ships to do this, but not for anything larger =)
Its been witnessed in other science fiction series that combat CAN occur in FTL and it is my opinion that not only can it occur but it should occur, but rarely. It's not something that can be done easily, as you are talking about trying to aim at a target going hundreds if not thousands of kilometers a minute and even then - you'd have to locate it in FTL and try and intercept it while its in foldspace. Its possible (again, as has been evidenced in other science fictional shows) just not something that'll be done very easily.
Combat in FTL can be a rather enjoyable and unexpected experience for the players, and how players respond to it allows for some rather interesting instances.

I've seen it roleplayed quite well on other sites, an example being the site I came from, and thus I feel that if given a chance it can be quite a good addition to the roleplaying nature and the potential drawbacks to what could happen if two ships cross in FTL.

Although its prohbitted by the rules right now, it might be able to change that if sufficient guidelines are created. The reason I would like to do this, is because I feel something like this would be a benefit not just to the GM's but also the players.
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While I understand combat currently can't take place at FTL flight speeds due to SARP rules, are all SARP weapons still STL? I know torpedoes and missiles can travel at FTL initially but must drop to STL speeds for their final attack runs, but with beam weapons some of the stats for the weapons seem a little confusing to me; particularly the superheavy turrets, transposition/aether shock main weapon arrays used by Yamataian battleships. The ranges listed seem a little ludicrous in comparison to the average ranges listed by other weapons on the site; which are usually around one light second or two for beams.

Are those beams/attacks capable of moving at FTL? If so, at what speed? If not, then the listed 'effective' ranges aren't really all that accurate unless attacking stationary targets or planets with predicable orbits; ships and other targets capable of repositioning themselves would have a really, really long time to dodge if the beams are limited to lightspeed velocities.

Also with those ranges even at lightspeed velocities beam weapons are kinda overpowered for planetary assaults; a ship or fleet could jump in well beyond the hyper-limit of any terrestrial planet and simply blow them away with a single salvo or two of their turrets, regardless of any defenses a planet might have in place except maybe some gigantic shield system; which might exist in the setting, but i've not noticed them mentioned if so.

I know I'm kinda going off topic, sorry, but these points have kinda been niggling the back of my brain for a while and I'd like a little clarification, too.
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The beam weapons are limited to light speed. Yes, it does mean that if you shoot at something at the extreme range that they have time to try to out run or avoid it. Obviously those ranges are really intended for dealing with large immobile targets like Star Fortresses or other Star Bases.
Adding even a slight randomization factor of a few decimal points to a ship's FTL speed would mitigate the possibility of meaningful FTL combat anyway -- it'd be almost impossible to properly match speed and maintain range for combat even if FTL weapons existed. If one of the parties doesn't want to enter combat at FTL speeds, it won't happen.
What's the potential for a unit that can move at FTL speeds bombarding one that isn't moving at FTL speeds? Like for repeated strikes against a target while moving?

I think one of the smartest kinds of attacks therein would be running interdiction to force them into STL or putting an explosion or shrapnel WHERE the opponent is GOING to be.
Osaka, the Thrawn Maneuver from the now defunct Star Wars expanded universe used a similar process to insert friendly ships are exact coordinates. That smartass blue-skinned red-eye alien bugger. Just a small point of interest for you to look into at your leisure.

I sort of gave up on trying to understand the specifics long ago and have just reverted to thinking of SARP combat in terms like the old(and soon to be new) Elite games, where running close enough to something with a large enough mass would pull you out of your fraction of lightspeed fast travel system and plonk you in real space. Pirates usually waited in the direct line between the point point and the local station, so players would usually take a more circuitous route going around to the station. Sometimes this caused strange adventures like running passive-aggressive mining hermits on their tiny asteroid bases with cheap minerals and high price low volume diary demands...