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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

The thing is, that mortars on VOID are very much long range weapon. Look at area of effect on those things. Now Aggressor works best up close and personal in the fray, so having something that is capable of destruction of area of about 500 meters is not the greatest thing to put on. VOID on the other hand work very well on medium to long ranges, it needs over-view of battlefield to see where its shields drones would be used best and where it can give fire support with its specialised weaponry, while Aggressor just needs to be on the front and kick butts.
Well, looking at how big the Aggressor is, it's halfway up a lightpost in terms of size. No way it's going indoors and things like that - it's pretty much a Mini-Frame. I'm wondering if I should leave it as is, but update it to reflect that and give it some better or more fire power, or reduce its height to make it a Super-Heavy Power Armor. And with the VOID, it's pretty much meant to be a support frame, a glass cannon. Either it stays out of the fight and acts as mobile artillery with its cannons, or it gets up to use its shields - I need to add an Anti-Armor mode for the mortars as well, that has no splash.

@KenshinTakeda , @ShotJon , @Centurion0507 , @Foxtrot 813 , @Fenix Aldaris , @Syaoran , @Angel Azrial

Alright, here's the scoop guys - I'm also currently running in another plot, and have had a lot of success with using a "Semi-JP". Basically, the idea is that we set a time where as many of us can meet up as possible and post on a pad. It's not a fully devoted JP either - people can post any time of the day, whenever they can. But the key is that we all meet to at least say hello and chat or mingle a bit as we see stuff being made. It's that community factor that kinda binds, you know?

I'm available at around 3pm PST onwards for the rest of the day. If you're interested in giving this a shot, say when you've got time and we can try figuring something out.
Well, looking at how big the Aggressor is, it's halfway up a lightpost in terms of size. No way it's going indoors and things like that - it's pretty much a Mini-Frame. I'm wondering if I should leave it as is, but update it to reflect that and give it some better or more fire power, or reduce its height to make it a Super-Heavy Power Armor.
The size and loadout is already established permanently. I won't allow such a major retcon on an approved, canon, and frequently-used-in-RP item. If you want to submit a new version of it, that would be okay.
The size and loadout is already established permanently. I won't allow such a major retcon on an approved, canon, and frequently-used-in-RP item. If you want to submit a new version of it, that would be okay.

Relax - I'm not going to suddenly make a huge, massive change without going around and asking people what they think. It's just an idea that I've come up with and am currently toying with. Considering that it's already been shown in-character to be it's current massive size, the only reasonable option is to have a new model or variant instead.

Assuming that the players like the idea of course.
There was a little confusion, and just to clear things up, we got Rippers to the front being fought by the other, smaller squad, and behind us are the infantry that tried to frag us.
Well, looking at how big the Aggressor is, it's halfway up a lightpost in terms of size. No way it's going indoors and things like that - it's pretty much a Mini-Frame. I'm wondering if I should leave it as is, but update it to reflect that and give it some better or more fire power, or reduce its height to make it a Super-Heavy Power Armor.

There's already a power armor for that, it's called the Devastator.
I did not even know that suit existed....and it looks awesome at glance...are there any more suits that Nep has that aren't common?
The Devastator and the Raider....we need to get these on the sledge mama. Now if only there was a third new gen armor
I'll be honest - I didn't include that suit in the lineup for my plot because I dislike it a lot, probably hate it, and for several reasons.

In character, it's meant to be used as a frontline, heavy assault, close quarters power armor, but it's horrible for that. In close quarters, the Hostile is actually far better at this despite having less firepower. In close quarters, it's not all about the guns and crap loaded onto the soldier. In comparison, the Hostile is more nimble and easy to move around in, and most importantly, it has the Push-Pull Guard. Close quarters fights are all completely at its discretion - so what if a Ripper suddenly bursts around the corner and wants to try and cut it up? The Hostile just gives it the middle finger and pushes it away with an invisible hammer. Or if something's running away, it just yanks it back. Like a Jedi Asshole. But the Devastator? No - even with all that firepower, once something gets too close or under its arc of fire, the suit is toast. And even if it does give chase, it's far more vulnerable to counterattack and ambushes than a Hostile ever will be, especially due to the shields that it was given to try and 'nerf' it.

Instead, what this power armor excels at...take out frontline, take out close quarters, and what you have is heavy assault. It is best at completely and utterly replacing the Aggressor. This suit is best standing behind a group of Hostiles and just shooting, non-stop to support the Hostiles duking it out. Heavily assaulting things with its guns. And to me, that's completely and utterly unacceptable, as it replaces a role that's already taken up. And it's even better at that job, just to add insult to injury. The pre-existing suit could have been modified and improved on instead, with much less money (IRL), time and effort. But wasn't.

Out of Character, the suit is plain OP in the role it is actually good at. Over Powered. Already, it has more firepower than the suit it's best off replacing - the Aggressor - while being SMALLER. And by a large margin even. Plus, it is far better armored. While being SMALLER. And it has better shields, while being SMALLER. Hell, it's shields make it even better at replacing the Aggressor, since it has a better threshold; less stuff is capable of going directly through - bypassing - the shield to hit the armor under it. So what if it's got gaps and has to be manually managed? Not like that's a big problem if it's got some Hostiles screening it. And it has a tower shield.

Actually, now that I think of it, yeah, I do hate it.

Last - and not least though - your artwork is awesome as always Foxtrot. You're just victim to bad writing on the creator's part.

I'm sorry guys - I just can't bring myself to use this suit. Even with the Raider, I don't even dare look at it. Originally, that thing was tough enough to replace the Hostile even though it was supposed to be a LIGHT power armor. These were just poorly thought out, poorly conceived, and all done with no real feedback from other GMs or long time players.

I'll still give you guys the best plot I can, but I just don't want this pushed on me.
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I'm fine with that Cadet. I think the suits cool, but if it unbalances things then of course GM discretion comes in. I'd much rather have a good plot, cause I can make a cool PA later through customization.
That makes sense now that you've explained things. I would rather have a well balanced plot than a fancy piece of armor. The Aggressor works for me.
Just wanted to drop an apology for slow postings. Summer class this session that is just down right depressing and ends up killing my mood while I have internet. Combine it with a broken keyboard and bleh. BUT I got a work around for the keyboard so I will be doing my best to keep up.
Just wanted to drop an apology for slow postings. Summer class this session that is just down right depressing and ends up killing my mood while I have internet. Combine it with a broken keyboard and bleh. BUT I got a work around for the keyboard so I will be doing my best to keep up.
It is a laptop keyboard? They're usually fairly easy to replace and usually you can find them for under $30 on eBay. I fix computers.
Yeah its my laptop keyboard the spacebar m k and I key all just stopped working one day. There is a tech support place for my college I could take it but honestly my college charges us so much for repairs so I dont know how much it will cost to have them fix it