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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

1) How do you all feel about the 'direction' of the plot? That is, the way its story is heading in?
*Well I do like how quickly we were thrown into combat, I don't know if the Sledge Mama is supposed to be a rapid response team but I kinda liked the tension from being dropping into a situation that was already progressing..

2) Are the themes of the plot - reoccuring ideas or motifs - appetizing to you?
*I suppose this was partly answered above, but yeah I do like it.

3) Do you feel your character is ever left out?
*Nah, I think things are working out fine personally.

4) Is there anything I can do to keep the plot fun and enjoyable?
*As long as there's variety in objectives of how the mission plays out I'll be fine.

5) Is the pace too fast, too slow or just right?
*When it's running I think the pace is pretty good

6) Do you have any questions for me at all?
*I can't think of anything right now.
1) How do you all feel about the 'direction' of the plot? That is, the way its story is heading in?
Its nice and straightforward, seems like a good way to start off. The heavy resistance suggests more to the story, I hope we find something real cool on the ship... But blowing it up would be cool too.

2) Are the themes of the plot - reoccuring ideas or motifs - appetizing to you?
The concept of still fighting an old enemy is cool.

3) Do you feel your character is ever left out?

4) Is there anything I can do to keep the plot fun and enjoyable?
A keg would be nice but beyond that its great.

5) Is the pace too fast, too slow or just right?
Its seems a little slow to me and it appears that some have stopped posting here entirely.

6) Do you have any questions for me at all?
I probably missed it, how did O'Niell's team get on the ship? Were they previously on Sledge Mama or another ship?
@ShotJon , @Syaoran , @Centurion0507 , @Warriorx1 , @Compouds117 , @Rizzo

Post is up - if there's any questions or you're ever, every thinking your character's got no options, don't be afraid to ask me. There's always options on the table!

And in regards to some of the questions....

Yes, we're supposed to be part of a rapid reaction fleet, so at times, we will end up moving fast and dropped right into a situation like we were here. I know it's a little slow, but given the pace of some plots here on SARP, this isn't bad at all. I'm also well aware that some people simply have a lot of things on their plate IRL too, so I'm not going to make a big deal about it either. So long as we're moving along and having fun, I think it's all good. As for O'Neil, he likely got onto the ship like everyone else. Either flying over using his suit's thrusters, or in one of the later waves. Traversing the interior of the ship would have been very difficult though, given the size of the Aggressor - he likely ended up as the meatshield of the squad more than once.

The answer to how we end up at one place or another will always be there, but the key is to just kill things and have fun. Though, if it challenges the suspension of disbelief, don't be afraid to ask - I'll always be willing to bring people up to date on what's happened.
It rolled? After six post of being shot in the eyes the odds of seeing a small, fast moving object approach from behind are rediculously small to begin with. Now crabs can roll over?
I don't know about the shots to the eye, just the ones Lisa did, which are after Delmar's attack on it. But the 'crab' type Mishhu is not like a real like crab. It's also called a brute. As for whether or not it can roll over in some fashion I imagine it can, if only because the things were genetically engineered and it'd have been kinda foolish to make something for security that could just be flipped over.
It has no torso and a wide body. The odds of it flipping onto its feet are nonexistent. It also lacks a neck, so its field of vision is always ahead.
It's field of few is only entirely forward if it has eyes like a human and doesn't have 'skin vision'. And you're assuming the range of motion in it's joints it the same. If you look closely too it does have a section that is clearly a 'head' that is slightly 'detached' the level of articulation of the 'neck' that attaches it is unknown but if you look at the pictures on the side in brown it defiantly has a neck. (Compare the spacing of the top picture and the 'fight mode' picture look behind the eyes, you will see a small area of exposed 'neck' in the normal mode' that disappears as it retracts it's head partially in fight mode)
The article doesn't mention skin vision and I couldn't imagine the legs being capable of rotating 360 degrees. Its head may be able to turn but note how its eyes are perfectly in line with the widest part of its back.
Most Mishhu articles are limited.I think they're only written with what factions know about them. But it's fore claws can probably lift up high enough to flip it. And it's not like the thing needs to see perfectly behind it without turning anyway. If it got shot in the eye it has to be from it's range of vision. Again these things were genetically engineered by intelligent life. There probably aren't many if any 'foolish mistakes' in it's design.
Of course there wouldn't be stupid mistakes and I'm not saying it would be totally stuck. Its body is angled at the top so its possible for some traction but the horns on the sides would seriously impair its ability to complete the roll. The creature wasn't made to be acrobatic, its a tank. If it shunted Delmer that would be one thing but a roll would put almost all of its body weight on him and crush him, putting him out if the fight if not killing him instantly.

Your marine is fine - though it weighed several tons, more with the armor, the suit took the brunt of it and prevented him from being crushed. He's winded and stunned, but can recover and fight. It didn't literally roll in the conventional sense, but toss itself so that it managed to get over and past that point of getting stuck on its back. This means that the weight of the thing passed over your character very quickly. Also, Lisa definitely didn't shoot out all of its eyes; anybody's reaction to having even one eye poked, is to protect the rest. The 'Crab' is no different.

In regards to 'skin vision', the feature is found in Neko, usually their advanced types. As the Mishhu are derived from them, they typically have access to their abilities as well, including levitation. The lattermost I just mentioned, also would explain this brute's speed and nimbleness too - though too heavy to actually float, it would still be able to use the ability to move fast.

In general, the Mishhu articles were written in the past as something to simply give players to fight, and as a result, they didn't have the most thought put into them either. Player items and such always had more. As a result, the Mishhu were also very inconsistent in their portrayal of strength, but would usually (in most cases) be shown as pushovers. That just doesn't make sense, especially when these things were responsible for threatening the entire Kikyo Sector. This one in particular, was usually shown to be big and lumbering and rather easy to kill from my own experiences as a player. One of my goals as GM is to portray things as they are most likely to actually be.

Very Dangerous.

The same goes for your suits as well. They're a lot tougher than you'd think.
Alright, whatever. I still don't agree with flying rock lobsters. I especially disagree it having skin vision as that was only given to elite units. Of hardly call a crabby shock trooper elite.
Well, think of it from this perspective; with this level of combat and tech, it's not very smart to have something that's slow and immobile to the point it can't even right itself if flipped over, and call it a 'shock trooper'. If that were the case, it wouldn't even be able to fill its intended role. Being so slow, there's hardly any shock involved. Rather, just a bunch of thunder, assuming it even has some decent guns. I did not have this crab come with skin vision, though according to lore, it could. I did touch on it after the others brought it up though. Personally, I didn't use skin vision when I decided that it would most likely notice the move being made. Instead, my reasoning was that it heard the thrusters move something that weighed 2 tons sail over it, and that a graviton device just tugged on it as well.

Later on, as our characters get more experienced, and I also get to know everyone more, we'll be able to pull off fancy moves. The only pre-requisite, is that the move is practical.

Right now, the bottom line is that Delmar's got a broken rib or two at the very most and he's still ready and able for Hammer Time.
Cadet, I'm still rather new and I'm not totally familiar with the medical care our suits can preform. I get the impression that broken bones, at least minor ones, don't appear to be "THAT" big of a deal. Could you elabtorate a little more, at least on a specific instance like my guy losing his left arm, just how combat effective one would expect us to be? Also I know things like shooting one handed isn't "practical" but does it work in the sense that our armors should be able to handle it?
I would like to note that this Crab is kind of 'elite" for a crab. Usually, crabs about third of this ones size. To be frank in all my years I am on SARP, I have fought crabs many many times and this is first time I met one this big.

Warrior, the suits can pump you full of painkillers, and if I remember right, it can seal bleeding. I saw people in Hostiles and Aggressors fight on without a hand, but it always is in the end a decision for GM if he is okay with it or not.

@CadetNewb I still need the answer for the weight of the crap. Just so I know if what I have in mind is actually possible or not. I do not need total number just something like "Around 4 tons" or something like that. Although since elephant can be 7 tons, I bet this crab would prolly have about 10..... which would make stopping its charge kind of impossible.
Hokay Rizzo that first sentence in your post was pretty much not needed. "Defying all physics..." We understand you do not exactly agree with everything and no one asks you to, but if GM says something happened and he evne does his best to explain his point of view don't be a dick. That is pretty much all we asks.
A 10 ton(?) crab used an antigravity organ to launch itself into a barrel roll. I'm not trying to be a dick. Like most things in SARP it defied at least the law of gravity and possibly some of Newton's laws.
Although I still strongly disagree with Cadet's logic behind cartwheeling crustaceans I got over it after this post:
Well, think of it from this perspective; with this level of combat and tech, it's not very smart to have something that's slow and immobile to the point it can't even right itself if flipped over, and call it a 'shock trooper'. If that were the case, it wouldn't even be able to fill its intended role. Being so slow, there's hardly any shock involved. Rather, just a bunch of thunder, assuming it even has some decent guns. I did not have this crab come with skin vision, though according to lore, it could. I did touch on it after the others brought it up though. Personally, I didn't use skin vision when I decided that it would most likely notice the move being made. Instead, my reasoning was that it heard the thrusters move something that weighed 2 tons sail over it, and that a graviton device just tugged on it as well.

Later on, as our characters get more experienced, and I also get to know everyone more, we'll be able to pull off fancy moves. The only pre-requisite, is that the move is practical.

Right now, the bottom line is that Delmar's got a broken rib or two at the very most and he's still ready and able for Hammer Time.
We've already spent enough time talking about spinning shellfish and since everyone else seems to like the idea of airborne arthropods I figured last night that I'd just move on.

No hard feelings about being called a dick but since I've never properly used mine I'm preferable to terms like douche bag and bastard, for future reference of course.