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Rejected Submission Neko Burger!

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Inactive Member
Submission Type: Company/Restaurant
Submission URL:

Faction: Yamatai and Nepleslia I guess? Independent? It would start off operating in both simultaneously.
FM Approved Yet? I have Kampfer's approval
Faction requires art? I don't think so, but Foxtrot told me just yesterday he'd start making something for it though.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? Yes

I've added clarification that thinking/feeling beings aren't made to create any meat of sapient species and that Elysia banned the company in their space.

Kampfer told me I could have my company in Nepleslian space as long as the stores that sold stuff like Kodian bear paws were only on hard to reach places like asteroids or independent areas/areas that weren't Nepleslia proper and as long as those stores weren't advertised in Nepleslian space. I can have stores that don't sell that stuff all over the place.

I asked him if I could say Nepleslian criminal organizations and crowdfunding gave my character enough money/support to start this company and he said yes.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well ... it'd certainly work in Nepleslia ...

I'm just not sure how many Neko really would want to participate. Get enough oddballs and misshapen apples and it could work ...
I'll go ahead and have this be Under Review, but for the record, I haven't been able to come up with an opinion for or against Neko Burger at the time of this post even after reading all the other threads.
I freely admit that this is a very odd one. Still, focusing on the topic, can we get a menu? You may want to have it divided between normal and not-normal items as well.
Well I figured not to go with a menu as whatever would be on one would change regularly and be region based. Both Neppy articles lacked one and my idea was to make my character's own extreme version of it. I also haven't seen an actual template for restaurants. So instead of having a menu I described services and stressed people could say whatever they wanted and use their imagination. If people want concrete items they'd be signature burgers based on characters that endorsed the business and I've got an endorsements section.
You could look at the bar I have on Francia. It's not an incredibly in depth menu, but it has a decent range of stuff listed.
Well, the Neppy's articles are pretty old. Honestly, just some examples of what they got in general, and possibly some 'regional' dishes would do the trick. A full menu is really good, but by no means necessary. An idea of what they do have, and can have with the players/GMs filling in anything and everything else is likely best.
It's not approved, because it can't be approved without the faction manager approving it.
Well Kampfer didn't stamp APPROVED on it, but I don't think he knew he had to (if he does) and he did give me his approval in other words.
Is him not saying APPROVED in green letters the problem?
Do I need approval of more than one faction manager for an independent company?
Do I actually need approval from a faction manager for an independent company?
Wouldn't the onus be on faction managers in this case to say that they disapprove if they don't like my company operating in their space?

Neko Burger isn't a faction specific thing like a weapons manufacturing company that officially supplies a faction military.

To start with you need the FM that your company is starting in to approve. Then if you plan on having it present in others, you should approach the other FM's for their consent.
Right. If Nepleslia's FM has approved it and the Setting & Tech staff approved it, then it's okay in Nepleslia. However, the article also says it is in Yamatai so it requires my FM approval, and I'm not convinced this is "in-character" for the faction to have.
Well why do you think this company isn't in character for Yamatai to have?
I already explained at length why I thought it made sense for the entire universe in the second thread.
It seems to me like my threads are deliberately ignored.
I only got an actual reviewer to review my article after I pmed him requesting him to do so.
I only got a post from you in this thread after that reviewer approved my article.
I'm pretty sure I only got clarification for what kind of approval I needed just now after requesting it.

To me the real question isn't whether my company is "in-character," it's whether or not banning it is "in-character" and I don't see why there would be a stronger case for banning than letting it be.
If our setting is hundreds of years in the future compared to the real world why would people object to this company? If we want to imagine people are more sophisticated and progressive and whatnot then couldn't their enlightened nature be shown by accepting things they don't agree with?

What is out of character about my company? How am I supposed to convince you or work with you if you don't tell me what you disagree with?
My company has no legal problems as I see things because the meat of sentient species doesn't come from actual people or thinking or feeling people.
Even if it did the law against cannibalism says you can eat another person's flesh with their written consent.
The ban on cannibalism passed with one vote which was me reversing my vote. If I get another vote started and the ban is lifted is the company existing in Yamatai "in-character"?
If Yamatai is some philosophically advanced paradise why is it banning things just because some people object to them?
Why is it not instead telling people to vote with their wallets by either buying from Neko Burger or not buying from it?
If the society is so advanced why does it not look at the company and see what it does as a trivial novelty used to get attention through shock and forget about it?
What purpose is their to banning my company? How does that add to the setting? Is Yamatai a place where nothing Yamataians object to is able to exist? Does Yamatai still have piracy if Yamataians object to it? If Yamataians objecting to piracy doesn't eliminate piracy in Yamataian space why would them objecting to certain business practices or certain companies cause them to completely cease to exist in their space?
If my business idea is seen as dark and that creates a problem does Yamatai have no dark side?
I'm wondering where the problem is. If the issue is you thinking letting my company exist in Yamatai makes Yamatai look bad then it sounds like a simple matter of perspective to me. To me Yamatai would just look neutral and would be acting civilized by not impulsively banning things and instead tolerating them. I don't see a faction exhibiting tolerance making it look like the bad guys or something.
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To put it bluntly, he really doesn't have to give any reason he doesn't think it fits in his faction. An Fm can turn submissions for their faction down for no reason at all if they want to. I don't think that's how it SHOULD be handled, but it can be.

It also needs to be pointed out that this submission has received very little support from anyone who has spoken up, in any of the threads about it, except for you and Lam. That seems to indicate that it's not something most people approve of, no matter how you say an "advanced" society should handle it. And that alone would constitute reason for Wes to withhold his approval.
Sorry about the premature decision @Wes - I mistook having approval from an FM from having it from the right FM. No offense to Kampfer either.

Overall, I have to agree with Aendri. The FM has final say in any of these matters as the faction belongs to them. If there was widespread support for the idea, it may be different, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. As a Tech Mod, I have to be as unbiased as possible, and in keeping with that, I approved it since it is likely possible for this to get started up IC. Emphasis on it being somewhat possible. My personal opinion on it however, is that even if it as started, the chances of this gaining enough success to open multiple stores is very low. That, even the most stoic, logical, in-touch-with-her-inner-lady-of-warmachine Neko would find it very unusual, and avoid it on that principal alone.

In order for this to be approved in Yamatai, you'll need to convince Wes.
It also needs to be pointed out that this submission has received very little support from anyone who has spoken up, in any of the threads about it, except for you and Lam.

Actually, this seems odd to me-- or rather, I'm surprised that people are so vehemently opposed to this. I'm getting a feeling that the majority of people are indifferent, and that a vocal few (about five) are so strongly opposed, and an even smaller few (three total, which is a literal few) are actually interested in this thing. If I'm honest, I thought that most people would just see this and dismiss it as 'eh, whatever, technically legal but not for me' and move on. I certainly wasn't expecting such heated debate on the matter.

I can't help but wonder if we all might have a bad taste in our collective mouths associated with the tribulations of this article and its past crusades for approval. @Wes, would you be more inclined to approve this article if something were added along the lines of: "The Imperial government does not like Neko Burger, and despite the restaurant's observation of the law a close eye is kept on the company-- law enforcement waiting for the inevitable first slip."

Or perhaps you'd prefer: "While Yamataians as a whole generally don't like Neko Burger, its locations in Yamataian space subsist on a niche crowd comprised of Nepleslian ex-patriots, curious youngsters, roving criminals between prison-stays, and would-be thrillseekers."

I guess what I'm asking is whether you feel like, as the penultimate representative of Yamataian society, Yamataian people would find this wholly intolerable on a cultural level; or whether this is something the government would oppose.

The thing I've noticed since the beginning of what I'm going to later call in my memoir (From Conmen to Catgirls: My Time on Star Army by Lamb) "The Hounds of Nekoburg: An Exciting Tribulation of the Most Hated Fictional Eating Establishment In The Setting"; is that Amaryllis has been made to ensure that this business is both legal and funded by morally dubious orginizations who would have no ethical qualms with this surprisingly touchy subject matter. So, with that in mind: how would Yamatai shut down this business, in character? When undesirables use the freedom of the law to establish a perfectly legal venture which the people simply do not approve of, what course of action is there for Yamatai? Can we, perhaps at the risk of seeming a tad meta, say that the restaurant was established in Yamataian space and then shut down soon after due to a snap reaction from the citizens quickly and furiously petitioning their senators? I mean, in-character, what happens when Neko Burger tries to open up?
As a chef of SpaceStation13, I can say without reservation that Long-Pork is a wholesome, and often vital, part of the crews diet. Even that which can be grown murder-free. Lamb pretty much states my opinion of this aloud for me otherwise. Are we still actually talking about this? Let him have his people-food (heh, see what I did there?), and if any one really takes a dislike to it they can try picketing it or blowing it up or just doing what a majority of normal people do and try to ignore it if it's not rubbed in their faces.
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