I don't think a business with lethal food would be successful in the YSE.
Why not? I said people would have waivers to sign and implied that signing them would be mandatory at times. Many people would be completely safe because of their body type and those that weren't would be warned about what is and isn't safe for them. People are legally allowed to do all sorts of things that endanger their lives and they will pay to do them such as extreme sports.
If potentially lethal food only makes up a very small percentage of what stores sell I don't see how that would kill a business. What about all the thrill and attention seekers and contrarians that would go to Neko Burger just to say they ate somewhere dangerous?
I don't think a chain could get away with that if any part of it was in Yamatai.
Well then I'd have to ask why not. Would Yamatai ban such things just because they hurt feelings?
It's not like Neko Burger would single out any group with such items. All species would be on the menu.
This is unsafe as hell and Yamataian restaurants wouldn't be allowed to do this by Yamatai's equivalent of the FDA. Nobody trusts restaurants to test their own food, they need a third party like the government to do it.
That would be where waivers come in. And if they can't test it themselves then what do they need? With future tech couldn't they just get some government robot to scan the food or something as it comes in?
Also, cannibalism is basically illegal in Yamatai.
If all I need is written consent to start chewing on my fellow Neko's arm while she's still alive and it's still attached to her I'd say it's basically legal.
Also, is eating synthetic flesh even cannibalism?
1. the eating of human flesh by another human being.
"Another human being" implies "the eating of a human being's flesh by another human being."
Artificially grown Kodian bear paws aren't attached to sentient/conscious beings. The bear paws don't own themselves. They aren't persons. A lifeless artificially grown human body is not a person. The consciousness within a human body is what makes it a person. Artificially grown limbs are not people. Neko Burger is only selling meat from actual people when they consent and the law says you can eat a person's flesh if they give written consent.
I had this same complaint in the second thread and I thoroughly addressed it there.
It seems like people don't care enough to try to understand the things they object to despite the fact that they might not be objecting to them if they were fully understood.
I had two people telling me in the last thread most of the universe would be against eating synthetic flesh seemingly to me because they did not care to consider the importance of personhood when talking about cannibalism. In a setting where people can swap bodies on a whim and mix and match parts why would people be super adverse to actually eating artificially grown parts when they're on the level of cosmetics and equipment? If factions can manufacture thinking and feeling people to fight wars for them like it's no big deal how much would people really object to Neko Burger? Yamatai even has a senator saying it should create people specifically to populate and settle planets. If ethics are such a concern why isn't Yamatai using non-sentient/sapient robots because they can't feel anything negative?
We have people who have live webcam feeds coming out of their brains directly to SYNC or the InterNEP. It's not like they are going to be able to "keep in on the low."
Kampfer said what I wrote was fine as long as I added those things. Neko Burger doesn't want to keep things on the down low. It just wants to do the minimum to able to sell all of its goods in Nepleslian space.
Have we change this to "sexual propositions" instead of harassment? Remember Nekovalkyrja are military vets that comes from an army culture of very low tolerance to harassment, so harassing them is a good way to get one's skull fractured. Not to mention that Yamatai's population in general is mostly women and is not keen on things that are degrading to women. Sex is good. Harassment bad.
Well I just liked using the term harassment for flavor and some amusement but if I have to change it to something else then sure.
To put it bluntly, he really doesn't have to give any reason he doesn't think it fits in his faction. An Fm can turn submissions for their faction down for no reason at all if they want to. I don't think that's how it SHOULD be handled, but it can be.
It also needs to be pointed out that this submission has received very little support from anyone who has spoken up, in any of the threads about it, except for you and Lam. That seems to indicate that it's not something most people approve of, no matter how you say an "advanced" society should handle it. And that alone would constitute reason for Wes to withhold his approval.
I don't think it needs to be pointed out Neko Burger hasn't received much support. So what? Really, so what? People make articles all the time and they get passed with "very little" support. People make guns and equipment Wes thinks may never be used or used very little that are redundant in his eyes because there are articles of equal or better or at least sufficient quality of the same type already on the wiki, but that doesn't stop them from being approved.
How many restaurant chains are there and how many are as detailed and a lot like Neko Burger?
We have all sorts of species of people that haven't really gone anywhere but they were approved. I would not be surprised if many didn't really see much use because they had little support. That didn't stop them at the approval process though.
I know I support my idea as well as Lamb,
@SmokeEmpress ,
@Deathevn and
@Foxtrot 813.
That's 6 people at least. Foxtrot likes my idea enough to make art for it and SmokeEmpress pmed me on IRC saying she liked it and ShotJon and Deathevn have told me they liked it on Skype.
My first thread was short lived and my second became all about your friend's disagreements and his friend who introduced him to the site supporting his ideas.
When someone is expressing himself as passionately against my idea as your friend did, I'm not surprised my second thread didn't go well as I think a lot of people want to avoid getting involved in what they see as "drama" whether that drama is real or imagined. It was also closed by a friend of yours.
Sure a FM can turn down things without giving a reason, but that doesn't mean I'm not even going to try to ask for one that I can discuss openly. I've heard someone said I was trying to force my idea on people but I don't see asking for a discussion as doing so.