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Aggressor Updates

Well, if you put VOID's mortars on Aggressor, it will grealty diminish a usefulness of VOID. Just wanted to say that. What VOID has going for it are the shield drones and its fusion mortars. I do also think that for Aggressor that fusion mortars do not have much use since they for very very long range arty support seeing as its AoE is around half a kilometer. Big bomb that one.

Also adding another melee weapons is great, but that does not mean the old has to be scrapped. I personally like idea of chainblade much more then heat blade, rather then replace, I think it is cooler to add. More the merrier they say and not sure about others but I always love to be able to pick from several options. Though maybe some update on chainblade would be nice.
The thing is, the VOID is a holdover from the ELEMENTAL series since we don't have any other good artillery unit. On top of that, a big issue is the blast radius; it's too big, and most people don't think it can be scaled down, or hadn't thought of that idea. Thanks to that, I'm under the impression that the VOID is only useful for its drones in a firefight, with the plasma mortars being rather useless. Honestly, even modern nukes have small, medium and large on their mushroom cloud size dials. By also making it an option for the Aggressor, I at least get to modernize this aspect of the VOID so it becomes flexible enough that people feel comfortable using it in direct fire roles.

As for the chainblade, I already did state that I intend to have it still be in inventory; it just won't be the standard issue anymore.
Slow down there and take a look at what's being asked. I don't think I'll have time to update the VOID article. You do have a good point though; it wasn't my intention to toss it out of use. For the time being, I'll focus on other aspects of the Aggressor and come back to this later.
Well there is no need to do big update for the whole VOID, but only for its fusion mortars, which as you said is a good idea and you planned to do anyway.
Though I may want to update the VOID's mortars, it'll have to wait until after the Aggressor is finished with its own updates. On another note, I found a surprise; it turns out the ARROW was a shaped charge this whole time, going off of the Nepleslian Minimissile page. Just a conventional one though, not the sticky alloy like I was thinking.

Also, @DocTomoe ; was the R88 meant to be shared between Lor and Nepleslia? I recall hearing a mention of it being planned as a potential weapon for the Aggressor.
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Working on the article, I found out that the Weapon Racks for the Aggressor actually had their own article, and the same went for the mini-missiles. It's just that back in the day, linking everything together was not required. So that means I'll be overhauling those articles instead. This is my Proposed Update for Mini-Missiles. You'll notice that the missile bodies are unified and the warheads are interchangeable now. Still, it's the ARROWs I want anyone still interested in this to take a look at in specific. It turned out that the original article for them indicated they had shaped charge warheads; knowing that you guys preferred it to be just HE, I brought it up with Fian last night. What we decided was to have it be HE-DP instead since it keeps things consistent between both IC and Wiki. Plus, everyone likes DP anyways.

Next, it turns out that the launchers mounted on the Aggressor and Hostile had their own articles as well. They're a bit tougher to update however, since they have multiple iterations of their own present already, so to simplify things article-wise, what I'm going to do is make entirely new launchers for the Extended Rack and Rapid Launcher systems.
By also making it an option for the Aggressor, I at least get to modernize this aspect of the VOID so it becomes flexible enough that people feel comfortable using it in direct fire roles.
You appear to be falling into the pitfall you believe I fell into while making the Devastator - making it so much better that it outclasses existing designs.

The VOID's relevance (and possible updates) are too far down the line. But I am beginning to lose track of which role(s) you are intending the Aggressor to fill. The more systems you throw on, the more I feel you are overthinking the update. This seems to be more of an overhaul than an update. You are tacking on so many new projects, such as new mini-missile pages, that it is difficult to track. Messing with the existing mini-missile pages will also affect various warships and stations, where the systems are mounted as point-defense countermeasures. I also see lots of forwards planning but no backwards planning where each component of the project is linked to the desired end product.

So, for clarity's sake - what is the end goal of this project?

EDIT: To be clear - I am not criticizing the concepts or ideas thus far proposed. Only seeking clarification and advising caution.
It's vague to only say that I'm going to update the Aggressor, so I'll lay out what I'm thinking needs to be done.

From my perspective, the article needs to have its writing be brought up to present standard to better define what it is, what it can do and so forth, as well as better flesh out key details such as what being inside the suit is like. The Aggressor's weapon systems need to be updated to the same standard to keep things consistent as well, which means making new articles for them if they already didn't have them, or updating the weapon systems' pages. While updating those, I'm also trying to make sure they don't mess up any articles that link to them. That's just for the 'standard kit' though. There are also pre-existing weapons that are compatible with the Aggressor that many new players are unaware of, such as the EARTH's Repulsion Rod Warhammer. Then, there's ones that nobody uses because they're in severe need of more detail, such as the "Bulldog" RFMD.

The VOID's plasma mortars were brought up for another reason though; it was previously decided that the Aggressor was to be made capable of mounting various different guns through use of its Weapon Case System during this update. However, I reasoned that a Weapon Case System needs weapons and so thought it may have been a good idea to have the plasma mortars as an option. Even then, I abandoned that idea for good reason.

My goal isn't to flat out make it better than the rest, but to improve the article itself, improve its weapon articles and awareness of them, and increase its inventory selection if applicable. Like ShotJon pointed out, the plasma mortars aren't suitable since it'd get into the VOID's turf.
Alright. Hashing it out with Fian, Aendri and Revolver, I've gone ahead and changed the armor. Instead of using a nerimium-durandium composite armor to make it lighter than the EARTH, I've decided to go with nerimium spaced armor. The nerimium is only just thick enough to provide the same exact protection as the previous composite armor, and will still save on weight since there will be a hollow space filled with ultra-thin nerimium honeycomb for support. I decided to switch to this to simplify repairs; rather than worrying if the durandium layer was damaged, anyone patching it up only has to fill in holes with nerimium weld.

On a side note, not all of my ideas work out either:

[21:16] CadetNewb Wait. What if it was a water and an air tank? Though, if they drank the water when thirsty, they might need to go.
[21:16] Aoba_Fian smuglyfe.jpg
[21:16] CadetNewb What if the Aggressor unzipped and aimed for them?
[21:16] Aoba_Fian Cadet all nep armors already have pissing facilities
[21:16] CadetNewb Yeah, but they're not described at all.
[21:16] Itkatsu Shokaku lives up to her luck by taiha'ing next match too
[21:17] Aoba_Fian Also, what more natural way to claim territory than marking it?
[21:17] Eistheid Empty your bladder and demoralize your foe.
[21:17] CadetNewb <Aggressor> "I gotta take a leak." *unzipping sound commences inside suit*
[21:17] CadetNewb Actually Fian, that's not a bad idea.
[21:17] CadetNewb What if there was an 'exhaust port' hidden under the groin plate?
[21:18] WorkanJim That fucking Hiei is cursed, Itkatsu!
[21:18] CadetNewb It would probably house a hose or something for the pilot to empty the waste with.
[21:19] Aoba_Fian >Run a tube all the way to the soles of the PA feet
[21:19] Aoba_Fian >????
[21:19] CadetNewb Hell no.
[21:19] CadetNewb I like this idea since it means the Aggressor can literally piss on a wall.
[21:19] Aoba_Fian >Pisskick or space EVA reactive mass
[21:19] CadetNewb
[21:20] CadetNewb Ok, you know what, it makes more sense to recycle the water.
[21:20] CadetNewb But another idea; what if the unzipper used the same principals as the PPG?
[21:20] CadetNewb The marine would control it /with their mind/
[21:21] Aoba_Fian I think we have gone too far
[21:21] Aoba_Fian -to stop now
[21:21] CadetNewb Don't you mean, not far enough?
[21:21] CadetNewb Ok, I'm totally doing this.
[21:21] Aoba_Fian Nep Commander: "I NEED ARTILLERY FIRE ON MY MARKER!"
[21:22] CadetNewb
[21:22] Aoba_Fian Nep COmmander: *Pissing noises*
[21:22] Aendri I can now imagine Nep soldiers drinking radioactive materials just so they can use piss as a target marker.
[21:22] CadetNewb And we already got radiological dyes for medical use...
[21:23] Aendri Exactly.
[21:23] CadetNewb <Suku> "WHERE ARE ALL MY CHEM MARKERS?!"
[21:23] Aoba_Fian Just fyi I am only going with this to sabotage the PA competition
[21:23] Aoba_Fian Doh whoops
[21:23] CadetNewb Sabotage who?
[21:24] Aoba_Fian You
[21:25] CadetNewb How is this sabotage? This is brilliant!
[21:27] -->| Kampfer ([email protected] has joined #SARPFree
[21:27] CadetNewb Seriously though, what if the Aggressor could do this;
[21:27] Foxtrot Luca|Work:
[21:27] Aoba_Fian Great, now you associated it with Bayformers
[21:28] Aoba_Fian Distaste in my mouth is distasteful
[21:28] Aendri Not helping your case, Cadet.
[21:28] CadetNewb Hey, I don't like Bay, but there were a few moments which were worthwhile.
[21:28] Aoba_Fian Daily reminder on how shipgrils are born
[21:28] Luca|Work Foxtrot: Can't webm on phone.
[21:29] Luca|Work Describe it to me
[21:29] Foxtrot It's someone getting a 30x killstreak in hotline miami 2
[21:30] CadetNewb Kampfer, we're discussing how the Aggressor should be able to allow a marine to urinate.
[21:30] Kampfer It's called piss before you get in the car.
[21:30] CadetNewb Yeah, but what about pissing. On things?
[21:30] Aoba_Fian squeezes past Kampfer and Cadet to go to the loo at the theatre, blocking the view to the climax of the story
[21:31] CadetNewb *loads of copy-pasta*
[21:31] Aendri Cadet.
[21:31] Aendri I will kill you.
[21:31] Aendri That should be a goddamn PM.
[21:31] Foxtrot breaker
[21:31] CadetNewb Sorry.
[21:31] Aoba_Fian Aendri_Heero_Yui
[21:31] CadetNewb I forget that it pings people.
[21:31] Kampfer Our Marines will piss before they get in their PA or piss on themselves and deal with it, damnit.
[21:32] Aendri You don't want to be able to pee on cats?
[21:32] Aoba_Fian Or on... Frogs
[21:32] CadetNewb But! The joys of a marine stealing the radioactive medical dyes, just so they can piss radioactive artillery markers!
[21:32] Aoba_Fian Alien toads
[21:32] Aoba_Fian looks at Kampfer
[21:32] Kampfer And regarding Clarkson, he was fired because he's a man in a nation filled mostly with efette girly men.
[21:32] Aendri You know you want to pee on alien frogs, Kampfer.
[21:33] Kampfer No pissing PAs.
[21:33] CadetNewb Why though? It just seems so naturally...Nepleslian.
[21:33] Aoba_Fian I'm only saying yes because it makes Cadet's PA look silly
[21:33] Kampfer No pissing PAs.
[21:34] Arieg Aftermarket addition?
[21:34] Kampfer No pissing PAs.
[21:34] Aoba_Fian We already have a fucking spacesuit
[21:34] Doshii_Jun Kampfer: You're a treasure and a credit to the nation.
[21:34] CadetNewb Aww, you too Doshii?
[21:34] Doshii_Jun ?
[21:35] Aoba_Fian
[21:35] Foxtrot This sounds too much like someone with a golden shower fetish wanting to implement it on the PA
[21:35] Aoba_Fian Scroll all the way down
[21:35] CadetNewb Oh well. This is what criticism is for anyways.
[21:35] Kampfer Do I need to bring out the goddamn FM Crown and secret polizei? No pising PAs.
[21:35] Kampfer pissing, whatev.
[21:35] Doshii_Jun tries not to laugh.
[21:35] Doshii_Jun Oh Nepleslia.
[21:36] Foxtrot By the way, Kampfer
[21:36] Itkatsu Kampfer is going to bring the hose out and spray down all you people for getting to excited over this
[21:36] Kampfer Goddamn right I will.
[21:36] Foxtrot I'm gonna need your help in WT, nigguh. I have some mission wagers that I need wingman to achieve and another one where I need to win, so I need you to help me with them in plones
[21:36] Itkatsu iykwim
[21:36] Luca|Work Foxtrot: Holy shit. Kudos to that murder spree
[21:36] Kampfer I'll call in the National Guard to Kent State and have us some Dead Protestors 2: Intellectual Shoot-a-roo going down
Though I may want to update the VOID's mortars, it'll have to wait until after the Aggressor is finished with its own updates. On another note, I found a surprise; it turns out the ARROW was a shaped charge this whole time, going off of the Nepleslian Minimissile page. Just a conventional one though, not the sticky alloy like I was thinking.

Also, @DocTomoe ; was the R88 meant to be shared between Lor and Nepleslia? I recall hearing a mention of it being planned as a potential weapon for the Aggressor.

R88 is indeed confirmed to be shared, and is able to be produced by NAM.
Yeah, but that has issues as well. I'm likely going to catheterize it, with the catheter being a separate unit that can be installed at the pilot's discretion, and connected with the Aggressor's filtration system after clambering inside. Alternatively, Nepleslia could try a new super-soldier program with full prosthetics. IIRC, someone may have tried that before.
Nevermind. The catheter was already there for use at the pilot's discretion. Instead, I've decided to add bio-degradable waste, alleviation and gelling bags for marines to use; looking at how big it is, the Aggressor is very likely to be that roomy for the average human. Especially since it can also accept ID-SOL. If anyone doesn't think that's a good idea, please say so. Moving on though, I'm thinking about adding on a quick, simple kinetic damper system that will protect the pilot from physical force even when the shields are down. Considering the amount of punishment the Aggressor can take, it'd be worrying if it got hit by a 120mm+ cannon and bounced the round, but the pilot got turned into mush.
I have to admit, I read "I'm likely going to catheterize it" on the first read through as "cauterize"...

The ID-SOL Soprano Choir. lol
If you're going all the way, don't forget spall liners. Your vehicle takes a hit, it stays intact, spall turns the pilot into a colander.
Why not? It's critically important if you're using layered armour, a fabric layer backed with a rigid plate can stop or at least reduce spall going through your skin, especially since your skin is next to the armour plate in a PA. That or spaced armour to disrupt the shockwave. Otherwise, one HESH round and your guts are full of backing matrix.