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As a GM of Nepleslia, I'm Fired

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Well-Known Member
@Syaoran @Semjax @Compouds117 @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey @Centurion0507 @SirSPT @Frankly @Rockerboy911

I'm sorry everyone, but as much as I love RPing with you all, it's time for me to go.

Before I say anything more though, let me make it very clear that during the process, I was absolutely red with fury, and that there was a lot of swearing on my part involved as well. Also, that I did not, and still do not feel it was unwarranted in the slightest; after reading, I hope you all understand why I would think that.

What started out as a disagreement over the new damage rating for the HPAR in the new system has become something a lot worse, and I quite frankly do not believe our current Faction Manager is in any way suitable for the job. It's not that I am resigning over the HPAR itself, but am being made to leave. Koenig808, Lam and I had discussed a compromise on what could be done and agreed on a plan of action. That plan was to temporarily keep the HPAR at its too-high rating within the new system as a temporary measure until new weapons could be made to fill in properly - a tie in with the prototype weapons you were all getting in RP basically - so that the metagame wouldn't get unbalanced in an unfavorable manner against Nepleslia.

Yes. The metagame.

However, shortly after, he straight up said that he was going back on his word, and that it was final. Talking with Lamb, I found out that he did not include him - his Co-FM - in the decision making process either. For me, that was the final straw. In addition to going back on his word, I believe that Koenig808 was making it very clear that he put the meta-game above roleplay and accurately portraying the weapon as it was shown in-character for many years. In addition to that, it was very clear to me that he was not consulting his Co-FM in the decision making either; the decision was made with no discussion, or at the very smallest courtesy, an explanation.

Dealing with him has been an incredibly difficult process across the years as well. We all joke that he is the Pineapple King of Trolls, but I've had to deal with that as a Game Master serving under him as well. With how often he has trolled, and even trolled me to my utter frustration, it has become utterly impossible to tell whether or not he was being serious regarding even the most important of matters. And that is on top of the frustration of being trolled to begin with. As far as I was and am concerned, he is the boy who cried wolf. Too often when I've spoken with Nepleslia's current Faction Manager, I could not tell whether or not there were wolves who were going to eat us, or if it was just another one of his little games.

With all this in mind, I said - and I freely admit it was all with a lot of swearing - that I was no longer going to recognize him as my Faction Manager. That I was no longer going to consult with him, or inform him of any decisions or actions that I would make as Game Master of my plot, the Sledge Mama. Following this, I was fired.

I hope you all understand just what it was that I was dealing with, how it all came to this, and how much I will miss being a GM.

I'm sorry I can't keep RPing with you all.
I think he's plenty qualified to be FM because I constantly hear him getting along swimmingly with Nepleslian players over Skype or Discord and he didn't put up with you indefinitely despite him and others feeling you had been misrepresenting the faction for years. I'm glad he has a backbone. The way I heard it you had been misrepresenting a weapon for a very long time in your plot and you said it therefore couldn't have stats different from what you wanted because it was too late and that would undermine your incorrect depictions. I never heard Lamb complain about not being consulted. I did hear a bunch of people thinking you were stubborn, misrepresenting things, melodramatic and obsessive compulsive. I also heard them say they wanted a replacement for you for a long time because they didn't think you were suitable for the role and that you were difficult. Despite all that for a much longer time people had been saying you weren't so bad and they wanted to try to work with you. I can't blame them for not being infinitely patient.
After a 4-hour drive home from being at a wedding in the middle of the Tennessee mountains I walked in and saw this and I'm not happy.

@CadetNewb, I am un-firing you. You're a good game master and your players need you, and Nepleslia needs you. I know you're not the real problem here, and I have your back.

@Koenig808 Kampfer, I've got a torrent of complaints about you from other members and you and I have clashed repeatedly in the recent past as well. I'm firing you as Nepleslia's faction manager and I ask that you leave my site and don't come back. I have warned you repeatedly that I'm not going to tolerate someone who primarily brings negativity and drama to the community. My patience with you ends here.

@Lamb, you are now the FM of Nepleslia. Nepleslia is a historic and vital faction in SARP and it deserves a great FM. One who actually GMs, too. I think you're going to do a great job.
I'm saying he can't honestly be fired by you, its up to the players of Nepleslia whether or not this change should take place.

Additionally Kampf's within his rights, IV. Faction Managers manage recruiting, cooperation, and (if necessary) dismissal of game masters for faction-based roleplaying campaigns (plots).
Whoah now, Wes. Kampfer is well within his rights as FM to ask Cadet to step down, if they feel the differences between them have become irreconcilable. This isn't a spur of the moment decision, or anything, this is the result of what even Cadet calls a very heated argument. If you feel like Kampfer needs to be removed, feel free to ask the faction, but just jumping in and removing an FM who is acting well within his rights to preserve the faction's image as he sees it and handling the GMs to maintain that is damn well not cool.
Update: Alright, Lamb sent me the logs of how this went down and I may have been a little hasty to act based on hearing only CadetNewb's side of the story.

Basically, it was, as far as I can tell, within Kampfer's authority to set damage for the HPAR (although to be honest I think there should be someone in the staff that sets damage for all weapons, not have them set by FMs or article creators, but that's a tangent) and CadetNewb was super rude and basically cussed out Kampfer.

You guys should know that Kampfer and I have been at odds behind the scenes for some time now (and I have been getting complaints about him as mentioned) and this was basically seemed like the excuse I was looking for to take action. But I jumped the gun here and I'm sorry.

  • If Kampfer wants to stay, I will let him stay as long as he follows the rules - I take back asking him to leave. I will be watching, obviously, but if I kick him out it should be for a legit reason.
  • I'm not going to un-fire CadetNewb after all - I just can't condone the behavior of him cussing out Kampfer like that and posting this thread to "gut" Kampfer. I feel like I fell for a trick getting mad at Kampfer for what was a very 2-sided incident. @CadetNewb please talk to me privately on Skype.
  • I still don't think Kampfer is providing the FMship that Nepleslia needs though, so Kampfer is still relieved as FM, and co-FM Lamb will run things for the time being. I'm still figuring this part out so we'll see if it's permanent.
  • I really, really, don't want to lose a Nepleslian plot or a GM. How can we fix this?
Those who want to help fix this, please send PMs to Wes for now. Get a dialogue going that can be spared public view for now. This thread is locked.
I got a chance to talk to Kampfer directly about this over PM, and I also got to see a huge outpouring of support for him that showed me that, although I don't see him as much as I'd like on the forum, that Kampfer is more active than I thought and a lot of people actually like him as FM. Lamb said he'd be okay with it too.

So I'm hereby reinstating Kampfer as FM.
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