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Approved Submission So-M2-1A Sahti VANDR


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Frame
Submission URL: Click Me! Be gentle~

Faction: Iromakuanhe Commonwealth/Astral Vanguard
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? It had art, but it seems to have gone missing.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nada
Contains New art? I wish
Previously Submitted? Nein

Please be gentle, it is my first submission in many years on here.
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Soresu, is there supposed to be art for this?

What did you picture it might look like? Any visual inspirations to go on? Precisions on the visual cues you mean for it to have?
I'm dredging up old memories here, since I let the Sahti fallow for a couple of years. But, I believe I envisioned it as a streamlined, with an organic, aerodynamic symmetry I can just barely recall I wanted it to appear predatory but to maintain the Iroma's design aesthetic cues. I'm sorry, Fred. But that's all I have it has been too long for me to accurately recall much. I remember putting the art for it on our server but it just isn't there now. I backtracked and rummaged for several hours in my own photobucket, as well as SARP's picture trove. Unfortunately I can't check my laptop's art stash because it blew a few days ago. The a/c adapter port decided to fry itself and take my CPU and HD with it.
Sorry @Soresu I'll rephrase.

I could try and draw it for you if you have nothing else to go on for. I think I can feasibly hit the level of quality the Erla has.

But for the half-hour I tried reading it, there's stuff I couldn't figure out. I'm not familiar with Iroma designs in the first place. I'm not sure of how it's supposed to transform hiding some weapons but not others. I'm not even sure I can picture the flight configuration you wanted; I don't have much to go on. It took me awhile to figure out if yours had an head or not. I think the cockpit compartment is in the back of the torso like Knightmares from Code Geass (probably bigger since they allow for 3 people), but I'm not sure of that either. You mention fins, and then funnels... and the two words don't seem to go together in my head.
Is this gonna be more blocky and actually look like a fighter in fighter form? And will it have proper hands and feet?
Sorry @Soresu I'll rephrase.

I could try and draw it for you if you have nothing else to go on for. I think I can feasibly hit the level of quality the Erla has.

But for the half-hour I tried reading it, there's stuff I couldn't figure out. I'm not familiar with Iroma designs in the first place. I'm not sure of how it's supposed to transform hiding some weapons but not others. I'm not even sure I can picture the flight configuration you wanted; I don't have much to go on. It took me awhile to figure out if yours had an head or not. I think the cockpit compartment is in the back of the torso like Knightmares from Code Geass (probably bigger since they allow for 3 people), but I'm not sure of that either. You mention fins, and then funnels... and the two words don't seem to go together in my head.

I removed the mentions of the funnels, and stuck with the fins if that helps at all, @Fred . As for the Humanoid and Flight based configurations, I imagined it working something like the VF-1 Valkyries from Macross. The torso leaning back horizontally with the head retracting itself. The middle of the torso would divide into two parts allowing the RCPA to sit in a forward position in between the legs which would flank it on either side. The other portion of the chest would bury itself somewhat to make it more aerodynamic.

The arms would tuck into the sides with the legs starting at the knees tucking themselves behind the thighs which then shift upward into a horizontal configuration alongside the torso. Hopefully this would allow the RCPA, and CELBs to fire forward. Four of the missile launchers would be usable in this configuration also.

I apologize, I'm terrible at explaining and detailing stuff like this.

@Amaryllis The Sahti is intended as a deep-strike unit whereas the Raevr is built more for Interception and Space Superiority. If you want to delve deeper, the Sahti is an off-shoot of the Raevr and Erla II Design. So yes, it is in a sense a new prototype. One of which was left collecting dust for a few IRL years. :\ Yay procrastination.

@Alex Hart Iroma designs usually don't contain blocky characteristics. They tend to 'flow' in an organic sense. When you look at the Raevr and Erla II art, they're fairly streamlined. As for the Sahti, yes it has hands and feet. The feet are deployable from the spike-like legs and retracted when not needed. Its hands are fully articulated, but contain a CIVWS system along with the feet. When it is used, they retract to protect them and allow the full use of the weapon mounts. It is my belief, however that it will look fairly fighter-esque when in the proper configuration.
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I may improvise to keep it distinct from a Macross transforming fighter. I've also reviewed all five pieces of art up on the wiki regarding the VANDRs: all variants of the Erla, the Raevr and the Haidan.

Give me a day to ideate.
I'll also need to find temporary image hosting: IMGUR hasn't been kind to me.
Maybe Photobucket. No Wes, I won't upload to the site.
There you go @Soresu - this is my first stab at it.


Most of my focus was on the air mode (Avynna). The wings are the shoulders, the wingpods are actually the forearm and lower down underneath the shoulder section. The hips are meant to be tucked back, and the legs themselves curl back to the point where the knees are supposed to be the rearmost section of the craft, and the front of the lower legs end up being the 'rear dorsal'. I wanted to avoid elaborate contorsions/collapsing pieces if I could help it and focused on bending things the way I could see them bend thinking of it as an insectoid. I contemplated a chicken walker, but given that all VANDR have forward-facing knees (sort of) I thought it was a pilot-to-machine relationship that required equivalents.

Most of the torso is solid. I was struggling to make the legs look the way I liked and it was kind of inconsistent (across top/side views, even)... but figured I had enough to show it off to see if it was ood enough for you.

Since the arms finish to a sharp point, the manipulators aren't hands so much as four claws . I didn't think VANDR hands were really made for fine manipulation, and after having seen the puny hands on some of the other model, I thought more rudimentary claws might do the trick.
Agreed, most VANDR do have a rudimentary set of claws versus actual hands. As for the air mode, I swear I've seen something like that before, but it is beginning to look good, Fred. The design should allow its main cannon on the chest to fire, along with the lasers along the thighs in a forward facing configuration. The remainder are situated all over, but this looks neet for a rough draft. I'm digging the shoulder mounts. They contour nicely with tapered torso.
Well, my inspiration was split between:

The Robotech Beta fighter:

The Imperial hunter:

And the Guren Type-2:

I made the fins inward facing to try to reduce its silhouette while adding something interesting to a hypothetical front view.
Man it was on the tip of my tongue too. I swear I knew the look from somewhere. I actually like the Imperial Hunter. I played a little bit of Elite Dangerous, then kind of quit.
IVP (Inverted Vector Pocket) System
The IVP, or Inverted Vector pocket is an advanced space compression system that evolved from the rv-i_vectran_node_system_vns system found predominately upon the [iromakuanhe:raevr_vandr]] that creates artificial displacements in three-dimensional space and nestles them inside of a realspace pocket, allowing the system to generate stable MASC loops which cannot be physically assaulted by the enemy, but opened at will by the controlling unit. This allows for the storage of a large number of missiles without the difficulties posed by bulky missile pods and can allow for the carrying of handheld weapons and various utilities as needed. The IVP is notable in that it cannot be assaulted by physical weapons or disabled by anti-FTL countermeasures, and if the pocket is temporarily closed by a system failure, the motion of the contents inside of the MASC loop will keep the pocket from collapsing for several years, and can be reopened if the system remembers the calibration it had previously. However, an unshielded pocket can be penetrated by transphasic weapons and inserted objects too large to be stored may be deconstructed at the molecular level.

The system has intense power demands, often being too energy-intensive to be mounted on anything smaller than a VANDR
Didn't we agree to stop trying to put "bags of holding" on ships and mecha already? This seems overpowered to me.
I meant those to be missile covers. I was being hard pressed to figure out how to keep the bladed-shape of the tip of the forearm, still include the beam port, and have manipulator claws.

Of course, if Soresu wants bigger pincers, I can go for that too. My focus is presently on the hips/legs, so, it's not to late for adjustments on the upper torso. I'd rather that happen when I'm rough sketching, rather than make the colored version (assuming I can pull that one off).
Didn't we agree to stop trying to put "bags of holding" on ships and mecha already? This seems overpowered to me.

This is a staple of Iromakuanhe Technology which relies on Spatial Compression Tech. To invalidate it, would invalidate five to six years of Iromakuanhe tech, effort, and the simple fact it adds a unique bent to an alien species. It is not like say, a CFS I.E: used to hide ships in their own pockets of existence (Which is kind of a bag of stealth holding.) which it is incapable of in terms of sheer power. Something like that would result in destabilization and destruction.

And is used to this date, on nothing but VANDR units for the proscribed purpose of missile containment or hand-held VANDR weaponry nothing more. It also collapses without emitters providing stability, resulting in collapse, and loss of what is contained inside. Forever, so it can make it cost prohibitive. It can also be assaulted by Transphasic Weaponry, which the major factions have in abundance, although I'm not sure of all the other races. Our MASC Drives rely on Spatial Compression as well for FTL travel. This is a natural outgrowth of said branch of technology which is a key facet to the Iromakuanhe for lack of a better word, 'style'.

@Fred The pincers seem fine to me.
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Fred's drawing is pretty cool, but shouldn't it have tiny feet? That's, like, a hallmark of VANDRs, since they don't walk so much as they skim everywhere like a Zone of the Enders frame. All of them other than the Haidan have pointy little feet.