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Approved Submission [Nepleslia] SMDIoN DRv3 Conversion


Banned Member
  • Submission Type: DRv3 Update
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Faction: Nepleslia
  • FM Approved Yet: No, @Gunhand4171
  • Faction requires art? Not applicable.
  • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
  • Contains New Art? Nope.
  • Previously Submitted? Nope.

The e̷̗̜̪̭͖͎̣l̛̙̭̥̣ḏ̣̜̙͚͟r̪̥͟i̥̩͇̭̖̝t͍̻̙͕͉̭̫c̥̤̼͇̟h̨̳̪͎̰̱͔̹-infused, 93.6 KB-sized big brother of this particular monstrosity.

I'm really, really, really, really sorry for inflicting this upon the NTSE - but, as I stated in that other thread, I felt this was vastly preferable to flooding the Settings Submission forum with a hundred or more mini-submissions. May the Meme Lords all have mercy on the soul of whoever reviews this...this thing that has taken at least twelve hours to write.

I'm also tagging the following Faction Managers:
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Another quick look and this seems to put the tier 8 scythe way above what is allowed by the current system with two tier 10 cannons (which already uses up all of the weapon allotment for the fighter) and multiple other weapon systems.



Let's look at this a bit closer, shall we?


Now, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but 1 =/= 2, right?

As for the second point you raised - that the scythe can't fit the other weapon systems it has - well, let's count it out, shall we?

The Scythe is a Tier 8 unit, a Medium Mecha. It has (as shown above):
  • Two Tier 7 Weapon Systems, each with a score of 1/2
  • One Tier 10 Weapon System, with a score of 4
  • Three Tier 4 Weapon Systems, each with a score of 1/16
  • Thee Tier 6 Weapon Systems, each with a score of 1/4

Now that we've gathered all of this information, let's add it all up.

1/2 x 2 = 1
4 x 1 = 4
1/16 x 3 = 3/16
1/4 x 3 = 3/4

1 + 4 + 3/16 + 3/4 = 16/16 + 64/16 + 3/16 + 12/16 = 85/16 = 5.3125

Again, correct me if I'm wrong, @Zack, but 5.3125 =/= 8, right?


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So then you're removing some of the weapons from the scythe? Will that be reflected in the artwork?

The Scythe's artwork doesn't actually show any weapons in the first place.

The Scythe I've asked to be removed anyway, along with the corresponding Hammer missile.

Not to be rude, Doshii, but didn't the Scythe already get approved?

Most of the confusion occurring here is probably my fault, to be honest - it only occurred to me a few days ago (while working on this submission, actually) that I'd forgotten to remove the WIP tags from the Scythe and its weapon systems.

Also (again, not trying to be rude), I'm fairly certain I removed all traces of the HAMMER from this submission, as searching via Ctrl+F on the Scythe's page doesn't bring up any results - and on the conversion page it only brings up results for the Hammerhead Strike Bomber.

Edit: Added the Na-TK17 Engineering Kit and the Engineer Arm to the list.
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Ah right. I remember this now, the cannons problem.

I'll gander at it in a bit. W just went down, and I'd like a little time to relax.
Ultimately, I am sympathetic to Fred's view. Seeing this list in this context, we could take the time to go through each and rule on each, keeping a long list of what's good, what's not, what's in, what's out, what to tweak, so on ... or to reject it and demand the list be busted up into individual submissions.

However, that is in no way practical, let alone efficient. I'm sure @Ametheliana would be quick and on point trying to process them as they came in, and I would take on the larger ones ... but we would be here awhile.

Is there any rush? I don't believe so. Likewise, there's no purpose in "getting it right" by dragging this process out.

Nor can we blame a submitter and/or FM for doing so. Look at the size of our wiki; that alone lends credence to a v3 update and revision in this fashion. @FrostJaeger already has a hell of a time in front of him going through each of the primary articles and updating their DR values through this list. Any other faction faces the same daunting task; Nepleslia is lucky to have someone like Jaegerman willing to do it. I'm disinclined to turn away a dedicated effort such as this.

The above I believe are satisfactory arguments to justify the submission. There's one more piece though, and I think it's the most compelling because it comes from v3 itself:

"SADRv3 is meant to add scale and perspective to those articles, but it does not demand — that is up the narrative between Game Masters and the players in their care."
(Emphasis mine.)

V3 does not make demands of players, GMs or even FMs about the way an offensive or defensive measure should act. That's up to the individuals involved in the roleplay — the narrative rules must be the final arbiter of how an attack. The categories add perspective and nuance, but the definition of what happens comes down to choices made between those within a story.

This does not make v3 irrelevant by any means. Perspective is crucial. We need it to have an idea of what we're talking about; we need apples to be apples, even if some are grannies and some are reds.

But as I've seen in the weeks since v3 was made the law of SARP, the same pissing matches come up. We're still fighting about what's best, what's powerful, pushing the limits and so on. If v3 is supposed to be able to do anything, it's supposed to be able to cut down on the level of urine being built up over imaginary guns in a narrative setting on a roleplay website.

With that in mind, I don't believe that being a tier high here or a tier low there, within the confines of a faction-wide update of old equipment, is so crucial to the setting that it need be excoriated to a crisp and then surgically repaired.

This is solid work. Jaegerman kept things reasonable. All evidence points to that.

This update is approved for IC usage.