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Tech Wars 101: The Issue and Discussion


Inactive Member
Since I've finally just about finished painting and (as a result) am nearing the end of having to work as much, I figured I'd finally bring up something that has been alarming me and has been an issue brought up among myself and a few other members.

In particular, this is the arising issue I've continued calling a Tech War.

With USO and various groups pushing to make new technology, this has been an underlying issue that has seemingly been going under the radar and is something I feel needs to be spoken about here. Reason? It has to do with the health of a setting when this sort of thing occurs.

Some might have looked back in prior times through SARP and noticed some technology is strangely strong, massively armed, or simply banned. This is because in the past, a similar situation broke out that led to many of these technologies advancing to these absurd levels. Interdiction was, for example, overused to the point the concept was simply banned. And now this has been getting explained by three very flawed excuses.

"I'm making it because nothing says I can't."
"Well, if X can have it, why can't I have it with Y?"
"It doesn't break the rules!"
For those of you who doesn't understand what is wrong with this, this thread is here to explain why these things are bad and why it is fueling a very unhealthy Tech War.

  • "I'm making it because nothing says I can't."
This is the first one I want to address as it seems to be the most common. There's a reason that the eagles don't fly the Fellowship to Mordor (an actual one and for this example!), that the Empire doesn't simply methodically crush a rebellion that systematically seems to "defy all the odds", and that the Federation doesn't employ its full military might to crush things. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Most people know this as morality, where one can judge whether they should do something or shouldn't.

One could argue that as a technological view, this excuse has more purpose. But think of a real life example, such as the Cold War. Just because we could continue developing nukes, both Russia and the United states continued to do so. While it led to some good, it also promoted some of the most unhealthy and unstable relations the world had ever seen... all because people stopped caring about the morality of their technology. In SARP, this rule is so ethical that most nations (even including Nepleslia) would ask it before they began trying to further make their technology grow in superiority rather than simply make more of it. A war of numbers rather than a war of sheer destruction isn't what people want... until you realize a War of Numbers would be World War 2 and a War of Destruction would be a Nuclear War that destroyed the planet and likely crippled (if not exterminate) our species.

  • "Well, if X can have it, why can't I have it with Y?"
This is another topic that rears its head and is actually against the rules of submissions. It has also been used as a basis recently to explain more unique technologies or design philosophies being lifted. Simply put, this is one that has been rearing its head and somehow been allowed to further the idea that something should exist in the setting rather than actually address the concerns of its questioned balance. Yamatai-level ST technology, for example, could be lifted as something else and stated as "Well, Yamatai has it and ours isn't as good... so why not?"

Because the site suffered from countless bouts of this issue in the past that led to many technologies getting banned or viewed harshly.

Interdiction as my key example was likely a victim of this based on knowledge of it. When one faction made use of it, others prepared interdiction to cripple them... and then others made interdiction to interdict the interdiction. People continued waging the war of "well, they have it so I can have it" and the PvE/traditional RPing of the site was stripped of an element because the PvP aspect threatened the site. Some might ask "Well, most of the site doesn't RP in PvP, so why does it matter?"

This is due to the fact that even though you aren't going against other players, you are going up against that faction. You can't use a faction that has exceptionally better technology and continuously play them as losing to a worse-off faction. Even the Rebels lost battles, especially as the Star Wars setting was expanded we saw examples of the good guys losing. This was to ensure there was balance in the setting. Both groups would make advances or swap positions by stripping technology from others. In SARP, doing such a thing would go against FM rights... which meant that to ensure fairness they simply had to either ban the technology entirely or continue letting everyone one-up the other. It forced people to harm the setting further to "balance out" the pain.

  • "It doesn't break the rules!"
This is very similar to the first point, but is not the same. The excuse of nothing saying you can't isn't the same as this implication. While the first rule is unhealthy in that it allows people to argue reason, this excuse was designed to argue facts. The rules have defenses for many things, but if you look on the page, you'll see a section marked Unwanted Articles. Here, you can read it very clearly why this shouldn't be a valid defense.

We also generally won't accept cutting edge or advanced technology for factions that don't have any role-play going on.

Make an effort to improve on existing designs; we have a lot of good designs that could use some refit or upgrading.

These two statements effectively clarify that there is a moral integrity to making new technology or submissions, primarily that cutting edge technology should not be made without lots of RP to back it up. On top of that, improving or upgrading things should be done before making entirely new and advanced things. People often also say "Well, only I'll be using it" or "Well, it doesn't have to work a certain way when others use it!"

That is also against the rules, under rule 4. Promising in-universe restrictions on use or availability.

To sum this all up, this is the presented points and warning signs leading to a tech war SARP went through in the past that severely broke it and led us to a lot of the tech issues and balancing issues we've been making systems and having discussions over for a long time. This isn't something one can deny as being a threat... it is happening right now as two factions are bursting from small powers to major ones. Ahead of groups that have been here long, such as the Iroma, Nepleslia, and even Yamatai's technological might.

I don't expect many people to want to post here or that there will be agreement in full on this. I only want to make this article to better explain why there have been issues and arguments lately for the many people who have been following the settings and waiting (sometimes) on certain tech to occur.

It's not being done to hinder RP or to spite certain people. This is because a few members worry when they see a lot of the danger signs from the past and are worried about the setting.

It's a lot to read @_@ but this is something that only a few people have actively been causing and continuing to drive as a whole. I'd love it if this could be brought up and discussed, perhaps to better find a way for people to find paths to get what they want without the potential spark that forces other factions who want to be relevant to match or keep-up with this new wave of technology and submissions. It'd make no sense to stay weaker than a nation... but surpassing them only invites a cold war, which I'd hope the majority of space empires would recognize as a dangerous situation for both sides. Especially when the sector is being threatened by the Kuvexians.

If you think this is an issue, if you don't agree, then please post here. Be respectful and present your own fact-backed thoughts on the matter. This is something that, honestly, worries me since in the past no one likely thought it would be bad... yet it did result in the setting getting plagued with technological disbelief in various fields and earned scorn from members alike in the past when they were faced against this/stopped from participating. This is something that fits a setting discussion, as it really is an issue. Whether its an issue that we're about to have one or perhaps that we haven't had one is something I'd like to hear from the various members of the site and I'm sure even the NTSE and Staff would benefit from this discussion.


@Wes - I primarily want you to stop by and read this too, since you know better than most as to the past. It may be time to consider discussing a resolution to this sudden surge for "better technology", as there are other ways for us to bring things in such as redesigns and MUCH smaller technology leaps. Or, at least, that's what the submission guide suggests and has somewhat been ignored as of late.
I don't have much else to say other than the fact I agree fully with all the points made. Technology needs to have a long prototype phase before it should even get to the mass-production/limited-production line. You can't just bulldoze your way along the natural process of building a new piece of tech just because you're afraid somewhere down the line you'll get ganked by more "superior" weapons, armor, and ships.
Happy this was brought up, it even brought up some rules that I had forgotten were there. But I've been concerned about a Technology race starting as well. No disrespect to the people making articles now, but a trend is slowly starting to emerge with some to just make 'better' things. By this I don't mean improving article quality, I mean they just make a better version of something that already exist in the site, and people don't see the problem with this so it become really frustrating. Not only does it make things already on the site relatively useless and just taking up space, but it makes people worried that they now have to upgrade their arsenals to deal with it. We should be focusing on making things that don't exist, and thus increasing the variety of things on the site. That's what I try to do with everything I make for SARP as well, so I know the difficulties in coming up with a new idea, but it's much better for the setting.
Happy this was brought up, it even brought up some rules that I had forgotten were there. But I've been concerned about a Technology race starting as well. No disrespect to the people making articles now, but a trend is slowly starting to emerge with some to just make 'better' things. By this I don't mean improving article quality, I mean they just make a better version of something that already exist in the site, and people don't see the problem with this so it become really frustrating. Not only does it make things already on the site relatively useless and just taking up space, but it makes people worried that they now have to upgrade their arsenals to deal with it. We should be focusing on making things that don't exist, and thus increasing the variety of things on the site. That's what I try to do with everything I make for SARP as well, so I know the difficulties in coming up with a new idea, but it's much better for the setting.
This was a major reason I cited a lot of the things from the submission rules, which indicate that if it's too hard to simply modify current technology with a redesign or a slight change. It makes more logical sense then the development of these new systems, weapons, and ship designs. Even ships tend to be blueprinted originally from other designs, sharing concepts or loadouts from inspirational ideas. A great example of this is seen in Star Trek by the Federation, who continue to bring old designs back to the forefront as larger or more modernized classes of vessels rather than develop COMPLETELY new ones.

Speaking with someone today made me realize that staying quiet/only in the chat wasn't going to get this addressed, so I finally brought it up in a thread format. Again, history for the site suggests the tech war/race brewing right now will not be beneficial for the site as a whole. We need to slow down the technology advancing and focus on the broad rollout. It does partially break our redundancy rule (things should have a purpose), but it would be better for each nation to have a similar ship than for each nation to start springing completely new, game-changing elements out. It promotes a technological status quo while promoting RP via new designs that might cater more to someone's intentions (a fighter with a different loadout can be utilized in different ways, for example). Keeping the technology level relatively the same long enough will also give grounds to try and see if technology from the prior race that might have been banned or discouraged could be brought in with a healthy perspective.

The issue again is that a lot of people currently making things are focused on "my tech versus X tech" instead of "my tech needs to be capable of performing a basic role". It's intentionally aimed to surpass others as you - @Syaoran - said. This is the biggest issue with the mentality currently revolving around submissions and it certainly sets a bad precedent. It shouldn't be acceptable that something is explained as "Well, if you don't like it then just don't RP with it!" either. I should have indicated that as well, as it also would fall under breaking that rule of promising in-universe restrictions on use or availability. The difference being that you're forcing others to restrict usage, rather than you, if they want to avoid it.
I'm not sure what the ask is here either? Are we trying to get every faction to put up the same level of background as USO does with its development?

Yamatai has a program where you can answer simple questions or make simple requests and out pops the latest Neko design. Automation and AI is far enough along in this setting that you can just feed some basic verbal direction into your datapad's ID-10T compensator and out comes a solid design. I'm perfectly ok with that, because I don't really want to lock tech development behind a wall of 'you have to know everything yourself'.
I'm a newcomer to the site-barely over three months now. I do think that a comparison-based tehhnology advancement will result in simply a mess. If technology increases to counter other technology, which in turn gets itself countered by new technology, and so on and so on... The development stagnates. Making a new ship or gun would more or less turn in to "oh it's got bigger numbers across the board, better change everyone's supplies for this" without actually being... Unique.

Not to say that it's impossible for technology to eventually develop to completely invalidate older iteration entirely, but typically advancement towards a result of that type comes with gradual steps such as only being able to improve one aspect at some point or another, and even then sometimes something cannot be "one-upped", only matched or nearly matched.

I will respond explicitly to @Zack here for this section: if an artificial intelligence is able to design something incredibly effectively which is successful, then the technology would stagnate further-the intelligence is going for the simplest optimal solution which statistically is superior; requesting the same technology from a different AI would create a similar result, not a superior one. If you want a 'stronger' computer, using the current ones to create it, we'd likely end up in the realm of AIs powerful enough that people would be effectively useless. Why deal with squishy and expensive crew members when you can chuck a couple of AI cores into the ship instead, powerful enough to operate the entirety of the unit even when one is offline?

I may have glossed over a few articles of importance that may either validate or invalidate my discussion, but I am voicing my opinion, nonetheless...
I'm a newcomer to the site-barely over three months now. I do think that a comparison-based tehhnology advancement will result in simply a mess. If technology increases to counter other technology, which in turn gets itself countered by new technology, and so on and so on... The development stagnates. Making a new ship or gun would more or less turn in to "oh it's got bigger numbers across the board, better change everyone's supplies for this" without actually being... Unique.

Not to say that it's impossible for technology to eventually develop to completely invalidate older iteration entirely, but typically advancement towards a result of that type comes with gradual steps such as only being able to improve one aspect at some point or another, and even then sometimes something cannot be "one-upped", only matched or nearly matched.

I will respond explicitly to @Zack here for this section: if an artificial intelligence is able to design something incredibly effectively which is successful, then the technology would stagnate further-the intelligence is going for the simplest optimal solution which statistically is superior; requesting the same technology from a different AI would create a similar result, not a superior one. If you want a 'stronger' computer, using the current ones to create it, we'd likely end up in the realm of AIs powerful enough that people would be effectively useless. Why deal with squishy and expensive crew members when you can chuck a couple of AI cores into the ship instead, powerful enough to operate the entirety of the unit even when one is offline?

I may have glossed over a few articles of importance that may either validate or invalidate my discussion, but I am voicing my opinion, nonetheless...
No, honestly your points are the proper way of thinking. Some groups with their advances (such as the fact USO has an AI capable of controlling entire fleets, but not to try and drag that in as a topic of bashing) are making various forms of RP and opposition harder. When I had heard that USO had a super AI managing its fleets, the first thing that alarms me is that it would likely be putting them against others. Unlike an NPC faction, which isn't as easy to write off or use for plot devices, such a mind would think faster and operate ships with "definitive" resolutions. If you made it lose, you'd likely tread on FM rights, due to it being unrealistic (based on almost every modern instance of such a test) that a machine loses against a person in a battle of wit/strategy. Especially something like an AI, that can adapt and learn unlike a machine with hard-coded responses.

Honestly, this is the biggest reason technology doesn't need to take solid steps forward. It needs to crawl forward, if it moves at all. Your remark about gradual steps is, in relation to my terrible metaphor, a lot better and accurate. The current posing of various people, with or without RP, is suggesting that people want to leap ahead of other nations SPECIFICALLY to one-up the old models. And this is the problem and why this thread had to be made. It's not to shoot holes in these people, it's to hopefully raise the proper level of understanding that the site as a whole needs to take more interest in these submissions.

One could argue that this is good for RP... but what might be good for one plot doesn't mean it is good for the setting and other plots. And it has continued becoming a bigger warning sign the more I see these submissions that completely change the standards, sometimes even in the submitter's words, for something.
I never said I was planning on using the stratops. Also, holy wall of text batman!
Read the whole thing, I said it wasn't to throw flak on it you bozo reeeeeeeeeeeee

But yeah. Wall of text. Because this is p srs and an important topic that deserves lengthy explanations. If it's too long for some people, they probably shouldn't be handling the quality of articles.

=3=/ so no complaints!

There are groups that go the full AI route. Most notably the Freespacers, but every other faction seems to have at least some full-AI options available to them.

Yamatai is mostly self-replicating nekobots anyways.

But really I think the answer is that AI and People are basically the same thing in the setting. Everyone has access to very advanced tools for designing and making stuff, and those tools are very easy to use.

There are groups that go the full AI route. Most notably the Freespacers, but every other faction seems to have at least some full-AI options available to them.

Yamatai is mostly self-replicating nekobots anyways.

But really I think the answer is that AI and People are basically the same thing in the setting. Everyone has access to very advanced tools for designing and making stuff, and those tools are very easy to use.
Freespacers aren't a militarized faction. They have NPC faction sects that utilize pure AI commanders. They also don't tend to link the entire fleet to a super AI, but rather a body-constrained AI that has far more limitations.

And again, this is beside the point. The extreme example, which Alex even said wasn't intended, was the issue. It's not a problem if it isn't completely forcing other nations to replace their commanders with highly advanced AI by coordinating a nation's fleet.

Edit: Again, please do not derail it with talk specifically about USO. The faction at a whole isn't the sole reason for this and I do not want that to become the impression.
I mean, the spacers totally linked everything to stratops during 188604's last trip to freehold factory...

Yamatai has pantheon.

Nepland had Drei.

So what is this thread trying to accomplish. I don't really see a particular ask, and I don't see any examples of these problems making it through the NTSE.

I think tech problems on SARP right now are mostly small thin
I don't think this thread is necessarily "asking" for something like a new treaty or what-have-you, but instead it is calling to attention what may become a problem in the future.
I mean, the spacers totally linked everything to stratops during 188604's last trip to freehold factory...

Yamatai has pantheon.

Nepland had Drei.

So what is this thread trying to accomplish. I don't really see a particular ask, and I don't see any examples of these problems making it through the NTSE.

I think tech problems on SARP right now are mostly small thin
There are many examples of this in USO. If you refuse to back down and insist this isn't the case, you are going to end up forcing my hand.

Firstly: The fact that USO has already made a machine that has been bragged as able to best countless other machines. Much of the chat, during the U-1's development, highlighted how it was meant to surpass various other things.

Secondly: There has been a continued design philosophy that USO has continued to advance its fleet and designed ships that are statistically capable of besting Yamatai and Nepleslian ships. Again, emphasized by your claims.

It's not calling for anything, but it's the polite way of indicating the things wrong with the mentality that gets these things passed. They're not being defended in threads, but in chat, with this logic. And again it should be noted that one part in particular is to be reiterated.

"I'm making it because nothing says I can't."

Arieg is doing this with COLPACT, you're doing it with USO, and I'm sure we'll keep seeing it unless we oppose these absurd leaps of technology implemented onto things here and now. Or, at the very least, reduce this to something that isn't obnoxiously outclassing setting elements.

Tech to me is a setting thing. Malleable and disposable like anything else in literature
The reason this isn't accurate to defend it is because we SHOULD worry about the setting and not just treat it like it's a bin of trash. If people want to RP in the setting but not care about it by introducing ridiculously stronger or deliberately better technology, keep your plots in Open RP so they can be classed as non-canon. But once you start affecting canon by forcing tech advances, it's no longer about just your RP or just tools, because these same tools are now hindrances to GM and Player freedom alike who might not want to lose to it and shouldn't HAVE to.

This isn't a thread about acting out and taking stuff down. Despite the examples of even USO listed, these are already approved. But we need to stop allowing this mentality to exist and bring these submissions from always "changing the rules". It's toxic for the setting and makes it more difficult for casual additions to be made when these massive number-backed, system-backed things keep appearing.

For someone that insisted the DRv3 system was bad, it's ironic that Zack and USO are now making things that are constantly pushing to the maximum amounts of slots, the maximum amount of qualifications... so please stop acting like this issue isn't here. It's sickening to continue seeing the same people act like it isn't a problem, but not realize the rate of submissions others have made have dropped in the light of things becoming less about the style and more on the numbers they force on us to take into account.

And sorry, but it really is forcing it on the players when you make a ship deliberately faster or deliberately more capable than a faction many call "OP" and "won't lose". It's a clear sign you're trying to make them lose if they don't upgrade their own technology. Unless this is Zack admitting he's willing to let his faction suffer from technical issues that leave them incapable of fighting! But that sounds nothing like Zack.