Having taken an evening to sleep on some of the feedback we're receiving, I want to point something out that people seem to be missing; just because we have some concept art, now, doesn't mean that it's the concept art we're going to go with. This is an ongoing project and a living activity, and so what you see in Edto's shares should be treated with some salt. They are not the final product and I was leery of having them posted up in this thread before we had, ourselves, quite figured out what they were to look like.
We're obviously aware that right now they look very close to the UOC uniforms. A previous iteration (the one prior to this) nearly looked exactly like a Vekimen; this time, we went closer to the UOC sliding scale, so to speak. We're still working on it, and still conceiving, and still blending and trying new ideas (the mantle used to be a shoulder cape, but that didn't look good, so now it's a mantle, etc.) In all actuality as the uniform is the mantle itself, we're just working on the Morioka Clan/Blackspear House bodysuits, and as has been mentioned earlier, many of them (I've always imagined there were around 100 or so) were prior UOC members wearing the uniform, much as groups wear the uniform elsewhere.
The uniform also saw storied and canonical use in the Task Force Lantern plot, where it was notated that under Taisho Morioka, the Leo Star Fortress members who had retained their UOC uniforms could wear them by choice and many did so by preference.
I personally know and am
very well familiar with one of the creators of the UOC and I have been picking her brain for plot points, ideas, and unthreaded plot hooks that got lost wayback then. Some of them were meant to show up in the Task Force Lantern plot, but circumstances had myself and my other co-GMs dealing with life issues before we could get around to them, so actual UOC history isn't a problem, thank you.
It was and still is my understanding that the UOC was divvied up several ways. In 2012 when the article you linked was written, some of them also went to Nepleslia, to Yamatai, to the Lorath. It was notated like that, at that time, I think, because even back then people wanted to DO SOMETHING with the remnants of the UOC, and weren't quite sure what. Some of them were left on Asura (it's one of the planets that didn't get touched by the Mishhu, and there was some argumentation over it in Task Force Lantern). Others could have gone who knows where. The area of space I am pulling the UOC soldiers from is well storied. Particularly, it is well storied by Kim and I.
TLDR: we don't want your Jiyuuians, and the UOC uniform is defunct internationally. Nepleslia is not the sole steward of the United Outer Colonies. Take a deep breath. Exhale.
@Wes, what do you think?
Late Edit: As a good example of how much of a project this is, this sketch got proposed this morning:
So you can see we're still working on exact patterns and the like.