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Gernian -- The Noob


Inactive Member
Hello, everyone! I am Gernian: A new noob here on anything SA related. Being a RPer and wanting to both have a challenge and increase my writing skills, I set forth on an adventure; a friend of mine caught wind of this, picked me up, and Orbital-dropped me into SA to take me under his wing. I'm here now, and I'm quite intimidated by the detail and complexity of most of the content I see. I shall proceed with the utmost perseverence, vigilance, and caution.

For my first character, I hope to get approved to be an Elysian and not to completely fuck it up if I do. I will do almost any type of RP that is required of me, save for maybe mystery. While I have respect for the genre, I have to say that I am not the most fond of it. I do have previous experience mainly as a NationStates participant, but I would only refer to myself as experienced; not exactly "good" or "high-tier" though, being able to call myself such is something of a goal of mine. One day...

As far as my preferences go, I would rather stick RPs that are planned and organized, the medium of which I have none. I like to stick with having my characters be military; their species or allignment are something for which I could care less. Do take note that -- if you're ever RPing with me -- there are two things to remember: 1. I will start a session if asked to do so, but my skills in starting lack dreadfully and regretably. 2. It's is almost damn near impossible to offend me regarding content of any RP.

Go easy on the scrub, will ya? I'm just getting eased into things around here,

Don't listen to a word he says. He's a damn good RPer, he's just selling himself short.
Good to finally have you on here, pal.
Welcome Gernian!

Don't worry. The Star Army Roleplay is actually very accomodating to newcomers in comparison to 'elite top-tier roleplays' I've seen out on the internet. As long as you remain interested and ask questions, you'll have someone willing to ping-pong back with you. The character submission process is also pretty forgiving - you'll get supported with feedback to help guide you once the application is submitted, and at worse if it's denied, you can always resubmit another one.

Everyone was a newcomer when they started here. Just take it easy. :)
Welcome to SARP, Gernian.
I had to edit this damn thing twice. If you're looking for military-oriented I have a in the works plot that's relatively fresh and not as well-established as everyone else's.


Have a gander! But, I'm sure you'll be joining the more popular ones. ouo
Being a Co-GM is hard. quq

Stay with us forever. Never leave.
Noods told me you'd be coming. Just ask Noods.

You can find my plots in my signature.
Hey Gernian, Welcome to Star army RP.

I'm gonna have to post the obligatory sky guard recruitment thing. The sky guard is where you would go for mecha/variable fighter fun times. Its set out on planet 188604, a frontier world far to the west. There you'd be working to protect the frontier from any that might threaten it. Its kind of like colonial America in space. With mecha.

Ame is a great GM to start off with though, and probably more suited to your tastes than I am, however if you would at least give my stuff a looksie that would be fantastic too.
Welcome to Star Army, Gernian.

How are you finding things so far? First impressions? Questions or concerns?
Well, I'd say I've seen enough of the community to say that they are all pretty friendly, helpful, and patient. I think some systems that run certain parts of the community seem a little bureaucratic at times. The content of the site seems pretty stable in story, and intelligently thought out for the most part. I love the vastness of the SA universe, yet there is a small handful of things that are just ridiculous; the weapon that either summons a black hole or rips the fabric of space is an example of this. The site itself is designed well and runs smoothly. I've only hit one bump in my entire stay here when submitting a character; it was only minor and forgettable once I get going with things.

Now, I have no desire to incite anything, so to anyone who may respond: I am not looking for a history lesson at the moment, and have no desire to read walls of text explaining which side is right; I am only looking for an answer two questions that will probably be located near the end of this paragraph. I was lightly informed of site politics while below 100% sober, and what I personally took from it was this: There is a division between people who like their RPs to be more like writing, and people who like to have a lot of their mathematics in their RP. Is this the major conflict of things? If so, I have something that might work; would you like to hear it? If that's now the general sway of things because it involves drama rating on the scale as quasar in intensity, then just say so and that will be the end of that.
There is a division between people who like their RPs to be more like writing, and people who like to have a lot of their mathematics in their RP. Is this the major conflict of things?
I actually don't think that's the division of the site, the division seems to be more of personality types, and certain factions tend to attract certain types of people so we've seen things along those lines. All in all, several of the people who were too negative/aggressive were recently removed and we've seen a much nicer community in general as a result. The arguments over numbers are simply people's opinions and are as old as time and, in my opinion, inevitable.

I think some systems that run certain parts of the community seem a little bureaucratic at times
I've love some elaboration on this part. Maybe there's something I can help fix up.
I'll just say that there are more process that seem to be extended in ways I've never thought. For instance: learning that, in order to create a custom item, you need to also create the company that makes it. Say, something as small as a knife or tactical combat robe.