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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Roku: Genjitsu Tōhi pt. I

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YSS Kaiyō
5日 4月 YE 39
09:01:30 Hours

With a fwssh, the doors leading to the starship's bridge parted in order to reveal Hayashi Akiko, garbed in the blue, gray, and white colors of a fully-equipped Type 28 Environmental Suit complete with a holstered pistol. As usual, her expression - visible behind the aforementioned suit's transparent faceplate - was neutral. "Teien-Shosa, I have reason to believe that the YSS Kaiyō is approaching an ambush, and that the 'escape pod' detected earlier is either a decoy or an explosive device of some fashion, given that it does not match the shape or size of any escape pods currently in use by the Star Army of Yamatai. Boss-san, what is the status of our communications with the rest of the squadron? Have they been impeded in any fashion?"

Unusual, however, would have been an apt descriptor for the Juni's tone - as it wasn't neutral, not by a long shot. It was even more tightly-bound then normal, almost on the verge of bitterness - though the target of said bitterness wasn't present on the Bridge, thankfully.

The alert klaxon was sounding, summoning the crew to battle stations. Amanozako was already grumbling, frustrated with the changes to her accommodations since her return to the ship, mainly frustrated that she now seemed to share her cabin with half the crew.

All that aside though, she had bolted out of the cabin with anyone else in there and made for the power armor bay, to suit up and probably fight off more of the evil aliens that seemed bent on invading their corner of the galaxy. There was little info what was going on, but Amanozako figured a good application of firepower was soon to be needed, so she brought the impaler rifle.

She jogged into the PA bay and started dressing down so she could climb into her Reaper.

Boss spoke up to Akiko, "I can not detect any impediment in the rest of the squadron's movements. They are currently coming to us, but not at the same speeds in which we flew in at. The communications officer can likely give more detail. Hasagawa-hei, if you wouldn't mind, please query the rest of the squadron on their status."

The captain sent a message to Boss about the setup of the away teams as she got information on who was there in the power armor bay and who was not.

Eden then sent a telepathic message to Saki, "Get in a protective suit, asap. I love you too much to see anything happen to you." She closed her golden eyes and breathed in, then out, before looking over the volumetric displays of the escape pod. Eden's neck snapped to look at the red-headed sensors operator after Akiko had made her pronouncement.


"Computing right now..." Deio Asuka said, "It looks like it fits the criteria, four meters by four meters by three point five meters. Or... Wait. She's right. It's actually negligibly smaller than it should be. I don't know why. It's almost like the Yamataium crumpled in on itself. It should be more triangular than it currently is. It's too circular as it is now. It's looks like it..." Asuka trailed off again, looking to Eden to finish her thoughts. Eden did not, instead she studied the volumetric display of the pod with a look of malice glinting in her eyes.

Eden said, "Thank you, Deio-hei, Hayashi-juni. If the Santô Juni wouldn't mind assisting at the sensors station, that would be beneficial. It seems there are currently inaccuracies happening at it that may be rectified with her presence."

Asuka's freckled cheeks blushed and she nodded solemnly, shifting position for Akiko to either look over her shoulder or sit on the seat with her.

Power Armor Bay

Jôtô Hei Reina Madoka, Muyomi Peio, and Leeta Aoi trotted into the bay together and made hasty work suiting up, remembering all too well the way Mitsuko treated their antics when they were playing around. It seemed the promotions had done them some good.

Once suited, Madoka said, "Who's in charge?"

"Muyomi, you know?" Leeta asked, turning to the third girl.

Muyomi Peio shook her Mindy-clad head, "N-no..."

Boss said to those in the power armor bay, "Based on who is present, Nashira-hei is to be placed in command of all those currently in the bay, dubbed "G-squad". Either Ketsurui-kohosei or Murakami-juni will be in charge of those yet to arrive on standby in the bay, name to be decided by the commanding officer. Starboard side of the ship's force-field-contained opening in the hull is open to space. It is currently time to depart. Best of luck, G-squad!"
YSS Kaiyo - Power Armor Bay

That was a pleasant surprise. Granted, not as much of one as it should have been. She still remembered her Red Tessen, and how she earned it by...essentially taking full command of the Infantry.

Probably wasn't a bad idea from Boss. She would hopefully make sure Boss didn't regret this decision.

"Alright then. Listen up, guess I'm your on-field commander today. I hope someone has a leader support pack because I don't." Meissa half-mumbled over comms as she looked through the mission data.

She then began talking more clearly. "Currently Bridge is still trying to figure out what the pod actually is. When we were alerted in Condition Two, the pod was sending a distress signal. Eden sent out the order for Condition One when the pod mysteriously stopped broadcasting."

"Current scanners say that the Yamatium crumpled in," Meissa continued. "Which shouldn't...theoretically be possible, if you all know basic material studies. Yamatium has a self-repair ability, tied directly into how its made. A crumple inwards should be repaired, if the pod has been just floating in space." Meissa knew them, since she had to know how to spot weak points in structures. She thanked her demolitions training.

"Idunno about you all, but I smell something really off about that pod. Approach with caution, stay two hundred meters off or more, and use drones to investigate. Heavy guns and Aether Saber crew, as well as Orion, you all are spotting. Orion, you stay right next to the PA bay door. You've got the wide angle. Techies, you are to examine the pod close up, and relay sensor data directly to Kaiyo. If anything weird shows up, point, move back to Kaiyo, and shoot it if it shoots you. Let the Kaiyo itself be your big artillery battery and cover."

Those orders were good enough, Meissa felt. "G-Squad, deploy."
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YSS Kaiyo - Power Armor Bay

William looked over to Meissa and listened closely to her instructions. He then turned and noticed looked to see Amanozako enter the PA bay. He nodded to her then turned back to listen to the squad leader.

At the end of her briefing he nodded. "Roger..." he replied then moved to the PA doors and checked on his mobility pack. Fuel levels were good and his everything checked out.

He stepped out into space and flared his thrusters. "William, deploying..." he said over his comms, firing off into space.
Power Armor Bay

Raw and unchanneled fury, is never a good emotion to have before a potential combat situation. It can lead to friendly fire incidents, over-aggression, and insubordination. However, channeled fury can be productive and emotionally satisfying, provided it is directed into the proper activities. Hanna clenched her Aether-Beam Saber Rifle tightly to her chest as she listened to Nashira-Hei's orders. The fact that she had to follow Nashira-Hei into battle only served to intensify her anger, as she remembered the last mission, where Nashira-Hei almost caused a friendly fire incident. Hanna wanted to follow an experienced Neko war veteran. Perhaps Amanozako or Leeta-Hei. Not some punk Elysian military brat with an uncouth obsession with explosives. She wanted to storm out of the power armor bay right there, but her own motivations compelled her to submit. Now was the time to demonstrate her fighting skills: her marksmanship, her athleticism, and her piloting abilities. She could redeem her reputation through the shedding of enemy blood in honorable combat.

In her angered and passionate state, Hanna was desperate to meet an enemy in combat. If this turned out to be a false flag, she would be forced to train until she passed out. She would have to wait for the chance to redeem herself.

With her motivations established, Hanna relaxed the tension throughout her body and redirected the energy towards her senses. For Hanna, it was not about G-Squad or the Kaiyo: it was solely about her. And in order to focus within herself and to perfect her fighting skills, she had to at least pretend to be a team player.

With her emotions channeled and controlled, Hanna moved in behind William as she hustled to the airlock. The warning lights flashed yellow, and suddenly she was in the silent blackness of space.
Orion didn't really mind Meissa as their field commander. Sure, they did argue a couple of times, but nothing he would really get mad about. He moved to behind Hanna, the grumpy neko, wondering why she was that mad. At least the new girl had apologized, why did she have to get angry?

Finally it was his turn to fly off

"Jones-Hei, deploying" he said as he 'jumped' into space.
Power Armor Bay

Anastasia listened to Meissa's commands, falling in like towards the front of the squad. Her Saber Rifle was drawn and rested across her chest. "I read you."

Anastasia followed the others out of the bay, leaping and jetting out into the quiet black void of space. "Barlow-Hei, deploying." Back again. She didn't need the phenomenon of zero gravity to feel flight anymore, but it still had a strangely satisfying feelings to it.

She was going to have to be the one to the investigate the shuttles exterior. Yamataium shouldn't be damaged like that. Only two options screamed in her head, trap, or disaster. In the least, she had squad members and friends covering her. She assumed position in the formation of flying power armor, en route to the scene of the signal.
Power Armor Bay

Kioko listened to the brief from Meissa as she still felt a little bad but the girl seemed pissed off, she will try and make amends some other time when there wasn't a mission happening. She held a Saber Rifle beside her as she headed forward with the others.

When it was Kioko's time to jump she smiled as she launched herself out into the void in front of her. "Gargandottir-Hei, Deploying" She smiled as she kinda liked the feel of Zero Gravity as she looked over at the team sh would be working with she grinned.

She didn't like the look of this pod, something screamed wrong and stay away, she kept her weapon facing the pod and checked over at the others with her. She saw that some of them seemed to have the same idea as her and were readying their weapons as well or just moving cautiously around the pod as the prepared for whatever they were walking into.
PA Bay Of Many Smelly Infantry

The gattling gun wielding neko blinked behind her faceplate as she heard the words. Meissa? In charge? That didn't seem right to Yoshida one bit. She had heard brief whispers on the rumor mill but to have it actually happen? By no means did she think Meissa was a bad soldier, but her unconventional methods, previous tendencies to be poorly dressed, and occasionally... bombastic personality, didn't seem like the right person to Yoshida to truly lead. Instead, she nodded silently and saluted, not voicing her objections, as was the Yamataian way in many cases.

The fact the new SAINT officer didn't really seem to acknowledge her didn't help yoshida's rather mediocre mood either, but seeing Amazako, her new roomate made her giggle somewhat. "Hey there- Come on let's make sure Ana's breach job goes smooth-like. Maybe nothing will go wrong at all and we'll be off back to our daily routine like nothing happened!"

With that, she did a power armor assisted backflip out of the bay, and into the void. She was becoming all too familiar with the sensation. "With how much we're fighting out here we might as well be pilots yeah?" To the others, she would be upside down as she moved into position to first examine the pod, then the surrounding area. Thoroughly. It was unlikely she'd pick up on anything the sensors aboard the ship didn't, but the fact they had missed the early warning needed to more properly combat the previous NMX incursion onto the ship made her just a little paranoid.
YSS Kaiyō
Mission Ops/Communications

Riku glanced briefly towards the bridge doors, then turned his attention back towards the console as he heard the familiar, if unusually tense, voice of Hayashi-juni. Reaching over, Riku pulled over the headset and slid it on, adjusting the microphone receiver until it rested a comfortable distance from his mouth. Looking up towards one of the smaller screens, he linked 'G-Squad' and their channel into the ship's communications net whilst simultaneously shifting their MINDY helmet cams onto another. As a barrage of data began streaming in, Riku decidedly shortened their statuses down to their rank and names. The Minkan then summarized the information into generalized roles, began monitoring their vitals, the integrity of their power armor, and their overall 'health'.

This, coupled with the fact he now had to account for a dozen crew of the Kaiyo, added to the work-load as he now had to juggle between keeping the line between themselves and the rest of the Sixth Squadron intact, monitor the surrounding space for recognized enemy transmissions in case this whole thing was a trap, and be able to relay orders to the Away Team made Riku glad he had a digital computer brain that could process a million things at once.

Jôtô Hei Nashira, Meissa - 'G-Squad' Team Leader // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Jôtô Hei Yoshida, Kokoro - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Jôtô Hei Madoka, Reina - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Jôtô Hei Muyomi, Peio - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Jôtô Hei Leeta, Aoi - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Ittô Hei
Shinomori, Matsuvo - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Ittô Hei Jones, Orion - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Ittô Hei Barlow, Anastasia - 'G-Squad' Member // // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Nitô Hei
Madsen, Hanna - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Nitô Hei Theisilis, Abart'huse - 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Mindy" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
Civilian Attache William // 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Reaper" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|
NMX Nekovalkyrja NH-29 Amanozako // 'G-Squad' Member // Vitals STABLE // "Reaper" Integrity STABLE // |////////////|

Radio, Laser, Subspace Communications - :: FUNCTIONAL ::
6th Squadron; Excalibur, Intrepid, Storm - :: WITHIN RANGE ::
Hyperspace Communications - :: FUNCTIONAL ::
Quantum Encryption - :: FUNCTIONAL; ACTIVE ::

Communications Net - :: CLEAR ::
"We're not sending Anastasia in first," Meissa corrected Yoshida over comms as with a light tap on the PA bay floor with her foot, she drifted out into space before firing up her thrusters. "We'll send someone's wing pack drones in, probably mine, unless someone else volunteers. Share drone sensors with Anastasia as well. If Kaiyo calls for a double-time we'll just throw all the drones we got into the pod. Then we'll have one of the Infantry, preferably one with heavy shields, go in. Then we send in Anastasia."

"Take no risks. This is most likely a trap, and I don't want to lose anyone to it, ideally." Meissa unwaveringly stated. It was a bit of a contradiction to her 'normal' self of 'take every risk ever and see if it pays out,' but Meissa wanted as few assets down as she could, especially at the very start of the mission. "If any of you enter within fifty meters of that thing yourselves without my order, whatever injury is on you."

Meanwhile, her CIES was maximizing its processing power, modeling a simulation of how big that pod could blow, if it was jam-packed full of the same plastic explosive she so loved to use. She also sent a request to Riku, for him to add the main weapon each member of the G-Squad was using. It would be a little easier.

Like playing chess, she told herself.

YSS Kaiyo -- Bridge

"Whew. She's a serious one, isn't she?" the fox-like Neko muttered. A complete change from the Elysian whose first words around her, Kyoi Kiseki, were 'who'd the cat drag in.'

Maybe she'd be decent. Maybe. Who knows.
Captain Suite

Having been doing a mix of sleeping and resting since being place on medical leave only a few days prior by request, Misaki didn't want to be awake. She wanted to be awake. Drowsily opening her eyes and checking what was going on with herself being woken by herself, her eyes widened. Shots of worry shot across her body as she rocketed herself out of bed, barely finding the matching top to her current set of pajamas. Her ears were flattened down across her hair as she kind of walked yet ran through the doors to the bridge.


Misaki instantly locked eyes with Eden and unknowingly she let out a small whine, and audible whine, a whine of worry. Her mind was telling her that suddenly they were at condition one, and she herself was at condition zero. Flushed and sort of hugging herself Misaki's eyes welled up as she spoke actual words instead of whining like a small girl,

"E-Eden... can we borrow you for a minute?"

She seemed to grow even more worried, she even seemed to be shivering slightly. She cut of another whine with two words that she heard echo around her,

"It's time."

She's already retracted her orders...A Neko would not be so flaky and...uncouth.

In spite of her bitter mood, Hanna was focused and composed. She did not appreciate Nashira-Hei's retraction, however, the new orders offered an attractive opportunity for Hanna...

"Nashira-Hei, I have flashbang and smoke grenades. I would like to volunteer to take point on the objective. If the circumstances call for it, I will enter the escape pod first."
"HANNA!? What's wro-!?......oh....."

The tall panicked skaneman barged into the PA bay, alerted by Hanna's shriek of surprise, which did echo through half of the ship. However, he found it mostly empty, as G-squad had already taken off.

"Dern, they've gone on ahead....."

The reason for his tardiness was simple, he had been doing a few workouts as well earlier and was enjoying a nice post-exercise shower.....untill about a minute ago, that is. This limited attire, consisting of the deceptively simple separa undergarb, would make it easier to don his Mindy though, so that was a plus.

He immediately took off to his own unit, sliding backwards into it to insert the lenghty tail. With his squadmates's arsenals in mind, his suit had undergone some serious loadout changes, making him a vit more versatile in his position.

The most notable change was one of his two gauss cannons being swapped for a shoulder-mounted missile pod, and a general equipment pack taking the place of the former gauss backpack extention.

Also for his primary weapon he was now carrying the LASR + SLAG, not bothered too much by the recoil and feeling that a non-aetheric weapon would prove more versatile in most cases.

Lastly his right forearm pulse weapon had been replaced with the solid ellipsoid shield for additional protection. He eas a much larger and more noticable target compared to the rest, so a bit more defense was always welcome. The sield was currently outfitted to hold spare munitions for his primary weapon, as both waist poi ts were taken up by two fragmentetion and two scalar grenades.

Fully suited up, he stood by in the bay, awaiting orders from the bridge. "Theisilis-hei, suited up and ready for duty."
"If you enter, throw a flashbang in first." Meissa instructed. The flashbang would disorient whatever was at the immediate entrance. It would probably also trip a sensor or two if there was a trap.

A little peeved that Nashira-hei would double back on her own orders at the first opportunity, Eden called out over comms.

"What are you thinking? You can potentially injure or kill the inhabitants of the pod with a flashbang! This is a search and rescue mission, not a smash and grab one. I will let you know when that changes. If it does. No, stick to your previous task of sending in drones then a shielded infantry, and then a technician. We need all of the information we can get from this." Seeing Saki enter the bridge, Eden said, "That is all."

When Saki made her pronouncement, though, Eden's eyes widened and she looked at her with excited, though pleading eyes. "Right now?"


Leeta Aoi thrusted forward as far as she was willing to go as per Meissa's orders and sent out her drones, as per both the captain's and the Jôtô Hei's instructions. She wanted to know as much about the pod as she possibly could and knew from the schematics of the Type 29 Escape Pod that she was able to call up in her digital mind that there were windows on the pod. As her drones got closer to both the rounded top of the pod where one window was and next to the hatch where another was located, she realized and saw that they had been shuttered. She looked to Nashira-hei, then back to the drone and distant escape pod.

"How are the drones supposed to get in to see?"
Never mind then.

"Kaiyo's orders." Meissa stated to Hanna. She then began to address Leeta.

"See if you can open the hatch by wedging a drone in just right." Meissa instructed. "Their thrusters should be strong enough to wedge it open. If it can't..."

Meissa paused for a second. What to do if they couldn't? "If there's a trap it'll either be a motion trigger on the door or a trip on the door itself. Most likely the latter. Maybe on a timer to guarantee a kill. So yes. The heavily shielded infantry should charge teleport, and open the latch. The moment the door begins to open teleport one hundred towards Kaiyo."

Whew. This was a challenge. Meissa also felt some of the crew eyeing her up. Like wolves looking for a weakness.

It wasn't helping. But, she was used to it.

"Got it!" Leeta Aoi said to Meissa. She swung her drones into position and they tried their best to pry open the hatch. Nothing happened, though, and the hatch didn't budge.

"What now?" Muyomi asked, knowing what was to come. "We go in?"

"It looks like it," Leeta said, having her drones standby at the hatch. "Wouldn't opening the door kill anyone inside?"

Eden's voice picked up over comms. "Begin towing the escape pod in after conducting scans on the pod."
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