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Approved Submission [Asteria] Imperial Guard

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Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Faction Military
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:imperial_guard

FM Approved Yet: Yes
Faction requires art: No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes
Contains New art: No
Previously Submitted: No

Notes: This is meant to be the page for Asteria's self-defense force. Right now, I'm wondering if I left anything out, so let me know if there should be anything added. Also, the equipment page isn't being submitted right now since I need to go over it more.
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Why does an autonomous region of a greater Empire have its own Imperial Guard? And where did they get any of the severely overpowered Eagle-class Battle Carriers, which Doc did not allow them to have?

Does not make sense.
Just a mention that "Imperial Guard" is already a name used in the Yamatai Star Empire, as one of the branchs in the Department of Justice. It's under that umbrela that the Ketsurui Samurai operate. Aside from exceptions (such as Kotori's Black Knights, a personnal guard unit of a member of the royal family), the Ketsurui Samurai have formed the bulk of the Imperial Guard.

My principal goal in posting is pointing out the name overlap. If we were speaking of separate Empires, I kind of could relate. But like Raz, I'm kind of mystified.
I told Gallant that Asteria could have its own military so that it could have the feel of separate faction.

I agree about the extra ships though. I think the only ships it should have are the ones that Yamatai provided, at least at first.
I think Fate's profile should be linked somewhere as should "Fate's Rebellion" should be linked on the forums.

I, too, would like to see those Lor assets done away with. Talked with @DocTomoe about it and he said that wouldn't be possible.

Also, it looks like Fate is being used like a PC and it even says on her wiki that she is CN's character, not his NPC except at the bottom of the page, where it says she should only be used as an NPC. Seeing as how she was used as a PC before Cadet was an FM that's kind of confusing.
The current number of ships here are basically the "Ideal" headcount when it came to survivors from Fate's Rebellion, and given how DocTomoe was powergaming like a madman, I'm going to ignore that rule-breaking unless Wes says otherwise. The survivors are up to him, but we do know that out of that hundred, at least Fate's flagship made it.
Personally, I'm confused on the issue. I've been told by Wes personally that we should only worry about people's opinions when they are rping on the site, not people who left the site after being a nuisance to staff. So, why are we worrying about what Doc thinks about the situation? Sure, if it will help soothe some ruffled feathers, we can make the numbers lower. But its disingenuous to say that we can have a feel of a separate faction, but only have Yamatai's leftovers.

I don't really care that much at the end of the day, I just want another option for a ship besides an Ayana because, no offense, but they look dated and kind of stupid. I think the Raptor would be a good alternative and I like its look better than the Ayana. It'd be a waste to not allow any of the Lorath pages to be used period just because their FM left. Might as well take them off the site at that point.
NPCs, regardless of being an FM or GM's, basically set the stage for what the players go through. When they're active, they may look like they're being PCs, but they're not. Their sole purpose in RP is to get things ready for players and be supporting cast. That's how I used Fate, and that's how she'll continue to be used; to get things ready for my players and to support them.
Personally, I'm confused on the issue. I've been told by Wes personally that we should only worry about people's opinions when they are rping on the site, not people who left the site after being a nuisance to staff. So, why are we worrying about what Doc thinks about the situation? Sure, if it will help soothe some ruffled feathers, we can make the numbers lower. But its disingenuous to say that we can have a feel of a separate faction, but only have Yamatai's leftovers.

I don't really care that much at the end of the day, I just want another option for a ship besides an Ayana because, no offense, but they look dated and kind of stupid. I think the Raptor would be a good alternative and I like its look better than the Ayana. It'd be a waste to not allow any of the Lorath pages to be used period just because their FM left. Might as well take them off the site at that point.
So now that the Vekimen have no FM, are you saying we can just do whatever we want with the faction, despite the fact I'm sure Edto would have specific instructions on who could/couldn't mess with them?

If you want a new ship option, get a new ship made. That's what every other faction would/has done. There's a reason everyone has to turnover equipment from prior factions.
Please stay on topic Legix.

Regarding Asteria though, the inclusion of Lorath gear isn't meant for fleet count, but for something else entirely. What we're specifically aiming for in the military is to have the sense that they're cobbled together and grabbing everything they can similar to how Israel was with its equipment after its formation. I'm deliberately having us start out with a non-standardized inventory and fleet, with complex and convoluted logistical requirements which are pretty prohibitive in any offensive action.

This way, we get to RP the way the force grows.
It's perfectly on topic if Acewing saw fit to say that we can't listen to the FM of the Lorath. In particular, the thing I have concern with is that you're trying to arm out your Asterians with these ships and it could be grounds for "oh, well we reverse-engineered them". It sets precedent to let you have them that you should also be entitled to being able to make/keep them long-term.

You don't need those ships to RP the growth of a force. It's also not the same as Israel, because UNLIKE Israel, you already had been formed and were being supplied by Yamatai who already had a fleet assigned to help their new additions. There's no reason you need these ships, especially as a seasoned GM. You should be more than capable, both as a Faction Manager and a GM of a plot, to orchestrate the growth of the faction and group without the usage of those ships.

Edit: This is also a stretch, but aren't you also sitting on Vekimen equipment AND Origin (as you have access to significant funds and are the FM to make such a thing work)? It just seems a bit odd that with all the corporations and GM-experience that you can't find anyway but to cobble together some of the most powerful warships in the setting under your umbrella.
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No, you misunderstand; I'm specifically referring to the Vekimen. Keep those out.

Now, staying on topic, the tech in them isn't anything particularly special and can be acquired off the shelf pretty easily. What I'm specifically looking for though, is logistical complication, and a good setting element to give the feeling that our military is a hodgepodge of all sorts of odds-and-ends. I point out that Israel, after its founding, used a very motley mix of vehicles and equipment. Their tanks for an example, ranged from M4 Shermans to AMX-13's to Cromwells. I'm trying to capture the same feeling here, and the messy feeling of having to deal with so many different pieces of equipment from so many different sources.
No, you misunderstand; I'm specifically referring to the Vekimen. Keep those out.

Now, staying on topic, the tech in them isn't anything particularly special and can be acquired off the shelf pretty easily. What I'm specifically looking for though, is logistical complication, and a good setting element to give the feeling that our military is a hodgepodge of all sorts of odds-and-ends. I point out that Israel, after its founding, used a very motley mix of vehicles and equipment. Their tanks for an example, ranged from M4 Shermans to AMX-13's to Cromwells. I'm trying to capture the same feeling here, and the messy feeling of having to deal with so many different pieces of equipment from so many different sources.
If it's not special then you don't need it.

Just make your fleet actually comprised of older ships from the Gesh shipyards. Or UOC ships. Not top-of-the-line Lorath battleships.

Ships that are capable of being found and run by a fledgling group.
Sorry Wes, it got lost in all the other stuff. Now that I think of it though, you've just given me a few good ideas, so I've decided to revert this to its vanilla state. Is there anything else I should address?


@Fred - my line of thinking is that though both nations will have their own Imperial Guard, that they're "of Yamatai" or "of Asteria" should be enough. That, in addition to how different they are in application should make it difficult to mistake one for the other.
Remember you can always grow later, and it's good to start small because that makes the PCs face bigger challenges. Also if you want to have a very small number (single digits) of additional (not Eagle-class) ships that come from Fate's forces I'm willing to talk about that on a case-by-case basis later (post approval adjustments), for ship class inclusion purposes.

I don't see any other issues, so I'm ready to approve this once 3 days have elapsed from when the OP was posted.
@Fred - my line of thinking is that though both nations will have their own Imperial Guard, that they're "of Yamatai" or "of Asteria" should be enough. That, in addition to how different they are in application should make it difficult to mistake one for the other.
That doesn't really meet my threshold for suspension of disbelief. Unless it's an actual detachment from Yamatai's Imperial Guard to help Asteria, or unless Asteria gets its own Empress... I just don't see this having much sense.

But wait, I'm not here just to naysay and offer nothing constructive. Just change the first word - don't use "Imperial". I'm fairly sure you could get away with "Honor Guard" instead and it still sounds cool.
The thing is, throughout history, there have been multiple forces all holding the name of 'Imperial Guard', and they never minded each other considering the fact that each one was of their own nation. There was the Imperial Guard of Germany, the Imperial Guard of Japan, the Imperial Guard of Austria, the Imperial Guard of Russia, the Imperial Guard of Manchukuo - I could go on. Because of that, I don't see it as a problem at all considering the Imperial Guard of Yamatai is distinct and separate from the Imperial Guard of Asteria.
Have it your way. Wes doesn't seem against it, and I've already said my piece.

I don't feel strongly about this anyways. Was just getting involved out of QA concerns.
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