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Approved Submission [Zen Armaments] Terrene Assault Transport


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Ship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:zen:terrene_assault_transport

Faction: Zen Armaments
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: @Wes - Here's your civilian market ship to go along with the Jackdaw. It can be bought fairly cheap without any of its outside guns, leaving only with its hangar defense turrets. It's likely to see use in a plot, too, so it'll be unlike most other civilian ships =3=b
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
If it is using a Fold Drive in addition to a CDD, it should have its own mention in the FTL Section. The big gun on the nose, after looking up the article states that it is only Tier 11, unless I'm mistaken.
If it is using a Fold Drive in addition to a CDD, it should have its own mention in the FTL Section. The big gun on the nose, after looking up the article states that it is only Tier 11, unless I'm mistaken.
@Soresu - The gun hadn't been converted, so I winged it. T11 change HAS been made.

Removing the Fold Drive speeds now, as it uses only a CDD. Must have missed it when I made my original statistic lay-out
I was trawling the forums and I took a look at this, and it looks pretty dang good. My only question would be how large the hangar is, since there are no given dimensions
Edited its dimension into both the hangar section and under the dimensions for the ship. Must have forgot, though I had it marked up on my deck-plan.
@Wes does this require a civillian ship be submitted along side it?

Looks like as per this other thread ( https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum...ided-missile-frigate.59584/page-2#post-357690 ) this submission is supposed to be the civillian submission to pair with the Jackdaw, but it looks like its a military submission as is.
I knew someone from the "rage party" would come, so I came prepared to highlight something.


The Terrene can be completely bought without guns. Its weapons are, in reality, not accustomed to "war" and are meant to defend the ship. Its main gun isn't for ship-to-ship, but to clear pads or landing areas held by hostile enemies THAT A TRADER WOULD LIKELY FACE SUCH AS PIRATES.

The Terrene is not a warship, but an armored transport. Civilian merchants don't need to buy weaponized ones, nor could you classify this as a warship because of its lack of firepower. It is honestly no better armed than most of the civilian transports in the setting, if not all of them.
Another thing I can't express enough is that it was meant to operate alongside escorts. It's not a warship. It's a transport that IS FRIENDLY to civilians and militaries.

So please: stop trying to derive it with the Indigo, which houses literally thousands of missiles, while this has, effectively, little to no firepower compared to any ship of its comparative size.
I mean, sure, ok, but:

The Terrene Assault Transport is a dropship-style transport, with a long body and shell-like heavy armor plating. It is easily distinguished by its armored shell, massive side-door hangar, and a cannon-tipped nose. A ship born from Zen Armaments corporate ambitions and its middle-ground of Nepleslian functionality and Yamataian cosmetics, the Terrene was named after the legendary gunship it was meant to assist and work alongside within the Nepleslian military, the Corona Heavy Gunship.

This is about as military-transport as you can get. It certainly meets the first two criteria for being a military ship under the buildup guidelines:
  • The starship is owned and/or operated by a military or paramilitary organization
  • The starship is primarily designed for combat (After all, the ship is clearly designed to drop stuff off in a combat zone)

The point being I thought the civilian starship rule was in place to encourage people to flesh out the setting, rather than encourage them to make support ships for their military.
I mean, sure, ok, but:

This is about as military-transport as you can get. It certainly meets the first two criteria for being a military ship under the buildup guidelines:
  • The starship is owned and/or operated by a military or paramilitary organization
  • The starship is primarily designed for combat (After all, the ship is clearly designed to drop stuff off in a combat zone)

The point being I thought the civilian starship rule was in place to encourage people to flesh out the setting, rather than encourage them to make support ships for their military.
The ship is designed to protect its cargo. And honestly, it's about as designed for combat as every Geshrinari freighter. The only difference is it's better designed for landing in hot zones, rather than blowing other starships out of the sky like those EASILY could.

Not only that, but it's owned by Zen Armaments: a civilian company. It is SOLD to Nepleslia and could effectively be sold to any military that might like it.

Stop trying to fish, please.

Edit: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?...rds:medium_freighter#ge-l4-p33xx_-_propulsion

This is the L4. It is a VTOL craft that can have more guns than a Terrene. It is effectively capable of the exact same role that the Terrene accomplishes.
  • The starship is owned and/or operated by a military or paramilitary organization

    Zen Arms and Nepleslia? That's certainly a checkmark.

  • The starship is primarily designed for combat.

    I mean, it has Assault right there in the name... damn, Immortal beat me to it. I mean, just reading the text on the page its pretty clear that this isn't meant for your normal cargo-runs unless your cargo runs happen to be on Normandy Beach. Also certainly a checkmark.

Which brings up the question of is the civillian starship rule is intended to get us some consumer-grade starships or if its meant to produce more support ships for the military?

Edit: Listed under mission specialization: Air Superiority/Planetary Combat
  • The starship is owned and/or operated by a military or paramilitary organization

    Zen Arms and Nepleslia? That's certainly a checkmark.
  • The starship is primarily designed for combat.

    I mean, it has Assault right there in the name... damn, Immortal beat me to it. I mean, just reading the text on the page its pretty clear that this isn't meant for your normal cargo-runs unless your cargo runs happen to be on Normandy Beach. Also certainly a checkmark.
Which brings up the question of is the civillian starship rule is intended to get us some consumer-grade starships or if its meant to produce more support ships for the military?

Edit: Listed under mission specialization: Air Superiority/Planetary Combat

A transport - regardless of what it may be named - is not "primarily designed for combat," @Zack, as it wouldn't stand a chance against a similarly-sized warship.
  • The starship is owned and/or operated by a military or paramilitary organization

    Zen Arms and Nepleslia? That's certainly a checkmark.
  • The starship is primarily designed for combat.

    I mean, it has Assault right there in the name... damn, Immortal beat me to it. I mean, just reading the text on the page its pretty clear that this isn't meant for your normal cargo-runs unless your cargo runs happen to be on Normandy Beach. Also certainly a checkmark.

Which brings up the question of is the civillian starship rule is intended to get us some consumer-grade starships or if its meant to produce more support ships for the military?
Zen Arms is a paramilitary or military organization?


And again: are we SERIOUSLY trying to hold it up because it has Assault in its name? I'm sorry, but Nepleslian space has issues with pirates. Not only that, but most criminal elements would be on the ground. The fact it's designed to defend itself while landed FAR MORE than it could while flying is a testament to that.

If I'm going to be blunt, there's USO craft that wasn't held to this rule, but it was put into effect and I designed this. A transport/freighter has value to ANYONE. You'd be stupid to not know that. No merchant in Star Army wouldn't buy a ship that couldn't defend their cargo from criminals while landed. Because that's where the real danger is, given that ships can instantly appear in other systems and most are well-guarded in space.

If you want to highlight the people who CAN use it as the military? Then by default, nothing you've made would be a civilian ship. Essentially, everything with a civilian model wouldn't qualify because USO uses it and they're effectively a military/paramilitary group. The fact the rule wasn't enforced for your faction HASN'T escaped me, but I was told not to worry about it. So I made this, which is NOT a warship. Thinking it is and trying to make it so BECAUSE OF ITS NAME and because Nepleslia CAN use it? You're clearly trying to start crap.