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Approved Submission [Zen Armaments] Terrene Assault Transport


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Ship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:zen:terrene_assault_transport

Faction: Zen Armaments
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: @Wes - Here's your civilian market ship to go along with the Jackdaw. It can be bought fairly cheap without any of its outside guns, leaving only with its hangar defense turrets. It's likely to see use in a plot, too, so it'll be unlike most other civilian ships =3=b
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
If the current fluff isn't getting the intent across that it's meant to survive attackers like pirates and such, you may want to reconsider how it's all worded. This is looking more and more like a communication failure than anything. Look at what Immortal pointed out. Instead of saying "Assault ground armor" which is clearly offensive in nature, say "Repel ground attackers".
It has point-defense turrets that are T9. That is essentially a Heavy Tank cannon. And those are intended to be guns to protect the ship. Logically, it could assault/kill ground armor that threatens it (because it is at most danger to attacks from directly below, where it has a gap in its armor to allow proper landing).

Proper Landing. So that it can drop it's supply of powered armored infantry into the field? Again, merchants have no business dropping power armor into a warzone. In a defensive battle, power armor stays on the ship to defend against boarders.

(The article does state that there is an armory with accommodations for "power armor storage and gun mounts".)
The only people who are misreading it have personal bias to. None of you read the article until you decided that I had to be a bully target because Arieg was held to the rules.

I shouldn't have to reword it because you don't like it. Especially because you're trying to find fault with literally anything that's worded not quite the way YOU want. It's a civilian ship in Nepleslia.

Nepleslia has people who make home-made rocket launchers. Criminals that will steal and buy tanks, fighters, and jury-rig ships. The Terrene is perfectly fit for its original development area (Zen developed it in Nepleslian space).

Proper Landing. So that it can drop it's supply of powered armored infantry into the field? Again, merchants have no business dropping power armor into a warzone. In a defensive battle, power armor stays on the ship to defend against boarders.

(The article does state that there is an armory with accommodations for "power armor storage and gun mounts".)
A proper landing isn't to do with its ability to kill tanks. I get that you can't read. Let me highlight this for you.


It doesn't have to do with dropping powered armor infantry off. It has to do with its landing gear is there. It has to do with the fact that the ship NEEDS HOLES IN ITS ARMOR to land.

I mentioned it has a hole in the armor BECAUSE ALL SHIPS SHOULD BE READY TO DEFEND THEMSELVES.


The Terrene's guns defend it from fighters. That just so happens to make them useful against tanks and ground crews. It is meant to DEFEND the ship. That's what those turrets are. Go ahead and read up on them.

You're deliberately trying to nitpick me, and I'm done tolerating you, @xImmortalxBeauty. You have no idea what you're on about and you're deliberately trying to make it like this is some troop transport because you want it to be. It isn't. It is a supply ship. That's why it didn't mention COMBAT as its primary goal. It mentioned two supply/merchant activities first.

It's a merchant ship. I'm done arguing with people who can't read the article but want to try and nitpick it because their friend is livid he has to make more ships. That's what this is really about.

No one cared about this ship, despite the fact it had been up for a week, until Arieg was told to make a civilian ship. SUDDENLY YOU ALL APPEARED TRYING TO FUCK ME OVER. And I swear there because it's absurd that you're even able to take yourselves seriously.

You're part of SARP and you're ganging up and trying to mess with my ship, despite Ame's continued impressions, despite you didn't say a thing FOR A WEEK (despite the fact this ship had been discussed COUNTLESS TIMES IN DISCORD AND IN THE CHAT BEFORE IT WAS EVER POSTED), and despite the fact anyone with a brain could have pointed out the main issues rather than keep changing their damn mind on what the issue is whenever I address one of them you present.
Given that @CadetNewb, @Ira, @xImmortalxBeauty, and @Zack are (in my personal opinion) deliberately attempting to prevent this submission from being approved due to OOC reasons that have nothing to do with the submission itself, could someone with the appropriate authority please lock this thread until @Wes has a chance to read it?

For the record, this kind of despicable stonewalling - which, as I stated earlier, is to the best of my knowledge based purely on OOC reasons that have nothing to do with the submission itself - should in my opinion not be permitted within this community and should not go unpunished.
Look, I only stopped in here since I saw a bunch of activity in the feed and thought I could help Ame. Ultimately, she can continue her review and ignore the feedback in the thread if she doesn't believe any of it is worth noting. Only Ame has the power to 'stonewall' here, but all she needs to do is state her terms for Legix to meet and then approve the article after her concerns have been met.
Why does it sounds like Nepleslians started the Kuvexian War? Also, why is the Kuvexian War being talked about as if Nepleslians are involved in it at all? Maybe we should talk about how Nepleslia is interacting with Kuvexia right now.

Link Yamatai, Kikyo, Kuvexian War if you're still going to mention it the first time they're mentioned.

"(the only “normal” deck has a height of 3.5 meters)" What does this mean?

"depending on frequency of non-shielded atmospheric entries" (This is unnecessary)

hangar not hanger

Are there articles for the power sources?

What are Multi-fit Turrets? Why don't they have an article?
Why does it sounds like Nepleslians started the Kuvexian War? Also, why is the Kuvexian War being talked about as if Nepleslians are involved in it at all? Maybe we should talk about how Nepleslia is interacting with Kuvexia right now.

Link Yamatai, Kikyo, Kuvexian War if you're still going to mention it the first time they're mentioned.

"(the only “normal” deck has a height of 3.5 meters)" What does this mean?

"depending on frequency of non-shielded atmospheric entries" (This is unnecessary)

hangar not hanger

Are there articles for the power sources?

What are Multi-fit Turrets? Why don't they have an article?
The mention about the Kuvexian War was intended to demonstrate a motivation for Zen. In the History, Yamatai declaring war had been the initial spark, which Nepleslia's own involvement was meant to finally push them (as Zen sells to anyone, with Yamatai and Nepleslia being their biggest buyers in terms of organizations). I had also believed there was a declaration/state of hostility currently up based on what I had been hearing from the Inquiry. My apologies if this isn't the case. I will go back and better clear the significance of the Kuvexian war's risks and motivation to Zen. I'll ping you either in chat or drop a post following this one with the edit.

Yamatai, Kikyo, and the Kuvexian War are now linked earlier in their direct mentions

The "normal" deck mention has to do with the fact that the rooms of the lower/hangar deck aren't essentially "normal"/regulation height. Its rooms (engineering and the hangar) tend to be far taller, while its halls would fit the listed number. If there's a better way to word it, in your thoughts, lemme know. Or tell me to remove it if you think it's not necessary.

Removed the unnecessary bit.

The one "hangar, hanger" in the entire article is fixed.

There are not. This is due to prior Zen ships without power supply articles. Basic fusion and antimatter power, to my knowledge, was part of a previous ship in their collection. Not only that, but its power sources were not their own separate articles. If absolutely necessary, however, then I can try and craft them. I can't imagine them being much more than rewordings of the various other fusion and antimatter sources on the site, though.

Multi-fit turrets are baseline simple, so I figured they didn't need an article. It's literally just an empty gun-mount, which to my knowledge wasn't ever wiki'd out before. If these need a wiki article, there's no damage rating affixed to them (unless it's considered based on its largest possible Tier mountable, which is why I even LISTED T6) and it would be akin to a rather basic object article, so I feel there'd really be nothing but fluff information filling it out. But if you wish, then lemme know and I can churn it out.
This review is for: Terrene Assault Trasnport with URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:zen:terrene_assault_transport

The submitted article is/has…
[ʕ·.·ʔ] A very high level of overall quality
[ ʕ·.·ʔ] A general topic sentence under the title header
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Artwork (Required for new species; Strongly recommended for vehicles and hand weapons)
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[ʕ·.·ʔ] In the proper format/template
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[ʕ·.·ʔ] No red and/or broken links
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Reasonably neutral point of view
The submitted article is/does not…
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Obtusely redundant
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Lacking Detail
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Images hosted on sites other than stararmy.com (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc are not allowed)
The article has…
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[ʕ·.·ʔ] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[ʕ·.·ʔ] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[ʕ·.·ʔ] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.

I've reviewed the submission and determined that this is not counted as a warship and no civilian equivalent is required. In fact, it counts as a civilian ship since anyone can buy one and can be paired with a military ship submission.