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Approved Submission B7R-604

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Inactive Member
Submission Type: Planet / setting thing
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:b7r604

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Finally getting around to adding this in, since I want to make a few articles for the locals. The USO has come across this place twice and its been difficult each time. The article contains a bit of the history of the place as well as what is actually there.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
It seems Cadet isn't reviewing this article and is just making demands that a muzzle is put on a member.

This has been approved as canon already. There is no need to try to retcon something Wes approved of.
In your chart it needs to say 550 million based on the 250 mil Rixx and 300 mil colonists.

Link Nepleslians.

Speaking of, we'll need @Gunhand4171 to verify colonists are good to go.
It seems Cadet isn't reviewing this article and is just making demands that a muzzle is put on a member.

This has been approved as canon already. There is no need to try to retcon something Wes approved of.

@CadetNewb is merely making sure that all commenters on this submission are following proper procedure. To quote @FrostJaeger himself, "Why should that one person receive special treatment and not be required to follow the same rules everyone else does?"

Edited in light of new information and RP. Good job @FrostJaeger.
Last edited:
Immortal is correct - I don't care that Arb was speaking on Frost's behalf. But, what I do care about is why Arb feels those points are important enough to do so. I could start digging around, trying to find out both sides of this argument I'm not familiar with, or try letting both parties make their statements/reasons first so I have a baseline to work with. I prefer the latter. Regarding who's reviewing the article though, I don't know if you wish to review it @Ametheliana , but I'll do so if nobody else is interested.
But, what I do care about is why Arb feels those points are important enough to do so.

@Zack I've looked over Frost's edit suggestions and I think they're pretty minor and I suggest that you make those, I don't think they'll harm your submissions to make them.

@CadetNewb The quote by Wes in my post is why I spoke on Frost's behalf here.
  • Given what Wes said here, shouldn't this article have an "OOC Notes" section?
  • What happened on/to the planet during the First and Second Mishhuvurthyar Wars?
  • What was originally the purpose of the "barren research facilities"? Who constructed/funded/manned/etc. them?
  • When did the Rixxikor colonists arrive?
  • Could you include a link to the appropriate RP thread(s), please?
The most important/relevant points imo
Oh no, I totally get those ones. It's these ones here that I don't get;

Conveniently, @Zack I happen to not have @FrostJaeger blocked, so I will happily let you see the requested edits, in order:

4th Great Elysian Empire
As it violates Declaration 1, would you please make the following edit in the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire article's History section? The word that needs to be changed has been bolded.

"This small group would choose to settle in a system that was named Purgatory, and given the area designation 000-604 on their maps to signify their new starting point."

System 000604
As it violates Declaration 1, would you please make the following edit in the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire article's History section? The word that needs to be changed has been bolded.

"This small group would choose to settle in a system that was named Purgatory, and given the area designation 000-604 on their maps to signify their new starting point."

Ordained Triumph Warship
As it violates Declarations 2 and 3, would you please remove the following text from the Ordained Triumph Elysian Warship article's Ship Systems section? The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"Mostly new equipment is contained inside of the ship, as a focused effort on upgrading and replacing the old technology has removed a lot of the older gear present from the previous Elysian wars. The interior of the ship is mostly unlit equipment areas serviced by remote-operated machinery. The living areas of the ship can support a crew of up to 50, though the ship is usually crewed by a captain and up to two support officers to manage tasks while the captain is asleep."

B7R-604 History
The following text needs to be removed from the B7R-604 article's History section, as it violates Declaration 1. The text that needs to be removed has been slashed through.

"The star system B7R-604 was originally charted by Elysians long ago, though modern history for the planet doesn't start until YE 10 when colonists from Nepleslia came to found a settlement. The planet itself had the correct amount of gravity for a comfortable life, however it lacked in atmosphere and water. Over the next three decades the colonists would re-direct comets towards the planet to provide it with life-sustaining water as well as attempt to establish various biospheres which could support life."

I'm not following why the language needs to be so very specific.
Pro tip:

If you quote someone who has been blocked in your post, the people who have them blocked won't be able to see the blocked person's quote in your post.

IE: I don't see the frost quote in Ame's post unless I show blocked content.


I do need to include OOC notes, and the planet wasn't involved in the mishhu wars so no need to include more about that.

Who built the research facilities? That was in the article. The colonists did.

Similarly, the rixx arrived recently (YE_39)
The reason for the specific language is that Frost doesn't want the events in the articles to be associated with mainstream Elysia.
Well, it looks like a bunch of small, tiny changes that are ultimately irrelevant. If I didn't know better, it looks like nitpicking, but you seem to think it's important, so I want to know why.

EDIT: Ninja'd
'mainstream elysia'

I think my NPC faction has seen more in RP use than Frost's NPC faction.
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