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Approved Submission [The Union] Vekimen Defense Task Force

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Inactive Member
Submission Type: Organization
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:vekimen_defensive_task_force:military

Faction: The Union
FM Approved Yet? (Yes; Ira, Several days ago when first discussing it, he gave us full creative freedom over adding the Vekimen to the Union and has been ok with what we have done so far.)
Faction requires art? (No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (No)
Contains New art? (No)
Previously Submitted? (No)

The Vekimen Defense Task Force has already officially become a vassal of sorts to the Union, which Ira greatly approves of. Just wanted to say that to make it clear, that they are under the Union and not becoming their own playable faction.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The thing with the VDTF, is that the Military IS the Government. There is no separation with it. The VDTF Military's history is the same as the VDTF Faction's. This page is simply to show the information on HOW the VDTF as a Military functions.

Though, granted that, @raz your other comments were useful. I should drop all the headers down a category and the other things I could do that you suggested.
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I have been asked to pick up this article to get it through submission. What needs to be fixed to get it through?
The link you posted specifically has a post with them saying they can't return it because there's a tree in it. <.< I'm not sure how that constitutes them getting rid of it <.<

Edit: Also I don't think the article you're even talking about is the subject of this review so those questions shouldn't really be in here but rather in a different thread in the first place.
The link you posted specifically has a post with them saying they can't return it because there's a tree in it. <.< I'm not sure how that constitutes them getting rid of it <.<

It "constitutes them getting rid of it" because of the fact that - according to @Edto Xar'Sivaree - the tree was apparently "planted" there by Asterian elves (despite the fact that said technology was never approved, but that's a topic for another thread).

Edit: Also I don't think the article you're even talking about is the subject of this review so those questions shouldn't really be in here but rather in a different thread in the first place.

I'm pretty sure questions about this section of this article are in the right thread, @Syaoran.
It "constitutes them getting rid of it" because of the fact that - according to @Edto Xar'Sivaree - the tree was apparently "planted" there by Asterian elves (despite the fact that said technology was never approved, but that's a topic for another thread).

I'm pretty sure questions about this section of this article are in the right thread, @Syaoran.
First point, no it does not constitute them 'getting rid of it' it constitutes them saying that a tree is inside of it and thus it's significantly damanged, and as the artitle you state says, it's "Heavily damaged" but it doesn't just 'disappear'. If the tree is transplanted the ship will still exist.

And no that page is not what's being talked about. Look closely at the URL it's :military not #military. The page in question also if you click on the URL you will notice has been moved. The page you linked to is still in the wip name space. So if you find the page with teh exact same URL that is not in the wip name space and was moved after the 13th you get this page.
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