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Approved Submission [Origin Bladeworks] Sword-Spear Custom Weapon

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Well-Known Member
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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
Submission Type: Custom Weapon
Template Used: Taken from the example weapons

FM Approved Yet?: No @Kai
Faction requires art?: No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

@Kai here is a new weapon thingo from origin, lmk if there are any issues with it
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Here's the thing. This isn't a blatant rip off. It wasn't created as a copy of any technology you made, it isn't intended to profit off of your work, it's similar but that's it. This also isn't available to everyone on the site, as has been stated by its creator.

Edit: I really hope that wasn't some sort of threatening foreshadowing because that'd be rude. I can't tell if it is or isn't just through text though.
I'm not saying Skully intentionally ripped off my design. What I'm saying is that whether intentional or not Origin is profiting off of the work I did. There was no such thing as a flying sword until I made one. There was no option in the melee weapon list until I created the concept. I Rizzo made this concept! Me, nobody else, just me and myself alone. It was me, myself, and I. Can nobody throw me a frickin bone here? The option to make this would not have even been on that list without me.
This isn't about you though. No one is using your designs, no one is using your technology and the idea would have come up whether or not you did it first. You don't need credit for this, nor do you deserve any for this.

It has NOTHING to do with you or your designs in any way.
@Alex Hart I know you think that your opinion is important on this and I want to thank you for sharing it repeatedly but I am not accepting what you are saying and I'm disregarding it as your personal opinion. This does not involve you, it is between myself and @Kai and I believe that we are mature enough to reach an agreement without your incessant objections. Again thank you for your input.
I feel like you're being a bit rude and I'd appreciate it if you weren't rude. Also to be frank, everything you just said about how this is just my opinion could also be said about your claim that this is ripping off your work and that you deserve credit. Almost everything going on here is opinion based.
I am not getting from the item description that it is a flying sword. I am getting that its main ability is going from short sword to spear.

@SirSkully does it fly around in the air?
@SirSkully you see, that is the main gimmick of my own Kokū Ken and I have no issue with you making something similar but that concept of telepathically flying the sword with gravitational propulsion is something I made to be special. If I'm going to lose that uniqueness I'd at least like something to show for it. As it stands OI can just mass-produce my special sword at will. If I did that to the URSA you and Club would be very upset, even if I made it slightly different. It's just not a kind thing to do and then tell the pioneer of the whole concept that there's no credit due. Your character hasn't even met Candon. If we arranged for them to meet and he got the idea watching Candon's sword that would be the coolest thing ever, I would be so happy to watch an IC trend start. Unfortunately it's looking like I'm just being stripped of my snowflake status and that is just cruel. Not against the rules, perhaps, but still a very unkind thing to do to someone.
Didn't other weapons that could fly get made months ago, fairly sure immortal made a chakram?
Just face it Rizzo, You took several generic technologies and put them together in a certain (And honestly very generic outside of SARP) way. This is like Yondu's arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy except it's a sword and you don't have to whistle.

I will stand by what I said- IF this had been the same type of sword in the same overall configuration, then, Yes, there would be an issue. As it stands, there's only a few similarities and it's more different than it is the same. So what if your character isn't a snowflake anymore? Stuff happens, and I doubt that, in the whole intricacies of an entire universe, Candon was the first to make a flying sword like this. As well, Origin isn't stealing anything, Skully isn't stealing anything.

Your argument is the same as "Wes made a flying car before Origin did so Origin is stealing Wes' Idea and so Origin should pay royalties even though the cars are completely different in every way aside from both being cars that fly"
The entire point of Origin is, like, genericized knock-offs that normal people can afford.

What's the problem? NovaCorp had a flying melee weapon a decade ago.
Well, the URSA is just a big APC - it's not special and it certainly isn't going to be torn down if somebody makes a similar product because it doesn't rely on some stupid gimmick as a foundation. I just looked at the chakram (or a chakram) that is used by the SAoY and it has the ability to be launched then remotely controlled so are you going to yell at that?

I have no personal issues with you but I have to say your argument is weak at best and it should be dropped - I apologise if two unrelated characters incidentally ended up with a similar weapon but nobody is going to go around and start claiming "The assault rifle", then make everyone pay them royalties for that.
Well I can't stop you but I will offer a word of advice. If you hurt enough feelings people will hold it against you. It's a really mean thing to do to a member of the community and if it becomes a pattern it'll give you only issues in the future.
So easily @Kai you could help make things better with a quick communication RP.
So easily @SirSkully you could encourage good RP that connects multiple setting elements.
Instead you both take the easy way out and flip me the bird. Justify yourselves all you want, that is cruel thing to do.
I think doing some basic RP won’t hurt anybody in this; but don’t guilt others. It’d not coolio.

Just my 2 cents as a random guy
@Rizzo do you know some way an ex-slave who roamed around the outermost reaches of known space for 9 years and slowly made his way inwards - only to join the SAoY and be thrown at an occupied planet could possibly have any way or reason to visit your saint snowflake? Go ahead, I'm all ears but it seems like there would be a lot of convoluted reasoning along the way.

I'm just somebody using a weapon-building company to apparently undermine your character, but if you have an idea of how that very specific thing could happen then please do tell me. It seems like more of a problem between you and kai anyhow.
C'mon, It's not a guilt trip @Legix and I don't want any one to take it that way. It's just the dynamics of a community. You can march right over someone's foot or you can tread a little more carefully to show that you care. I'm not holding a gun to anyone's reputation and making demands. I just want the same concern I showed Club when I accepted his crew on the rescue mission that's pending. He had a small personal request and I accepted it because I respect him.

@SirSkully I actually do have some ideas. Candon is currently being thrown around the different plots and I'm hoping to hit them all for at least one mission before the war is up. Maybe yours could be next? I could have him nearly anywhere about the 10th hour of the war maybe? If you'll have me I'd love to join you.
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