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RP Fall of Himiko Ch.1: Desperation


Well-Known Member
RP Date
Mid YE41
RP Location
Planet Himiko
YSS Nishitama, Bridge

Pneumatic doors swished shut behind a quick paced man in a black-paneled SAoY uniform as he entered the bridge of the YSS Nishitama. The man held his injured ribs firmly yet slackened none of his pace as he approached the captain without a trace on emotion in his eyes.

“Shôshô!” he called to the rear admiral who sat centered on the bridge before the viewscreen. The aged captain rolled his eyes before rubbing his brow. “We know Jôtô Heisho, it’s either solar flares or sabotage. Have you idiots determined which it is yet?” the Shôshô replied in exasperation.
Briskly coming to stand in place by the seated admiral’s side he abruptly placed a data pad in his open hand, never once looking at the gray haired man but rather into the image of Planet Himiko in the viewscreen.
“This is a beautiful planet, Shôshô, but it’s time to go,” the black paneled man stated, “the Kuvexians are going to love it. We need to get as many civilian and military assets out of here as possible. They could be here in a day or an hour. The solar activity was masking their movements and there’s no better time than right now for this attack. I don’t know how they’ve done it but they’ve managed to get the drop on us this time. This plot must’ve been years in the making.”

The aged Shôshô rubbed his chin, a discerning look sweeping over his face.
“I appreciate your hard work and all SAINT has done for our security but I’m not seeing proof of what you’re claiming here,” the Taisa stated routinely, “your findings may only be indicating a very small, albeit clandestine operation to waste our resources.”

“Sir, it’s been nearly a standard month and we still haven’t been able to apprehend the infiltrators,” Candon responded, smoothly with just the faintest slyness beneath his words, “I was in the first auto collision this planet has seen in over a decade this morning, coincidentally it was just two hours after we intercepted that fantastically loud transmission from the sensor arrays of both our Sharie’s. Aside from being a fantastic firework show this was the work of someone or something that can blind our equipment without a trace and hasn’t made a peep. Now suddenly YSS Dawn Hammer and Steelhart are screaming their coordinates for the entire sector to hear, blowing out their sensory equipment like an overcharged stereo. The defense fleet is built around those two ships and now they’re completely blind. Sir, this battle is lost and there isn’t a thing we can do about it.”

The Shôshô nodded gravely.
“Even if we evacuated the moment the signal went out we wouldn’t be able to evacuate the populace in time. Heisho, there are over 12 million people on the planet. Evacuating all of them is impossible. And if you’re wrong and I order a planet wide of evacuation it might not just be the end of my career, Candon. Evacuations aren’t pretty, at the end of it all every person who leaves loses everything. Many of the people living here have already gone through that once. This decision deserves careful deliberation.”

Candon nodded respectfully, the feeling all too real yet faded like an old scar.
“And if they all die, would they not lose even more?” he asked tactfully, “with this many people and no good way to take count of who is confirmed dead or simply missing there could be people waiting close to a year before they are brought back. No matter how we look at it, sir, we lose. I would rather err on the side of life. Perhaps it’s just the pessimist in me, but if we have only a chance to save just a few more people, I’ll bet my career on that any day.”

“You Intel guys are always the biggest risk takers,” the Shôshô mused, “but I guess I am worse. I took the risk and lied to you. I issued the evacuation orders the moment I saw our Sharies go blind. I apologize for keeping this so quiet, even from your team. I’ll have shuttles pick them up.”

“I appreciate that, sir, but my team didn’t come to protect your planet. We came to hunt down spies and it is our intention to finish this mission regardless of what fleet is in orbit,” refused the spy hunter, “We’ll be fine.”

A pleased grin came to rest on the Shôshô’s lips. “I’d begun to wonder if you were somehow responsible for all of this, what with your checkered history. It seems that was a mistake. I trust that you’ll ensure our people hold out until help returns?”

It was finally enough to break his stare as he turned his gaze toward the floor.
“I won’t make any promises I’m not sure I can keep, sir,” he answered, “I will do what I can but ultimately my goal is to go home to my wife. With any luck she’s on a shuttle heading off world right now.”

The two wait in silence for the longest two minutes just watching the planet go by, the occasional shuttle passing. The evacuation had begun, and yet it was still too late.
Alarms rang out.

“Shôshô, there’s a large formation inbound at high speed!” called the first officer, “mostly picket ships and fighters.”

The Shôshô visibly stiffened. “Chusa, mobilize the fleet! Heisho Suites, listen here,” the leader ordered, removing his pin and communicator, “I know it is highly unusual but I trust you will not abuse this. I am assigning you as acting Shôshô to use only as necessary. Whatever you need for the mission is yours. Make sure this cannot happen in the future!”

Candon accepted the items with a bow. It would be the highest rank he’d ever held and would be a powerful tool in the fight to come.
Without another word he vacated the now busy bridge headed for the nearest passage planetside.

Orbit of Planet Himiko

A pair of Sharie class battleships converged toward the threat, each flanked by 2 Chaki 1a escort destroyers in their respective formations along with dozens of fighters and 2 flights of Ginga bombers.

In the distance the enemy formation advanced at incredible speed. Three cruisers and 12 gunships formed a triangular screen ahead of a Kuvexian battleship, all barreling directly toward the defense fleet.

Planet Himiko, Capital city

The blaring of alarms pierced the cool, clean air of the city. The peaceful weekend had devolved into a panic of people rushing to Shinjuku Starport where every vessel present was being rushed into service for a mass evacuation. In the military base Rikugun rushed into action suiting up for the fight of their lives. The disbelief of any invasion ever occurring has vanished as the bulk of YSS Dawn Hammer and Steelhart now hung suspended over the single city in which planetary control was determined.

Meanwhile Central Main Street had become a cacophony of shouting and pushing, people of every species running, flying, sliding and otherwise to seek a refuge. In the chaos of panic law-enforcement struggle desperately to maintain any sense of order yet ignoring the random acts of vandalism and looting to prioritize the evacuees.
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Planet Himiko, Capital City

Rikun let out a small sigh and let her head rest against the wall of the shower stall she was in. She had taken the assignment and left her family fairly quickly, but already it had been a far more fulfilling than any of her other assignments. She had been in the field for days now in an attempt to track down any hint or knowledge of the saboteurs but she had yet to find much of anything save for whispers on the lips of the citizens. Of course, they wouldn't be so easy to find within her first few days, they would be better than that. But part of her yearned to show the higher-ups her worth by providing results quickly.

She shook her head and cleaned the conditioner from her hair that had sat long enough and simply relaxed under the showerhead. She needed this, she needed the moment away from everyone else as she let out a long-held breath and allowed the stress to wash away. Her eyes still closed, Rikun took another deep breath as she suddenly felt a shiver down her spine. She blinked a bit and focused on her hearing as her hand groped for her gear at her side only to realize she was unfortunately naked...

She turned her head only to see something she hadn't expected. Another man stood there in the showers behind her, silently watching her and she couldn't help but glare.

"Listen, buddy, if this is your way of picking me up, it's not gonna work." She grumbled a bit as her hands covered her more intimate bits to shield them from his view, but she realized something was off. His hand behind his back, his pants still on though his shirt was oddly off, she narrowed her eyes and let out a little sigh.

"Listen, I'm not in the mo-" Her words were cut short as a gun was produced from around his back and two shots fired. She moved quickly and noticed the dulled sound from the suppressor, but unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough as both bullets hit her shoulder instead of her chest. A yelp and a growl saw the Neko disappear into nothingness through blood dripped from her shoulder little by little. Thankfully she was able to move quickly enough and thought back to the words of her mother.

"Strike quickly, strike once, strike them down so they do not get back up." Her voice, years gone at the hands of her original version, drifted through her head as she clasped her hand over her shoulder to hide the blood and found her way back to her gear and clothing in one of the baskets just inside the room. She rifled through and found what she wanted, her knife from her time as the head of Kakutama Heavy Industries, she gripped the blade through the holes of the knuckle duster and hid it behind her back to hide it within her volumetric camouflage. She tracked the man through the showers as he began to take random potshots into the shower area, tiles popping as each bullet hit the walls with nothing in between.

Rikun was silent, quiet the entire time as she inched closer and closer, found her way around his back before she attacked. The configuration set up with her personal favorite as the Sting set up, she sprung forward and activated the blade as she plunged it into the back of his neck. 190,000 volts of electricity coursed through his body as the blade pierced through his throat and he fell to the ground in a bleeding convulsing mess. She let her camouflage drop as she sat back with a small sigh and focused on her shoulder healing before she called for help.

Later on, close to an hour after the attempt, Rikun found herself dried and dressed in her black panel bodysuit. She mentally called up the location of her new superior officer and groaned a little at the fact that he wasn't even on the planet, but instead up in space. A small grumbled escaped her as the alarms suddenly blared to life. Eyes wide at the sudden alert, Rikun let out a string of curses as she took off running to where her Mindy was stored. She ran past base personnel on the way to where her Mindy was stored and had to dodge around a few. She knew she would be in the way of the base personnel aiding with the evacuation just then and instead figured she could be of more use out of their way. All the belongings she had brought along stored in the butt pack of her Mindy, Rikun slipped inside without taking off any clothing and after she made sure she was free of anyone unprotected near her, shot off into space.

She waited until she was close enough, she activated her transportation module on her suit before she reappeared a ways off from the ship. Her suit contacted the ship as she neared.

"Itto Hei Shichou Rikun requesting clearance to land and an audience with Itto Heisho Candon Howard." She requested as she sent her credentials forward and headed toward where hopefully one of the mindy bays were.
YSS Nishitama, Military District

As Candon made his way through the bustle of uchuugun in various states of combat readiness, hurrying to respond to the sudden attack. The man had his priorities.

At last is communicator made a connection with his love. ”Please tell me you made it off the planet?” he implored telepathically. To any passerby they would never guess he was on the phone.

The response was similar in nature from Masumi, yet not what he wanted to hear.
[/i]”I tried but the evacuation began while I was driving there. I can see the starport but there are thousands of people! What should I do?”[/i] came the response, her desperation felt over there link.

Candon thought hard. There was no way she was going to be getting a flight out. The unexpected wisdom of the Shôshô had made his choice to spend time with his wife at the end of his days working investigation a grave mistake. Here she was on the one planet he KNEW they were about to lose. His greatest fear realized.

”Candon, where do I go?!”

Anxiety was winning out, as usual with the battered spy. Retrieving a bottle of Calm from his pocket he dabbed a few drops on his left wrist to absorb through his skin. Being dependent on an over-the-counter anxiety supplement was risky but one small bottom would last him more than long enou- “dammit!”

He swore as a rushing M2-4 pushed him aside. His hand clutched his injured left side with the same hand the bottle should’ve been in now realizing the bottle was gone! He looked frantically for where it had dropped but saw only boots hurrying about.
It was gone and he knew it.


It was a problem for later, the current application would do fine and there was plenty more in his Mindy. He knew his wife’s best odds lay at the Rikugun base. Get to the base, now! Forget any traffic laws, tickets are the least of our issues right now. I’ll be there soon.”

With a telepathic kiss the like was ended and he kept on his way to the shuttle bay when- BANG! -interrupted his way. A fireball erupted from Radiotown, further down the Dyson ring. His communicator fed dozens of military communicate directly into his subconscious where he formed his best guess as to what they were up to. Simultaneously, he was notified of Rikun’s arrival.

“Rikun, this is Candon,” he shouted over the cacophony of confusion around him, communicator in hand this time, “teleport into the Dyson ring, relaying coordinates. I’ll be there soon.”

YSS Nishitama, Radiotown

Atop several small buildings several dozen skeletonized combat androids leapt across roofs as they made a beeline for a circular, 3-story building owned by the Yamataian Department of Information. Armed to the teeth with makeshift aether weaponry and personal shield generators they left ample carnage out of local police attempting to halt them from the street and air.
Planet Himiko, High Orbit
YSS Dawn Hammer, Bridge

Araena was nervous, to put it lightly. When Kaede and herself had transferred to this position, the idea was to support the Yamataian Navy without being in the front lines, fighting offensively in an old Sharie. Sure, the Dawn Hammer was barely half as old as the Imperator had been before retirement, but it was old enough for quirks to manifest themselves in the system en masse. Using experience from her time as a chief engineer, the Elysian XO was helping the actual chief engineer of the Dawn Hammer - a beige-skinned Minkan woman who had experience on smaller vessels before being transferred to this Sharie - with learning a Sharie's anatomy in the practical way. Chusa Sutoikku had to hope that the weeks of training would pay off here.

That was her past, though: As the Executive Officer of a Sharie battleship (and the wife of its captain), Araena needed to, now more than ever, trust the people immediately around her to work without a tender hand of guidance - the Elysian's tactful balance against Kaede's overwhelmingly professional MO. Kuvexians didn't give a damn about being nice, so now was the time to stop.

A hand brushed against hers, familiar: One of the few gestures of affection Kaede delivered while he was on duty like this. Subtle, but recognizable. He didn't need to speak for her to steady herself: This fleeting moment of contact was enough. "We fight here, not for our lives, but the lives of the civilians below us, who are unable to protect themselves from this menace," the Minkan captain spoke, his voice being transmitted through the entire flotilla. "We cannot defeat them now, but we will delay them until they decay from exhaustion!'

"You're getting better at speeches," Araena humorously claimed over private telepathy.

Yamataian Flotilla

From the ground, it seemed as if suddenly the sky had been torn asunder, streaks of terrifying energy that shone like the sun announcing the presence of the fleets to those on the surface of the planet. The massive Aetheric lances sent out by the multiple Chakis slammed into the shields of the Kuvvy point-ship, overwhelming them and sundering its armor, the volley of four crippling the vessel immediately. Due to the disabled sensors of the Sharies, the flotilla had changed to a somewhat aggressive formation, with the Sharies in front and their escorts - which had their sensor suites linked into the larger vessels - using them as a form of shelter. Consequentially, the return volley of golden Aether crossed paths with the bolts of cannon arrays and splashed angrily against battleship-scale shielding, shaking the Sharies and scarring the Steelheart's port-side commercial pyramid. As the multiple projectiles arrived at the Kuvexian force, the Yamataian battleships also opened fire with beams from their own Aether-shock arrays, making a flash so bright, astrologists would believe it to be a supernova.
Planet Himiko, Capital City

While many, many people ran towards the airport, panic filling the air, at least one person wasn't. That man, the tall and very out of place looking Menelik Berhane, had only just arrived an hour before the panic seriously started happening, and Himiko hadn't even been his first choice of places to go in Yamatai while waiting for a transfer to a Star Army ship. So with a bit of spare time, his father had suggested that he visit Himiko's World: it was nice and somewhat out of the way, and would be a good place to relax and get used to being around the Yams.

So, sure. He had done as his father had suggested, feeling naked without any kind of weapon on him. He'd taken his time on the trip to read up on Planet Himiko itself, and was looking forward to getting the full experience: hiking, enjoying nature, experiencing the local culture; something that had surprised even himself once he accepted he was eager to go there.

Unfortunately, the famous luck of his family's line struck once again, and oh boy it seemed that this time he was sure to get part of a farm out of it. That is, if he didn't end up buying a whole real estate deal before the day was done. It would've been easy enough to turn and run, to get right back onto a transport out of here... but that wasn't like anything Menelik had been taught.

It wasn't what his mother and father had taught him.

It wasn't what he learned in boot camp, either as a recruit or as a corporal instructor.

And it damn sure wasn't what he had learned serving as a Nepleslian Marine, onboard numerous ships and even on foreign postings. Lives like his were... while not expendable, not exactly worth damn near as much as innocent civilians. If he ran now, how could he face his family, his unit. Hell, if he turned tail and had a yellow belly, how would be able to face the Corps? They'd turn him out, and they'd be right too.

More than any of that, Menelik, the man, the person who joined up to save lives, couldn't just run away. Which is why he pushed through the crowds, and did his best to flag down transport. He had money, and he'd spend every last DA he had to get to Fort Yui right now. Here as a tourist originally, Corporal Menelik Berhane was now on duty.
YSS Nishitama, Radiotown

This really, really, really was not Matsuvo Shinomori's day. It had been a few months since the YSS Eucharis' last mission had seen the ship finally retired from service, seeing his posting shuffled around once more. He was now stationed on the YSS Nishitama, working primarily within the city-ship's military district. NCOs, while higher than enlisted troops, in theory, were treated very similarly to enlisted troops, and often ran errands for higher ranking NCOs, or officers with a commission.

One such errand was what had brought Matsuvo to the Radiotown district of Nishimata. He had been sent by an officer to drop off a report at the Department of Information's office and was unlucky enough to have been filling out some paperwork when the alarms started to sound. "A few months of peace and quiet, that's all I ask..." He muttered to himself as he began to look around to try to figure out what was going on. If there was some sort of normal civil emergency, the forces of the local garrison might be called upon to assist the police in keeping the peace.

Then the explosion rocked the ship. Radios blared, and the personnel inside the office began to panic slightly. There was no mistaking the sound, that was a purposefully detonated explosion. Anyone who had been on the battlefield long enough was well accustomed to the many variations of the sound. Immediately he began to look around for some type of weapon. Anything packing enough heat to cause an explosion that large would require more than his NSP. There was nothing within the building itself, but he had an idea.

Throwing the pile of paperwork down on a nearby desk, he rushed out into the parking lot, having seen a couple of police cars parked outside of the building. The trunk was locked, but a blast from the NSP solved that problem shortly. Inside the trunk, he found a few weapons, and more importantly, a set of police armor. The shoulder and chest sections went on first, followed by the arms and legs. Finally, he attached the waist section. By now, there were robots were beginning to get within the range of his eyesight, so he began to grab up the weapons he could. First a shotgun and a belt of shells, which he slung over his shoulder with a strap. Next, he grabbed a bolt action rifle and some magazines.

Mat then began to make his way back inside the building and began setting up to ambush the robots as they got closer, steadying the rifle against an open window and waiting for the perfect opportunity to fire.
Brawl in the Sky

Hit after hit, the attacking charged the battle line only to reverse thrust at the last possible moment, bursting their combined field and with it the majority of their immense velocity. Their shields temporarily weakened the 2 remaining cruisers and 6 gunships pressed in between the mighty capital ships formation, counting on the Sharies aversion to broadsiding each other. In their wild charge the formation had managed to strike one of each Sharies Chaki gunships along with minor damage to YSS Ironhart’s fore shield hemisphere.

Miscalculation being an unforgivable sin in the great void took delight in punishing a gold-hulled gunship who now found itself on a collision course with the prow of the YSS Dawn Hammer. Likewise, Newton would be proud as the derelict remnants of the destroyed Kuvexian cruiser remained in motion, slamming hard against Ironhart’s fore shield. The hyper velocity sled of a hull burst into shrapnel, peppering the battleships underside.

From the remaining two cruisers poured a platoon of soldiers clad in powered armor readying to fight in the brutal debris filled arena of the space between the Sharies.

Allies: 2 Sharies

6 Chakis

24 Fighter wings

2 bomber flights

Enemies: 2 cruisers

6 gunships

100 light PA troops

Planet Himiko, Starport
Great aetheric flashes in the sky intensified the panic below as Menelik Berhane pushes his way through. Voices called over loud speakers for civilians to find shelter and not panic only to blend into the insanity of hundreds of people aimlessly seeking shelter. Amidst the chaos of walking and flying civilians a pearl white Advent came to a stop at a cluttered intersection, the traffic light glowing red above.

As if to punish the dark skinned, pink haired woman for her choice in topless rental vehicles a man and woman in plain attire grabbed the driver, dragging her out of the hover car, her gray virgin killer sweater being pulled to a less than appropriate position. Upon seeing this Menelik rushed to the situation in a full rescue mentality but the damsel was far from being in distress.
A leg came up and greeted the woman’s face across the eye. As her kick sent the attacker to the pavement that same leg took the man into a chokehold. The pink haired woman reached her hand into the space beneath her bosom and her re-emerged with an NSP in its grip. From her back she fired a quick burst of scalar bolts into the staggering woman and rolled away from the man who now gasped for air. A single bolt is all he would inhale, falling limp just a moment after his partner in crime, each bleeding puddles of blue.
Seeing Menelik charging towards her the Neko leapt to her feet, leveling the weapon into the face of the good intentioned Nepleslian.

“Hold it!” She yelled, bright blue eyes like daggers, stopping Menelik dead in his tracks.

YSS Nishitama, Radiotown

Though it might have seemed like a mad dash for the building it became clear that there was a semblance of coordination as the hoard drew closer. 5 identifiable groups became apparent as they spread out.
In the ‘sky’ 20 meters above a flash of light followed by a Mindy flashed as Rikun teleported in. Alongside the charging masses flashed the red and blues of a police zephyr, Candon seated on the passenger side, a scoped Lorath hand cannon perched on the side. The weapon gunsmithed to perfection rang out its powerful boom to pierce the battery of an android. Five more shots left four more on the ground. Cheered on by the driving officer the operative quickly reloaded, the fresh dose of CALM steadying his hands to unnatural coordination in a speeding hover car.

Three more rounds and two kills later a swarm of gunfire returned peppering the car. Safe.

It was the second volley that didn’t end so well. Smoke billowed from the generator as the nose dropped. The parachute deployed but not in time as the car skipped off the roof of a building and into the side of another.
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Planet Osman, Starport
Great aetheric flashes in the sky intensified the panic below as Menelik Berhane pushes his way through. Voices called over loud speakers for civilians to find shelter and not panic only to blend into the insanity of hundreds of people aimlessly seeking shelter. Amidst the chaos of walking and flying civilians a pearl white Advent came to a stop at a cluttered intersection, the traffic light glowing red above.

As if to punish the dark skinned, pink haired woman for her choice in topless rental vehicles a man and woman in plain attire grabbed the driver, dragging her out of the hover car, her gray virgin killer sweater being pulled to a less than appropriate position. Upon seeing this Menelik rushed to the situation in a full rescue mentality but the damsel was far from being in distress.
A leg came up and greeted the woman’s face across the eye. As her kick sent the attacker to the pavement that same leg took the man into a chokehold. The pink haired woman reached her hand into the space beneath her bosom and her re-emerged with an NSP in its grip. From her back she fired a quick burst of scalar bolts into the staggering woman and rolled away from the man who now gasped for air. A single bolt is all he would inhale, falling limp just a moment after his partner in crime, each bleeding puddles of blue.
Seeing Menelik charging towards her the Neko leapt to her feet, leveling the weapon into the face of the good intentioned Nepleslian.

“Hold it!” She yelled, bright blue eyes like daggers, stopping Menelik dead in his tracks.

Menelik wasn't any kind of fool to approach an armed woman who had just been assaulted when she told him to stop, 'specially when she had a gun pointed at him. No reason to risk it anyway, she was safe and it turns out she didn't need the help.

So he raised his arms, both to show that he was unarmed, and to show that he wasn't a threat as he tried to get this through to her using his best Yamataigo.

"I'm not an enemy, Ma'am- I saw you were in danger so I was coming to help." He looked at her two would-be assailants and cracked a smile, before his eyes once again focused on her.

"Not that you seemed to need it in the end. I'm Corporal Menelik Berhane, Nepleslian Space Marine Corps." He looked around again, then up at the sky as it lit with another flash. This was absolutely a bad situation. A fight sure was going on up there, and if the Yammie fleet up there couldn't hold off the enemy, there would be one down here too. All Menelik knew was that he wanted to be in some kind of armor and have a weapon when things got dicey.

"I was coming here on vacation, but it looks like all I found was a fight. Do you know which way it is to the nearest military facility? I've gotta help any way I can."
Planet Himiko, Starport

Her two handed grip remained as he explained himself, her scientific mind trying to dissect his short story to determine if it was the truth. The weapon lowered but remained trained on his chest as she came to the determination that she would need a more thorough answer.
“Don’t move,” she warned as her free hand opened the driver side door. From the pocket in the bottom of the door she retrieved a medical scanner. At this point the presence of a weapon and gunfire had caused people to give a wide berth, freeze, or run away.

Pointing the device in his direction it became clear. Human with that all-too-familiar Nepleslian twist. A scan of the dead assailants showed her suspicions. Both bodies identified as Minkan, then Kuvexian, and between both species the device switched endlessly. The blue blood gave it away, these infiltrators had significant augmentations to disguise themselves.

Her curiosity was satisfied. The pistol returned to its place in the belt holster of her mom jeans and a quick readjustment of her revealing sweater made the weapon disappear while returning to a more socially acceptable position on her chest.

“You might have the worst luck I have ever seen,” she stated in Trade, her words fairly quiet and lacking compassion as her mind focused on survival, “I’m going to the base now. If you really want to help, jump in. We’re going to need it.”

Taking a seat behind the wheel again she shut her door, heart still racing from what she knew had been an assasination attempt. This time she’d put her seatbelt on and then drive. Pulling her long pink braids over her shoulder for comfort she looked to the stranger she’d invited into her car, “I’m Masumi Ittô Hei.”
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YSS Nishitama, Radiotown

Nearby someone in a hovercar was dealing some damage to the groups of androids approaching the office, but there were still plenty on their way, looking to cause all manner of chaos. As they hopped from rooftop to rooftop they presented clear views of their entire body. It took a few moments for Matsuvo to internalize their movement patterns, but after that, he began to pick off androids one by one. The rifle let out an almost deafening bang and spat a round downrange, which punched a hole through an android mid-jump leaving it to fall facefirst onto the next roof. Mat cycled the bolt, loading a new round.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Five more shots, five more dead androids. He pressed the magazine release, and the clip clattered to the floor. The next clip had HE scribbled on the side in marker. When he fired again, he found out why. Each shot connected like a grenade, allowing him to take out more than one android with each pull of the trigger. By the time they were too close for him to effectively keep firing with the rifle, there were only about 25 androids left of the 43 that had been there when he had started opening fire.

He set the rifle down and unslung the shotgun as he made his way to a stairwell near the entrance to the building. This would hopefully put him in a position to open up on the androids once they made their way inside.
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"Aint nothing faw it, lukwise- ay've done had wawse ayn' ay've done had bettuurr." Menelik started, his La Hanyan drawl taking over. "Now that there we've done got thay err greetings out av thay way, ken ya fill me in on what thay Sar Army has here?" He asked in trade, hoping over the car's hood to clamber into the passenger seat, looking around at the panic around him, then at the blue corpses. The car shifted as he got in, his weight and size slightly tilting it's balance till the car adjusted for him.

"Just ay'm gunna guess that there since the enemy already has infiltrataws down here a-tryin' ta disrupt operations, this here is already an absolute clusterfu-" He trailed off, not wanting to curse like a marine in front of a woman.

"That there the enemy is already a-takin' steps ta keep the evacuashun frawum a-bein' as successful as it could be in the tahm we have. All the mawe reason faw soldiers like us ta get armed ayn' join the defense, right?" He offered her a smile, mind completely refusing to process her clothes with the bigger threat on hand.

"Ayn' ay rekon that there even ayy mehreen without powuurr armaw could pull some extra weaheet here!"
Planet Himiko, Capital City

The few thousand Separa'Shan who had settled in the Capital mostly lived on the outskirts, closer to nature then most citizens of Yamatai. When the command had been issued to evacuate the planet, there had been a commotion among the snake people. However, the elders and priests had gathered around the seed of Naga'Shun and prayed for insight to the gods and ancestors. Many hadn't wanted to leave because this was their new home. Some had wanted to leave so that they would not again be under the occupation of the Kuvexians.

Alena for her part didn't know what to feel. Her entire adulthood had been fighting against the Kuvexians. She had come here to find peace, but it seemed that peace wasn't what she was going to find here. After the prayers to the ancestor spirits and gods of the Separa'Shan the conclave had decided to leave, but only at the last. They would be ready to leave when the time came, but they would allow the others to go before them.

Delivering this news to whoever was coordinating the evacuation had fell to the young Templar. So she picked her way carefully and quickly towards the base to inform and coordinate the Separa'Shan leaving the world with the rest of the evacuees. The Separa'Shan had been working quickly, but without the chaos that seemed to have enveloped the rest of the city. Alena wondered if it was because this wasn't the first time that they had been forced from their homes by marauding Kuvexians.

She heard Masumi's offer of a ride to the base. She hissed a quick prayer of thanks to the ancestor spirit that had guided the car here. She coiled her long tail underneath her and sprung for the car. "Excuse me, Masumi? I'm Alena, and I'm also headed for the base. Can I also have a ride?" She asked, her hands on the car so she could vault in if Masumi said yes.
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Planet Himiko, Space

Rikun had her orders as the coordinates were transmitted to her. A small grimace in worry over the possibility of unprotected civilians in the area to get hit with her teleportation wash, the Neko sent a message to Candon as she keyed in the location.

"On the way sir, tell the locals I'm sorry for the pain." She explained just as she winked from existence and into the Dyson ring. As she reappeared she opened her sensor suite on the suit to make sure she wasn't in a building or anything and took skyward to open her sensors to their maximum capabilities. She wanted to make sure there were no hostiles in the area that could do any harm to her just yet as she spun, aether rifle in hand and ready to fire. Her NSB units came out to give her protection and coordinate as a point defense should anything get launched.

"Here sir! Where do you need me?" She sent him as she kept an eye on her sensors to make sure of any attacks.
Planet Himiko, Starport

Thaddeaus found himself on Himiko after passing out on a trade ship after leaving a bar with a neko. He vaguely remembered were he was last at but this thought being drowned out by the all the excitement. He was enjoying his nap when he heard gun fire and was greeted by a dead woman falling near him. He leaned up and looked to the dead body. It did not take him long to figure out something was wrong with this picture. People normally do not bleed blue unless they are of a certain race. He rolled his eyes as he got to his feet dusting himself off. Seemed to him that he managed to find himself in the middle of some bad news. Though this was the bad kind of news he enjoyed. He knew all about the Kuvexians slavers and had hoped to cross paths with a few. He would show them freedom, an out of body experience.

He reached down and grabbed up his gear he managed to find. While he was without his wallet, at least the nice neko lady left him some gear. Then again she might have cut and run when the shit hit the fan. Either way he had a new calling this day, kill some kuvvy slavers. He looked in the direction of the car. Anyone packing heat in the middle of the day would most likely be military. More so to just leave bodies laying around. He figured it would be best to follow after them.

Thad walked over slowly towards the car as to not alert them. "Hail friends, lone traverler willing to offer a helping hand." He said his arm extended into the air waving at them.
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Radiotown, DoI headquarters, Front Entrance streetview

Rohan Saphura was not having a good day. He'd known what he signed up for when he accepted the Chujo's orders. He had trained an entire Century of Rikugan gung ho on recieving special forces orders when their training was complete. He'd imparted everything he knew about search and rescue and medical treatment to these soldiers, taught them every possible insertion method to better deploy and strike down the enemy standing in the way of his charges. But he'd never experienced being pinned down. His fireteam took cover behind cars parked on the street, trading fire as he carefully crawled in the space under a vehicle, lifting aside a drainage grate to give himself a manhole, his weapon staying put as he entrenched himself in the manhole and opened fire. His sector of fire was a seventy degree arc of low angle, where he could reach out and scalp the infiltrators up to just below the second floor of the building across the street. One of his heavier gunners crouched behind him, above him across the hood of the car providing shelter above.two more guarding the doorway to a building, an important one.

He wasn't trained for this. He was trained to drop in and rescue some pilot or Uchugan that got themselves lost or hurt. Not guard a doorway and trade fire, hoping for someone to come rescue him.

"We have them pinned!" One of his gunners called out, getting confident.

"Good. Keep them there. Keep reinforcements away, too. We need reinforcenents. Not them. Do not let them into the Department of Information." The dark skinned Minkan was only visible by the neon green patch of Emergency Services on his breast, and the powder blue carbine lancing out energy to scald and burn whoever pointed a weapon in the wrong direction. "Anybody wanna get rock steady?"

With that, the cadence begun.

"One, Two, Three, Four hey!" Rohan started, swapping in a fresh magazine.
"One, Two, Three, Four hey!" His fireteam repeated, filling the comms with their voices, their gunfire settling into the beat of their music.

Here we go!
Here we go!
On the move!
In the groove!
In the groove!
Here we go!
All the way!
Every day!
Huuuh... Ha Ha!
Huuuh... Ha Ha!
Rock me, rock me, rock, rock steady!
Roll me, roll me, roll me ready!
We're gonna rock (rock)
All night long, we're gonna roll (roll)
Till the break of dawn, we're gonna swing it (swing it)
Till we wanna go home, we're gonna shake it (shake it)
Till the twilight zone, we're gonna rock (rock)
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Planet Himiko, Starport

“I’m sure you can help somewhe-“
“Excuse me, Masumi? I'm Alena, and I'm also headed for the base. Can I also have a ride?”

Masumi’s hand had immediately snapped into her sweater, medical scanner covertly analyzing the Separa'Shan...
“Fine by me,” she answered after a confirmation from the scanner, “just-“

“Hail friends, lone traverler willing to offer a helping hand.”

The delayed Neko would have pinned her ears had she been catlike. “Okay, you know what-“ she nearly scolded as she turned, stopping as she saw a capable specimen of a human.
Analysis complete: 69% ID-SOL, 31% HUMAN
“Welcome aboard,” her tune changed, “my husband said we’ll need all the help we can get!”
It was kind of like what he’d said.

Fishing a holographic projector from the center console she stuck it onto the windshield as close to the dashboard as possible. A buttons press cast intense light across the hood to simulate police emblems and a red and blue flash over the headlights.

Once loaded Masumi laid on the horn and began pushing through the masses of people.
“Menelik!” she called to her passenger in Trade over the commotion, handing over the medical scanner, “scan for Kuvexians. If the scanner spots anything for even a moment shoot it... your a Neppie so I know you have a gun.”

YSS Nishitama, Radiotown

“Here sir, where do you need me?” Rikun’s voice came over his communicator.

Candon held his head as his vision cleared, looking at his surroundings as he regained his bearings from the crash. Looking over his left shoulder he saw a pillar where the driver should have been, red splashed over what was left of the dashboard. It was a bad landing he knew he needed to walk away from.

“...rock me steady...”
“...rock me steady...”

“Rock me stead-“ he tried mumbling only to have a fit of coughing overwhelm him. He mentally patted himself on the back for having been in both the first major auto collision in the history of Planet Himiko and YSS Nishitama. Unbuckling his seatbelt he crawled out through the front window into a vacated office building.

“Rikun, some kind of robots are assaulting the DoI,” he said breathlessly, “sounds like some Rikugun pinned them down somewhere. Take ‘em out. I’ll meet up.”

Getting to his feet was a painful process. One. Foot. At. A. Time. Until finally he limped away from the crash. Now he needed a way out.
Without a moments thought his NSP was in his hand and set to heavy. Without a moments thought a reinforced window was shattering away. As always, actions first and he knew he’d heal before he made it... mostly.

In the street the Rikugun would find the androids at their best. As each one died the performance of the rest significantly improved. They were dodging even before the shots were fired and were actively sharing data between themselves. They knew when they were being targeted. Their advance had slowed tremendously yet was steady, coordinated, and had the Rikugun fireteam having to take cover as the sheer density of their returning fire was too thick, even as they jumped, rolled, and sprung about. The defenders would be lucky to hit even one.
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Alena took the opposite side of the car from Menelik, drawing her Dark NSP. She cursed herself for being stupid enough to not expect something like this. However, the alert hadn't said anything about the Kuvexians already being here and she had expected to be at the base before they were. "Spot me the targets, and I can shoot them." Alena said calmly. It was far from the first time she had been in a car driving through hostile territory.
YSS Nishitima, Radiotown

Rikun's eyes were pulled to the Rikugun in the streets below her, her targeting systems lighting up over the androids that currently made their way towards the entrenched Rikugun. She grit her teeth as her aether rifle came to bear on the enemies and she did her best to fire on them, though after a moment she had a thought. She cycled through the countermeasures in her leg pods she had and realized she had what she needed. She primed the missiles and fired them off, the Ke-M2-W2907 multi-function missiles fired off toward the advancing enemies in hopes that their targeting systems would be disrupted by the sudden electro-magnetic-gravitic spikes. She stayed in the skies and continued to fire as best she could.

She knew she had to stay in the skies to fully help the Rikugun, any closer and she would do more damage than good due to her shields and systems. They would fry the members of the squad and hurt them worse then they already are.
"Would y'all believe me if ay done told that there ay didn't have ayy gun?" Menelik asked in trade as he took the scanner, looking it over and fiddling with it to just make sure he knew how to use it. The big man shifted, patting himself down with his left hand as he scanned around with the device in his hand, before shrugging.

"Sure as ayy sinner, ay didn't bring anything with me. Ay were on vacation, ya see- but ay'll glayly take that there pistol frawum ya, miss..." He stopped, looking at the Separa'shan. Oh sure, he knew about them, on an academic level, but it was still his first real time seeing one up close, and he was struck by how, despite their snake parts and scales, they could be adorable, in a way. But adorable girls and flirting would wait for later, when they weren't in danger. As much as he felt like it'd be prudent to switch to Yamataigo so that she could understand him, they had an ID-SOL here, so best to keep it in Trade for everyone.

"Masumi, hand me y'all's gun if y'all don't mind. Awful big guy-" He was obviously talking to Thad"-watch that there side, anyone looks weerd tries ta rush us, aw y'all see someone lining up ayy shot, shoot them in thay head." He turned in his seat, looking at Alena. "Now miss separa, Ay apologize a-bein' so rude, but y'all needs to do thay same faw y'all's side- ay'll keep watch with thay scannuurr faw any saboteurs a-tryin' ta get in our way" ...

He actually scratched at his chin, having found himself giving out orders on pure instinct; a pretty bad thing to do when you're a guess in someone else's fight. So he smiled and shrugged.

"Sawry about that there, guess ay'm still done used ta a-bein' ayy cawpawal instructaw."
Hit after hit, the attacking charged the battle line only to reverse thrust at the last possible moment, bursting their combined field and with it the majority of their immense velocity. Their shields temporarily weakened the 2 remaining cruisers and 6 gunships pressed in between the mighty capital ships formation, counting on the Sharies aversion to broadsiding each other. In their wild charge the formation had managed to strike one of each Sharies Chaki gunships along with minor damage to YSS Ironhart’s fore shield hemisphere.

Miscalculation being an unforgivable sin in the great void took delight in punishing a gold-hulled gunship who now found itself on a collision course with the prow of the YSS Dawn Hammer. Likewise, Newton would be proud as the derelict remnants of the destroyed Kuvexian cruiser remained in motion, slamming hard against Ironhart’s fore shield. The hyper velocity sled of a hull burst into shrapnel, peppering the battleships underside.

From the remaining two cruisers poured a platoon of soldiers clad in powered armor readying to fight in the brutal debris filled arena of the space between the Sharies.

Allies: 2 Sharies

6 Chakis

24 Fighter wings

2 bomber flights

Enemies: 2 cruisers

6 gunships

100 light PA troops

Scarreed Starscape

The Kuvexian move to push in aggressively worked well, as they took out the gap Yamataian ships gain the advantage from - their speed and artillery-like heavy weaponry being just as dangerous to themselves as their opponents in such a proverbial knife-fight. Kaede tensed up at the sheer ballsiness of the golden armada, the weathered man hesitating no longer than a moment. "Deploy strike craft and bombers, and split our forces! Fire with caution, but do not hesitate!" The elysian female next to him said nothing for now, pulling up a brief tactical display. She followed with, "They've deployed power armors from their cruisers, closing fast. I'm keeping an eye on the Ironheart, she took a bad hit."

The incoming swarm of troops soon found itself dealing with the hell that was networked CIWSs. Lasers and aether-charges lanced about aggressively, tearing apart anyone who happened to get more that a glancing hit. Only skill and a hint of luck would allow the enemies through, and the Yamataians were doing all they could to mitigate luck.

Two gunships that happened to be playing aggressively, flying between the Dawn Hammer and her starboard escort soon discovered that whoever was controlling the Sharie shouldn't be messed with. Unfortunately for them, there wasn't a chance to relay that message as they were torn apart instantaneously. On the bridge, Arria Smith twitched an overly-fluffy wing tensely; she was taking a risk with that shot, and if it weren't for the shaping of the first gunship's shielding she would have struck the Chaki dead-on. Too close. Way too close!

The Kuvexian navy had swarmed around the Yamataian ships, blue and gold dancing a deadly dance of lights, making it an even greater risk to attack. Soon, shields started to falter, letting shots slip through and impact armor, sending menacing rumbles through the starship in question. Still, the men and women who called this planet theirs, truly theirs, fought on as they could. Riskier alternatives were sought, but shock-arrays were disabled - even those were too much of a risk here.