Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Victory Day Celebration YE 43

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Luna learned that Aiko’s experience was limited as her own was, so when she was told that they’d experience it together, she smiled happily” Yeah! Sounds good,” she told her Aunt of the Ketsurugi family. She held on as William walked to the new place. The former youngling took in the environment for the first time, and there was a look of awe on her face. She wished she could see everything, but she was worried about getting into trouble. She did like the idea of asking Aunt Gravity to show them around though.

Once inside she allowed William to take her off his shoulder and shrieked with glee as he tossed her off, and her feeling of trust prevented her from activating her levitation ability. She waved at Asuka”hii Auntie Asuka!” She said once they were close enough. “So what’s good to eat?’ She asked Gravity ad Asuka both.

Kiyo silently followed behind her big brother piggybacking daughter. At being called a hero she smiled, feeling proud of being called a hero. “I feel like celebrating, so beer for me I guess”
Kyoto, Yamatai

Hiroki Shibuya was pleased with his new rank as a Joto Hei, but he was not sure if he was prepared to take on a leadership role just yet. Mikael was one fine leader in his eyes, and he was eager to work with the new one who was Taii Leonardo Abe. Despite the happiness of the event, something felt empty in Hiroki's soul. He enjoyed the thrill of battle, especially his biggest one that was Glimmergold, but he found himself questioning the true cost of the war. Yes, innocents were bound to die, but it was not like they had any stake in the war. They were simply farmers, bankers, doctors and other civilian jobs that went about their daily lives before they were ripped away by the violent sword of war.

When the Change of Command was finished and the Giretsu were free to do as they pleased, Hiroki did not partake in any of the activities that were available. Instead, he made his way toward a nearby three-story building that had a set of fire escape stairs and ascended them. When he was at the top, he walked over to the opposite ledge of the building and stared into the sky through the passing ships. He contemplated about how when two sides fight, it was those that were caught in the middle that suffer. His mind retraced to the moment those Kuvexian planets were destroyed by the allied planet crackers and wondered if the civilians that lived on those planets truly deserved death.

That Kuvexian's words about his sister being on one of the planets never left his mind. He kicked himself for not having a bottle of whiskey of him to drown out the thoughts, but on the other hand it provided with with a moment to reflect on the events that transpired in his military career.
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Tokyo Brew Pub

"Quite alright," Usada Chikako responded after she took a swig. "You can call me Chikako if you'd prefer. We're not even in the same army and I'm willing to bet formalities aren't around the corner, either. I hope that answers your question well enough. If you're still curious, I got this uniform a few months ago from my quartermaster. I'm an Uesueryan," she said, her green eyes sparkling above her smile as she added, "you see?" She pivoted in the booth to flash her older Hinomaru patch on the top of her right arm.

Chrome Catgirl

Despite her big beautiful booty, the waitress serving Gravity and Asuka seemed to go flat when she heard there was an ID-SOL she would need to grab a drink for. She put the serving tray over her face a bit, looking timid. she gave a terse nod to Kiyo's order.

"Hey!" Asuka declared, "This is a hero of Yamatai! Without this dude ripping Kuvexian monsters with nothing but his fists and Nepleslian grit, we wouldn't be celebrating victory at all today!" She hadn't kept her tone low and began to get louder, "This war hero deserves eight bourbons! On the house!"

The waitress fled and Asuka sat down, chumly patting the booth next to her. "The steaks for sure! Maybe the shrimp?" she said with a warm smile to Luna.

Rei turned to Aiko with downcast eyes, "Gomemasen, I am sorry for recommending this place. We will go."
Chrome Catgirl
Luna blinked as Asuka spoke and was getting louder. Though she was certain that William hadn’t just used his hands, she hadn’t been there, and her mother didn’t give her the details of the battle. The young girl did know what she could do, and she turned her head and look down to William who’s head was beside her. “Uncle William, did you really do that?’ She asked him as she heard Rei apologizing to Aiko. She had recommended that they leave, which would be fine with her.

Kiyo could tell Asuka was drunk, and she shook her head. “Asuka, how much have you been drinking?’ She asked after the Waitress had left to take her order.
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Kyoto, Yamatai Apartment Building Rooftop

Hiroki's somber thoughts were interrupted by a young voice asking, "Excuse me mister?"

He turned to find three young boys approaching him. They appeared to be around the age of ten with faces full of wonder and excitement. A smile formed on Hiroki as he decided to forgo his wish to be alone for some interaction with the youngsters. He asked them, "Yes, how may I help you?"

One of the boys, a lad with white skin, green eyes and short green hair asked Hiroki, "You're with the Giretsu right? We saw the ceremony."

Hiroki nodded and said, "Yup, the elite among the Star Army."

"Wow! Were you at the Battle of Glimmergold?" asked one of the other boys who had curly orange hair, blue eyes and tan skin.

There was a brief moment of hesitation from Hiroki at the question, but it was unnoticeable. All three boys had wide smiles, and Hiroki knew that he could not just leave them in the dark. After a silent gulp, Hiroki responded, "Indeed I was."

"So what was it like, did you take down a lot of Kuvexians?" asked the green-haired boy.

"I have defeated many at the battle. I even took down one of their transport ships," Hiroki answered, not enjoying talking about the experience, but keeping up the façade to remain in a positive light with the boys.

All three boys let out an amazed, "Wow!" at the same time.

The last boy who had dark skin, blue eyes, spiky, aquatic-colored hair and a purple ascot pointed at Hiroki and said, "I want to be a Giretsu just like you!"

His comment received nods of agreement from the other two boys. Hiroki grew nervous at the prospect, remembering the dead and wounded allies he had seen in space and the medbay of the Yukikaze. These poor young, innocent souls had no clue what war was really like. All they knew about it was more than likely from the entertainment media that had a tendency to glamorize warfare rather than ground it in reality like a documentary. Hiroki respected the aspirations of these lads, but he felt that they could be something more.

"How interesting. What are your names?" Hiroki inquired.

"Lucas!" said the green-haired boy.

"Akio," the boy with curly hair answered.

"Zento!" said the boy with the ascot.

Hiroki scratched his chin and asked the boys, "What are your hobbies?"

"I love to sing!" Zento exclaimed.

"I love to go on jogs with my parents," Lucas said as he jogged in place to demonstrate.

"I've always enjoyed reading about the weather," Akio replied.

"And how much do you three want to get into the Star Army and perhaps even the Giretsu?" Hiroki asked, locking his eyes on Zento.

"Oh, very much!" Akio replied and his two friends gave practically the same answer.

"Well, why don't you three look into your personal hobbies first? Zento, I think with enough practice and dedication, you'll be a great singer. Akio, with your hobby, perhaps you can pursue the path of being a weatherman. And for you Lucas, maybe you could participate in sports and become a champion that is known far and wide across the galaxy," Hiroki suggests, hoping that he can convince these boys to pursue other interests rather than ride the train straight into military service. Any sane person knew that war was anything BUT what was usually shown on the TV.
Tokyo Brew Pub, Fort Minori, Nataria

"Ehh?" Matsuvo did a bit of a double-take at the neko's statement regarding her given name, though did drop the military honorifics. "Thank you for forgiving my indiscretion, Usada-san, but I've only just met you, we can't... it's not proper. " He said, taking a sip of his beer to mask his surprise before speaking again. Perhaps they do things differently in the Uesu fleet? He pondered.

"I don't recall much of Uesu's time on the throne" Matsuvo confessed. "I was still an infant when he first took the throne, and not even a teen when he and his fleet left thirteen years ago. What is it like? Out there in his fleet, I mean."
Chrome Catgirl

Koyama's celebrations had ended with being hit on a disgraced prince of the UOC. The drunken ramblings of the youngest of the Motoyoshi brood before the youngling had fallen into the deep sleep only the truly inebriated could handle. Slipping past what had transpired elsewhere had proven somewhat tricky but manageable. The Shoi had evaded others in similar situations, finally coming upon Tokyo's shuttlebay and had caught a ride to the surface. Kyoto was her hometown... well. City more like. When you lived at Samurai House for the vast majority of your life when not on deployment, the megacity became all too familiar as a native's stomping ground. Like that of an elderly gentleman embarrassed but still brushed off a well-worn encyclopedia to show off. Purely nostalgia.

The streets of the city were thick with music and good cheer. Glimmergold had been a success, at cost, but a success all the same. And while she hadn't been on the frontline with an aether-saber rifle in hand, firing into hordes of the gaudy powered armors of the Kuvexian forces. Or on the bridge of the mighty dreadnought to which she was attached, Koyama had fought in her own way. The titanic battle of the engineer. All the soldiers, pilots, Taisa, and Taisho within the military couldn't operate without her kind. They made the decisions to save lives, or in the name of duty expend them. And her job was to keep them all alive. Or in this case, help keep the Izanagi-class Dreadnought from guttering out like the stub of a candle. Holes and rips within the meters thick Zesuaium plate. Fractures in the frame. Systems damaged or offline and compartments vented to space.

There were heroes beyond those that racked up enemy kills. Or managed to pull off a set of complex strategies nestled on the bridge of their respective warships.

It had been a mad panic for her crew. Just one of many in a ship large enough to conquer a planet all its own. Or wreak untold devastation upon it or a fleet all on its lonesome. The humble engineering profession usually went unsung despite the role they played. One mishap, one wrong calculation or decision in the midst of a full-on brawl in space could mean the life, or death of hundreds if not thousands of souls. She should know. Serving aboard the YSS Sakura II had taught her that her job truly mattered. That grace under pressure was a worthy quote and philosophy for when you were in a race against time in getting your ship operational before the enemy in a momentary standoff. Or the conquest of a planet with the press of a button. They pulled their own weight in their own way and damn the medals and handshakes that so often happened with the more visible elements of the military.

Pulling a triple shift on seeing to repairs had left her body in such a state that it craved food. Protein, something meaty. She didn't care what. From sushi to a burger or steak. One, or all three. When she was famished, Koyama went for the throat.

And so here she was. A Shoi in a sea of other personnel, the dimly lit pub's lighting seeming to accentuate the wooden and patterned walls in a way that pleased the eye. It just seemed to bring out the best of the dark, braided grain of the wood. Something she had observed while navigating her way further into the interior of the famed establishment. She still wore her uniform, the rank pin shining on her breast. And that seemed to earn her a bit of a wider berth. Though the woman stopped before a table, the chrome statue upon it of Taisho, Ketsurui, Yui. Shipmistress and leader of the Star Army. Seeing the woman clad in bright, reflective metal wrenched her gut as the feeling of anger begin to rumble and rise from its cage.

With a muttered curse to herself, Koyama tore her gaze away from the stoic commander and on to others. Irim. Another family favorite according to her sister, Kotori. She shook her head, a cascade of jet-hair falling over her shoulder as she did so. On to the next, passing by several others only to linger upon Ketsurui, Sharie. Koyama knew the woman's daughter. Had assisted in her training. And in a very weird, confused fashion was possibly her aunt as well. With the boisterous, thuggish Rolf Westwood, now Ketsurui, Rolf as a cousin of sorts. The short-statured Neko waved a dismissive hand before moving on.

That wasn't on her mind.

Chrome Catgirl
Rei turned to Aiko with downcast eyes, "Gomemasen, I am sorry for recommending this place. We will go."

"No," Aiko said curtly, her courtly Yamataian diction unflustered by Asuka and Gravity's celebratory state. "You cannot expect that I flee something so trivial as my own comrades enjoying our Empire's glorious victory. It seems their jubilance has drawn attention to us, too," she added with a smile and glance at another booth full of Star Army soldiers pointing excitedly at their table. Ever-mindful of her media status and how her image had been employed to rally the homefront during the war, Aiko gave a wave over her shoulder at them just in case they were snapping photos.

"Your present duty is to ensure that the establishment's staff gets paid," Aiko added to her samurai retainer via telepathy. "Despite Asuka-san's insistence, none of us will take any items 'on the house.' Go, now, and have the hostess charge all of our crew's expenses to my accounts or prestige allotment — as well as the tables in this section for whatever trouble their staff have endured. I trust you will remain discreet in this pursuit."

With that matter taken care of, the Ketsurui Princess turned her attention to Luna and the others, and gave William a little jab on the small of his massive back to encourage him to take up Asuka's beckoning pat beside her. All of the eyes quickly accumulating upon her and the Kaiyō's famed warriors standing conspicuously next to Gravity and Asuka's booth didn't give Aiko much comfort, either. She just wanted to sit down and relax for a moment, and would follow alongside her Nepleslian friend once he moved into his seat.

"Good Asuka-san's praise does not give William nearly enough credit for his combat savagery," Aiko said to Luna, thinking about all of the Kuvexian monsters he actually felled and all of the ones that SANDRA reports probably doubled up in all of their names. "A 'hero of Yamatai' to be sure, but a hero for all of us aboard the Kaiyō foremost. So perhaps he will drink his eight bourbons in Asuka-san's stead and save us all from danger once again," the Princess chuckled with an amused look over to the drunken red-haired bridge bunny.
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