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RP Tuat'la-Koun First Contact

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YSS Koun, Bridge

"We did not 'russsh out here' for you, Ssshosssa. Asss important asss you think you might be, a misssing Plumeria isss far more presssing." Aerlia clarified rather bluntly, seeming almost offended by the idea. "We don't tend to care ssso much about the health of thossse that do not follow their ordersss."

The tip of the Venis' tail swayed to and fro hypnotically, as Aerlia's yellow eyes glanced to Osakura and then back to Alastair. "It'sss hard to sssee thisss asss ssserving Hanako-taisho, given it wasss her direct and written ordersss you ignored."

To make a point, the Captain turned her PDA for the others to see, where it showed a copy of Alastair's orders. "Your asssignment aboard the PISSSCESss isss written as a ssseparate point to hosssting the IRC. I'm ssssurprised you read it asss anything different."

When Alastair apologised for the Mindies, Aerlia's mood seemed to brighten marginally. "Green crewsss are easssily ssswayed. I'm not sssurprised, but am disssappointed, your XO did not verify your 'ordersss' to take the Koun out of port."

Once Alastair handed over his own PDA with the blurry image and a promise of a flight plan, the Separa'Shan stared at it for a good moment. Rather than handing it back to Alastair, she offered it to the lumbering Kodian, who took it in one big paw. She gave the Harbinger a glance, which seemed almost apologetic.

Aerlia rested her hands on her lap, tilting her head to one side. "Sssee thisss from an outssside perssspective, Ssshosssa Belmont. An armed Plumeria goesss misssing in action with almossst a full crew compliment. It is ssseen leaving Yamataian ssspace without ordersss to be out of port. It is asssummed ssstolen or mutinied. It'sss not available for maintenance or emergency activation asss expected, compromisssing the overall fleet and defence ssstrategy of the Ssstar Army."

She scritched a scale with one long fingernail idly. "We intercept. It turnsss out an officer has disssobeyed, or not underssstood, Taisho Hanako'sss ordersss. Not only have they abandoned the ssstation they are legally resssponsible for, they have commandeered a warssship under falssse pretensssesss and sssailed off into deep ssspace."

Aerlia shook her head in disbelief, "I realissse now that thisss isss likely a messssup rather than maliciousss. However, we can hardly let you go free. At leassst until higher powersss decide what kind of corrective or punitive measssures are required. I imagine Commander Yui, Taisssho Hanako and the Provossst Marssshall will all be interested in what happened here." Finally, the snakewoman offered, "Doesss anyone have any commentsss about Ssshosssa Belmont, or how the Koun came to be here?"
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Alastair was keeping his cool. He had to hold back saying to the snek, now listen here you little shit. He knew they had a job to do and this was just part of the it. To assume he would ignore an order from his beloved Hanako was just maddening.

"It is interesting you'd point that out about the XO. See if I am no longer the captain of this fine vessel, because I am owner of a space station. I'd picture that she would have been promoted to acting captain. So at this very moment, I am a guest on the Koun being transported to see Hanako." He looked over towards Kamiko Akino. "So how did we end up here may I ask." She quickly jumped to attention. "Sir, I was ordered to bring you to see Hanako. As the ranking officer I was just following orders." Alastair was now pacing. "Was you given orders from command to assume control of the Koun?" She looked at him and then the snek. "I was not." "But clearly we left port and there is not a soul on my station that would let a ship leave without a captain and for sure not without my permission." He paused and let that hang in the air for a moment. Akino looked at him with a confused look on her face. "But sir, you put me in charge of the Koun before we left."

He looked at the snek with both his hands palm up in a you see gesture. "I don't know what to tell you here. Clearly if this ship was as important as you say, orders would have been given to someone to take command. Instead I kept it from being forgotten about and not only that, made first contact with a new race. This all while on a cruise to see Hanako." His arms crossed in front of his chest. "Normally I'd write a report a mile long documenting all this. However, I am a reasonable person who understandings command gets busy. They put people like me in charge, to handle these type of situations so they can focus on the big issues. Now I am more than happy to come back with you and share this embarrassing failure with Hanako personally." He leaned in towards the snek. "Or I am allowed to continue on my way and this gets filed as a faultless error." He leaned back away from the snek. "Either way I am destined to see Hanako."
YSS Koun

Alastair's explanation of his intention to see Hanako rendered a very blank response from Aerlia. "You.. are going to sssee Hanako-taisho?" One or two of the MPs in the Bridge visibly were holding in laughter.

"Belmont-ssshosssa, do you not realise where we are? We're outssside the Great Blue Rift." The Separa'Shan stared at him. "The Koun is outssside of Yamataian ssspace by a long, long distance." Aerlia tapped on the console to bring up a splash map of the Kikyo Sector onto the Bridge screens.

"We are at a bearing of 315 from the galactic centre, that being Planet Yamatai--" The Shosa seemed to be glancing around the Bridge for something. "--if only your navigator wasss here to sssave me sssome breath and explain themssselvesss."

Aerlia sighed and continued. "Xylar, the home of PISCESss is 20 LY north east of Planet Yamatai. What you've done is blown not only ssstraight out of Yamataian ssspace, but in the wrong direction."

Her reptilian eyes slowly closed and opened, "To my knowledge, Hanako-taisssho is in Persssonnel Headquartersss. ON PLANET YAMATAI." Aerlia raised her volume but didn't change her tone, still remaining very monotone.

She raised from the Captain's chair, slithering right up to Alastair. "We have had to chase you far out of range of any friendly fleet. Luckily, the Wyvern isss equipped for this, but we need to return to the sssafety of Yamataian ssspace within good time. Luckily, that's in the direction of Hanako-taisho, so at leassst that'sss one error we can correct immediately."
Osakura looked forward again once Alastair's PDA had been given to the other Shosa. The more she kept listening, the more she is kicking herself for allowing herself to become soft. A simple check of standing orders and any others she had need-to-know would have all she needed to do to correct this "mistake". As much as she would like to lash out at what was being cultivated on this ship, that one action still falls on her.

Her face visibly gotten sadder as her thought process continued in this direction until she heard Alastair's attempt to verbally worm himself out it. Her face snapped towards him and her self-critical pity party was burned with the rage of at least a Brown Dwarf star.

But the SAINT poker face started to take over as she compartmentalized the process before she was going to get in trouble. She wanted to make it to Taii before resigning and he just put a giant roadblock to that.

"Sir... Belmont-Shosa... Might your lowly Intel Analyst suggest employing less words. You are only dragging your whole crew down with you."

She then looked towards Aerlia and bowed deeply.

"As the Intel Analyst, I should have checked with the Communications Officer and XO of confirmation of Standing Orders. If we had done this, none of this would have happened. I shall submit my resignation and accept my punishment for my failure." Osakura said, she just wanted this over.
As the injector hit, Aliset cursed, loudly, in ways best left untranslated and that would peel the paint off a Yamataian warship with the sheer acidity and venom in her tone, before she was let go and dropped to her knees, rubbing fiercely at her eyes. "Just like my damn cousin! I'm gonna want a sample of that drug. The advancements made off that alone are going to be incredible."

Shaking her head she called after the doctor, "My vision was 20/15 before you stabbed me!"
"I must admit, our Chief Medical Officer can be rather... Eccentric at times, but it is nothing we have not grown used to through working with them. They are quite the pushy one, but I have seen this as common behavior amongst senti. A show of dominance is often seen as culturally singificant to their- your people." The diplomat spoke eventually picking up a piece of maki and slowly tasting it. They had something vaguely similar back on Hala'ao, but that wasn't of great importance.

Finding the food quite good, and to their liking, the diplomat continued to talk, inbetween bites. "I am fascinated by your cuisine, but that must be saved for a later date, I am afraid. There is much to attend to in so little time. If I might ask, what of your people. Our internal sensors detected some... strange readings... from you. Almost as if your other crew have been... genetically altered."

The term genetically altered left a sour taste in the diplomat's mouth. They had seen the impact of the eugenics plague on their planet, and they were heavily concerned about what this new civilisation had done to their people... As they took a look through the records of the Yamataian history, they frowned and said,

"Indeed they have, it would seem... I'm afraid that poses a rather large issue to our interactions... Genetically engineered things are seen as incredibly taboo. You may encounter some resistance with our people, many of whom have seen the long term negative effects of genetic engineering for the purposes of war."

"Whereas I was about to suggest a military exchange programme, I'm afraid that may soon be impossible without wide changes in military regulation. Section thirty-two of the Charter on Exploratory Procedures states that 'under no circumstances shall a subject of artificial genetic alteration, or a subject of significant artificial enhancement or artificial alteration of their base natural capabilities be permitted to serve actively aboard any Joint Forces for Space Exploration vessel.' In this regard, I'm afraid that most of your military would be ineligible for the exchange programme."

"I deeply apologise for this, we will likely have to adopt a change to our procedure to facilitate relationships with your people."
"That is likely because almost all of our crew and population are entirely artificial lifeforms. The Geshrinari human offshoot branch, themselves an offshoot of the Nepleslians who originally colonized Yamatai, then known as Geshrintal, largely died in a plague several Yamataian decades ago, and most of the survivors did so by means of a consciousness upload into the prior model of the Minkan. The remaining humans, nearly all of whom have immigrated to Yamatai since that time, are mostly Nepleslians who have many generations of mutations due to the presence of environmental teratogens, as well as interbreeding with a now-extinct genetically-altered human-derived species known as the ID-SOL prior to the founding of the current nations in this sector. There was also some genetic alteration in their early history to prevent the transmission of disorders across generations and eliminate susceptibility to human pathogens, but that the same as most humans in this galaxy and was done in the distant past, most likely by the Black Claw." She gives a couple of bright green pulses before continuing, "Thus, I am a second-generation artificial lifeform, created by those who were themselves created."

Sayako had not eaten any of the Yamataian food, but she did sample the beverage, both by savoring a small sip in her mouth, and by hovering her sensor-laded left palm above the rim of the mug. "It is a fascinating flavor profile. In Yamatai, the primary beverage is tea. We will have a package sent to you, as we have plenty on board like any Yamataian vessel."
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"Fascinating, this is a concern I will have yo run by the Judge-Advocate General, as well as various other departments of the JFSE and Diplomatic Corps. Have any of your people ever considered the long term implications of such creations, however? Or were you as quick to make them as your MPs were to arrive here?"

"I am intrigued by your people, you are young yet developed. Off the backs of precursors no less. I must say I am mildly concerned with... Your history, as I read here that your people have been to war many times, and have gone on campaigns of, to put it diplomatically, extremely distasteful acts. I'm afraid this is something that must factor into our consideration of your nation's eligibility for trade as well - systematic subjugation and genocide is not something we take lightly."

"I hope your people will one day see the meaning and validity of peace, but I fear as tarnished by war that you are, you will find it very difficult to make the changes necessary to achieve that."
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Ali finally peeled herself off the floor, chuckling darkly. "I like your CMO, sir. Sayako, ma'am, can we have one like her?"

She took her headset off, turning the mic on and readjusting it over her ear. "Hey, anybody on the Koun have any ideas for questions I should ask?"
"Unfortunately," Sayako's neck glowed a steady indigo-ultraviolet, "very few of those creators are still alive to see whatever consequences have and will come."
"You're not wrong." Aliset sat back down, sipping her drink as her stomach demanded solid food. "The way they're going, they're gonna have a long, proud history of dying painfully in some fool's war. But I want to believe my enlistment and my attempts to improve from within have been a step in the right direction. I just need to make more of those without being called a diversity hire by my own ship. I believe Tsulrati, Senti, we were conquerors half a million years ago. And your own human population eventually grew sick of that life. People don't live it unless they feel there's no other way."
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"I understand your pain, if only slightly. That begs the question, what do your people think of when they hear peace? We have many sayings from times like that which you go through now, two of which stand out to me,"

"Force may always be an option, this does not mean it is the optimal one, nor the right one. For in unity there is strength, and in peace, unity."
"Injustice thrives in the darkest depths of our minds, and only its absence will lead to enlightenment. For the shadows shall not thrive in the presence of that which sees all."
"We have many similar proverbs, if I'm honest. The issue is that people, especially those in charge, or with absurd power, don't take them to heart. Many of the wars we fight are defensive, but more often than not, it's war because two scared old people decided they didn't want to sit down and talk their problems over. You know how many problems could be solved if the Empress could cook more than a half burned quesadilla and pulled galley duty with foreign dignitaries, rather than making these grand shows of opulence and force? It's an attitude problem at the top that causes incompetence and violence at our level."
"And it would have an answer if we were one people, one culture, with one set of values. A young empire is definitionally an amalgamation of its forebears and former neighbors. Our previous Empress, who I regard as my grandmother, abdicated in scandal over the creation of the breakaway nation that would go on to make me once it had fallen and been reabsorbed, as well as their less-than-benevolent actions towards emergent machine intelligences not dissimilar to my own. Yet, though she was responsible for the violent cessation of millions of free-willed artificial sapiences as Empress, she went on to make me an executive in the corporation that made my chassis, a position that, after I have resigned, I retain enough shares to have a vote on the board of directors. She made me a beneficiary of their family trust. Later she recommended me for an officer position in the Star Army. She has done much the same for my sisters who have awakened since. Is it atonement or merely maturity, or perhaps both? For years she remained in the Admiralty, then for a few years more, she sat at home and doted on children and grandchildren, yet haunted by the treacheries and atrocities that occurred under her watch, then stirred herself for service once more to become Premier. What is peace for her? It is not peace for me or my sisters, with our lack of needs who have stayed in Yamatai despite its history regarding our kind. Is the assurance it won't happen again peace for us? What is peace for the Phods, who Yamatai contacted prematurely and ended the specter of nuclear war, or even conventional war, between their two ideological blocs, with neither to ever become dominant because the sky people can stop it before it begins? We are not unified enough for me to answer this."
"That is a question, I am afraid, only your people can answer with time." The diplomat said kindly to the android, before moving to the next piece of food. "But you may find yourself facing an inevitable decision in the future sooner than you wish... One which may leave a sour taste in your mouth, for certain."

"Steps forward can just as easily be reversed."

"Despite the origins of my species being more than peaceful, we have waged ideological war for centuries, before we finally achieved our own peace. To put it simply, for us, peace is not merely the absence of conflict, it is the presence of justice. Perceived injustice is often what breeds conflict, even if it is not there."
"Time marches on," Ali nodded, sipping her drink. "People change. So anyone who fails to move forward is, in truth, taking steps back. You make some fascinating points, Sayako. But let's, for a moment, refer to the box experiment. Two boxes. Each with two buttons. Truth and consequence. Fifty percent chance of victory for either side. Both can just as easily push the button. Are we arrogant enough to take that chance? Or are we going to do the inevitable and have a discussion? I understand your trepidation. It's the same attitude that left the Followers of Sentisura to wander deep space for eternity. But that isn't justice. The Senti have not paid for the atrocities of the Skydas War, and the only ones alive to remember it are a handful of ships whose crews did what they had to. Only our homes remember the screams of dying children. That is not peace. Nor is it justice. But it's the closest we have."
"You must forgive my skepticism that you would be able to offer a definition of justice that is both sufficiently objective and sufficiently concrete, give the sheer number of civilizations whose records I may access have themselves failed to do the same." Sayako rose, and bowed. "I have greatly enjoyed my time with you, even more than my expected satisfaction with the scientific discovery inherent in first contact. I do not wish to cut this short– however, I believe that I am be needed aboard my ship immediately. We will be sending actual diplomatic personnel to any subsequent meetings, should you wish, and consider my personal offer of hospitality. Yamatai has open borders to non-belligerents, and you would still be welcome at any nonrestricted port of call even if we have no other official relations beyond this point." She turned to Aliset and said, "We will likely be needed very soon, Kōun-Chūi."

She bowed once more to the Federation's delegation. "I humbly thank you for your hospitality, time, and consideration. Again, I apologize for my nonstandard decorum during a first contact, but I felt that such a display of independence and emotion was a necessary demonstration regarding my capacity and status, and could not thus pass up the opportunity."
"I have to agree with Sayako, sir, my humble apologies for our... Unorthodox first contact. Shurista is at approximately bearing 90.0005 off galactic center, in what we in the Kikyo sector call the western lonely expanse. Approximately bearing bearing 110 from Core Yamatai. Ish. Somewhere in there." She removed her headset, turning it off completely before offering it back with a bow.

"As it is, I do not currently know the location of the Katamuran pirates, which, if they are within a few lightyears, have likely heard our little familial spat. Combined with the fact that our vessel is apparently not hear under any authorization from our governments makes the situation... entertaining, from an outside perspective. I shall continue down my path for a better Kikyo sector. Thank you for your patience and hospitality. I look forward to serving in the galley with members of your delegation the next time we meet."
After nodding at Aliset, Sayako gave one more bow. "Do not mistake my skepticism for contempt. Please reward my pessimism with exceeded expectations. The mere fact that you seem to so honestly try makes you far more esteemed in our eyes than anyone we've met for the first time in a very, very long time. Please consider that when you judge our history."

"Shuttle, party to return."
"Thank you as well for your understanding. May the stars look kindly upon you."

As the Yamataians left, the rathenkans went about finishing up their reports. They had a lot to document.

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