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RP Tuat'la-Koun First Contact

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The plot continued to unfold in ways Alastair had not expected. He made a point to surround himself with strong capable people, so in a sense he had only brought this onto himself. Either way if this would move things along then he was one not to complain. Aliset was showing herself to be a strong addition. He could see great things coming from her in the future.

"Please, continue." He said to them. His attention then moved back to Sayako "So, learning anything?"
"Though I only took a handful of semesters of xenopolicy in long ago general schooling... I do agree that the esteemed Belmont sets so clear a mark." Aliset spoke in smooth, soft Shuristan, laying her sarcasm as thick as the tonal language would allow as she looked back to her Captain, waiting to be ordered to her seat at the table. "Entertaining as the people the Shuristans have made contact are, they do require some... Adjustment? Is that the right word? Alas, my people have been working with your own for centuries. I would like for my Captain and his finest officer to assist in these talks, as I would hardly know what to ask."

She straightened the pilot blue, type thirty cold weather uniform as she offered Sayako a sweet, genuine smile, as though to say That's you, sweetroll.

With Alastair's blessing to continue, Ali gently took a seat across from the ambassador, her sweet smile never fading. "I do apologize for my inexperience. One never truly stops truly."
Alastair perked up when he was brought back into the picture. While he'd been more than happy to let her lead, it was nice to see when something is outside your comfort zone to call in an assist. He was even more happy to hear Sayako referred to as his finest officer. He had hoped the crew would come to see her as such, this must mean all his hard work is starting to pay off. This has been a good day so far and looked forward for it to continue.

"Let us begin. I am very much interested to see where this will end up." He then extended his hand face up like everyone else had been doing.
The diplomat stared at Alastair for a moment, before walking away, and sitting back down. They responded in Shuristan, calmly and kindly, "I would expect nothing less from such a haughty people who know little of what they preach. They have much to learn about themselves, and have not the knowledge to truly know. I do like that android, however. They have much gaul."

"Now, let us talk orders of business indeed. I request that you forward us your history, in whatever detail you may have it, subject to relevant classifications and redactions, at your discretion. I also request that a line be set up with your government so that official relations may be established."

"Is this amicable?"
"I would say so," she nodded softly.

"However, Yamatai as a nation is very young. I, myself, am only barely older than their nation, and their peace is only in its infancy. They met the criteria of contact." She looked to Sayako for her check on the procedure for such demands. Shifting slightly in her seat, she projected a soft and relaxed image, but this was the first time she had ever attempted first contact in this way... For the second time. The implications were interesting to her, but she kind of wanted to go back to her starmaps and course calculations.

"Depending on the Captain's feelings, and Sayako's knowledge of procedure, I am certain something can be worked out. However. Like many nations both our peoples have met and worked with, not all of their past is savory. In fact very little. They yearn for peace as we have achieved, however the sector they inhabit is infested with their folly and the failed fruits of their attempts. While they have met the criteria, the peoples of the Kikyo sector have much learning to do. I have chosen to leave the Senti to assist my community. I pray to Listia that I made the right choice."
Haruka, the Unit Supply Specialist, would wander over towards the airlock between the YSS Koun and the alien vessel. In one hand, she held a battered old-style clipboard and a large silver platter in the other. She seemed disinterested in whatever the clipboard held, even sighing gently in derision as she entered the airlock. "Snacks for first contact, one set, deluxe." The black-eared Neko muttered to herself in a deep tone, one ear twitching. It was standard procedure to bring a platter of various cultural dishes from across the Star Army to any first contact as a goodwill gift. While most of these had been prepared by Alyona, the Chef, some of the more exotic ones had to be decanted from the ship's stores. Alyona herself was busy with preparing the next meal. Haruka, however, had plenty of spare time as always, so it had regrettably fallen to her to play waitress.

Coming into the airlock, she lowered the clipboard to her side, casually blowing a strand of long dark hair out of her yellow eyes. This would be a drag, as always. Why couldn't there be any damage control drills on the ship or free time on the simulator during the mission? She wanted to be snowboarding down a mountain right now..

Right as the daydreaming Neko was waiting patiently for the second door to open, instead she was assaulted by the array of gas and machines that were suddenly injected into the chamber. Haruka screamed in surprise, jumping back against the closed entryway to her rear. "Fuc-" Her outcry was cut short by the horrific realisation that the various dishes that had been merticulously prepared on the platter had visibly wilted and partially collapsed. They had an unpleasant smell all of a sudden, and some of the clear liquids now had a cloudy aesthetic.

Haruka groaned, feeling a part of herself die inside as her anger morphed into resignation. Why was it always her? Stupid. The entrance to the alien ship opened, the Neko forcing herself into a very strained, ingenuous smile as she stomped her way inside, looking to find where the discussion was taking place. To deliver these damned nibbles..

While nobody was on the Bridge other than the one officer who was dilligently at their post, a flurry of colour would suddenly splash across the various consoles and screens. Warnings of an incoming vessel, approaching at high-speed, from the rear of the vessel. Speakers would begin to woop and chirp, alerting that the craft was potentially hostile and was at this time unrecognised.
A pale green light blinked as Sayako looked over and down at Alastair's extended left palm, then she looked back up to make eye contact with the Random Alien diplomat. Without glancing back down at him, Sayako's right hand extended and gently, but firmly, pushed Alastair's hand down and back to his side. For good measure, Sayako left her fingers on his wrist, to ensure that hand remained in place.

A genuine smirk briefly crossed Sayako's lips and eyes as she listened to Aliset. "Kōun-Chūi," Sayako shifted to the Shuristan language, a proficiency gained through a combination of download, interaction with Aliset, and analysis of the conversation currently taking place, "access to the open, commercial SYNC network afforded to the general public is the most efficient way to obtain all of this information, and more." She directed her attention back to the diplomat, and an amber-white-blue fading in/out pattern repeated four times before she continued, "It is of note that our cultural records are scarce before a millennium or so before the founding of the Yamatai Star Empire. The Nepleslian humans, formerly enslaved by the Black Claw, as most of the humans spread throughout this galaxy are, went through several periods of regression and redevelopment over the millennia following their war for independence. By our best archaeological and anthropological reckoning, introduction of these human precursors into this sector was approximately twenty-five thousand standard Nepleslian sidereal cycles ago, however there are no extant records from before perhaps two or three thousand years ago. The immediate precursor states, the united Tymean, Uesureyan, and Tre empires, only extend to the development period following the last neomedieval regression. Thus it is important to study the history of the Nepleslians, not just the Yamataians." An identical set of lights followed, but the colors were in reverse.
The K'aian diplomat took the time to nod, almost in acknowledgement of Sayako's smirk, before moving to speak in Shuristan once more. "I find your people a strange and unique one. I am not sure what to make of you yet. Tell me more about these phases of regression, and of the Neplesnians you speak so fondly of..."

The diplomat motioned with their hand towards Sayako, the Android, and smiled, a RF signal transmitting to them directly, it would seem. "I sense you are irked by those around you, your cautious nature and curt demeanor is shown quite clearly to me. Tell me, what contempt do you hold for the organics that so often surround you?"

Then the food came, the rathenkans quickly noticing the error that had occurred. The captain held up a hand, before pulling out a small scanner, analysing the food. Quickly, they removed a thin optical wire from the scanner and plugged it into the food replicator on the wall, as it reconstituted the food and removed the sterilising agent, while still keeping the food free of microbes. Placing the food back on the table, the captain said,

"Deepest apologies for our procedure interfering with your delivery. The airlocks can pose a bit of a... Surprise to some. Normally foodstuffs brought on are irradiated to avoid this problem."
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Sayako's wireless reply was succinct: "Do you have children of your own, *untranslatable honorific [:&-sama]*?"

Immediately, Sayako went to check on the unlucky delivery Nekovalkyrja, "You didn't hold your breath... are you all right, Shiroyama-Hei? Your pulse oxygen appears to be nominal. You may be dismissed to quarters for the rest of your shift if you need to be, but stop by Medical first if you do."
The Diplomat's response was speedy as well: "That would not be the term I would use, but yes, I have a Qu'Draa, whom I value greatly. Are you implying you wish for children yourself?"
Sayako's reply came after a short (for an android) pause, during which there was a soft, pink pulse that came in quickly and faded slowly, to be replaced by a harsh white flash, and she straightened her body, eyeing her Captain sideways. "I've quite enough already."
Alastair sat like a good little boy at the table. He was starting to have flashbacks to when mom was teaching him proper etiquette. He knew Sayako was all for following rules but this was starting to get old quickly. He had a job to do and this job came with risk. That was just how it was and one must be willing to risk it all in the name of progress. Though before getting too ahead of himself, he looked over towards Haruka who seemed to be having a good time.

"Sayako, your analytics are always welcome, but your mom subroutine seems to be taking priority at the moment." He wanted to say more but he was alerted from the crew of an inbound ship. The heck is a ship doing out in the middle of no where. Though, this could be a good chance to see how their new friends react to something that is possible hostile. "It would seem another ship has come up on our sensors. Were you expecting guests?"
Suddenly the Captain looked alarmedly at Captain Alliastar, hearing someone talking into their ear over the intercom. The diplomat's eyes flashed around the room as well, as the captain hurriedly stood, and exited the room, but not before saying, "We just picked up the same thing, I'm afraid we were not expecting anyone. It's just us, as the nearest vessel is weeks away... And their weapons systems seem to be active... We will have to raise the alert level, for the time being, you are welcome to return to your ship, or stay here."

The Captain looked at a datapad, typing some things before a loud tone and subsequent announcemet came over the intercoms, and the wall panels glowed a light blue hue.
"A possible hostile incursion has been detected inbound to the vessel. Security personnel are now authorised to carry weaponry openly on their person, and all non-essential crew are restricted to quarters or their departments. As we have foreign dignitaries on the vessel, protection of them is of priority in the event of boarding. Further updates will follow shortly."

The Diplomat nodded and said to the group, "We may wish to relocate to the bridge saferoom, it is much more secure."
Alastair gave a nod in return in agreement to move to a more secure location. He sent a message back to the Koun to standby in combat ready condition. "Welp, this has been an interesting turn of events." Alastair stood to his feet and looked back at his crew. "Be mindful of your surroundings. We must not get in the way of our defenders." Now to wait and see what fun has decided to greet them out in the black.
Aliset had already slipped from her seat, moving to the sensor station of the Rythenkan bridge. "Please visualize that jump signature," she said in Shuristan, not sure if he understood her, but the sillhouette and the hyperspace wake told her everything.

As he pulled up the image of the incoming FTL signature, Aliset glanced at it. Had it been one of Tokyo's fleet, she would have known it instantly. No, whatever this was, it had a similar shape to a plumeria, with how the background radiation spiralled around the engine pods. "Yamataian, light to medium gunship, she's running combat hot. Shes not gonna have comms till she drops out of FTL, and is going to try to make contact, May I borrow your comm station? Captain, what did you do?"
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Meeting Room
Haruka nodded politely to the Random Alien as they recreated the ruined plate of snacks. At least she'd done her job, although it was embarassing to have happened in this way. Not sure if the policymakers back in SAOY HQ thought too hard about decontamination at first contact and how that might do what it had done to the food. Pencil pushers..

Haruka's black-and-white ears perked up at the news of an incoming, potentially hostile craft. Her usually disinterested gaze turned to one of wild expectation. Combat? Yes! She would be able to get into her damage control suit and-- Haruka's features grew stormy. She.. wasn't on the Koun. Her equipment was on the other ship and now they were being moved further away. "Goddamnit." The Neko cursed in a whisper, nearly breaking the clipboard between her two unnaturally strong hands. Why did she always miss the fun stuff? To the Captain, she offered her own report - "Sir, we haven't got a supply run scheduled to us for a long while yet. It's nothing to do with a resupply ship or anything like that.."

Space, 5km out from the meeting
Warping out of deep space, the incoming craft would appear, and did indeed have its weapons armed and shields up. It was somewhere in size between the Random Alien vessel and the Koun. Coming in very fast, it had been pushing the engines hard to get here from wherever it came from. While initially hidden by the darkness of space, the CFS of the incoming ship was partially masking the signature of the warship, but was still leaving a recognisable engine wake.

Aliset had correctly identified that this was some kind of gunship, and indeed it seemed to match what would be classified as a Yamataian vessel. Clearly, whatever this ship was here for was some urgent purpose, if it had raced so fast to be here. Sensors said that its weapons were initally trained on the Koun, but quickly redirected to the Random Alien diplomatic ship. A hail ringed at the Koun's bridge, amongst the various warnings and data that sped up and down the consoles on who and what this might be.
"Shields up, weapons down, switch to subspace frequency minus 228, weave 17.8, pitch Szatu 887 mil." Aliset gave the commands for a Yamataian distress beacon frequency to hail the inbound vessel on, "Record my voice in repeating hail. Yamataian warship, you are interrupting on a first contact mission between the Yamatai Star Empire and the Rythenkan Federation, stand down weapons and decloak. Identify yourselves. My name is Aliset of Shurista, helmsman, YSS Koun."

She quickly rattled off the registery number of YSS Koun, her voice sounding rather bitter and annoyed as she stood in the center of the bridge. Of course, the Rythenkens should have known a Senti that knew what was going on would quickly take command of the situation, some having beem reported to go so far as to take interim command of starships just to keep the emergency minor.
The captain quickly nodded and smiled, siting back as the Senti did their work. The alert was quickly changed to Alpha, as shields were brought online. The shield grid of the Random Alien Ship came immediately online, glowing against the calm background of space.

An announcement was soon made, as a tone sounded repeatedly, before dissipating.
"It appears weapons have been aimed on our ship by a Yamataian vessel. In the interim, weapons systems will be activated but not locked. Full shields have been raised. Tactical and Security personnel are now able to openly carry weapons set to lethal. All non-essential and diplomatic crew are to be confined to saferooms."

The captain of the Random Alien starship then quickly took back hold of the situation. Damage control teams were set on standby, and weapons systems were brought to defensive stance, not locked, but armed.
Sayako had got notification about the alert at the same time as everyone else, but her almost impeccably rational, analytical brain reacted differently, with more calm and deliberation. Upon the announcement that the ship had a Yamataian signature, she immediately began re-scanning every bit of data and documentation about the Kōun. Her eyes narrowed and her neck-light pulsed in time with the red lights on the bridge of the Kōun, but punctuated between red pulses by that harsh white flashing. Those narrowed eyes fell on Alastair, and her face actually twitched a bit, like a human's in annoyance. Somehow this was his fault. She just knew it, and was going to find out how and why.
Alastair reached up and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Clearly it had to be another possible Yamataian vessel. He figured it was the empress checking up on him given his reputation. Granted the urgent nature of the ship seemed out of place. It could have reach them within a reasonable time without breaking the engines. Plus why all the weapons when there was no distress message sent out. There better be a building on fire, orphans trapped and an extreme water shortage.

Alastair looked over towards Sayako. He could tell she was not happy. "Don't look at me, I got no clue why this ship is here." He paused a moment before connecting with the Koun. He gave his blessing to follow the orders of Aliset. Though this wasn't before the first officer Akino chewed him a new one for Aliset to be giving commands like she is running the ship. He confirmed this was only due to the situation and that he'd make a point to talk with her. A grin crossed his face, it would seem rivals are starting to appear.
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