"Sir, it's time for use to make our leave. You can make your case to them directly, sir." Osakura said as she extended an arm towards the door, the airlock, and their ride back to the YSS Koun. She was actually looking for an excuse to make her way back to the YSS Koun to start analyzing her initial observations and recordings of the aliens. But she kept the same poker face she had been wearing after she recovered from her shock of the MPs arriving.
"When all this chaos settles down, I will need to debrief you Takeda-shoi as to what happened. I will get to the Chui once I have thoroughly read that cultural brief." Osakura said via an encrypted wireless transmission to Sayako.
"When all this chaos settles down, I will need to debrief you Takeda-shoi as to what happened. I will get to the Chui once I have thoroughly read that cultural brief." Osakura said via an encrypted wireless transmission to Sayako.