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RP Tuat'la-Koun First Contact

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"Sir, it's time for use to make our leave. You can make your case to them directly, sir." Osakura said as she extended an arm towards the door, the airlock, and their ride back to the YSS Koun. She was actually looking for an excuse to make her way back to the YSS Koun to start analyzing her initial observations and recordings of the aliens. But she kept the same poker face she had been wearing after she recovered from her shock of the MPs arriving.

"When all this chaos settles down, I will need to debrief you Takeda-shoi as to what happened. I will get to the Chui once I have thoroughly read that cultural brief." Osakura said via an encrypted wireless transmission to Sayako.
"It is as I deduced. I consider it a personal failing that I allowed this to go on for so long." Sayako replied to Osakura through the encrypted wireless channel. She once again bowed to the gathered Random Alien party, and addressed them in Shuristan, "Thank you for your hospitality." She gestured to the array of replicated Yamataian foodstuffs. "Now that your food replication system is aware of some important facets of Yamataian traditional and contemporary cuisine, if you enjoy it, I extend my personal invitation to be our guest at any Takeda House restaurant, fully gratuitous."

She turned to Alastair, "Belmont-Shōsa, we have a lot of paperwork to do. We should begin the task as soon as possible." Sayako put a comforting hand on Aliset's shoulder, more softly. "I am thankful for the competence and honor of our Senti crewmember, as I imagine everyone present is as well."
YSS Wyvern

"Commander Jatala, your transmission is acknowledged and your offer appreciated. We will contact you if required, but as far as we see this is an internal matter. Hopefully the canapes were to your liking, we always find them too salty. Wyvern out."

"Helmsman, message received. Our Captain is waiting to address this in person. If you are integral to first contact, feel free to remain with the CSO."

YSS Koun

With the shuttle having departed a few minutes prior, the Kuma-class transport slipped into the shuttle bay of the Koun. Touching down, the doors swung open and a handful of individuals spread out. Amongst their number was a Separa'Shan, a Kodian, as well as a few others. Surprisingly few of their number were Nekos. All wore deep navy blue and brass badges except for two. The Separa'Shan had a white panel and was clearly a line officer. The Kodian, oddly, had a black badge and belt buckle.

"Yukia, Hiragi." The Shosa hissed, gesturing with long, manicured nails towards the far end of the cavernous hangar. "Sssecure the bridge."
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Aboard the YSS Koun

Most of the crew were in a battle ready state. When the crew from the shuttle from the Wyvern stepped out, they were greeted by a mix of crew in standard uniform and Mindy armor. "Greeting friends," first officer Kamiko Akino called out to them. "You will have to forgive us not rolling out the red carpet, we did not have time to prepare for your arrival. I am acting captain of the YSS Koun, Kamiko Akino, standing in for Alastair while he is away." She took a step back and motioned with her hand to the exit. "Please, I am happy to show you to the bridge, we can stop for something to eat as well if your hungry. I am told Alastair is on his way back."

Aboard the Tu'atla

Alastair had hoped not to have to break off talks to go deal with his own kind. Alas he knew if he didn't, he'd risk the neko back on the ship getting into a bar fight with the MP. He was not in the mood to add 6 more pages to his report which he figured was already at upwards of 10 pages in length at the moment.

"Let us be off then, would seem the MPs missed having me command that station that they want me back." You looked at each of his crew. "You all did well and I am sorry we need to cut this short. I shall do my best to make this quick so we can get back to important things."

Back onboard the YSS Koun

Alastair did not say much on the way back to the ship. Instead he spent his time going back over all the reports he had filed with command. From the logs showing their exact route from station to their current location. The letter telling him he was going to be in command of the station. The paper work of his transfer to the station. Which did not indicate he'd given up command of the Koun. Though since another command was not given he had put the Koun under the command of the station. So given all the facts at the moment, he was on a joy ride on his own ship that Star Command did not put him back in charge of directly. To top it off, he was being accused of giving a "stolen" ship to another race. This was one for the history books.

The shuttle landed back on the Koun and he exited in front of everyone else. He stepped out of the ship and moved towards the troops from the YSS Wyvern. "Welcome friends, I am Alastair Belmont."
Onboard Random Alien Vessel

Sayako watched the airlock doors close behind Alastair when she rose after bowing to him as she saw him off. Once she straightened back up she looked at the gathered individuals, Random Alien and Yamataian alike. "I trust," Sayako spoke, still in Shuristan, as her lights pulsed a slow Star Army Regal Blue and Hinomaru Maroon, "you have all been sufficiently convinced of my individual autonomy to satisfy any questions the Federation would have about my status in the Empire?" She made eye contact with everyone, hands clasped behind her back, smiling politely as she faux-paused for questions for dramatic effect. "Good. My Captain's legal status as my Captain was a genuine surprise, as was the subsequent police action, however it was naturally far better an opportunity than any I had contrived beforehand for my demonstration. Please, everyone, let us try some Yamataian delicacies."
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YSS Koun, Shuttle Bay

Akino's arrival caused several of the MPs to murmur amongst themselves, looking pointedly at the Mindies. The big Kodian was especially giving them the evil eye. Aerlia hissed in annoyance. "Why did you feel it necesssary to greet usss with combat power armour, XO? I am not impressed in the ssslightest." She waved at them casually, "Disssmisss them, this ssshow of force hasss no place here and I don't know why you thought it did, essspecially when we're gauging your intentionsss." Clearly, this was already giving the MPs a bad impression.

When Alastair's shuttle flew in and he disembarked, the assembled MPs switched their attention over to the newly-arrived officer. One of their number pulled a small PDA from the rear of their belt, glanced down at it, then back up to Alastair. They then tucked the device neatly under one arm. "Ssshossa Belmont." The Separa'Shan Captain greeted him with a raised eyebrow. "We were not expecting to sssee you today. Pleassse accompany usss to the Bridge ssso we can clear this up."

YSS Koun, Bridge

The assembled, rather uneasy, party entered the Bridge. Immediately, the snakelike Shosa slithered over to the Captain's chair and settled into it, her thick coils curling around its base. "I hope you don't mind.." She spoke with a disinterested tone, showing clearly that she didn't care. Aerlia took a long moment to regard Alastair, before snapping her slender fingers. At this prompt, the MP who had the PDA passed it to her. The Shosa stared down at it with a raised eyebrow. "Ssshossa Alassstair Belmont. Asssigned PISSSCESss Ssstation by Taisssho Hanako, Persssonell Command. Paperwork ssshowsss no contrary or newer ordersss. Your PDA wasss tracked asss leaving PISSSCESss ssseveral daysss ago. Once the ssstation's sssyssstemsss determined you were AWOL, we were notified. You're currently wanted for desssertion."

The white-panelled Captain raised her reptillian eyes from the glowing pad, looking expectantly at Alastair. "Why you are here when your ordersss sssay you're sssupposssed to be elsssewhere?"
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YSS Koun, Bridge

Alastair was being pleasant at least up till the point the snek decided to sit in his plush chair. His one eye twitched as he replied, "Please make yourself at home." He let out a sigh knowing he'd have to throw out his throne and get a new one. "Kind of you to rush all the way out here to check that I am OK. This is why I like Hanako and serve her without fault. If you must know, I was planning on writing my report from the conference on this long journey. It had been such a long time since I seen Hanako in person I decided I'd do a surprise visit." He took a step forward. "And I also wanted to give my apologize for the actions of my crew in greeting you. They are still young under my command so can get jumpy at times, forget we have certain protocols are to be followed." He let out a deep breath. "I should have known when someone of my greatness went missing that Star Army would look under every rock to find me. I am most sorry for this misunderstanding. I am positive I filed my flight plan with the station as to not be considered AWOL." He reached into his coat and pulled out a data pad. "But I did find the mistake." He handed the snek the data pad. "This is my plan and as you can see, at some point it had captured an image and covered up the details. I have no idea how this could have happened." He grinned, glad that Sayako wasn't there as he had no doubt she'd know who the image belonged too.
Aliset reached up to cup Sayoko's chin in her palm, one pinky finger under the point of the android's jawline, her thumb gently rubbing her cheekbone. "Thanks, Say. I really needed that."

With a nod to the Rythenkan diplomat, she gave another smile, truly a warm one. "Thank you. I would take her up on this offer. I've pulled galley duty with Sayako before, and she makes some of the best food this side of Sutsura. Even with the sub par ingredients we have to work with because apparently basic self sustaining aquaponics systems cost too much space and mass, but sure we can throw a freezer in with a full kitchen... And monodirectional gravity. That said, I look forward to a comparative exploration or our relative technologies. And given the hyperspace impact we suffered on the way, I believe my personal starmaps may be out of date, perhaps inaccurate past the tenth or twelfth negative exponent.
The Random Alien diplomat nodded, and quickly moved with the group to the meting room once more. As they sat down to eat, the ship's galley chef came into the room carrying a single, ornate pot, and some handle-less mugs. They slowly poured a thick, chocolatey substance from the pot, into each of the cups, and topped it with a bit of foamed milk.

The chef then spoke, saying, "This is Spiced Pocapod, a common evening drink for our people. It is very similar to the human's coffee in effect, but tastes much richer and less bitter. Some have likened it to the richest of chocolates, personally, I find the flavour much more unique and multifaceted. Should you wish for an alternative, I am here."

Anyone who drank the drink would find an intense rich, chocolatey taste indeed, but also some hints of spices similar to cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom. The frothed milk added a bit of a nutty quality to it, and the galley chef served them with a pastry similar to that of Baklava, to eat on the side. Sweet and honey-laden, the pastry was incredibly flaky and had a thick layer of date-like fruit in the centre.

The diplomat started first by taking a bite and a sip of the drink, before beginning to look over the platter the Yamataians had brought to see what they had to offer.
Releasing her grip on Sayoko, Aliset moved to sit down across from the diplomat and relish in his hospitality, only wishing that the next time happen in more Senti tradition, over galley duty, rather than a simple meal. In her mind and plan, this would properly introduce the Rythenkans to both culture's traditions and break up the talks with an energetic, fast paced working environment. However, she knew that the next one would likely be over a formal dinner on a Yamataian ship or world. That bugged her. She didn't like Yamataian food replicators. The idea that she couldn't walk down the road or take a tram to go help with the harvest of her lunch irked her in ways that the others on her ship never quite understood, no matter how she explained it.

With glee, Aliset took one of the mugs sipping it and giving a foamy moustasched smile of someone who had missed a very old friend. "I haven't had this since the last time I was aboard Shurista! Where was this grown? It's stronger than the Kuras dome's version! Though Erstut dome's bitter pocapod is better for turaeta."
"I am very pleased to hear it reminds you of home. For myself, much the same. This specific strain of the fruit was grown on the ship itself, cultivated in our aeroponics bay, and arboretum, respectively. I am not surprised the Senti have adopted the fruit's use. It is quite delicious."

The chef responded, as the diplomat eyed the yamatain food, still trying to figure out what they would choose from the assortment.
Aboard the Tu'atla

When Alastair had turned his back to Osakura as the pair left, she briefly thrusted her head forward and her shoulders back ever so slightly in a form of "Really!?". The movement would be noticed only by those actively looking at her.

YSS Koun

When she got off the shuttle, she stood to the left of the Shosa and slightly back. She stared passively forward as Alastair spoke, only briefly looking in the direction of the Special Investigator before looking forward again. Someone really has screwed up and she seriously doubted it was the MPs for one of the SIs to be pulled into this.

When they arrived at the bridge, she remained at the same position only even further away from him in a sign that she wants no part of this. As Alastair was giving his speech, she looked over at him before passively looking forward again. While she was giving the standard SAINT dispassionate face, she was having a hard time not sighing as he mouth ever so slightly opened and her chest raised a bit to take in air.

Her eyes slid back to him again and remained there when he mentioned the "mistake" however.
"Especially when mixed with cannonfruit puree. Most Senti vessels don't have the capability to readily grow large quantities of pocapod for that use. We tend to dry it and roast it for use. Kind of like... Not too dissimilar from a Yamataian coffee bean. And those make a... Passable turaeta. Nothing special. But drinkable. It's been years since I had it proper. And the Yamataians use food replicators almost exclusively. It's awful! I can't get a plate of spinefish and know the tank it's from, and nobody wants to grow cannonfruit, so I can't even get fresh fronds! But for all that, I was hand selected by my captain for my posting as the YSS Koun's helmsman. Though as you saw earlier, having the same rank as the XO is probably going to get me in trouble."

Sayako could probably tell why. The Senti word for "pilot," "vadasirinidias," literally translated to "riding captain." This term referenced both that they believed their ships to be homes and living avatars of their ancestry, and the fact that from a cultural standpoint, the captain, being the one who guides the ship, should be the one at the controls. Thusly, the word for captain and helmsman were the same. Perhaps it would be better to push Ali to consider the Captain and XO pair as more of a joint captain than something so strictly within a standard command structure.

Aliset was interrupted by a sharp rumble in the pit of her stomach, reminding her that that passable turaeta had been all she had eaten since the previous day. She sighed reaching into a cargo pocket to pull the shaker of salts she needed to apply to every meal to keep her healthy, setting it on the table. "Sorry, my food's toxic to some of the folks on most ships, so I gotta add the toxic parts in after they cook it so they don't make everybody sick... Clearly a good grastu steak and blood sauce is lost on some of these people."
It was at that moment, that an interruption to the dinner occured. Surprisingly, a Senti, one not from Shurista, walked into the room with stride, wearing the clean medical uniform of the JFSE. Instead of the typical gray, it was white. As they pulled out a medkit, and set it on the table, they loaded a vial into a special looking hypospray. The injector cartridge looked like some form of powder, which was sucked into the device. The Senti quickly walked up to Aliset Koun, and said,

"Sister, why the hell haven't these folk taken care of you? Your eyes are completely oxidised. I can fix it if you want, but it'll hurt like hell for a few minutes. It's a simple procedure, I'll just inject a base solution and some oculine into the eye's sclera. You'll slowly get your vision back over a couple of days."

They paused for a moment and looked at the diplomat, before saying, "Sorry 'bout the interruption. Just couldn't let a fellow senti go without proper medical treatment."

"So, whadya say?"
Sayako tilted her head as she watched, a ring of teal dots chasing themselves counter-clockwise (from above), alternating with pink the other direction, then teal again. "Kōun-Chui, have you been withholding medical complaints? Not only do I not wish for you to suffer, every issue is a potential advancement in our understanding of Senti medicine. If you have access to this data please share it with Medical when we are back aboard." She reached out and touched Aliset's hand, lightly setting her fingers on it. "If it is painful, you may squeeze. My substructure would not be damaged by even the squeeze of an elder Senti."
"Honestly, I didn't even know fixing it was an option! Like I get it, Shurista's a little on the backwards side," Aliset looked between Sayako and the Senti doctor holding a hypospray.

The doctor that Ali knew realized her ethnic background, that she was careful to keep her skin from getting wet enough to show the pink-green shimmer. The blue-green ring of her had faded back to the dull red over the course of the last two years, but she didn't mind. She knew Sayoko's records and data probably had some minor mention of Skydasir like Aliset having irridescant eyes. And certainly why the rusting happens.

"Doctor Tuat'la, I have no clue what oculene is. But it seems that there are some gaps in my people's knowledge of how we heal and handle injuries. Sayoko, rusting eyes in senti is a trauma response. Our brain kinda releases a minor mood stabilizer and antidepressant in times of emotional trauma. The red eyes is a side effect. The spiritual among us claim that our eyes redden at the breaking of our hearts. Now I would recommend my cousin, Sutessetu Soren to teach you more on that matter, but I've made every reasonable effort to keep my crew informed on matters of my health relevant to them. The doc knows why my eyes are red, and I'm in therapy with the AIs for it, Frankly, I've come to think of it as normal."

Looking back to the doctor with the hypospray, she deftly picked up a piece of nori maki, considering it for a moment. "Is my eye color really that unsettling?"
"It really isn't, Helmsnman Koun. I'm just more concerned with how it'll mess with your vision a bunch, given how severe it is. You sure you don't want it fixed, or are you just gonna stick to tradition this, tradition that?" The Senti doctor looked on curiously, seemingly frustrated by the woman's resistance to treatment. It was strange, to be fair. Where she came from, this was an easily treated condition. Well, both the depression and the rusting. Both were easily treatable with the right technology and therapies. "Oculine is a standard ocular regenerative drug."

Nonetheless, the doctor stood there, scowling as the diplomat looked onwards, intrigued.
Placing the bundle of nori, rice, and fish down on her plate, Aliset stood, approaching the doctor with a knife hand levelled at her chin. "Listen here, you perfectly proportioned, drunken katamuran accented bint, I have been accused of many things, but traditional is not, and will not be one, so to think that I wouldn't take an opportunity to advance knowledge for my people in my career would be more foolish than to think you bad at your job!"
"Alright then, here's your advancement." With the slightest hint of consent, and before anyone in the room could object, Aliset saw the hypospray coming directly towards her face, as the Senti quickly grabbed the back of Aliset's head, and injected the fluid into the sclera. It stung, a lot, but it wasn't unbearable. More like when you get something stuck in your eye and have to fish it out. The Senti smiled a shiteating grin, and said, "Aight, it's done. Enjoy your 20/20 vision once more!"

"Have a pleasant day!" She said, as she promptly exited the room.
As the injector hit, Aliset cursed, loudly, in ways best left untranslated and that would peel the paint off a Yamataian warship with the sheer acidity and venom in her tone, before she was let go and dropped to her knees, rubbing fiercely at her eyes. "Just like my damn cousin! I'm gonna want a sample of that drug. The advancements made off that alone are going to be incredible."

Shaking her head she called after the doctor, "My vision was 20/15 before you stabbed me!"
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