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OOC Resurgence of Yamatai (YSS Resurgence)

If I am going over board in sp, please let me know and I'll tone it down. I just wanted to show that when he lost his father when the Mishhu invaded Yamatai, if I remember correctly, he's had it in for them ever sinc3, which is why he says the things he says, like what he says to the enemy boarding parties. Again, just let me know if I am going overboard and I will tone it down.
For the record, I LOVE what Yoshiro says. He's so grandiose! It really adds a dramatic flair to the JPs/missions that I love
I appreciate the reminder Wes. It might not be a bad idea to give us a reminder every now and then. Like when you do the PR evals. It would be good for new people to know what is expected but it also keeps everyone on the same page. Especially after we just finished a huge RP where there was a lot more freedom to be badass during a huge battle.

Again, thanks for keeping us in line. Can't wait to see what will happen next.
For the record, I LOVE what Yoshiro says. He's so grandiose! It really adds a dramatic flair to the JPs/missions that I love
I am glad you like it. There is a reason for that though, and to make a long story short, while he was serving on the original Aeon during the First Mishhuvurthyar War, he lost his father when he was away. He had felt angry he wasn't on Yamatai when they invaded and felt guilty because of his inability to protect his family. His mother, brother and sister made it out though so he is somewhat glad.
Heya folks!

So, looks like I need some help. If I look at the last few SP's in the current thread and the start of the latest JP, I seem to somehow be writing Okimi in such a way that nobody wants to respond to my writing/interact with her.

This really sucks, so I need to figure out what the problem is and address it. But I'm coming up short, so maybe I'm too close to the problem to see the issue.

So if y'all have any ideas, please let me know! If you're not comfortable discussing such here, feel free to convo me in private here on the forums or PM me on Discord.

Thanks lovelies!
Heya folks!

So, looks like I need some help. If I look at the last few SP's in the current thread and the start of the latest JP, I seem to somehow be writing Okimi in such a way that nobody wants to respond to my writing/interact with her.

This really sucks, so I need to figure out what the problem is and address it. But I'm coming up short, so maybe I'm too close to the problem to see the issue.

So if y'all have any ideas, please let me know! If you're not comfortable discussing such here, feel free to convo me in private here on the forums or PM me on Discord.

Thanks lovelies!

I actually have wanted to, I've just been way to busy with the audit to post. I was reading through it this morning and I was thinking I missed so many good opportunities to talk to Okimi and throw grenades.
Sorry I missed jp yesterday my sarcoidosis was acting up again and I fell asleep.
If you search "Yoshiro" in the JP you'll see somewhere we thought he would exclaim a battlecry : ) I hope that's okay, we were really missing your guy!
I actually have wanted to, I've just been way to busy with the audit to post. I was reading through it this morning and I was thinking I missed so many good opportunities to talk to Okimi and throw grenades.

Yeah, I think it was more the way she was totally ignored during the opening scene that particularly bothered me. She could have been slumped against the wall, dead from damage taken while rescuing Yayoi, and nobody would have known until the group went to leave the Pod Room. Maybe its my fault for not being more graphic in describing the damage to her/her Mindy from the various weapons fire she had to fly through to get Yayoi back. Or maybe it was a mistake trying to make her more active in the plot and I should just take her back to being a social character and spend most of my time OOC during combat scenes.
Your post makes it hard to tell if she's injured along with her suit or if she's fine: "Okimi had somehow managed to avoid the worst of it and pulled the impromptu rescue off." Vs "Now, sat on the ground in her charred and beaten suit..." Then she's just sitting in the JP intro, making it hard to reply since she's not talking or actively doing something. If she had been hurt, Wes would have 100% had Poppy tend to her. Wes is also the type of GM that he wants you to say what you did and he says the consequence (good or bad). So if you had said that Okimi flew to Yayoi and only tried to bring her back as best she could, he would have had more to go off of. As it stands, he saw your post and saw that the action and conclusion were accounted for, so he moved on.

When I first joined his plot years ago he ignored my character a lot and it was sometimes frustrating but then when I learned what to not write it all started coming together. He structures his plot as a team with everyone contributing proactively and himself as the reactionary element, if that makes sense.

It's hard to stop and check on our fellow team members, but I do hear you that you're looking for that helping hand IC and will try to play Mineko able to do as much when it makes sense. It's good to have the open communication and say when you're feeling left out, so thank you for doing that much.
Your post makes it hard to tell if she's injured along with her suit or if she's fine: "Okimi had somehow managed to avoid the worst of it and pulled the impromptu rescue off." Vs "Now, sat on the ground in her charred and beaten suit..." Then she's just sitting in the JP intro, making it hard to reply since she's not talking or actively doing something. If she had been hurt, Wes would have 100% had Poppy tend to her. Wes is also the type of GM that he wants you to say what you did and he says the consequence (good or bad). So if you had said that Okimi flew to Yayoi and tried to bring her back as best she could, he would have had more to go off of. As it stands, he saw your post and saw that the action and conclusion were accounted for, so he moved on.

When I first joined his plot years ago he ignored my character a lot and it was sometimes frustrating but then when I learned what to not write it all started coming together. He structures his plot as a team with everyone contributing proactively and himself as the reactionary element, if that makes sense.

It's hard to stop and check on our fellow team members, but I do hear you that you're looking for that helping hand IC and will try to play Mineko able to do as much when it makes sense. It's good to have the open communication and say when you're feeling left out, so thank you for doing that much.

Um, not to rain on your parade there, but the reason Okimi had to fly to Yayoi was because Wes ignored my previous SP where Okimi was going to teleport over to Yayoi - hence why I had to fix it with the SP after his where she flew over.
Not knowing how to respond in the JP as a player still stands, though! ^-^

Sometimes when you do something Wes doesn't want done, he ignores it. It's been clear to me he doesn't want teleporters to work. A lot of PC said they wanted to teleport to the core and he ignored those people. And then Alor whispered to Mineko the core coordinates. I immediately knew it was because he didn't want anyone else to hear and knee jerk teleport to it so tried to direct the team to just walk through the station to it instead. I think he did that sort of thing with you.

It's happened to me a few times on Resurgence and it's like a game of Clue. He doesn't tell you exactly what isn't working and in figuring out why things aren't working, you can figure out his larger mission motives (though he'll say he doesn't have a plan-don't listen!). Basically if you look at him ignoring your character's actions as an intentional act you can start to learn more about the mission and piece it together ICly, which will help Okimi in traversing it too. Sometimes there is a lot going on, but in this case he made multiple attempts to not let us teleport.
Okay, thanks Ame.

Sounds like I will be best advised to pull back from the combat side of the Res plot then and keep Okimi strictly as a social character.
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Congratulations YSS Resurgence crew for successfully completing Mission 9: SPACE IS A GRAVEYARD! We explored the haunted space station on the other side of the wormhole network the Mishhuvurthyar were using, fending them off until our fleet could arrive, and successfully saved and evacuated 20 million people thought long dead in a galaxy full of past, present, and possibly future destruction by opposing forces and their machines of war. After this mission in YE 45.6,