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Approved Submission Ki-M20-1 Series "EUNA" Armor


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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So @Ametheliana and I did some adventuring in Uesu Space and fought the Mishhuvurthyar a while back, which really seemed to get everyone going on the idea of fighting Mishhu again. We haven't been back with the Kaiyo yet, but I think about Uesureya all the time and making stuff for them (and how much Aiko enjoys her "real Neko" friends from the SAoU). So I asked @Wes the other night to make me a picture for an Uesureyan Mindy. He wonderfully obliged with something totally cool, so after yesterday brainstorming/note taking and today writing it out I've completed the Ki-M20-1A Empire of Uesureya Nekovalkyrja Armor "Euna."

Originally my thought had been for it to not have any photonics/hard light at all. But Wes' art had those REALLY COOL transparent loincloth and cape thingies, so I basically had to make an Uesureyan variant. Basically it's hard (soft) light fabric that continuously activates and acts like a photonic cape/cloak. Besides that it's Tier 6 (medium armor). To compensate, I wanted to make it accelerate slower in space and be slightly slower in-atmo than the Mindy 4 but honestly no less agile in a fight. Turns out that making it slower than a Mindy 4 makes it REALLY SLOW overall because all that criticism Yamatai/KFY gets about being overpowered is actually just a cover for other factions having better stats than the supposedly most agile Mindy 4(lol, lmao, whatev).

It can also phase like a Ghost Mishhu. Because Uesureyans have fought Mishhu longer than anyone else so of course they unlocked that advancement. But it doesn't teleport. Anyway, it's an NPC faction so it doesn't really matter.

I guess that's it. I tried to keep copypasta to a minimum but the Sensors bullet points are just the Mindy's with a few extra things thrown in. A lot of the off-page equipment I linked to is just old KFY tech either updated to 4500-series or just slapped with a Ki- at the beginning because Uesureyans have no reason to update forearm weapons if the Mindy 4 didn't either. I just feel like Uesureya ostensibly is basically NPC Yamatai so has a lot of similar developments (and definitely retained anything pre-YE 30).

So basically it's a FatCat Mindy. Gotta have extra armor and muscles so that those tree trunk tentacles don't squeeze ya. I gave it a big long pike because I envision Uesu Neko in the Euna ganging up on big ol' Mishhu monsters and putting them down before they get too close. And a Naginata (glaive) because it's a cool weapon. Beyond that, its basic handheld weapons are an Uesu NSP plus an ASBR or Aether/Scalar SMG and one of those two melee weapons if they want.

What else... designer is Kitsurugi Uesu because he knows about the NekoOS plus some random Saika/Saiga who will be my KitsurugiFY avatar. They're Imperial loyalists and old PNUgen employees as a clan so it made sense that at least one went with them, right? If that's not okay let me know.

It's not proofread fully yet because I just spent the last 10 hours writing it. Oh. And I don't have any RP example but should have one pretty soon. It's the "summer of SARP" rules still so I felt like this could slide.

Hope that's okay. Just kind of did what I wanted with it based on the art Wes gave me. I honestly don't think it's very overpowered in any way considering I looked at every other faction's power armor and saw how ridiculously power crept they've become the past few years (and I still made this basically a fat and slow-ish Mindy).

Form checked Yamatai faction but its Uesureya faction.

Thanks. Have a wonderful day.
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I've already made my call as admin on this speed issue so please respect my decision. Also, I've already made one exception to the rules for phasing, I think it would be overkill to make a second one for the speed.

Note this do not preclude the use of some sort of speed booster pack that may be available in the future.
Are STL boosters back on the table then, so long as they take up hardpoints or use up weapon slots? IIRC they were made off-limits years ago, though I personally enjoy the concept of booster packs. (Luv me Macross Fast-Packs)
Maybe. Let's just get this approved and worry about that other stuff later.
tbh just imagine if someone went and posted that a Nepleslian or NDC submission didn't fall within the rules. We'd read snarky comments about "muh gatekeeping" and endure trolling about bringing it up for months. Exactly why their overpowered stuff slips through. But when it's Yamatai-adjacent we just have to put up with nerfs.

Anyway, I changed it to .375c. But it doesn't accelerate slower anymore because that was a flavorful tradeoff for being more massive, but that's irrelevant.
Don't worry, raz. When Hoshi is zipping to a destination in a Mindy the Euna she's expecting to fight with will have slipped into a phase that's faster than the one she's in and might have even gotten there before her! Yamatai [and by extension its father/allies] might get nerfs, but always has rule of cool to keep it on top of the challenges in RP we're here to write : )
also let's not lose sight of the real difference between 0.Xc and 0.Yc is the ability to maintain a higher-acceleration, higher-momentum, higher dilation non inertial reference frame relative to the other guy's, so you're acting more quickly than they are, your computers, where nano or even picoseconds matter are faster, and you're mashing your button a split second before theirs.
Submission approved! Thanks Raz for taking the time to write this up.
Yep. I did take the time to. Took me a single solid day after asking you to make the AI image for it because I wanted a power armor to exist for Uesu Fleet that I could use in RP. Lots of research and enthusiastic worldbuilding via thinking from an in-character perspective to make it perfect instead of just spilling my spaghetti out on the wiki over the course of several weeks. I thought it was the best power armor article since the 2016 Mindy 4, even considering the quick turnaround.
You're welcome.