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Approved Submission Teleportation Pad

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Head in the Stars
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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
Asked Wes what he wanted from alien technology we gather back in September and he said something about this and this is where my mind went. I think he meant a ship-based one, but he's developing that on Resurgence so I wanted to get my idea out there. I think it's really fitting that a new war introduces a lot of technological advancement and it makes sense it's all in one area, too.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
What are the performance characteristics of the teleportation pads? Right now, the only information provided is their cooldown time, without any mention of mass capacity or range - which could be easily added in a table, in my opinion, which would be of great use to any GM wanting to use these in roleplay. Also, wouldn’t anyone being teleported to this be subject to the thermal and pressure bloom caused by teleporting into an atmosphere (unless they’re in PA, of course)?

Also, where are the upvote and downvote arrows that every submission is supposed to have (as far as I know)? They’re missing on my end for some reason…

Edit: Removed the part about the overlap w/ Soban’s article; the more I think about it, the more they aren’t intended to fulfill the same roles.

Edit #2: Apologies for vacillating on this, but while doing an assignment at work (hence the delay in making said edit) I thought about things a bit more and realized that this submission does indeed overlap with Soban’s creation (which, according to its revisions, was created before this submission’s roleplay occurred and before its wiki article was created), as both are meant to teleport large quantities of bread stuff over long distances. The primary difference between the two - in my opinion, at least - is that Soban’s creation has more defined (and lesser) capabilities, while this submission has less defined (but potentially greater) capabilities.

Edit #3: After conferring with others, I’m not the only one who can’t upvote or downvote this submission. Was that feature mistakenly disabled for this post or something?
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The mass capacity is included. Range I wanted reviewer to help me with. The heat and pressure distribution are handled by the pads, that's why they are super heated afterwards but not before. I'll add whatever the reviewer wants me to add.

Haven't seen Soban's wiki on my life but the capabilities for this are actually quite minimal. I explained how I had discussed this idea back in September so idk man.
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The mass capacity is included. Range I wanted reviewer to help me with. The heat and pressure distribution are handled by the pads, that's why they are super heated afterwards but not before. I'll add whatever the reviewer wants me to add.
Fair enough on the heat/pressure thingie and the range, but I’ve re-read the article several times now and am not seeing any mass capacity listed. What section is it located in?
So unlike Raz's article, which is basically taking the P4003 and sizing it up to a large PA (Tier 6) scale. Or the one that I'm working on which is very similar but is designed again for the mecha scale. (I think it's going to be great to use to strand protagonists in terrible situations) This one is teleporting whole starships. I won't say that it's not where we seem to be taking the technology, given that in the last week all of the articles being floated are scaling teleportation up in some significant way. However, I do think we should consider if we want starship scale teleportation or not. Additionally, this seems to also do teleportation from one entire system to another entire system. (An example from when I looked at the article is from the Yamatai Star System to the Veronica Star Star System). That is a massive revolution in travel times that needs to be considered carefully. Frankly, I'm wary about both aspects here. That said, if the community wants to change them, then that's ok but we shouldn't do so blindly.

Assuming for a moment that we don't want to revolutionize transportation around Yamatai, but do like the idea of Teleporting ships around a system; I've kind of always felt that a severely reduced range was the trade off of the P4003 made for being able to teleport a huge amount of mass. That said, Raz's article makes me question that assumption. I've already stated in that thread that I prefer a shorter range for teleportation so I won't rehash that here. Given that article is on track for approval, I think the range should be 5 AU (Assuming a CIES).

Haven't seen Soban's wiki on my life but the capabilities for this are actually quite minimal. I explained how I had this idea back in September so idk man.

Yhea, it's just weird that we have like three teleportation related articles being floated within a week of each other.
(An example from when I looked at the article is from the Yamatai Star System to the Veronica Star Star System).
The article also says to do this you would have to bunnyhop planets! It's not straight from Yamatai to Veronica! So I think you're misunderstanding the article!

I will be honest, I had this planned out in my head and told myself it could become ship-based if the RP allowed, then raz made his and I didn't tell him what I had planned but was getting nervous, then Wes said he had one so I went "I need to get this out there" so I see it being weird, but it's also where the community is pushing so it makes a lot of sense. I assumed Wes also told people the same thing he told me, that we need starship teleportation pads, I just took it to mean something different than anyone else. Creativity is rad, not just when it comes from people other than me!

Looking forward to and ready for a reviewer to take this over!!!
I have been building up to make mass teleporters more widespread since I started my Crimson Levy plot that uses the Asamoya with its Transfer Chamber. Mass teleportation of multiple armors is only relevant IC in YE 46 because of my roleplay, as the technology had been forgotten. Ame has been working on hers, as she said, since September 2023.

Let's keep the NTSE on topic. It'd be nice if people would stop posting accusatory speculations as to why elements from one of Yamatai's two most active plots are being submitted after having been in the works for months or years.

That's all I have to say here, and only because I was off-topic mentioned.
The article also says to do this you would have to bunnyhop planets!

There aren't planets in deep space. That said, if you are imagining a chain of these pads extending across the stars, then that's a cool huge infrastructure thing which might be a cool railways in the stars sort of thing. And potentially introduce new problems such as we've come to rely on this transport method, what happens when it is cut off? I think we would want to specify how long traveling that way takes. I suspect it would be a form of wormhole travel due to the description of the Transposision cannon, but I could be wrong.
There aren't planets in deep space! You're right, that's why I explain this is best utilized in the Kikyo Sector and mostly core Yamataian planets. Veronica was used as an example because it has a neat little daisy chain leading to it and it can be added to orbital structures.

Yeah, it is a cool huge infrastructure to add, I hope it can be!

It is not wormhole technology. It's teleportation technology which is different in that it doesn't need established networks or roads. I suppose in practice it's a bit like the Essian gate technology so I see how lines are drawn there, but it doesn't require a network and has nothing to do with transposition cannons.

I like where you are thinking with its weaknesses in storytelling. I was definitely thinking "Wow this is going to make how the mishhu fight in the kikyo sector very interesting!" as I made this so I appreciate that looking ahead.
This one is teleporting whole starships. I won't say that it's not where we seem to be taking the technology, given that in the last week all of the articles being floated are scaling teleportation up in some significant way. However, I do think we should consider if we want starship scale teleportation or not. Additionally, this seems to also do teleportation from one entire system to another entire system. (An example from when I looked at the article is from the Yamatai Star System to the Veronica Star Star System). That is a massive revolution in travel times that needs to be considered carefully. Frankly, I'm wary about both aspects here. That said, if the community wants to change them, then that's ok but we shouldn't do so blindly.
I agree wholeheartedly, as I’ve always assumed that things heavier then power armors couldn’t be teleported due to prohibitive energy costs - because the energy costs associated with teleporting an object increases exponentially with every added kilogram past a certain point or something - thus I think that there really ought to be a community-wide discussion on where and how far teleportation technology should be taken prior to this submission being approved. That’s not a slight against you, Ametheliana - I just think community-wide consensus ought to be achieved before such a drastic change to the setting (which something like a potentially system-to-system teleporter capable of teleporting starships is, in my opinion) is made.
A few questions; Given that this is 1) A technology that is revolutionary in capability and 2) Derived from the technology of enemy forces that many, if not all, factions on the site are likely to be in combat with in the next few years, have you given any forethought as to how this will propagate throughout the nations of the Kikyo sector? It almost certainly will propagate, after all.

The second question echoes something that a lot of people have brought up in this thread specifically: Because it allows whole starships to teleport, this technology could essentially render much of the travel portion of space travel entirely obsolete and make a big portion of SARP's setting (spaceships) ancillary to teleporters, so long as one has an FTL space probe with the ability to construct for itself a receiving pad once it reaches its destination.

This unequivocally opens a really messy can of worms with the potential to disrupt almost everything about the setting, and I think community-wide discussion might be warranted.
I don't know how I feel about this. I feel like this trivializes starships.
Suppose this is for transit from ship to surface and back. I can accept that as a cool reason for it to exist, but I am not a fan of teleporting between planets on this scale. Useful, yes, but now there's no reason to have ships in orbit duking it out.

EDIT: Alex raises my next concern. Heck, this is faster than a Plumeria outta nowhere!
Starships would probably push to be more expeditionary, if there is any change at all.

Also, Alex, it's not technology from an enemy faction. I don't want to divulge too much of my plot here, but everyone knows it's not Mishhuvurthyar technology.

An FTL space probe couldn't build this and it's not something to build in a one-off style like that. It sounds cool, but it can easily be regulated to Yamataian held territories. I should even include that in the article and can. You wouldn't want to send these expensive materials out to who knows where, you would want to travel with them first. Plus, you would only be able to send them far enough out that you'd be an hour behind. I'll be honest, I was thinking a grid square or just more (around 50 LY) was my estimate for how far they should go. That isn't deep space probe territory at all.
Fifty lightyears for something theoretically capable of transporting starships is insane and - like Rizzo pointed out earlier - would basically trivialize starships. It’d also be a complete security nightmare for any faction besides Yamatai - unless these things specifically require a receiving pad - because it would allow for SAINT operatives to literally pop up wherever they please, which in my opinion isn’t fair to other Faction Managers.

Edit: I’d like to request that upvotes and downvotes be re-enabled for this submission, because something as setting-changing as this is should definitely be voted on.
I misread the section as to who the technology originated from, my mistake.
Plus, you would only be able to send them far enough out that you'd be an hour behind. I'll be honest, I was thinking a grid square or just more (around 50 LY) was my estimate for how far they should go. That isn't deep space probe territory at all.
I'm curious as to why they're limited to just an hour by FTL of range? It doesn't mention that in the article, so far as I can find. There's not a mention of range at all, FWIW. Re: grid squares, a grid square's only 8LY, and a 50LY range covers about half of the map
unless these things specifically require a receiving pad
I don't know if it's specified in the article, but I got the impression that a receiving pad was required, hence my supposition of FTL probes designed to build themselves into a receiving pad for a waiting fleet (I personally don't know that there's any reason not to do this with the industrial capabilities of SARP nations, since you can basically make anything when you start from energy-matter conversion)
Alex, it would take about an hour at best FTL speeds to get through a grid square, but that's just fast math on my part and is probably off. I was just explaining how it's not *that* much faster than a starship. You're not cutting out days or months, the pads are cutting out a matter of minutes if it was able to transport from one grid square to the grid square next to it.

Can you guys just wait for a reviewer? There's a good chance this won't get approved so it's a lot of work to keep fielding questions when it might all be for nought.
You're not cutting out days or months, the pads are cutting out a matter of minutes
I won't say any more after this, scout's honor, but I did want to make sure the picture was clear on how much time you save. The time savings aren't just in instant transit, it's in not having to get out of range from the star before you go FTL, and then the time it takes to get to your destination from the edge of the star system, which can save anywhere between 4-6 hours to nearly a day depending on how you define that FTL limit. These base savings are regardless of transit range, of course, and the savings compound as range increases.

As you said though, no more questions from me, I just wanted to make sure that whoever reviews this takes due consideration for the rather particular nature of how standard FTL on SARP works
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Nobody writes exiting a star taking as much time as you do Alex, it's mostly theoretical how much time exiting a hill sphere takes. Also people cut down on the time it takes to get around a lot as is. If we're counting change, for the largest ships it takes about half an hour to warm up and half an hour to cool down so it's only cutting the base time to get across a grid in half!
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