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Approved Submission Teleportation Pad

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Submission RP Example
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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
Submission Terms
  1. I agree
Asked Wes what he wanted from alien technology we gather back in September and he said something about this and this is where my mind went. I think he meant a ship-based one, but he's developing that on Resurgence so I wanted to get my idea out there. I think it's really fitting that a new war introduces a lot of technological advancement and it makes sense it's all in one area, too.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
  • After consideration and some back and forth with Wes, we agree that the range of this would max out around 10LY.
  • I'd like to see mention of the use of independent power generation (aether generators) and maybe a little bit of a focus on the fact an intensive amount of energy is needed to make this possible.
  • This should be specifically added that this is on the restricted technology list for Yamatai/The Star Army.
  • The need for the receiving pad needs to be clarified as was mentioned.
  • It should have the table/bullet points that quickly list the following (see the component template)
    • Year of Creation
    • Designer
    • Nomenclature
    • Manufacturer
    • Fielded By
    • Availability - I suggest a prototype
    • Price (It's not for sale but Wes and I have been putting prices on things to approximate their value)
  • YE 46 in history should be wikified
  • I'd also like something mentioning how this is just being rolled out and maybe choosing a few locations where this has been established to start with and expand it in RP versus it being everywhere right away.
Dude I forgot so much, thank you. I think I got it all, BUT we need to make a page for restricted tech, currently there is just this.

For the few locations, I asked Wes who would have it first and added that list but can make a "for the future" list. I also believe the list he gave me is quite extensive and that should be it for installations for this year. I wish Anisa were on it haha.

You know, I just noticed on the teleportation page for armors' P3000 that "These units will self-destruct if tampered with." And I was wondering if I could add the same, but more like if they're removed from their moorings without proper star army credentials or some such.

Also are we sure on the nomenclature? I guessed, especially for "R" which is just "Gravity systems, Inertia/Force Redirection"
  • Due to the "Major" nature of this submission, I think we should consider adding a "T" to the nomenclature for Teleportation Systems @Wes , so this would be Ke-P1-T4600 - Just a suggestion. These types of systems are worthy of their own category. What do you think?
Honestly, especially with the boom in teleportation technology. I think it's really cool that a lot of teleportation methods are being developed and discovered, it feels very realistic and like it gives a flavor to the beginning of the war and the advancements on the Yamataian side.
A short story about myself. I was once on a Star Wars roleplay server during a time that particular community leader was allowing the Empire to break any of the setting rules, all of them actually. It was wrong and the community suffered and fragmented. I was banned along with others for being one of the ones loudly protesting the abuse of the community guidlines, enforcing them on others but not the one favored faction. I have not changed. If the rules of a community are not equally applied problems arise. A large reason for my respect of Wes is that he will impartially uphold the rules of the community and treats everyone as equals.

@Andrew, NTSE Reviewer page, section"What Reviewers are looking for" Line 5 reads 'Does the article follow and apply the Standards of the SARPiverse? It should fit into the setting.' Following the link brings us to Submission Rules where Line 1 of 'Fits the SARPiverse' states following the Speed Standards as a 'basic standard'.
"It's not a ship" is an arguement, but it's insanely better. A Plumeria, the fastest ship in the setting can cover 10 lightyears in 10 seconds at 1 ly/m. Assuming the teleportation takes only even a whole 1 second the math is an insane 60 ly/m. Add a 30 minute charge and it's still 30 ly/m.Why ever bother shipping something in space? Who needs shuttles? This tech is too fast and is found primarily of PA that also need to meet the Speed standard! If a few caveats are applied it could be a fine concept but they NEED to be added. If this article does not have transit time a ship can just teleport from planet to planet to planet. That's interstellar travel and MUST be addressed, otherwise every single other player who has submitted an article that HAS conformed to the Speed Standard is being held to a different standard.

P.S.:No lynch mobs, Like this message only if you agree with it, and so help me god if anyone uses my post to start drama I'll send the IRS your Discord name.
EDIT: Might need my math checked. Add a 30 minute charge and it's still 30 ly/m Only with a 30 minute charge and cool It'd be .33 ly/minute only if the ship stays put the entire time.
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No, when factoring in warmups alone it's .33333333333 LY/min not 30. The times I gave you are conservatively imagining you just teleported to a pad and that's that, warmup alone is factored in. But if you just teleported to a pad you have to wait for that pad to cool down before you can use it again, meaning you should double that time because now you have cooldown AND warmup times.
Okay, If on ALL pads it is a 30 minute warm up, and instantaneous jump, and then the ship is ready to go, I will concede to the Speed being .33 ly/m and satisfying my concern.
Not only satisfied but relieved that the submission is within submission guidelines.
EDIT: That slow speed also leaves Starships their dignity
If something violates the submission rules by exceeding the speed standards, then in my opinion as a former NTSE reviewer that submission shouldn't be approved until the offending portion has been brought into compliance with the aforementioned rules. Perhaps the smaller teleportation pads - those with faster charge times - could have shorter effective ranges? This would thus have it trade range for charging speed, just like - as far as I know - every other teleportation unit in the setting.

The one @Rizzo mentioned in his previous post, for example, could instead have a range of half a light-year - thus giving it an effective speed equal to that of a Plumeria.
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I think the reviewers/setting manager have a lot of community feedback they can choose to consider.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think this is FTL. This might technically be faster than light travel, but site-to-site teleportation has never been governed by the speed standard being cited. The speed standard tells us the limits of how fast an object in SARP can physically move around under its own power.

Please do not reply to this message. My post is just information for the reviewer to consider, not a statement for debate.
Throwing my 2 little cents in here:

I think this tech would be neat as a planetary/ship based logistics system, transporting stuff on a planets surface for example, or beaming supplies onto a vessel without the vessel needing to dock directly. The idea of it being a replacement to FTL is a little mmmmm to me though, because even with all the cooldowns and nerfs it would still be a little cheese'able (being able to effectively negate the effect of blockades and such). From an In-Character perspective it seems really out of place, considering how up until this point Yamatai has only been able to teleport something for a couple of AUs (in general). A sudden jump from AUs to lightyears is really hard to swallow.

The only two big things that id like to see addressed are moreso in the camp of, if its to be used as an FTL system, how does it maintain that signal throughout lightyears to make the teleportation work, and like what Rizzo said, how would they deal with the Aether boom that teleportation often causes (maybe like a pressure proof hangar that can vent the atmosphere or something?)

TLDR: big teleporters sound cool but im not sure that they should be used as a FTL method. Would be neat as a planetary logistic system or something to ressuply ships tho
Would be neat as a planetary logistic system or something to ressuply ships tho
"revolutionizing supply chains"
"would revolutionize the lives of many orange panels"
"cargo shipping"
"food products from Anisa System can be shipped to Yamatai or other more distant worlds without the time in space transit allowing food to rot."
"ships were more easily transferred between the cliff entrances of Legion 777's base to be stacked to the waiting pad in underground cavities far below"

These are all of the examples of the article saying this pad is used exactly for what you are saying it should be used for. The thing about revolutionizing orange panels is because if it was within a huge Sharie or Izanagi, the ship could be resupplied while orbiting Yamatai and cut down on tons of time and energy just moving boxes! This is a huge reason why I made this piece of technology and I included it in the article, please read it!
"revolutionizing supply chains"
"would revolutionize the lives of many orange panels"
"cargo shipping"
"food products from Anisa System can be shipped to Yamatai or other more distant worlds without the time in space transit allowing food to rot."
"ships were more easily transferred between the cliff entrances of Legion 777's base to be stacked to the waiting pad in underground cavities far below"

These are all of the examples of the article saying this pad is used exactly for what you are saying it should be used for. The thing about revolutionizing orange panels is because if it was within a huge Sharie or Izanagi, the ship could be resupplied while orbiting Yamatai and cut down on tons of time and energy just moving boxes! This is a huge reason why I made this piece of technology and I included it in the article, please read it!
I'm really excited for the applications it could have on Anisa!
site-to-site teleportation has never been governed by the speed standard being cited

It's never mattered. 1 AU is ~500 light seconds. 1500 light seconds traversed at 15,000 times the speed of light is a tenth of a second.
"revolutionizing supply chains"
"would revolutionize the lives of many orange panels"
"cargo shipping"
"food products from Anisa System can be shipped to Yamatai or other more distant worlds without the time in space transit allowing food to rot."
"ships were more easily transferred between the cliff entrances of Legion 777's base to be stacked to the waiting pad in underground cavities far below"

These are all of the examples of the article saying this pad is used exactly for what you are saying it should be used for. The thing about revolutionizing orange panels is because if it was within a huge Sharie or Izanagi, the ship could be resupplied while orbiting Yamatai and cut down on tons of time and energy just moving boxes! This is a huge reason why I made this piece of technology and I included it in the article, please read it!
Yes and as I said I'm completely good with these kinds of applications when it comes to an in system affair, like resupplying a sharie, moving stuff around in planets or to like a moon for example. As I stated, my questions with the teleportation technology is the moving a material from a system to another system 10 lightyears away in the blink of an eye. It just seems like such a large step to take, for technology which previously only moved around PAs around a couple of AUs to suddenly be capable of jumping several lightyears.

Taking Star Trek as an example here. The transporter was originally developed as a cargo transport method and was never intended to be used with people, although possible. It took a rather long time for the technology to develop to the point where people could transport around a planet and such.

Im not trying to say the tech shouldnt be implemented on a planetary or ship to ship scale, I just dont really how that sudden jump would happen technology wise in such a short amount of time.
Well maybe if teleporters were created a matter of months ago, that would be a quick jump but it's not. They've been in play for a long time! It's about time the tech made a leap. If it never did, that would keep us in the past forever.

Also this technology is not just Yamataian but alien technology, too. Wes said with the onset of the Mishhuvurthyar war that he wanted us to go out and find aliens and get technology from them so I did just that. Yet naysayers are dog piling to explain how this shouldn't be possible. The setting manager asked for this sort of thing and has okayed it as well. The setting should go through a technological jump with a new and huge war like this.

I think I'm done fielding player concerns and questions for now and would like to wait for an update from my reviewer or Wes.
I would feel vastly more comfortable with this technology being
Taking Star Trek as an example here. The transporter was originally developed as a cargo transport method and was never intended to be used with people, although possible. It took a rather long time for the technology to develop to the point where people could transport around a planet and such.
I would feel much more comfortable with this, even though it makes shuttles and heavy-lift vehicles way less relevant.
A concern I've been hearing from others is one that is being touted as a 'revolution' in article. This technology makes blockades less impactful. This is a problem because blockade runners are no longer needed, and thus it deletes yet another roleplay element.

Guys really, this is just bad for the setting!
When has anyone roleplayed a blockade runner?

The last time I've seen a blockade even roleplayed is when raz did in Hanako's World.
  • Due to the "Major" nature of this submission, I think we should consider adding a "T" to the nomenclature for Teleportation Systems @Wes , so this would be Ke-P1-T4600 - Just a suggestion. These types of systems are worthy of their own category. What do you think?
As a planetary structure I think we should designate it as the Ke-P8 series.
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