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Approved Submission Teleportation Pad

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Submission RP Example
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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
Submission Terms
  1. I agree
Asked Wes what he wanted from alien technology we gather back in September and he said something about this and this is where my mind went. I think he meant a ship-based one, but he's developing that on Resurgence so I wanted to get my idea out there. I think it's really fitting that a new war introduces a lot of technological advancement and it makes sense it's all in one area, too.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
There's one example. What it does it deletes possibilities.
Planetary blockade, what do we do? Use the teleporter.
Planet under siege, try landing troops? No, reinforce using the teleporter.
Cargo needs to move across 10 LY. Send a ship, no, use the teleporter
Cargo needs to go 100 LY, now send a ship? NO DAISYCHAIN THE F-ING TELEPORTERS!
Straight cancer, I could go on for pages.
In terms of "Does this fit the Sarpiverse?" My interpretation is yes. This is the next logical evolution for teleportation technology. On that same note, it seems there are a lot of 'politics' entering this thread that seem to be shadowing the submission itself. (I filter this stuff out) I go by what is on the wiki, and what has been requested in the review. I have taken into account what has been said, however, it is up to the reviewer assigned in this case,

3-Day Approval Timer 2024-02-14 @ 18:15.

@Andrew This has a speed of 5LY/M!
You cannot approve this on grounds of speed violation. You are approving an article that is against the submission rules.
In terms of "Does this fit the Sarpiverse?" My interpretation is yes. This is the next logical evolution for teleportation technology. On that same note, it seems there are a lot of 'politics' entering this thread that seem to be shadowing the submission itself. (I filter this stuff out) I go by what is on the wiki, and what has been requested in the review. I have taken into account what has been said, however, it is up to the reviewer assigned in this case,

3-Day Approval Timer 2024-02-14 @ 18:15.

What about the valid concerns that myself, @Rizzo, and @Lizalopod have raised? Just because someone speaks up against a submission doesn't mean it's politics - this isn't 2018, after all - and wouldn't the fact that said concerns even exist in the first place prevent the three-day approval timer from being used?
@Andrew This has a speed of 5LY/M!
You cannot approve this on grounds of speed violation. You are approving an article that is against the submission rules.
1. In the future please avoid statements like "Straight cancer, I could go on for pages." I take those statements personally.
2. The effective range of this is 10LY, not 100 LY as you were saying. (Cargo needs to go 100 LY, now send a ship? NO DAISYCHAIN THE F-ING TELEPORTERS!)
3. The Teleporter has a cooldown, are you suggesting it should be longer?
1. In the future please avoid statements like "Straight cancer, I could go on for pages." I take those statements personally.
2. The effective range of this is 10LY, not 100 LY as you were saying. (Cargo needs to go 100 LY, now send a ship? NO DAISYCHAIN THE F-ING TELEPORTERS!)
3. The Teleporter has a cooldown, are you suggesting it should be longer?
They are intending to Daisy chain them for as far as the item needs to go and the cooldown doesn't matter, it's the charge time. The ship can fly away during cooldown.
The small teleporter has a 2 minute charge time yielding a staggering 5 ly/m travel speed. All math pitched to me was 30 minutes CHARGE UP to teleport. As in the shpi is at point 'A' for 30 minutes and then goes to point 'B' making it technically .33 ly/m.
So @Ametheliana would you be willing to entertain a longer charge time for these units to mitigate some of the issues people are having? (Let's face it, it will write the same in terms of GMs, same as we don't RP out the long wait between other events.)
Of course, no problem for me that small starships should adhere to the same times as larger ones to keep it all at 10 LY/min
Thank you guys both to the moon and back. 10 LY in 25 minutes is .4 ly/m and perfectly settles my objection.
Still not a fan of it but this is perfectly fair. Thank you for hearing me out.
Can I get an award for getting the most shit flung at me and not letting it stick to me or what. I hope everyone that dogpiled to know that your arguments couldn't keep me or this submission down. Whatever you have against me or Yamatai being capable and pushing you all off of me only revitalizes my spirit to continue making RP that inspires technology and character heroics alike.

I edited the article.
I hate how the discussion devolved to shit throwing, it muddied a lot of the genuine concerns people had with this technology and replaced it with a lot of unnecessary barking. Just to make it clear from my side, I was just elaborating on the concerns I had (and still have) with this submission, I wasn't trying to bring it down or anything.

Personally I still think it could be a little busted in some scenarios but if Andrew and Wes say it's gud I won't complain, it's up to them as the reviewers of course -v-.

Also smaller versions on ships would be neat too for shorter range cargo stuff from a logistics vessel to another ship. Would love to see those getting added too as the submission only seems to cover the big planetary ones if im reading this propely ovo
Can I get an award for getting the most shit flung at me and not letting it stick to me or what. I hope everyone that dogpiled to know that your arguments couldn't keep me or this submission down. Whatever you have against me or Yamatai being capable and pushing you all off of me only revitalizes my spirit to continue making RP that inspires technology and character heroics alike.

I edited the article.
Considering the valid concerns of other members as "shit flung at you" is not a healthy belief to have in a roleplaying community, and I hope it's one that you change soon, as neither you nor raz are "above" any other member of the site besides Wes. We're all members of the same community, and nobody gets - or should get - special treatment.
Hey everyone, I've got to get some rest, but I just wanted to say I appreciate everyone who has been civil discussing the submission, and didn't make this some sort of personal thing. The submission had 6 upvotes and six downvotes, all legitimate (I checked), and while it's obviously controversial, there's no excuse to be unkind to your fellow Star Army members; sadly, I had to delete some posts and/or send out warning points in some cases because people got emotional and lost their cool. As a result, I've locked the thread. Keep in mind that Star Army is a small community and if you hurt other people's feelings here, your pool of players to RP with may shrink. So let's try to be kind, because we're all here to have fun.

I also stand by and support my staff, thanks to Andrew for giving this the most impartial review he could under the circumstances. I entrusted him to make the right call and I support his decision.
Andrew's been going through a lot of stressful things in his personal life so he's on medical leave from SARP right now. Therefore, I'll be taking over this submission's review.

Rarely have submissions been so polarizing. The community was basically split 50-50. However, taking into account:
  • Andrew intended to approve this and put in on an approval timer which has now expired
  • The submission has already been used in RP
  • The submission follows the rules of SARP
  • Ame adjusted the submission multiple time to address the concerns of members posted in the thread
I am approving the submission.

Note: I increased the price to a billion KS.

As FM of Yamatai: I will begin to slowly introduce the tech in very limited locations at first. Yamatai will probably keep it a secret for a while and only put them in major logistics hubs for starters.

O "Now you're thinking with [tele]portals!" O
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