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RP: 5th XF [Hotaru] When Nepleslia comes knocking...

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SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
The battle was over; the war waged on now far away—confined to the distances of a former home. The broken hearted could let forth with a heavy sigh, morning had come and they had endured the night. The sun rose on Jiyuu its warm rays bathed those who had spent the night huddled in shelters praying that those they entrusted their souls to would prevail. They find themselves thankful…tasting victory for the first time.--Motoyoshi Katsuko

The rap of the Grand Admiral upon the door of the War Room brought Katsuko from the depths of thoughts; her silver pupil’s narrowed as she gazed out into the volumetric projection of debris littered field outside.

Hotaru, who is at the door?
She inquired, tucking the two pointers back within her belt.

Grand Admiral Davis, Taisho. Hotaru chimed; the news renewed the pang of desire to rest. It was morning now, the night had been passed in battle and sleep would likely be yet another full day of work away-not that she needed it, more so she desired it.

The volumetric projectors turned off and a low blue light lit the plain grey gunmetal walls of the room. A sigh left her lips as the door opened, she coming face to face with the man. She greeted him with a tilt of her head, “You have come a long way from home Grand Admiral, only to be greeted by tired eyes and battle worn soldiers for that I apologize.” She persuaded him, “Let us retire to more suitable surroundings, some breakfast perhaps?”
Davis shook his head after a polite bow to the Taisho.

"It is of no worry, Taisho. I was just on my way to offer assistance, but it appears that you and your community are more than capable of defending yourselves from threat."

The Grand Admiral took a brief moment to appreciate the appearance of the Nekovalkyrjia before him. She was supposedly ancient by the measures of her species, but she bore the same youthful features of all of her kind. It was a marvel of design, to be sure, but Davis could also understand the unnerving edge some Nepleslians felt when setting eyes on an unaging war machine with all-too-human attitudes.

"If it not too much trouble for you, Taisho, I would rather enjoy a light breakfast."

He cast a glance around the War Room. Sterile, just like home.
Katsuko lead the Grand Admiral through the corridors of Hotaru, on the way PANTHEON opened a volumetric screen the face of Tange Misato appeared.

“Excuse the intrusion… I just wanted to let you know I am ready to return to active duty.” Misato was back from Jiyuu and was back in uniform.

“As long as you feel you're up to it Misato, I am with Grand Admiral Davis and we are heading to one of the cafés on the concourse level.” Katsuko motioned in the Grand Admiral’s direction, as they continued to walk down the corridor.

“I will leave you to that then. Thank you Shogun-Taishio-sama.” The communication disengaged and the volumetric projection faded.

They arrived at the Café; a small franchise called Serenity Café owned by a civilian that Katsuko had personally invited to setup shop on the Iori. It was a small establishment, a few small café tables with glass tops and decorated in beautiful water colors of the Sapphire coast of Taiie.

Katsuko extended her hand towards the door, “After you….”

Davis would be met by a young Yamataian woman with black hair and green eyes, smiling cheerfully. “Welcome to Serenity Café big guy, you need a table?” She spied Katsuko and smiled widely, “You with this big lug Katsuko? I didn’t know you liked the old scruffy type.” Katsuko sweatdropped, blushing in embarrassment her head turning so that she was looking towards the Grand Admiral. She said “Mia, This is Grand Admiral Davis of Nepleslia.”
Davis extended his gloved hand to Mia, taking hers politely with a gentle shake. His smile was warm, but small, a subtle statement to the Yamataian that her rudeness had been noticed but quickly forgiven.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mia. Yes, I would like a table with the Taisho here."

The Nepleslian's genteel, baritone voice suited his grandfatherly appearance. He returned Katsuko's look with the same smile.

"Although I'm afraid I must comb my beard a bit more carefully in the future."
Mia showed the two admirals to their table, promising to them “I will be back in a moment.” She could tell she had somewhat embarrassed Katsuko and her guest—she had no care of it however, he being from –outside- there was no need for anything other than a slight shame to carry the day.

Katsuko recovered after taking a seat and smiled looking to Robert, “I must say I am a little confused, as to why the Grand Admiral of Nepleslia is sitting at a table in front of me. Your reason for coming here must be of the utmost importance to risk the journey across Mishhu infested territory.”
The Grand Admiral looked around, appearing to take in the pleasant surroundings of the establishment before locking his eyes on Katsuko.

"Perhaps moreso than ever, during a time of war, it is important to maintain diplomatic contact with other powers in the universe," Davis said with a small nod of respect to the Taisho. "Your confusion is understandable, considering the circumstances of this universe."

He crossed his hands on the table, politely smiling.

"However, with the SMX roaming around, destroying everything they come across, I felt that a few crates of Nepleslian goods would help ease the loneliness of being so far across the galaxy. I hope that our good food, warm spirits and cultural properties are to your liking."
Katsuko smiled saying, “That is a kind gesture Admiral….” Katsuko paused a moment continuing “I must admit I have not tried many Nepleslian foods, mostly your whiskey.”

Mia returned a moment later to take their orders. “Alright, Motoyoshi-sama you want the usual.” She turned to Admiral Davis, her cheeks tinged slightly pink. “And for you Mr. Grand Admiral of Nepleslia?”
"I'll match the Taisho's order, I suppose," Davis replied before raising a finger, catching a thought. "Ah, but can I add a spirited coffee to that... perhaps with a dash of brandy or whiskey? Oh, and just call me Mr. Davis, if you'd like."

He looked to Mia and then back to Katsuko. His eyes bore a spark that hinted at the ideas he kept behind his smiling lips.

"I'm feeling a bit adventurous today."
Katsuko wondered if there was possibly a point beyond the Grand Admiral’s words obviously he was feeling adventurous –for more than just his food choices. Mia headed off and into the kitchen to go get their orders, already relayed through PANTHEON for pickup.

Mia returned a moment later carrying a tray with two bowls of Miso soup, two bowls of white rice with Jiyuuian sardines topped with fried egg. Two small custard cups with salmon mousse sprinkled with caviar and a pot of steaming green tea with an empty cup with black tapioca balls for Katsuko and the spirited coffee for the Nepleslian. Mia set the food before them a bowed heading quickly back to way she came.

Katsuko exclaimed, “Mhmm…looks good.” She smiled wide her cheeks puffing out slightly in contentment as she poured her tea into the cup with the tapioca balls, the little black rounds bobbing up and down in the steaming hot liquid. She looked to Admiral Davis, waiting for the much expected reaction to what he had gotten himself into.
Davis looked at the set of food before him, nodding sagely while running his gloved hand through his beard.

Of course, he had a deep understanding of Yamataian etiquette, but salmon mousse and caviar looked like quite the strange combination. Still, his contemplative face showed no signs of confusion.

"Kore wa ii nioi ga shimasu. (It smells delicious.)" he said, motioning to Katsuko with an open hand. "Dozo. (Please, after you.)"

The Japanese that came from the Grand Admiral's lips bore a heavy Nepleslian accent, but his enunciation was clear and very formal, a fine example of textbook learning. Unforunately, it made the oblivious Nepleslian sound a bit stilted and old-fashioned.
(Tom I have not forgotten about you, my work schedule changed and I cant make IC posts from work. I will get to this I promise.)
Katsuko smiled taking a spoonful of broth from the Miso soup and sipped at it. She let out a contented sigh and sat back in the chair, looking to the Grand Admiral. “So….what would you like to start discussing first Grand Admiral?” she was curious as to what diplomatic route he had in mind.

She reached for the tea pot and poured herself a cup; she blew on the steaming rim and took a sip. She couldn’t help but to wonder why it was not Uesu or Yui sitting across the table from the Nepleslian. It worried her, painted a further picture of the level of degradation back home.
Davis took his cup of coffee in hand and began to talk.

"There has been a considerable amount of change in the Nepleslian Star Empire, or rather the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia," he began. "We've completely restructured our government to the point where we're not actually the empire that existed before. Actually, which was a bit of a shock to me at first, my new rank is Sky Marshall."

He took a sip, enjoying the fine mixture of alcohol and bitter grinds.

"We've established a senate and I am the premier of it. As such, I have the responsibility of establishing diplomatic relations with the other powers of the universe. Given the current circumstances we find our respective nations in, I elected to come to the 5th XF first. Your people have demonstrated a remarkable sense of rugged determination and individuality in this far corner of the universe. It's a strikingly pleasant story to read, and one that I feel can become even greater with assistance from... helpful channels."
Katsuko sipped at her tea as the "Sky Marshall" spoke. The changes to the Nepleslian government were interesting enough. It was likely that with all governments big changes held big ambitions.

At least he has done his homework. Even if it is for his own advantage. She thought to herself, as he spoke of her fleet and their survival, their epic journey and then how he was going to make himself or his nation some great part of it. His charisma failed to inspire any kind of genuine arousal, moreso suspicion that she was about to fall into relations with some kind of mythological devil, greed.

She said quietly, "I am glad you at least took the time to look into where you are going. It's likely members of the highest echelons of the central government has bothered to give us a glance aside from another green dot on our side of the front lines." she paused a moment, sitting back in her chair. "Forgive me however, If I find little light in your desire to make this journey even greater than it has already been. The people of Jiyuu and this fleet have heard big promises before."

Katsuko looked into Davis's eyes, she divulged a finial addition to her previous commentary. "My point is...If we are to engage in relations of any sort, we best be sure we can deliver what it is we promise to each other. Our peoples have both been on the short end of the stick more than once, and I would hate to be at the causation of such again...Please consider this as you tell me about your "helpful channels."
"Taisho, I am a man who honors my agreements," Davis said with careful measure, his eyes not faltering before the 5th's leader. "In matters of business, you will see that Nepleslia rises where others may fail."

The Sky Marshall took his chopsticks in hand and dipped into the caviar. He took a bite, politely chewing and swallowing the morsel before continuing.

"I do not promise golden streets or miracle cures, either, just a simple and efficient way to help stability in this sector of the universe. We've been paying attention to the strained relations between the various forces of your empire. As you have accurately predicted with your words moments ago, we believe that the 5th XF is an unfortunate victim of several injustices, both intentional and unavoidable."

The Nepleslian clasped his gloved hands on the table, hushing his voice to barely above a whisper as he leaned in towards Katsuko.

"I fear Yamatai is beginning to crumble. Her fleets are being ravaged by the Misshu, who are mere light years away from her home systems. She has more than enough on her plate as is."

He glanced over his shoulder, a precaution before he continued.

"Yamatai is more concerned with what's going on in her backyard rather than what's going on here, and She's squandering a golden opportunity to strengthen her strongest outpost, this sector. With all due respect, should She continue to ignore the situation here, I feel that all that you and the Lorath have built will be destroyed."

With those words, he returned and rested his back against the chair.

"Nepleslia cannot allow this to happen, so we are offering an opportunity to establish trade and diplomatic relations with the Yugumo cluster. We will provide you critical supplies, to be delivered to you by a fleet of our finest ships. We understand the trip will be dangerous, and that is why I say I cannot give you miracles. We can provide you with as much as our ships can carry in irregular shipments. Does this interest you, before I continue?"
Katsuko in addition to her conversation with Davis had been monitoring updates from her Senator on Yamatai. She smiled when Davis mentioned trade; she reached across the table and laid his hand on his lightly.

“I am interested, but I am afraid my dear Sky Marshall that I have to excuse myself from this proceeding to attend another more critical one. I can leave one of my flag officers behind to finish this discussion or you can wait for me to return. You will have to send me your response in a communication however, because this cannot even await your response.” Her hand slipped off his and Katsuko bolted from the café, leaving the Sky Marshall and her breakfast behind.

Hotaru please begin loading the Seijin no Umi. Priority One Dispatch. We are going to Yamatai..

Katsuko was going to Yamatai, her plan being to set foot on the home world for what would be the first time in five years.
Davis sat blankly in his chair, having the discipline to answer Katsuko's words with a polite nod and smile of the face. Her practically running out the door was very bad form, not in the fact that she had to leave but that her departure, in such haste, left the Sky Marshall no time to reply.

But he was not angry. No, Katsuko's sudden forwardness, an effort to be polite, left him staring at the gloved hand she had gently touched.

A few long exhales escaped from the Nepleslian's nostrils.

A woman's touch.

Vivian, remember when you used to lay your hand upon mine like that? How many years has it been?

Three or four, but the wound was still fresh. His gloved hand tightened into a fist on the table before reaching into his pocket to pull out his datapad.

A message from his spokesperson within the Yamataian senate brought his attention to the proceedings there...
Some time later...

His plates empty and the feed from his senator terminated, the Sky Marshall connected his datapad to the news networks and read intently.

It was getting into the afternoon now, but he had not moved from his chair. The cafe was filling up with the usual assortment of hungry patrons for the lunch rush.

Davis discreetly avoided bringing any direct attention to himself. Unfortunately, his green military outfit made him somewhat of an elephant in the room. Despite the best efforts of some to be polite, curiosity got the best of them and the Sky Marshall received his share of stares from the crowd.

What an absolutely adorable child... Davis thought to himself after catching the stare of a small, Yamataian girl with curly black hair and ocean-blue eyes.
The little girl smiled brightly at the odd man in the green suit with the funny stuff over his face. She waved hello to him before her curiosity got the better of her and she started to walk towards him.

The hem of her light blue dress swirled around her as she half skipped over to investigate Davis more closely, her black curls bounced around her shoulders, as did the large ribbon that tied some of it back.

She stopped with a bounce in front of the Sky Marshall and smiled brightly up at him. "Hiiii!"
The Nepleslian looked down at the pint-sized girl who came so eagerly to his table and smiled. "Hello, little lady. How are you today?"

"Good! Mommy's busy today but she says that I'm big enough to visit my aunties! But I've never seen you before! You have funny stuff on your face, is that make-up?" The little girl asked in a bright bubbly voice as she looked up at the man curiously.

"Well, my young lady, this is called a beard. Any man can grow them if they wait for a while." Davis laughed softly, brushing his beard with his glove to show it to her. "How old are you, my lady?"

"Oooooh okay! I am...7 next month! Is it itchy?" The little girl beamed again with a soft giggle.

"It's only itchy if you don't groom it," the Nepleslian said. "But anyway, where are your parents? Isn't it dangerous to travel by yourself?"

The Nepleslian felt his own paternal instinct kick in for the girl. It was not so long that his own son was the same age.

"Mommy's de....plowed?" She paused for a moment trying to remember if this was the correct word. "My aunties are looking after me since Daddy is with Miss Chiharu!" She didn't seem bothered by this fact, just a mix of what could've been lonely and proud.

The true meaning of those words wasn't lost on the Nepleslian, who kept his smile warm although he felt a small pang of hurt in his chest. "Well, well, everyone must be very proud of your mommy. She's doing a very important job for you and everyone else on this station."

"Yeah! She's a doc! I'm not alone though, Mr. Bubbles and Auntie Kaylee keep me company! You're clothes look funny, you are from another place?" The little girl beamed brightly still, smiling as she toyed with the fabric of her dress for a moment as she stared up into the man's face. He did have the look on his face that her mommy did when she was looking at a picture of daddy.

The elder Nepleslian looked down at his clothing, puffing out his vest with his fingers playfully. "They do, don't they? You're very smart to notice, little lady. I'm from very far away, a planet called Nepleslia."

"Ne-pa-ulll-eeesia?" She said the word oddly, unsure if she had heard of the place. "Is it pretty there? Do you eat cookies there? Are there puppies and flowers?"

"Well, it's beautiful in its own way, young lady. We have very tall buildings and lots of pretty lights and many many people. We eat cookies and many other delicious foods and have puppies and flowers too, just not as many as other places."

"Ooh! It must be pretty around bedtime! Do you miss Nepulleasia?" She asked again, lightly rocking on her heels.

"I always miss my home when I am away from it, young lady," Davis said. "Don't you miss your home when you go on trips?"

Her smiled softened a little and her eyes got big. "I do.... the bad Mashu took it away and now everyone is so sad these days! But mommy says that home is where we are, so the mashu bad doddyheads can't take it away." she looked like she was about to cry despite her herself and her half smile.

The Nepleslian saw what was about to happen and bent over, taking the little girl gently by the shoulder and looking into her eyes with a serious expression. "Now now. Little ladies don't cry because their tears make everyone sad. The big bad Misshu did what they did to make you cry. They want to make you cry because that's the only way they are happy." His eyes softened as well.

"But if you ...don't cry, because you're a big, brave girl, they get scared because they know you can fight back. And Misshu don't like people who can fight back because they know they aren't scared of them. A lady as pretty as you must be very tough, right?"

The little girl gently bit her lower lip as she nodded, staring back at Davis with large teary blue eyes. "Are they fighting you too?"

"They're fighting everyone, my lady, but they will soon find out that they can't win if they have no friends." Davis smiled at the girl's bravery. "Now now, do you want a special Nepleslian gift?"
Her eyes lit up. "A gift, realllly?" She jumped up and clapped her hands at this notion. Her tears were suddenly forgotten for the moment.

"Yes, a super special gift, something that only very special people get to wear," Davis said as he removed his cap, carefully removed the markings and placed the cap on her head. "But because you're so pretty, you can wear it too."

The removal of the cap revealed his balding head, with hair receding well behind his forehead, but the Nepleslian didn't mind the extra bit of cold that nipped at his top.

The little girl let out a little squeal of excited glee at the gift of the cap. "Ar...arigatou, Otousan!" She jumped up and threw her arms around the man's torso to give him a warm hug.

The aging man made an 'oomph' noise when the girl latched onto him, but soon returned the hug with his own pat on her back. "It's nothing, my young lady. Please take good care of it, ok?"

She turned her head and kissed the man's bearded cheek when he as low enough for her to accomplish the feat. "You bet! I’ll keep it forever!" She let go of him, nodding furiously and almost knocked it off her head. She carefully put her hands up to keep her new treasure on her head. "I'm Ami!"

"I'm Robert Davis. Nice to meet you, Ami." The Nepleslian's heart melted a little with the kiss, bringing a new warmth to his chest not felt for quite some time. "Thank you."

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Davis," Ami looked at him curiously, unsure of why she was being thanked but like a polite little girl she simply replied, "You're very welcome!" With a bright, warm smile. "Are you visiting a friend here, Otousan?"

"Yes, I'm talking to the very nice lady you call Motoyoshi Taisho. She's the one who's on the media all the time and says the good things to keep you happy."

He cleared his throat. "Unfortunately, she had to leave on business so I'm waiting for her here."
"OOH! Motoyoshi-sama! I'm sure she'll come back for you..." Ami stopped as she made a face. "Shoot! Auntie Kaylee is calling me! I gotta go now, Otousan! Thank you for the pretty hat!" She bowed deeply, her left hand sitting on top of the over sized cap to keep it on her head. "Maybe you can tell me more stories about Nepleaslua if you're still visiting, Motoyoshi-sama!"

"Of course," Davis said, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "You take care of yourself now and keep on being a strong young lady." He returned the bow.
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