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NTSE Issues

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My concern is that submissions are being stalled because people are flustering the submitter, bullying them into not wanting to post anything. Some minor issues that should be included into a post are released slowly. Like there is a stray punctuation mark or a minor spelling error but the suggestions are spread out across multiple posts rather all at once. Or a submission is stalled because something was not worded clearly in another submission that was not directly affecting the current submission. Or people are not clear about what the actual issues are that are preventing the article from being approved.

Or things that aren't actually a concern get brought into the submission thread and it is all OOC drama that has nothing to do with the content of the submission. I would like to see Wes's submission approval guide to get implemented because people need to get constructive criticism on how to make their submission better or more appropriate for the setting rather than beating dead horses.
With the submission process, the NTSE mods, for the most part, have been fair and fairly understanding. Their (the mods) suggestions have been reasonable, save for a few miscommunications. While these miscommunications were initially upsetting, after a moment to step back, they could be resolved. However, the "additional" comments from the greater community seemed to be centered less on assisting the approval process and more on grinding their axes. Some mods control those conversations well, some don't. My personal experiences have not been representative of all NTSE mods as i haven't encountered all of them. I could bring up a particular issue related to one of my submissions, naming a person who isn't a mod, but would their behavior and language be addressed? I think not. The general culture i have encountered on SARP proper is, overall, has not been....well that is for another thread. Again, this is from the perspective of a NEW player to the site, who is still uninformed on some of the finer politics on the site and the deep history involved. I would like to state, again, that the view new players see when coming on to the site is the forums.
At the end of the day, it comes down to what the NTSE is for, making sure that submissions fit within the setting. As Syaoran said, at this point the NTSE has just become a tool for people to use to stop roleplay by requiring wiki articles before things can be RPed and then keeping those articles in limbo for months at a time.

There's a way that this could be done without getting to the point where people are 'yelling' at each other. Having been in college english classes where the students go over each other's work, I was told to at the very least explain why I had a problem with their piece and encouraged to provide solutions. It's not 'being creative for them,' it's simple respect for the other person and their time. Obviously, this respect is expected more in person than online, but that shouldn't be an excuse to just shut down the submitter's work and to essentially say that they wasted their time.

I've been given that kind of constructive criticism in the past and it was very helpful in writing a lot of articles. But when the majority of current comments on a submission aren't constructive, but rather destructive and combative, then I don't see much of a point in using the system as is. Until the current culture changes or staff is given better tools to moderate the threads, I won't be submitting anything into the NTSE, as I don't want to waste my time or the mods in what seems like a futile effort.

Edit: This is also a problem in the GM/FM forums, but that's probably better served in another thread as well.
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One of the major problems I've found as an NTSE mod is that we simply don't have the tools to properly moderate the threads. It always devolves into some sort of argument or fight that I can't even put a stop to despite being the mod reviewing the article. It's not only disrespectful to me and the others, but also horrible to the submitter, since it effectively shuts down their submission or has it be dragged out for extended periods of time.
Honestly, the NTSE's issue is people are getting hung up and taking everything super personal. The ridiculous protests against Frost (if you want me to give anyone this absurdly dumb card against what Wes has liked in almost every instant and has backed up in the past as almost always being correct) are part of a growing issue. Like I've not had too much issue with the time to getting things approved... but it's only a matter of time. Everyone is hating on Frost for at least giving input, yet not realizing that rather than just read the criticism and move on, they lash out. Like it's extremely childish on all parties, especially those acting like Frost is actually hindering anything.

The people who scare people off the NTSE are the ones who keep screaming their voices out attacking Frost instead of just ignoring him (how many of you keep saying you got him blocked but then never shut up about him supposedly attacking you?). The thing making people stop is this absurd wait time issue that stems because certain mods are forced to pick something up another won't, or one refuses to grab something because of their own petty quarrels.

Just stop this stupid witch-hunting. Frost's "bombs" are long, but you all could just ignore them and wait for staff to either tell him to go away (if his concerns are wrong) or to echo them (if his point is right, such as what @Fred has done as-of-late). Instead, people are continuing to say he's "bullying" them as if the block/ignore function doesn't work and the real staff can't do their job (not NTSE, but REAL staff). Let the REAL moderators do their job and have the NTSE mods focus on just improving the submission.

Submissions are being stalled because, truthfully, the content isn't being thought out or discussed openly. It's not just "because Frost is rood mayn", it's because of the attitudes of some creators and the actions of refusing to just work on their submissions, resolve issues, and move the hell on. I don't have giant wars in my submissions (save for one, which was stemmed from the most absurd "criticism" ever being the name of the ship) and I create things fairly easily and without issue. Why? Because I take criticism (when it isn't ridiculous stupid things like hanging up on the name of a ship) and move on.

I feel more bullied about submitting because of those people than I do Frost. I guess because I haven't been "Frost bombed" is going to be said? But like... why should I care if I get "Frost bombed"? Even if he did it on every thread, if the criticism was good I would just go through and do it in a timely manner instead of scream that he's abusing me.

This thread is really just ridiculous and absurd. If Frost is an issue because of supposed attitude, then there's a much bigger bone to pick with various members who have gone out of their way to harass members into not working with content (as Arieg did to me via trying to file a DMCA against me and still never apologizing). The tunnel vision on one person is sad.

@META_mahn and @Ametheliana are doing work in the NTSE and @CadetNewb has the time to witch-hunt someone instead of do his job. Pick a better and more troubling issue to confront before we start this personal axe-grinding. I'm genuinely sick of people dragging the NTSE out like it's some "whipping platform" when it's literally not even necessary for people to RP. That's why Asteria has been RPing, that's why Elysia has been progressing (especially recently) and that's why Pact has recently started to move (Arieg isn't in the NTSE, the activity immediately leaps in his plot. Coincidence? No).
Oh wow. Talk about candid conversations.

I'm heavily tempted to just close this off, since I don't see how any good will come from this... but eh, who knows, maybe venting the vitriol out will help.

The worst part about all of this is that all of this is true and legit problems, and the actual NTSE system itself isn't even in the discussion. People have in the last year or so stopped thinking about what's going to make the site better and started just trying to "Stop their enemies". And it's just gotten dumb.

Also people just plain don't know what -constructive- criticism actually is. Constructive criticism only has to do one thing, and that's provide insight. That does not mean they have to give you a solution. But that also means they can't just shout "WRONG". It means telling them something wont work and explaining why you believe it wont work. -That- is being constructive because it is providing insight, even if it doesn't fix the problem.

However the same problems that show up in the NTSE are already showing up here. We're talking about the NTSE not people, stop taking direct jabs at eachother and grow up.

Syaoran is MVP right now, delivering what is actually wrong in his eyes without stomping down the opinions of others. I happen to agree.

Looking at this from a Staffers' perspective, I get to see your reports. And this gives me the impression that I'm dealing with a group of 10-year old siblings that are fighting to know who'se turn it is to play the videogame console next.

At least, outwardly it looks like that.

What I see is people make report on what seem like the tiniest things. A nothing will set off a reporter. There used to be a time on SARP where people had thicker skins and could actually mete out trashtalk and somehow stuff would end up turning out okay.

But as with all things that age, things shifted. It's like, when in your childhood Christmas seems magical, and then suddenly stops being so. When stores like Toys 'R Us are like "The Holy Land" and eventually you don't give it a passing glance. Or when you stop giving a damn about the toys you can get with a McDonalds Happy Meal.

As the lot of you grew older, you developped new ways to contend with each other... rule-lawyering has become far more common and when thwarted, it does become a lot about 'destroying your enemies'... but you do it by trying to catch them into the rules. It's become a petty exercise of trying to score points in order to defeat the other team.

Honestly, the NTSE's issue is people are getting hung up and taking everything super personal.
And Legix echoes that kernel of wisdom.
rather than just read the criticism and move on, they lash out
Myself and Frost are fine but others seem to enjoy laying it on a little bit thicker than they should in the criticism department.

People are telling people they're being uncreative and such as a side comment to their actual review, which is totally uncalled for. Constructive criticism is always appreciated but when insults and passive-aggression are mixed in it becomes hard to take it lying down, especially when those people are there to help you with your submission, not rebuke you.
The point of being an NTSE mod is to review an article, and the pace at which we address issues in a submission is a key part of that. It is highly unwelcoming, if not outright discouraging, to 'bomb' a submission with a massive list of issues. That I, as an NTSE Mod, can't stop something so counter-productive and damaging, is frustrating.

It's why I've been taking a break from the NTSE.
I wouldn't be surprised if this thread leads to the loss of members of this community.

I move for a thread lock before this escalates @Fred
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Ok... I'm gonna make a statement more or less based on my goals and what I enjoy doing on this site, I've been here for a while since 2010 in fact and I'm one of those many guys that stumbled into here and tried to fly before I could walk (Cadetnewb can attest to this). But overall I stuck with it through all the mess and drama I caused or got directed toward me and now here I am. I will admit one of the primary reasons I'm here is to more or less continue to sharpen and or use the site as my scratching post when it comes to advancing my artistic skills, usually to the benefit of those here I consider friends (Asteria can attest to the planet art!). For the most part... this hasn't been an issue, maybe a little drama but overall most of the spinning off results have benefited the site in some way or another.

Overall I am here to play and work with my friends (IE Asteria, the Garts, Ersetu, etc) do random bits of art for them and work on the main passion I've had since I've started here.... to make a straight human faction and bring it about. Nothing more nothing less, maybe a bit of bragging and brinkmanship here and there but overall I'm content to keep to myself and churn interesting things out. My question is why has it turned into an issue in the last year?
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Okay. So I will say what my issues are.

The NTSE is a hostile place. When ever somebody makes a submission it swiftly turns into rather mean spirited verbal boxing match.

Regrettable, isn't it? Things would be so much more peaceful if everyone followed all of the rules and didn't complain when they got called out for breaking them...

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It is uncomfortable to see the NTSE mods get called names, have their bumped off of submissions at request...

NTSE mods shouldn't be called names, of course, but according to what @Wes said here, they also shouldn't "...[review] things where their impartiality is likely to be called into question."

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...and otherwise disrespected.

How is pointing out the rules being "disrespectful," @Ira?

I'm also still waiting on an answer as to how it's considered harassment...

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This lack of compassion or respect has resulted in the loss of players...

What verifiable proof supports this claim of yours, @Ira?

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...and Talarn.

Why are you speaking on the behalf of @Talarn, @Ira?

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The NTSE is a place for discussion, quality control and getting articles to the point where they can be approved.

I agree, @Ira. It's a shame that not everyone else feels that way, though...

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It is not a stick to be used to beat people that you dislike with.

I agree - but, well, the rules are meant to be followed, not broken.

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The NTSE is a very hostile place.

Sadly, yes. It is indeed a hostile place, thanks to certain parties refusing to follow the same rules as everyone else.

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Respect works both ways. You will not get respect until you give it.

I agree, @Ira. Oh, how I most certainly agree.

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The first thing I have noticed recently is with articles being approved, then someone coming along with a problem...

It's certainly a problem when - contrary to what Wes personally said here - a submission that violates one or more rules is approved, @ArsenicJohn.

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...and getting the article pulled back into submissions. That is pretty insulting to the mods.

With no offense meant towards the mods - we're all human, after all; we all make mistakes - that's a natural consequence of missing something, is it not? It's like, say, quality control sending back a malformed part from the production floor: it's nothing to be ashamed or offended by - it's just something for those working on the production floor to learn from.

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Another problem is with inappropriate behavior, such as the behaviors listed in Toshiro’s article. Sarcasm, passive-aggressive behavior, overgeneralization, shifting topics. None of those things should be tolerated.

I agree wholeheartedly.

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Next thing is telling people what they did wrong without giving advice on how to fix it, which makes people feel like they were attacked. The goal should be to help the article be approvable, not to say why it shouldn't be approved.

Fair enough, and that's certainly something I'm guilty of - but when it comes to following the rules, well, the "fixes" are - in my humble opinion - pretty obvious.

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A lot of the criticism being made in submissions is purely just that, and is not constructive. Rather, it is obstructive in nature.

How is asking that the rules be followed "obstructive," @CadetNewb? If anything, aren't the ones complaining that the rules don't apply to them the ones being "obstructive"?

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Further making things less welcoming for anyone making a submission is the way they're posted. It is extremely bureaucratic, using the rule of law rather than the spirit of law.

Hold on just a second, @CadetNewb. Weren't you the one saying that "the proper procedure must be followed" and the one refuting my posts about the NTSE not being a "bureaucracy"?

It, in my humble opinion, seems a bit hypocritical to effectively state that the NTSE is a bureaucracy in one thread, then complain about it being a bureaucracy in another.

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he NTSE has become an unwelcoming place for new players...a headache.

What verifiable proof do you have to support this claim of yours, @CadetNewb?

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It is not a personal attack when it is true.

If this alleged claim of yours is indeed true, then where's your proof?

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All you do is complain, all you do is fight and argue with others(Including moderators an admins)...

Why are you making an overgeneralization, @Zekec? @ArsenicJohn said here that "things [like that] should be [not] tolerated."

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...heck, you even were banned because of it.

According to the Code of Conduct, you should "..not discuss disciplinary actions taken against any user or account, including...bans," @Zekec.

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I can name many people who find you annoying, intolerable and an outright jackass at times.

Who, then, @Zekec - and if you're unwilling to supply any names, why are you making slanderous accusations against my personal character?

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Let people alone and do their NTSE submissions and reviews, the moderators are more than capable of doing their own job.

Everyone - even the NTSE moderators - makes mistakes regarding the rules from time to time, @Zekec. As I told @ArsenicJohn earlier in this post, we're only human. I merely point out said mistakes when they occur so that they may be corrected.

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You are an unnecessary thorn in the NTSE that make things a lot more complicated and stressful than needed.

Why are you presuming to speak on behalf of the entire NTSE, @Zekec?

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That is not only to you, but anyone who constantly bickers and fights on the NTSE, it scares people away.

Then why did you name me specifically in this post and use the word "you" repeatedly in this one, @Zekec?

Come on.

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And as this stands, I believe there is a lot of evidence to support it.

Then where is this alleged evidence of yours, @Zekec?

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I suppose there's no point beating around the bush. What Frost does was a nightmare to deal with as an NTSE mod...

Isn't it interesting, @CadetNewb, that - if memory serves - you're the only one with such complaints? I haven't heard a single complaint regarding my style of posting from Ametheliana, Arbitrated, Fred, or META_mahn.

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...especially the way he tries to crush a submission with huge, multi-linked, multi-quote posts that are a pain to read through.

How is someone's posting style related in any way to "crush[ing]...submission{s}," @CadetNewb?

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You don’t come across as helpful at all. You come across a superior, cruel, and mean spirited. You hold grudges and it obviously colors your Judgment.

Why are you making personal attacks against @raz, @Ira? The last time I checked, that isn't the purpose of this thread.

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You like only the submissions of people you personally like and that is it.

Your point, @Ira? As far as I'm aware, virtually everyone on this site - you and I included - has a tendency to do that.

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So everything you said works both ways. It is like screaming at a brick wall.

It indeed "works both ways," @Ira - and again: why are you making personal attacks against @raz?

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My concern is that submissions are being stalled because people are flustering the submitter, bullying them into not wanting to post anything.

How is being asked to follow the rules "flustering" or "bullying" the submitter, @Kim?

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Some minor issues that should be included into a post are released slowly. Like there is a stray punctuation mark or a minor spelling error but the suggestions are spread out across multiple posts rather all at once. Or a submission is stalled because something was not worded clearly in another submission that was not directly affecting the current submission. Or people are not clear about what the actual issues are that are preventing the article from being approved.

So "suggestion posts" should be massive? I thought @CadetNewb said that those were "...a headache..." and "...a nightmare to deal with as an NTSE mod."

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Or things that aren't actually a concern get brought into the submission thread and it is all OOC drama that has nothing to do with the content of the submission. [...]

In my humble opinion, following the rules is always a concern, @Kim.

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At the end of the day, it comes down to what the NTSE is for, making sure that submissions fit within the setting.

According to what Wes said here, the NTSE is also supposed to ensure that submissions follow the rules, @Acewing13.

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As Syaoran said, at this point the NTSE has just become a tool for people to use to stop roleplay by requiring wiki articles before things can be RPed and then keeping those articles in limbo for months at a time.

That's why the Open Roleplaying exists, @Acewing13.

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There's a way that this could be done without getting to the point where people are 'yelling' at each other. Having been in college english classes where the students go over each other's work, I was told to at the very least explain why I had a problem with their piece and encouraged to provide solutions. It's not 'being creative for them,' it's simple respect for the other person and their time. Obviously, this respect is expected more in person than online, but that shouldn't be an excuse to just shut down the submitter's work and to essentially say that they wasted their time.

How is being asked to follow the rules - if only I had a penny for every time I said that - "...say[ing] that they wasted their time," @Acewing13?

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I've been given that kind of constructive criticism in the past and it was very helpful in writing a lot of articles. But when the majority of current comments on a submission aren't constructive, but rather destructive and combative, then I don't see much of a point in using the system as is.

In my humble opinion, things only get "destructive" and "combative" when people complain about being asked to follow the rules, @Acewing13.

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Until the current culture changes or staff is given better tools to moderate the threads...

I cannot empathize how strongly I disagree with giving submission reviewers the tools to moderate threads, as I personally fear that said tools will be used by some reviewers - not all reviewers, of course, but some - to silence any criticism of submissions submitted by their friends.

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One of the major problems I've found as an NTSE mod is that we simply don't have the tools to properly moderate the threads.

Like I said to @Acewing13, @CadetNewb, I strongly disagree with this - as I feel that some of the submission reviewers on Star Army would abuse such tools for personal and/or political gain.

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It always devolves into some sort of argument or fight that I can't even put a stop to despite being the mod reviewing the article.

As I asked @Zekec much, much earlier in this post, why are you making an overgeneralization, @CadetNewb? @ArsenicJohn, after all, said here that "things [like that] should be [not] tolerated."

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It's not only disrespectful to me and the others, but also horrible to the submitter, since it effectively shuts down their submission or has it be dragged out for extended periods of time.

Not to be rude, @CadetNewb, but, well, that - as unfortunate as it is for everyone involved - is what tends to happen when people argue that the rules don't apply to them.

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The point of being an NTSE mod is to review an article, and the pace at which we address issues in a submission is a key part of that.

Wes said here that the NTSE is also supposed to ensure that submissions follow the rules, @CadetNewb.

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It is highly unwelcoming, if not outright discouraging, to 'bomb' a submission with a massive list of issues.

@Kim said otherwise here, @CadetNewb - so whose advice should I be following?

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That I, as an NTSE Mod, can't stop something so counter-productive and damaging, is frustrating.


How is having the issues of a submission listed out for you "counter-productive" or "damaging," @CadetNewb? If anything, wouldn't not having to read through the article and find the aforementioned issues by yourself actually be saving you time?

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Overall I am here to play and work with my friends (IE Asteria, the Garts, Ersetu, etc) do random bits of art for them and work on the main passion I've had since I've started here.... to make a straight human faction and bring it about. Nothing more nothing less, maybe a bit of bragging and brinkmanship here and there but overall I'm content to keep to myself and churn interesting things out. My question is why has it turned into an issue in the last year?

It - in my humble opinion, and with no offense intended - has turned into an issue the past year, @Arieg, because of the fact that, well, some of your submissions were initially overpowered and/or didn't follow all of the rules - and because there already was a "straight human faction" within the setting: the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.
The thing is, it was asked what was wrong with the NTSE. Many people said why rather plainly, and then elaborated. I feel that Zekec was right with what they said, and that big brick of a post up there is a prime example of what's been plaguing the NTSE. It's a series of one-liners, accusations and the like, not an actual dialog or discussion which is what the NTSE needs.

So here it is. We want to be here. We want to write.

We do not need to put up with this behavior. If certain people want to be miserable they need to keep it to them selves.
[...] I feel that Zekec was right with what they said...

Just as I asked Zekec in my previous post, @CadetNewb, where's your proof - and if you're unwilling to provide any, then why are you making slanderous personal attacks against my character?

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...and that big brick of a post up there is a prime example of what's been plaguing the NTSE.

Why are you attacking my writing style, @CadetNewb?

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It's a series of one-liners, accusations and the like...

Again, why are you making an overgeneralization, @CadetNewb? @ArsenicJohn, after all, said here that "things [like that] should be [not] tolerated."

* * * * * * *

So here it is. We want to be here. We want to write.

Although I obviously can't speak for everyone, I'm fairly sure that's why most of us are here, @Ira.

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We do not need to put up with this behavior. If certain people want to be miserable they need to keep it to them selves.

Why the passive-aggressive behavior, @Ira? @ArsenicJohn said here that "things [like that] should be [not] tolerated."
It's difficult to roleplay at all when the shared universe is constantly sullied and assaulted in ways that don't make sense.

I'm not sure what points Frost's last posts addressed (they were long, tbh), but nobody needs to "put up" with behavior they don't like.

tl;dr: Eucharis and Wesposts are the only universally accepted canon anymore and we're all playing homebrew variations on the setting. Thanks, guys.
How is being asked to follow the rules - if only I had a penny for every time I said that..

Fred explained how, did you not read his post?

As the lot of you grew older, you developed new ways to contend with each other... rule-lawyering has become far more common and when thwarted, it does become a lot about 'destroying your enemies'... but you do it by trying to catch them into the rules. It's become a petty exercise of trying to score points in order to defeat the other team.

Edit: And it's not an overgeneralization to say that most of your points are reactions to one liners when a majority of your post is other people's quotes and a sentence or two. As Cadet said, that's not a discussion.
It's difficult to roleplay at all when the shared universe is constantly sullied and assaulted in ways that don't make sense.

I'm not sure what points Frost's last posts addressed (they were long, tbh), but nobody needs to "put up" with behavior they don't like.

tl;dr: Eucharis and Wesposts are the only universally accepted canon anymore and we're all playing homebrew variations on the setting. Thanks, guys.
If that is how you view things then why all the anger all the time?
@FrostJaeger just, just go away. You're not an NTSE mod nor, hopefully, will you ever be one. Your continued massive topic derailing rants and rule lawyering are utterly unneeded when we have actual moderators for this board. Let them do their jobs, don't do it for them.
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Fred explained how, did you not read his post?

Fair enough - I missed that part due to the sheer number of posts I was replying to.

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Edit: And it's not an overgeneralization to say that most of your points are reactions to one liners when a majority of your post is other people's quotes and a sentence or two.

It, in my opinion, is an overgeneralization to say that they're "accusations."

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As Cadet said, that's not a discussion.

It is when others respond to the questions I ask them - that, after all, is how a discussion gets started, right?

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@FrostJaeger just, just go away.

You don't have the authority to tell me to leave the site, @Cora.

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[...] Your continued massive topic derailing rants...

I started this thread, @Cora - and had you actually read my post, you would have noticed that the vast majority of it was related to the NTSE.

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...and rule lawyering are utterly unneeded when we have actual moderators for this board.

Who are you to say what this board does or does not need, @Cora? As far as I know, you neither comprise the entirety of the submission reviewers or the entirety of the staff.

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Let them do their jobs, don't do it for them.

When did I ever claim that I was approving or unapproving articles, @Cora? Besides, there's a difference between catching someone's errors and doing their job for them, no?[/QUOTE]
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