Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Open RP] Welcome to the Kikyo Sector (YE 46)


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RP Date
YE 46.3
RP Location
The Chrome Catgirl
Kyoto, Yamatai
YE 46.3

In the bustling and futuristic streets of Kyoto, there record-breaking crowds as Yamatai's residents converged on the sprawling mega-city for the annual Hanami Festival and the International Relations Conference, and other spring events taking place, filling the streets with rivers of people of all shapes, colors, and sizes from the slender cat-eared Nekovalkyrja soldiers of the Star Army of Yamatai in their colorful uniforms to the rugged scales of hefty Delsaurians and feathers of stocky Phods, as well as robots and unrecognizable random aliens from near and far.

Workers, tourists, visitors, diplomats, people watchers and more mingled together in the city. "Missed Love Day? Why not share your hotel room with someone?" cheeky holographic ads on street light poles encouraged the adventrous to creatively solve the hotel occupancy issue.

Somewhere beneath the tall skyscrapers and micro-apartments and hotels was a dimly-lit bar called The Chrome Catgirl. Its wall were covered in ornate inlaid wood patterns, paintings of famous battles, and military artifacts in display cases. With a large bar and tables generous leather booth seats along the walls, it was the perfect place to have a beer or a steak and meet some other people. Due to the crowds this month, there was always someone nearby to talk to.


A chillwave bassline thumped in the background of the noisy chatter of the Chrome Catgirl as the scent of char-grilled steak and booze filled the air. The bartender, Kasandra, was a cute Elysian Plebeian with a round face, light brown bob cut hair, sky blue eyes, and tiny pink wings. She was dressed in a avery short white dress and white thigh-high stockings. A glowing gold halo floated over her head. She spoke a little loudly to be heard over the background noise. "Welcome to the Chrome Catgirl! What can I get you?"
OOC Notes
This is an Open RP, which means that any character (approved or not) is welcome to join. This is a safe zone (no violence please). All new players and anyone wanting to RP with them are invited to join in!
The young man walked the bustling streets as he occasionaly spun around to take the sights in. While he was partially accostumed to massive and busy cities, he was more used to walking the backalleys and threading the underworld of said cities, not just taking a relaxing stroll and sightseeing. It did make for an interesting change of pace. He did enjoy an adventure after all, and doing something different for a chance. Its good to catch a day to enjoy it without having to worry about the next mission or about his next paycheck.

"Charming" He utters mostly to himself as an amused smirk curls on his lips after seeing one of the holographic ads, catching his attention for a brief second before he turns back to the direction he was walking in. Golden eyes scanning his surroundings, taking in the people in the different walks of life, different jobs, different species. Part of him wondered what it would be like to be on someone else's shoes. To be of another species, he definitely likes who he is right now, but he wouldn't say no to a set of wings or perhaps an extra arm or two.

He arrived on the Chrome Catgirl. He was wearing a bege jacket with orange details over a grey shirt, brown pants and dark boots, not his usual attire but it allowed him to blend in good enough. He didn't really have a reason to hide but he saw no reason to drag much attention to himself. His skin was light brown, he had golden eyes and medium wavy dark hair, a little moustache and a chiseled jawline. He appeared to be in his early 20s, he is tall (1,85m) and has an athletic build. A smirk curled on his lips as he approached the bar, resting his arm as his gaze was set on the bartender.

"My day has been sweet so far so why don't we balance that with a hard and bitter drink? I wouldn't want life to give me a sweet tooth." His voice is deep but carries a laid back and friendly tone. He sits with a straight and confident posture. "And a grilled steak to go down along with it! I'm absolutely famished right now."
Kasandra nodded, "How about an old-fashioned Funky City," she said, mixing a high-proof Nepleslian whiskey with vermouth, bitters, with and two black cherries and fresh cut blood-orange slices on the rim of the ice-cold glass. She slid it to him, then put the steak order into a nearby computer to pass to the busy kitchen. "Traveling? Where are you from?" she asked, making conversation between orders.
"That sounds delicious! Thank you very much!" He watches as she mixes the drinks, his side smirk growing larger and larger as she adds more and more, as she slid it he quickly grabbed the drink, taking in the colors as he raised the glass. "Beautiful!" He said as he had both the bartender and the glass in his gaze, he takes a swing of it and sets it down. "From here and there..." His side smirk grows. "Just kidding, not going to do you like that. I am from Ayano, the tropical planet. Have you ever been there? Its quite a place, beautiful sights, although a bit beautiful less now that I'm here."
The Norian scientist was delighted with a moment off work as she walked into "The Chrome Catgirl." It was time to cut loose, have a little fun, maybe meet some new friends and who knows what else. Endless options of how the outting would go ran through her mind as a heavily tattoed Aekara slipped in to the seat next to the golden eyed young man. Her black bandage style dress allowed for the various artwork decorating her form to peak through, a delightful compliment to her rare darker skin tone.

As she sat a few locks of red curly hair fell across her face, which she brushed aside flashing the bartender a smile. "I will order whatever drink he's having." she said as her greyish blue eyes cast a casual glance at the old-fashioned Funky City. "Do you have anything with mushrooms?" she pleasantly asked the lovely bartender as a bewitching smile graced her face.
A small, or rather short, figure enters the "Chrome Catgirl". This figure seems to be calm, although not entirely relaxed, as they attempt to approach the bar in a discreet and measured manner. They're trying to draw as little attention to themselves as they can, or at least draw as little attention to themselves as their appearance may bring. Two fox ears, just a bit smaller than the average size of their species ears, sit atop their head and seem to twitch every-so-often when someone laughs a bit too loud for their liking. Fur as white as snow covers the ears, and seems to extend onto their head; their hair being left down in a long, but neat, straight style.

They wear a beat-up and worn brown leather trench-coat, so much for inconspicuous, with an ad-hoc and shoddily cut hole out the back for his tail to comfortably sit through. His tail also happens to be white, just a shade darker, closer to a pale white, though this is extremely contrasted by the blood-red colour that stains the tip of his tail. Their tail is quite bushy, too, in contrast to his neatly kept hair, though it doesn't seem to be too untidy either. Anyone knowledgeable on the species of the galaxy would recognise this figure as a Daur.


A bubbly, albeit very shaky voice, escapes the fox as he approaches the bar, placing himself down next to the Norian. He'd taken a leap of faith, if you would, and ignored his better judgements in an attempt to better his social skills in life. The fox seems very out of place in the bar, clearly very confused on what he wanted to order; or rather what there /was/ to order. He'd spent his whole life learning, and working, that he had very little time to discover new tastes and experiences. This was a first for the man.

"Umm, I'm not entirely sure on what you have. What would you recommend?"

The question seems to be directed at the bartender more than anyone else, but could have very well have been just a question meant for the group at the bar as a whole.
Kasandra fixed another old-fashioned Funky City for Aekara, "We have some Kuvexian mushroom wines and mushroom aubralaels, and queemara, be we don't have any Kuvexian dishes on the menu, only Yamataian and Nepleslian," she said.

"I recommend getting a drink," Kasandra told the Daur, with an amused grin.

Returning her attention to the nameless customer from Ayano, Kasandra rubbed her chin. " of the old UOC worlds on the way to the Outer Colonies. When the Star Army punished the Freespacers for talking with the Mishhuvurthyar, they began indiscriminately targeting them under the premise they were a hive mind species, and because there were no obvious military targets to strike. It set the stage for the United Outer Colonies to form and break away from Yamatai. Yamatai countered this in two ways: One, there was major reform politically, the Empire became much less aggressive overall and took the UOC's best ideas about human rights and implemented them, eliminating slavery and torture. Two, when the Second Mishhuvurthyar War happened, they sat back and watched as the NMX took one UOC system after another. And that's how the UOC was eliminated and its worlds returned to Yamatai. There is only one surviving UOC world, the planet of Asura III, which is under Yamatai's banner again. So were you a UOC citizen, then?"
His gaze shifted to the woman sitting by by his side, his eyebrow rose a bit mostly out of curiosity as to who is taking a seat next to him, he brushes it over as he remembers he is here for enjoyment and not business, there is no need to keep his guard up. A small smirked formed on his face as he took another swing of his drink. "Ah, a fellow person of good taste, I salut!" He raises his glass to her choice of drink and gives her a curt nod. "Its hard and bitter, hopefully the exact opposite of your day." He makes small while keeping his signature side smirk.

As he notices a second figure approach his golden eyes scam the figure for a moment with a neutral look. He definitely wasn't inconspicuous and looked to be quite a character, but Arkas isn't here to judge, on the contrary, like the woman sitting by his side, this figure stands out from the 'boring' crowd.
He listens in as the figure greets the bartender and the bartender replies back, recommending a drink. Arkas decides to chime in raising his glass and giving it a little shake. "Greetings friend. How about you keep the streak going and order a nice and relaxing Funky City? The first one is on me!" He gives him a curt nod, before returning his attention to the Bartender.

"Impressive! I see you're up to date with the events, most people woud just brush Ayano off as a resort without much history." He slides his empty glass to the bartender, signaling with his finger for one more. "More of the same, please!" He cleans his throat. "Now where was I? Oh yeah. I suppose the answer is both a yes and a no. Its hard to tell really. You see, lets jsut say my mother isn't an upstanding citizen." He brings his hand to his right eye for a moment as he lightly leans, a smirk forming on his lips, he removes his hand.

"I spent a good portion of my early years on a ship, when I wasn't laying low in Ayano with my mother. Hard to feel like a citizen when your parent is an outlaw. Oh, but make no mistake, I was an upstanding citizen, after all I took after my dad. He is a soldier, a bit of a cat and mouse thing going on between the both of them." He smirks and shrugs. "And one thing I took after my mother is my inability to shut up. And my dashing good looks of course." He jests and winks at the end.
Aekara thanked the kind stranger as she accepted the drink from the bartender. "Thank you!" She responded cheerfully to the man next to her. After taking a lengthy sip she sighed. "It was great until someone mistook my wanting mushrooms for desiring Kuvexian cuisine," she thought silently. "Perhaps I should've gone elsewhere," she thought as she swirled the drink gently. " Turning her focus to the handsome man next to her, "I fear I have made an awful blunder in seeking mushrooms here!" Aekara said playfully. She felt awful for leaving so soon after someone had bought her a drink, but she was starving and had made a mistake in coming here.

She brought her purse to rest in her lap as she searched through it for a writing utensil. "Ah! Knew I had one of these just in case!" She said partially to herself. Pulling out a note pad and a pen she wrote her contact info and name on the little slip of paper. Aekara quickly finished her drink and slipped the note with her information over to the handsome man, "I owe you one,." As she got up to leave she looked to the Daur, "The drinks are amazing here! I highly recommend them!" She offered an alluring smile to the newest arrival before slipping off to Takeda House.
Coming into the Chrome Catgirl next was a Nekovalkryja with dark purple-hair pulled back in buns and adorned with flowery dangling kanzashi. Her garb was also traditional Yamataian kimono, with a dazzling embroidered pattern, the motif of which was hard to make out in the crowded and low-lit atmosphere of Kyoto's most well-known military bar. Despite being in a drinking establishment, she walked purposefully with a limber quality as she looked up and down thebar. Spotting the Norian getting up, she sat into the open spot. Looking over her shoulder once, she turned back to the man next to her, then the barkeep.

"This seat open?" asked the Nekovalkyrja to Arkas even after sitting down next to him. "This place is more bumping than usual, it's hard to find a seat."

She looked at Arkas' plate, then up at Kassandra. "Yellowtail sashimi and a matcha martini, if you could."

Having caught the tail end of the history lesson, she was interested to hear the man's response to being from the United Outer Colonies or not and quieted down to hear what he had to say.
The Daur turns his head towards the pair, while chuckling lightly to himself at the bartender's comment. It was a bar after all, and yet he had walked in with little idea of what he actually wanted to order. It was strange, to walk into a bar and to not know what he wanted. He listened to the man offer a funky town, a name that seemed to baffle him; considering he'd never heard of, nevermind been to, a funky town.

"That'd be nice, thank you."

The Daur responds to Arkas, thanking him for his hospitality as he places his hands on the bar. His ears still seem to prick up at the slightest sound, mostly laughter once again and the odd glass smashing, as he then turns his head back towards the Bartender.

"One Funky Town, please."

The Daur speaks. He also happened to notice the plate infront of Arkas, and wonders something; and puts the question into motion.

"An odd question, but please understand. Do you happen to have any fruity items available for purchase?"
A black car composed entirely of flat surfaces and right angles rumbled to a halt on the street in front of the Chrome Catgirl, and in the span of a breath between the spoken words of a nearby love hotel’s holographic advertisement, the trunk popped open and a figure quietly slipped out. The black car, seemingly unaware of its loose cargo, waited patiently to continue its journey through downtown Kyoto as the red car ahead of it pulled into the last on-street parking spot for a hundred kilometers in every direction.

The figure was a slender woman who crouched low so she wouldn’t be seen out the black car’s back window. As carefully as she could, she held the trunk closed while peeling a piece of thick gray tape from her lips, a maneuver that was made all the more difficult due to a zip tie binding her wrists together. She knew that if she let the trunk go, it would swing open and alert her would-be kidnappers, and if she closed it, the noise might do the same. Instead, she reused the tape to hold the trunk closed instead of her mouth.

Looking around, she saw wide sidewalks full of mostly-naked young people flitting from cafe to bar to club to izakaya in the shadows of the outstretched branches of the sakura trees that gave the revelers some modicum of shade from the glaring city lights. Another car rolled up to her and stopped, a taxi whose uniform-wearing driver gave her a perplexed look as she gestured to keep quiet.

With a growl, the black car revved up and pulled past the now parked red car, and she darted from the street into the mess of people who shifted and flowed around her without any one person giving her a second glance. She took a few steps with the crowd, peeking between virile and nubile bodies to see if her captors had stopped again.

When she was sure the black car had continued on, she sighed with relief and ducked into the Chrome Catgirl’s alcove just in time to see an attractive dark-skinned Norian with red hair and tattoos leaving.

“I should get a tattoo,” she muttered to herself as she inspected the zip tie around her wrists. Relieved to see that it wasn’t the kind with metal reinforcement, he brought it to her mouth and chewed through the plastic in seconds. With a chuckle, she entered the well-known bar and grill. “Amateurs.”

Standing for a moment in the entranceway, she surveyed the inhabitants. The place was stuffed full of people from wall to wall, but a young man with golden eyes wearing a beige jacket, a white Daur in a brown leather trenchcoat, and a neko with dark purple hair wearing a kimono caught her cybernetic eye.

Noticing that a couple of people near the door were looking at her, she raked the fingers of her right hand through her messy brown hair, trying to make it look like she hadn’t just rolled out of the trunk of a car. Her clothing helped, she thought as she looked down at the dress she was wearing. She couldn’t see it, of course, because the fabric bent light around the curves of her body like the gravitational lens of a black hole. It certainly made a statement, and she was sure it wasn’t “I just escaped a kidnapping.”

With only a slight limp, she threaded her way through the crowd to the bar where she shouldered herself between two young cadets who were sitting on stools with their backs turned to each other. There she caught a glimpse of the bartender and tried to wave her over as a delighted smile lit up her features.

“Well aren’t you pretty?” Thia asked Kasandra. “Be an Angel and pour me a vodka on the rocks.”
A Small figure scooted along the streets, the day was a busy one for the small form, as they apparently went from one odd job to another seemingly without any rest, Helping out in little shops, Holding some things for someone when asked, Watching someone's kids while their guardian got in line for food, helping someone find their way. The Small figure helped one and all that asked having money given to them for aid given without prompt, and then not even long after would simply hand over the money if someone asked them to help them a little.

D3 was that Small figure as she scooted along looking for her next place to help out, her large eyes looking around the place as she stopped next to eh building she was asked to stop at and she started to unload the things she was asked to help transport, before she was informed of the transaction for the aid, she blinked, she never asked for any compensation but people seemed to think it was normal to give so she didn't stop them, instead after getting that information she gave a little salute and headed off.

Wandering aimlessly the small figure of D3 continued on down the streets looking around and give help when asked before her tummy grumbled and she stopped to look down at it before looking up and seeing the sign of the place she was in front of, maybe they had food? So in she scooted and she looked around before scooting over to the bar and taking out a sign that read "Hello" then another that said "Food?" the small figure not actually speaking at all as she looked around the place her face totally neutral as she waited for a reply, only taking the time to look over at the other people their and waving to them politely.

She was somewhat short, Standing just four feet tall, she had a bob cut that framed her face with her brown hair and her large round brown eyes looked around at everyone as she looked around, her clothing was of unknown make though it fit her form well enough, and she had what seemed to be a... spear? strapped to her back. but other then that she had nothing else really on her that was visible other then a scarf wrapped around the neck of the spear, and a bandana on her head to help keep her hair in order. the high collar of her coat hiding her mouth as she waited patiently for a reply seeming to not want to disturb any of the currently ongoing conversations.
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After a long day out in the fields, Thaddeaus decided to head into the city to have some fun. He gave Mia a kiss and a pat on the rump before he bolted out the door. Life had been calm since retiring from the life of a full time solider. It was nice getting out and walking the town. It reminded Thad of his time fighting and what he had been fighting for. Now it was time to enjoy the peace he had so hard fought for.

Even with his new life, Thad was the same person everyone knew so well. He was a big Nepleslian with an even bigger heart. He enjoyed a good drink and a hard laugh. He wasn't afraid to get rough and roll in the mud. This is exactly what he did as he moved between places. Nothing over the top but for sure enjoyed time with the locals.

Thad had walked into a new place he had not been before. He did his normal high five and greet every Nepleslian he could find in the place. He then took notice of something he had not seen before. A small looking girl who was using signs to communicate. He was now curious if this girl was a mute and or lost. Compared to her, Thad was a tower of a man. Standing 6'6" tall and a solid 280lbs of pure Nepleslian manliness.

"Hey there." Thad said calling out to D3. "Never seen your kind round here, what brings you into town?" He had approached and taken a seat next to her. He then looked to the bar keeper who was looking at them both. "It's on me, something simple for the lady." He said as he waved his hand back and forth in the air. He once more looked towards D3. "Names Thaddeaus, simple retired solder. Nice to meet you." A smile crossed his face as he extended a large hand towards her.
D3 continued to look around as she waited to get someone's attention, though was was noticeably hard what with her not making any sounds, and everyone engaged in conversation of some kind, her short height also making many not even notice her, but she waited patiently holding up the sign still, the people manning the bar not really noticing her over the more loud people there getting attention and drinks but then the door opened.

D3 Didn't look over she was simply still waiting for the bartender to notice her, still not disturbing anyone's conversation or overly calling attention to herself, that is until someone called out and D3 looked over to see a large male walking over and addressing her. Watching him Walk up she didn't seem nervous at all as she looked up at him with her passive face, and when he greeted her she held up her sign that read "hello!" and waved to him.

When he took a seat she looked up at him, even still standing she was much shorter then him sitting, though the mans arrival seems to have gotten the bartenders attention and she held up her second sign again that read "food?" and a second sign that said simply "Juice" the bartender got some simple snack food and a drink for the both of them as she looking to the man that was now introducing himself.

Picking up and showing the "Hello" sign once more she checked in her pockets for another sign, taking many out and looking through them a bit before showing them to him "Look" "Around" "Find" "Things" "Bring" "Home" "Explore" were the signs she ended up fishing out and showing to the man, the whole time she would nibble away on the snack food she had gotten as she looked up at him with that passive face.
Arkas observed Aekara's interaction with the bartender, he raised his eyebrow for a moment but kept his cocky smirk. He saw no need to interject unless he was spoken to. As the beautiful red haired woman is about to leave he is slightly disappointed that the interaction will not go any longer, she did look fun. Although he won't complain about getting her contact. He holds the card between two fingers before twirling it and pocketing it on the inside pocket of his jacket before delivering a playful wink. "Its a shame that you have to drink and dash, hopefully it was the lack of mushrooms and not my company."

He turns his attention to the Daur. Raising an eyebrow slightly, but keeping a friendly smirk as he took a sip of his drink. "I don't mean any offense, friend, but is this your first time in this bar?" The Daur seemed kind of lost, at least from Arkas' point of view. He assumed that it was his first time on this establishment, or maybe he was the type of person that didn't visit bars like these often. Either way he was happy to lend a hand if necessary.

The young man's attention was stolen by the Nekovalkryja taking the seat that was left vacant. He wondered if she was someone important, being something of a Rogue he has a bit of a third sense for the people that people like him should avoid or not. But he decided to throw caution to the wind as he wasn't here to play the daring Rogue, as far as anyone was concerned he was just a handsome civilian.

It amused him that she asked if the seat was avaiable after taking it, the sense of humor is a bit refreshing, as well as the confidence.
"Of course, it became open just for you." as she places her order he notices more people entering the establishment, he keeps an eye on them, especially the lady that was definitely 'dressed to impress' and seemed to be having quite the day. But other than that he kept his attention mostly at the duo closest to him, unless someone else approached him. "Good choice, a martini does go down easy, especially with a good meal." He makes a bit of small talk.
Thad was having a grand old time with his new friend he has just found. The flash card talking reminded him of his days as a kid in school. He figured that maybe the communicator it had was not work if it was having to do this. Something he'd have no issue with fixing in his workshop. "You got it, some juice if you would please. As for me some whiskey."

One of his eye brows lifted as he read the signs from the little lady. He had little doubt what was said was completely innocent but he could not help but laugh. There was a time he too would go out and bring things home. However now it tends to be mostly hardware to ticker with. "Aye, I too like to find things and bring them home. I take it you like to salvage then?" He then tipped his head to one side, as he still had no name. "So what do you call yourself? Feels odd just calling you Scrappy." By then he had gotten his drink. He picked it up and gulped it down half way. "Ahhhh, now that has some stank on it." He then slammed down the glass.
D3 continued to nibble away at the snacks she got it was quite lucky she found the place before having to resort to her small stash of D3 chow she carried with her, best to save that for emergencies after all, she could have found a public garden or something to nibble on some grass or flowers if needed, but real food was always best, and so she sat there nibbling away as the man continued.

When the man asked her about salvage she nodded in response, not needing a sign to reply this time she continued to nibble on the snacks before her drink arrived and she took a sip, not eating to fast but clearly focusing more on eating then drinking at the moment, but then he asked what she called herself and she looked through her signs before taking out two "don't" "name" but gave a thumbs up when he called her scrappy and then she held up two more signs "Will" "Do" ass he nibbled a bit more on some of the simple bar snack food.

Thinking about a few things D3 thought about what she needed currently she was simply traveling around with the help of doing work on ships to get passage, but getting her own ship would be a good Idea, the issue was getting a ship, maybe the parts for a Trouble Bubble would be easier and she could put it together herself? this man mentioned salvage so maybe he knew of someplace?

"You" "Know" "Parts" "Ship?" the signs came up as she flipped through them to show to him and she seemed to be trying to say something a bit more complex as she went through the signs some where clearly salvaged from somewhere rather then hand made like the rest "Open" "seven" Days" "A week" "Including" "Sunday" She then blinked a bit at the signs she took out then realized it likely made no sense and kept looking for a better way to put how long she had been searching... she needed to make more signs maybe?
The Daur flicks his head over at the Inquiry, seemingly unoffended by the question. The blonde-haired man was right to think of it being the Daur's first time in this establishment, though he was wrong to believe that this fox had any experience with alcohol whatsoever. Besides the odd scenario where he was offered and pressured into drinking by his 'peers', he wasn't all that into alcohol. He was only truly here today as to develop his social skills, and to be able to relax a little. His father, and his mother he supposed, had always told him to 'Never be afraid of a new opportunity', and that is what this was to him; one great big opportunity for him to wrap his arms around.

"You could say that."

He says with a sly grin, before his head stoops downwards, facing the bar-top below him. It was an embarrassing thing to admit, inexperience in a situation most had a large amount in, but the Fox hadn't really experienced many things in life; nevermind the finer things behind it all. His head flicks up for a moment to the approaching new-comer, or rather new-comers. One carried a set of signs to talk, not the oddest thing he had seen in his lifetime in all honesty to himself, and a Nespleslian. They were a rare sight for the Fox, mostly sticking to the borders of Neshaten; but he had heard rumours about their prowess and militaristic society. It wouldn't be that far-fetched to assume that the incredibly-sized man that spoke to the Mute had some sort of military experience.

"I'm Raya'suf. It's a pleasure to meet you."

It's seemingly said towards the Blonde-Haired man, but could have probably been said to anyone within his vicinity.
Thad was happy things kicked off in a good way. He was then shocked when the girl seemed to not mind the silly nick name he had given her. Which he'd roll with for now until he thought of something better to call her. Thad took more drinks as he continued his talk with the mystery lady. Who for sure did love her flash cards. Which at first was cute but it was becoming more challenging to understand her.

He could tell after a few back and forth this sign business was not going to be a permanent solution. He reached into his coat and pulled out a data pad. He tapped around on it for a few moments before he flipped it around and faced it towards her. On it spelled out, "Yes I know ship parts and a place open now." He then smiled big and handed it towards her. "Here, has many words in it, just have to scroll to find them. Little more fancy than your hand drawn cards." He said with a wink.

"Once your done, want to go see what parts we can break off a ship?" Thad asked before sitting his finished drink down.