Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Open RP] Welcome to the Kikyo Sector (YE 46)

D3 blinked as she waited for him to make sense of what she had shown him, her search for a better way to message it had failed sadly she just didn't have the right signs to do so, but it seemed he understood as he took out what seemed to be a Data pad and did something with it before showing it to her and she seen he had used it to show a message, it was then handed to her and she blinked a bit and looked up at him.

She was glad he knew a place and so she finished her drink and the snack, popping some into her pockets for eating later and as he offered to go see what parts they could get she hopped up and gave a thumbs up before looking to the data pad clearly not having any issue using it as she followed the instructions given to use it and it was rather intuitive once she got to the program that let her give messages.

"Thank you very much! Hopefully We can find all the parts I need so I can get back to traveling again! I need to also find a communication array to send a message as well if you could help me with that I would gladly repay you with work or what Credits I have or can procure" she turned it around to show him the message as she looked up at him giving him time to read it.
Thia waited for some time to pass, then sighed. She leaned over the bar and slid the door on the ice box open, into which she reached and pulled out a handful of ice cubes. Holding them against her bloodied knuckles, she frowned and looked around the bar. Everyone else seemed to be busy, and while her interest piqued at the tiny person using signs to communicate, she recognized who the small person was talking to and didn't really want to join them.

Instead, she caught Arkas keeping an eye on her. With a sad smile, she leaned backwards against the bar and watched him for a moment as she thought to herself.

"I don't think there's a place for me here any more," she whispered under her breath. One of the cadets next to her shifted, absently shouldering her delicate body. Nearly falling, she barely managed to keep her balance, but dropped the ice. Watching it skitter across the floor, she frowned and then started slipping back through the crowd and out into the streets. "Maybe there never was."
Kasandra flashed a smile to Arkas at his compliment. She fixed everyone drinks and checked the computer to make sure the bar's AI had automatically recorded everyone's tab, stretching out her small fluffy pink wings for a moment before returning to mixing cocktails.

"I am," Kasandra replied to Thia. "Hey, hands out of the ice!"

Outside on the street, Thia ran straight into Pidole and Euikoshi, who were on their way into the Chrome Catgirl. "Oh my gosh! Thia!" Euikoshi grinned.

(OOC: @hyralt Sorry to keep you waiting! )
The lithe Neko took a moment to get caught up in the atmosphere of the bar. With the people around her expounding and Kassandra working diligently, she momentarily went quiet as she soaked in all that was happening around her. There was something very beautiful, to her at least, about the busyness of the Chrome Catgirl today and it made the edges of her lips tug upwards.

Noticing Arkas' attention on her, Mineko's smile flicked up even more and she lifted her drink to meet it.

"Goes down better than a steak," Mineko said. "At least for me. Maybe you'll get squeamish when my sushi arrives, though, so don't judge me. Did your dad leave you anything besides a jawline that can cut glass or do you just take after your mom?"
"First time eh? No worries, I'll be your gentle guide." He gives the Daur a wink before taking yet another sip of his drink. He ponders on what sort of advice the Daur would need. Arkas doesn't know much about him but he can read people well enough to know that he likely hasn't much experience when it comes to social interactions at least. Arkas on the other hand has experience to share. "A bar is a perfect place to meet new people and learn new perspectives. Look around you, you'll see many people of different upbringing, race, professions and ways of life." He swirls the liquid on his glass by shaking it slowly. "And they're damn eager to talk all about it after a good drink. All you need to know is how to approach."

He clared his throat. "I'm Arkas by the way, the pleasure is all mine." He turns his gaze to the Neko that had taken the redhead's seat. He raised his eyebrow at her remark about the steak, but he appeared amused rather than offended. "Not in the mood for seafood today. I like trying something different once in a while." He comments and his side smirk grows larger at her comment about his jawline, resting his elbow on the counter he inches slightly closer.

"He did teach me some of his skills as a scout and despite my laid back appearance, I got his discipline and professionalism, well, at least when I'm on a mission." The young man winks at the Neko and takes a sip of his Funky City. "I got good eyes, instincts and to top it off I can fight just as good as I can run my mouth. I got many other skills as well, skills that I would love to tell you about if my throat wasn't so dry." He places his empty glass on the counter, leaning back as he desplayed a cocky smirk.
"Here's to that," Mineko said as she took another swallow of the bitter, but sweet, concoction. "I'm Mineko. It's been nice to meet you, Arkas. I was just performing in the park and needed a bit of rest. Didn't know I had such an agreeable conversation in store on top of a good meal." It was then that her nigiri arrived and she smiled down at the cuts and pulled her chopsticks up with two fingers. She pulled back the sleeves of her kimono, poised to eat but not yet doing so as she continued her queries.

"So you're Ranger qualified, I'm assuming? If you're so good at scouting and have killer instincts, I'd be sure someone would have slapped a triple sakura blossom on you and honed those innate abilities." She ate a piece of the marinated ginger set out with the fish and only after speaking.
"I was just taking a day off to enjoy the city and a drink, not everyday needs to be filled with action. Its nice to sometimes just stop and... chat." Arkas adds and drinks to it, his attention being caught by Mineko more and more as the conversation strikes his interest. He has a feeling that he shouldn't be sharing this much with a stranger, specially a stranger that looks like someone of importance. But at the end he decided to throw caution to the wind, after all what is the worst that it could happen?

"Tried and true and yes, many have tried to stick a label on me and a nice looking uniform but so far I've kept being independant. I guess that is true for all aspects of my life so far." He adds in a wink at the end.
Mineko had been following along pleasantly enough. Butt at Arkas' last statement, her brows shot into her bangs and she took a deep sip of her espresso martini and redirected her eyes from him to her drink.

"Some horses shouldn't be stabled," the Neko finally replied. "There's a beauty to keeping them out in the wild. I think about that when I think about what would have happened if I hadn't joined up to the Star Army myself. I guess if I'm going to continue the horse metaphor, I was harnessed. But that's not such a bad connotation in every phrasing of the word, now is it?"
The thud of the music's bass mixed with the crowd's energetic talking and the clinking of glasses and tableware to create a lively atmosphere, and the scents of beers, wines, and liquors mixed with the smoky steak aroma and perfumes.

Passing Pidole and Euikoshi talking to Thia outside the entrance, Poppy Pink slipped into the crowded bar hoping to meet some new faces and see who was in town. Her most distinctive feature was her pink hair, which cascaded around her shoulders, and she had vibrant green eyes and a perfect nose. It was nice to be back on Yamatai and wow was it busy!

First Poppy spotted Erika's distinctive white hair and she squeezed her way through the crowds to go say hello. "Doing any people watching?" Poppy asked, "It's a great opportunity. Kyoto's population is always so diverse, and there's a lot of offworlders here right now due to the IRC."

Erika turned to face the familiar voice, meeting Poppy's green eyes with her golden ones and nodded. "Not in any offical capacity, but there's always an all points bulletin for these kind of events. You want to cause some havoc and make the YSE look bad? Preform some attack during a large international event." Despite her words she still seemed at ease, nursing an alcoholic drink, her features somewhat flush. she raised her drink in the doctors direction and smiled, "I'm trying, but that Nepleslian place we went to last time is more my speed."

"What do you mean, Poppy asked, sliding into the booth with Erika and pressing her side against Erika's so she could hear her better. Isn't this place pretty Nepleslian? I mean the theme, to me, says pre-split, old days of the Star Army."

"I mean there wasn't some big event on. Could let my hair down a bit. Just the crew getting lit." Erika chuckled.

"I see what you mean, but I'd rather be here than on the Black Moon of Halna looking over my shoulder for incoming knives," Poppy laughed. "And I love our crew but I just got the urge to talk to someone I've never met before. I guess that makes me a bit of an extrovert in spite of being a bit of a medical nerd," the pink-haired doctor shrugged.

"You've got a bag of hemosynth somewhere, don't be such a baby. Doctor scared of sharps, whats next?"

"Erika, deep down, we're all bags of hemosynth," Poppy joked.

"I know, I'm even going to share mine with you if the bad knives cut you too deep." She said with a wan smile. "As for meeting new people, maybe you missed your calling to SAINT." Her eyes glanced around the room for a moment. "You meet some real interesting people in this field sometimes."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," Poppy said cryptically. She gave Erika a smile and stood up from the table to go exploring.

"Ah, now 'Doctor Poppy's baseline medical exam' makes more sense." Erika nodded with a slight chuckle as the doctor walked off.

Poppy gave Erika's back a friendly touch and then began to wander around the bar seeing who she could find. She spotted Thad elsewhere in the bar and her eyes widened for a moment before she changed directions, mentally checking the counter of battery charges on her NSP.

Erika looked down for a moment before sighing and downing her drink in one quick motion. She then hopped the bar, quickly donning a black apron and joined the serving team.

Meanwhile, another YSS Resurgence crewmember was nearby, unceremoniously downing some steak while seated at one of the myriad of tables in the establishment. Kokoro wasn't a very... pleasant eater, the Nekovalkrja still clearly getting used to Yamataian society in general. At the very least she was cleaning her face periodically- though... it was only after a recent mishhap with syrup and pancakes aboard the Resurgence that she had begun to do so. She waved at Poppy as she walked by, taking a huge bite out of the food.

Poppy waved back at the recently-joined Kokoro, who was a bit of a mystery to her.

The doors opened, and two people walked in, one was a red and black, rabbit, half the size of her companion. The Rabbit's cybernetic eyes looked around, as her companion looked around. "what say we go to the counter?' The taller woman asked the Rabbit, and then they both walked towards the bar. One was Alice Sursilvan, the Mining Guild's diplomatic Ambassador.

"Hey hon." Erika said as the rabbit and random alien approached the bar. She'd since picked up a pint glass and was cleaning it with a black cloth. "What can I get you?" She asked, "Got some Delsaurian Ginger Beer that I've been digging recently."

The Rabbit tilted her head, as she pondered her order, as Alice glanced to the rabbit, to make sure her Kimono wasn't falling off. "whats your recommendation?" Alice Asked after a while.

"If Ginger Beer isn't your thing..." Erika said, thoughtfully placing a finger to her chin. "Well, first answer me 2 questions; Sweet or Sour? Dry or Wet?"

"Sour for me, and since its her first time, I think Sweet for her, and dry for both of us, considering what happened the last time she had something dry.' Alice chuckles, in reference to the rabbit.

"Got ya, I'll come up with something." The silver haired Neko said with a wink. She grabbed a metal flask and began throwing ingredients. Burbon, lemon juice and Ammeretto. She then dipped back to the kitchen for a moment, shaking the mixture as she went, only to return slightly later with an egg, which she promptly cracked and dumped into a glass. She then carefully moved the white to another short glass until it was separated from the yoke, then poured that into the flask.

"So where'd you learn to be a bartender?" Kassandra asked Erika, curious about her temp helper.

"I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." Erika replied with a wide smile as she vigorously shook the flask. "Nah, just a small dive called VA-11 Hall-A."

Kassandra rubbed her chin and flapped her small wings once. "Ah. Not ringing any bells!"

"It was attached to a military base. I'm not surprised." Erika said with a shrug as she continued her task.

The Rabbit squeaked a little when Erika mentioned that she could tell Kassandra, but then she'd have to kill her. Alice, just pets her on the shoulder gently. But both watched as Erika got to work.

Once done she poured the result into a short glass filled with shaved ice. It was yellow with a fine foam on the top. She then took a lemon and left it on the surface. "Your sour," she said, placing it on the counter "Now for the sweet." she said, tilting her head at the rabbit.

The Silver haired Neko collected the ingredients from under the bar. This one she'd keep simple. She laid them out as she found them, apple juice, maple syrup and vodka. She already had the lemon juice from the previous drink. She threw them all together in a shaker along with some ice, and then poured it out into a martini glass before placing it beside the short glass.

"There's your sweet." she said.

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Lizalopod, Sunny D, and Charaa
Alice Sursilvan, a woman of quiet grace, acknowledged the bartender's gesture with a subtle nod of her head, her lips curving into a gentle smile as the amber liquid cascaded into the glass before her. The ambiance of the dimly lit the Chrome Catgirl wrapped around her like a familiar embrace, the soft murmur of conversation providing a comforting backdrop to her solitude.

As the glass settled on the worn wooden counter, Alice's slender fingers encircled it delicately, the cool surface sending a faint shiver through her fingertips. With measured care, she lifted the glass to her lips, inhaling the subtle aroma that rose from its surface, a tantalizing blend of citrus and earthy undertones.

A sip, just a small one, allowed the liquid to caress her palate, its flavors dancing across her tongue in a delicate ballet. Alice closed her eyes momentarily, savoring the intricate complexities of the drink, each note revealing itself in a harmonious symphony that spoke of craftsmanship and care.

With a serene expression, she savored the moment, letting it linger like a cherished memory. For Alice, this was more than just a drink; it was an experience, a moment of quiet contemplation amidst the bustle of life. And as she lowered the glass back to the counter, her gaze met the bartender's with a silent gratitude, an unspoken acknowledgment of the artistry that went into crafting such a perfect libation.

Alice's gaze shifted to her companion, Sora, a rabbit anthro whose presence brought a whimsical charm to the tavern. With a playful glint in her eyes, Alice watched as the bartender set down a glass brimming with a vibrant concoction, its hues reminiscent of a summer sunset. As Sora reached for the glass, Alice's smile widened, anticipation dancing in her eyes.

With a swift motion, Sora raised the glass to her lips, her expression a canvas of curiosity and delight. As the sweet elixir met her tongue, her features softened, a contented sigh escaping her lips. Alice observed her companion's reaction with a mixture of amusement and anticipation, her own curiosity piqued by Sora's response.

Once Sora had savored the last drop, Alice turned to her with a gentle inquiry, her voice carrying a hint of warmth. "What do you think of the drink?" she asked, her tone inviting conversation and camaraderie. In that moment, amidst the cozy ambiance of the tavern, Alice found solace in the simple pleasure of sharing a drink and a moment of connection with her friend.

Sora set down the empty glass with a satisfied sigh, her eyes alight with pleasure as she met Alice's gaze. The warmth in Alice's voice enveloped her like a comforting embrace, and she couldn't help but smile in response to her friend's inquiry.

"It was delightful," Sora replied, her voice soft yet filled with genuine enthusiasm. "The sweetness was balanced perfectly with just a hint of tanginess, like a melody of flavors dancing on my tongue. Truly a treat for the senses."

As she spoke, Sora's ears twitched with excitement, a subtle indication of her genuine enjoyment. In that fleeting moment, amidst the flickering candlelight and the gentle hum of conversation, a sense of camaraderie blossomed between them, binding them together in shared appreciation for life's simple pleasures.

Alice nodded in agreement, a sense of contentment settling over her like a warm embrace. In the company of her dear friend, she found solace and joy, each moment imbued with a sense of belonging that transcended words. And as they sat together in companionable silence, savoring the remnants of their drinks, Alice cherished the bond they shared, grateful for the simple yet profound beauty of friendship.

OOC: very delayed, sorry!