Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Search results

  1. Dragonnova

    RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Post Mission 8: From Destruction to Introductions

    Wardroom Yoko's smile widened as she was offered guidance and greetings from the three who took note of her. "Okimi-san, Toshiro-senpai, and Asakura-san... Thank you for the warm greetings. When I get back from my shuttle escorting duty, I'll happily take the grand tour. But gotta make sure I'm...
  2. Dragonnova

    RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Post Mission 8: From Destruction to Introductions

    Wardroom Yoko's habit of eating quickly came from an old encounter during her training. One of her peers tended to take her time eating. Their instructor disapproved rather intensely. Kept telling her to keep eating more since she had 'allll the time in the world'. Held up the entire platoon...
  3. Dragonnova

    RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Post Mission 8: From Destruction to Introductions

    Sleep was light this time. Flashes of the battle kept playing over in her head. Yoko shooting down missiles and the bombers attacking the Renaissance. Dueling with the enemy PA. Being glad time and time again that she chose to put starship-grade shields on her Mindy and extra armor in exchange...
  4. Dragonnova

    Approved Character Yoko Fujiraki

    I'd like to submit one to the resurgence plot. She doesn't have much backstory, but I intend her to grow a bit more organically. Let me know if anything necessary is missing.
  5. Dragonnova

    Life Events Another one bites the dust.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I enjoyed our talks and our rp. I'll miss you.
  6. Dragonnova

    OOC Entrenched (Open RP proposal)

    I don't think I was clear in the post itself, but the armory and the security office are on opposite sides of the hallway's end. It's meant to heavily imply that the bugs are all over that wing, so splitting up may be dangerous. (Though by all means, if your characters think they can handle it...
  7. Dragonnova

    OOC Entrenched (Open RP proposal)

    I mostly was waiting for someone besides a single person to post. :/ Ace, you're free to set someone up and hop in. Try to make it within reason, but it IS open rp. I'd like to point out that it's a spaceport, not a military installation, however. (Also I don't think you want to be close to...
  8. Dragonnova

    OOC Conference Discussion

    It's less that it's lackluster and more that no one in their right mind would agree to that.
  9. Dragonnova

    RP Entrenched

    "Shit you lot are all quiet now, don't tell me you all gave up?" Frank grumbles as he flashes his id to the door, it hissing and releasing the door to open. Just as he does though, their comm crackles. "Att... Attention..." A fit of violent coughing fills their ears before they realize the...
  10. Dragonnova

    Selling $60 Character Artworks from Flowerxl.

    That was me, and not a man. But welcome. Mind you the price is higher than most, but you do have a rather nice style. For reference, Here's the piece I got from Flower.
  11. Dragonnova

    Art Mapping for Doom!

    Countdown till we have neko, nepleslian, and mishhu sprites....
  12. Dragonnova

    RP Entrenched

    Frank blinked at Naoki, a bit taken aback by him suggesting anything. But the others echoing the sentiment to find their boss leaves him with a sigh and a nod. "Alright, alright. Lets make sure he didn't take a piss and fall in. If only so he'll chew your ass for 'yammie speak' again." He...
  13. Dragonnova

    OOC Entrenched (Open RP proposal)

    Apologies if any of you were waiting. I've got a move coming up like right the hell now. So things are chaotic and stressful.
  14. Dragonnova

    RP Entrenched

    'Bot' was correct insofar as the kitchen was home to many flammable cooking oils. Upon finishing putting up the table against the barricade the janitor woman wiped the sweat from her brow. She didn't decide to stay behind for some noble reason or pay. To be honest, she had out cold from taking...
  15. Dragonnova

    OOC Entrenched (Open RP proposal)

    Whiteheart and frost are the only ones left to post. I'll wait till then unless told otherwise.
  16. Dragonnova

    OOC Entrenched (Open RP proposal) I am nervous ohmygosh. If you have ANY questions, please ask here. As long as you have some logic behind it, there's very little I'll tell you 'no' to. There's a few automated defenses, yes. If you wanted to cook up...
  17. Dragonnova

    RP Entrenched

    It had all happened so fast. When the local garrison in the system responded to a distress call, they had only found wreckage of a merchant vessel, stripped bare of nearly everything but a few electronics and its black box. A few armor plates were in the area, but not of the aforementioned...
  18. Dragonnova

    Gaming Black Desert

    I'm kind of disappointed in the hair options. No real good shorter hair. This is the closest approximation I could manage for veronica.
  19. Dragonnova

    Gaming Black Desert

    It's a big 3d thing, yeah... little ridiculous but I've the time and bandwith. We'll see what it churns out.
  20. Dragonnova

    Gaming Black Desert

    Sure, I'll bite. I have a soft spot for character creators