Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Gaming Black Desert


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Well, I tried to make Hanako in the free Black Desert Character Creator on the recommendation of @Zairyo . Overall I was disappointed by the lack of options in hairstyles and faces and how each class is pretty much always going to look a certain way. Also the bodies are difficult or impossible to get to realistic proportions (they're kind of manhwa-styled). I did make an okay looking Hanako out of the elf ranger. So I'm posting my screenshots.


2016-01-20_518908994.JPG 2016-01-20_518956927.JPG 2016-01-20_518975227.JPG 2016-01-20_519090994.JPG 2016-01-20_519122460.JPG 2016-01-20_519125677.JPG 2016-01-20_519139210.JPG 2016-01-20_519149727.JPG 2016-01-20_519153393.JPG
I got a question recently from a player wanting to know if we can use these screenshots for character images on the wiki. Do we have copyright restrictions there?
According the terms of service of this character creator, "Subject to the terms of the EULA, Daum Games Europe grants the User a free of charge, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive license for the duration of the EULA to: ... take screenshots and make videos of the CCM and its content, comment and publish them on the User's website, a third party's website, his or her employer's website or on social networks, regardless of whether this publication generates, or not, indirect revenues for the User or the User's company (including revenues from publicity or from subscriptions)."

So I think it's fine for our members to use their screenshots from this to make character face examples.
That looks pretty good man. Limited options onot. Imma have to mess with it mysekf once I get a few dozen hourof Homeworld under my belt :p
Okay, but I should mention the thing is a 6 GB download.
I'm kind of disappointed in the hair options. No real good shorter hair.

This is the closest approximation I could manage for veronica. ai.imgur.com_RRTi6qn.jpg
Apparently its free to use on third-party sites, so unless the EULA changes or Wes changes his mind then yeah it sounds like it.

I'll look into this even though I'm willing to bet I'll only be able to get close with Mao and Kromi.
I only took one screenshot, and this was the closest I could get to making Mao. I guess - maybe if she let her braid down? And had human ears? Can't say this character creator is everything I had expected or hoped it to be, but it is still pretty nice.

Mao Attempt.JPG
I might give this a shot on the weekend and see what happens, see how good the sideburns are.

(Its a very harsh criteria with which I judge character creation tools)

PS: Hanako looks a bit older. I quite like that.
I might give this a shot on the weekend and see what happens, see how good the sideburns are.

(Its a very harsh criteria with which I judge character creation tools)

PS: Hanako looks a bit older. I quite like that.

For the warrior at least, the options were very limited. The others are right that there isn't a whole lot of ability to easily (or greatly) change the base appearance. You can tell they have a certain idea for how the character should look and they are kind of forcing you to adhere to it in a way. But you may be more creative than I am and find what you were looking for because I went in trying to make the closest thing to a cat girl in a creator not designed for cat girls.
For the warrior at least, the options were very limited. The others are right that there isn't a whole lot of ability to easily (or greatly) change the base appearance. You can tell they have a certain idea for how the character should look and they are kind of forcing you to adhere to it in a way. But you may be more creative than I am and find what you were looking for because I went in trying to make the closest thing to a cat girl in a creator not designed for cat girls.
Are you saying there are no sideburns?