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  1. D

    Approved Submission Random Alien Faction Submission

    Any questions or comments can be adressed here.
  2. F

    Character Creation Guides

    After a discussion between @Dragon_God, @Arbitrated, and myself on Discord, I have a question for @Wes: Do non-player factions that are comprised primarily of humans require a character creation guide in order to become a player faction? In my personal opinion they do, as I believe that a CCG...
  3. F

    [Rules] Submission Rules Update

    Submission Type: Rules Update Template Used: N/A Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:guide:submission_rules Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:submission_rules Original Article URL...
  4. Abandoned Submission [Nepleslia] Agartha Subfaction

    Submission Type: Subfaction Template Used: Faction Faction: FM Approved Yet? No @Legix Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes Contains New art? Yes Previously Submitted? No Notes: REVIEW THIS LAST, I GUESS? Has some good info for the other articles tho.
  5. A

    Guides to GMing antagonist factions

    I have been looking at factions created specifically for NPC use lately and noticed a lack of information on how to GM/NPC them properly. I think this is a bad thing. @Wes What would you say about requiring one of these guides to be made for any species/faction created from now on?
  6. Ethnic Appearances?

    This is actually a bit of an interesting question which came across my mind earlier today, and I'm just now getting around to typing it out; I was originally planning to only ask Wes in DMs about Yamatai, but I figured it might be nice to get a general scope of this for other...
  7. F

    Approved Submission International Relations Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Submission URL: Linky Original Article URL: Linky Faction: All of them. FM Approved Yet? Nope. @Wes - Yamatai Star Empire @Gunhand4171 - Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia @Soresu - Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth @Primitive Polygon - Freespacers @Gunsight1 -...
  8. Ottyo Principality

    Hey, @Wes, I wanted to ask if I could receive the FM banner for the Ottyo at this point now, or if there are any additional tasks I need to complete first. The reason for this is that I wish to ensure the Ottyo's quality and help to keep their portrayal consistent In-Character as NPC...
  9. Potential for a new "enemy" faction?

    So I've had an idea cooking in the back of my head for a while and I figured I'd throw it to the forums to see what would be mildly interested. Essentially I was thinking about creating either a new (somewhat NPC) faction or species to use in SARP. They would be militaristic...
  10. Rejected Submission [Faction Submission] Valmet Self Governing Colonial Region of the Colonial Pact

    Submission Type: Player Faction Submission URL: Valmet Self Governing Colonial Region of the Colonial Pact Faction: Colonial Pact FM Approved Yet?: Yes by myself. Faction requires art?: Has quite a bit of art! For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?: Yes and they'll be detailed in the...
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