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  1. Dragon Con 2019, This Art Is Mine Not Yours

  2. Approved Submission [Nepleslia] NOMS Law

    Since it appears the submission form is no longer listed in the thread Wes made, I'm just going to post here. That new template used button, @Wes, isn't good for things like this that DON'T have a template; maybe we could get that changed to allow non-URL answers? FM-approved because I am the FM.
  3. Approved Submission Articles of Military Justice

    Submission Type: Law Article Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:stararmy:occupations:investigator:articles_of_military_justice Faction: FM Approved Yet? Wes gave me them perms to edit these Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No...
  4. Nepleslian Laws?

    What should the laws of Nepleslia be? Apparently we never came up with a wiki article for them. So this is a request for @Gunhand4171 to get on started and a request for input from Nepleslian players. We've already confirmed that public urination is legal in Nepleslia, which is a start, I guess!
  5. Smuggling

    I notice there's an interest in roleplaying smuggler type characters (e.g. like Han Solo from Star Wars) on Star Army. Which makes me think, maybe we should have a guide for smuggling in Star Army, or at least add a section to the guide for independent characters. Let's start with some...
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