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ryu keiretsu

  1. RP [Open RP] Exams for Justice!

    In the outskirts of the Jiyuu System, a single large vessel emerges into the physical realm in a flash of blue energy. Sporting the black and gold livery of Takeda Minerals and Mining ships, the sides of the ship bear the following: "YL-C27-0001 Ashizuri". The lead ship of a new class of Mining...
  2. SYNC Black Crane Counter-Boarding Training

    A Yugumo Corporation Company Tokyo, Jiyuu III OFFICE OF THE SHACHŌ From: Motoyoshi Tachiko, Shachō, Takeda Fleet, Fuku-Shachō Yugumo Corporation To: Mizumitsu Tomomi, Black Crane Securities Mizumitsu-san, As Takeda Fleet has adopted the Paradin system and other Ryu Keiretsu hardware pursuant...
  3. RP Shady Dealings in a City of Lights

    (OOC: Same night as this thread) The meeting had been set to take place in a nice bar a few storeys up one of the many towers that made up the skyline of downtown Kyoto, a nice little place made from panels of genuine lacquered wood that took a few obvious queues from historical Yamataian...
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