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  1. Andrew

    Yamatai News (YINN) Breaking News Capital Dome Bombing in Motoyoshi-cho, Tokyo

    Takes place after Coffee, Pastry, and Terrorists. This is a breaking news update; Tokyo - Motoyoshi-Cho The recording from the local traffic monitoring for the planetary capital region shows the Capital Dome just minutes before the explosion. The massive multi-detonation explosions followed...
  2. Andrew

    Approved Submission Fort Tokyo

    A new base for the 1XF on Jiyuu.
  3. Toshiro

    SYNC To: Byujura Niniko

    To: Byujura Niniko CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych I have recently stumbled upon the existence of Iemochi Health and Psych, and see a niche in which it can serve more people in a decentralized form, including those in active service. I invented the Star Army Bunk Bed, Type 40, which is for sale...
  4. Toshiro

    Yamatai News (YINN) Tokyo wants your trash!

    YINN (7月30日 YE40) The Sunflower Corporation, the eco-friendly infrastructure company created to rebuild and manage Tokyo, has achieved an interesting landmark in that the city's waste reclamation system has reached such a high rate of recycling that they have begun to seek trash from other...
  5. Toshiro

    Approved Submission Jiyuu III (Planet), Tokyo (City), Sunflower Corporation (Corp rebuilding City)

    Submission Type: Location (Planet), and a pair of sub-articles. 1 City and 1 Corporation of relevance to the city Template Used: Planet (adapted to include images), and Corporation Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:jiyuu_iii Submission Destination URL...
  6. Toshiro

    Yamatai News (YINN) Tokyo's Cleanup: Phase Two

    Old (Furui) Tokyo- Previously, we reported in the planting of sunflowers by Taisa Kage Yaichiro planted sunflowers through Furui Tokyo to assist in radiation cleanup. Now that the first set of sunflowers has finished their life cycle, the second phase of cleanup has begun. Kage-Taisa has...
  7. Toshiro

    RP Tokyo: The Road to Jiyuu is Bordered with Sunflowers

    On: Tokyo Yaichiro sat in the private room which had been provided by the establishment. It was a hybrid restaurant/inn much like some found traditionally on Yamatai, except that this one had a view of a field of sunflowers between it and some of the ruined skyscrapers of old Tokyo. Still, in...
  8. Toshiro

    [Furui Jiyuu/Asteria] Request for deed records

    To: Morioka Bakufu From Kage Yaichiro-Taisa, Land owner of most of Furui Tokyo Greetings. I recently obtained legal ownership of Furui Tokyo, save for those holdings already held by Peacekeeper Heavy Industries and other businesses that have rebuilt there, from the Yamatai Department of Lands...
  9. Toshiro

    Yamatai News (YINN) Old Tokyo's new owner plants sunflowers en masse

    Old (Furui) Tokyo- A deal has been struck where Taisa Kage Yaichiro, Commandant of the Jiyuu Fleet Depot, has obtained the old metropolis of Furui Tokyo with the intention of decontamination and rebuilding as well as the intended creation of a memorial and burial site for any dead encountered...