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Year-End Festival πŸŽ YE 45 Free Salvage Giveaway! 🎁

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RP Date
YE 45,9
RP Location
Kikyo Sector
Word went out across the Kikyo Sector that Second Chance Salvage Company would once again begin liquidating old salvage through a massive giveaway (and of course use it as a tax write-off). Thus began the great salvage giveaway of YE 45! To claim it, users would simply have to fill out a form...

Salvage Request Form
  • Name:
  • Delivery location:
  • What are you thankful for in YE 45?
  • What are your plans for YE 46?

User pays cost of delivery. Flat rate of 100 KS. Shipping via Trinary Star. Shipping begins in about a week but you can pre-order now.

OOC: 5 items per character. Will run this through for the remainder of the year.

Example Response below:

- - -

Hanako heard that the salvage company was giving some more items away this year, and earlier than usual. Signing up for some of the free junk was a long tradition for her and she loved "rolling the dice" to see what artifacts might arrive. She compiled her response:
  • Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, Imperial Premier
  • Star Army Personnel Command Headquarters, Military District of Kyoto, Planet Yamatai
  • I'm thankful for the trust the people have in me and the opportunity to be in a position to make a great positive impact on the future of the Yamatai Star Empire.
  • In YE 46, I plan to do what I can to support the Star Army's war efforts and to ensure all of Yamatai's people have what they need.
Name: Mikael Harris
Delivery location: Port Jiyuu, Ryu Shipping Hold Area #1
What are you thankful for in YE 45?: The return of my daughter and my current assignment.
What are your plans for YE 46?: Settle things with my good for nothing brother.

Name: Radcliff Yingzi
Delivery location: Port Jiyuu, Ryu Shipping Hold Area #1
What are you thankful for in YE 45?: Being assigned to the YSS Mazu has been a dream come true. So much knowledge to learn, so many species to discover.
What are your plans for YE 46?: Start working on a thesis on the evolution of crusteans.

Name: Vedica Radcliff
Delivery location: Megadorm 10, Red Sands City, Fujiko IV
What are you thankful for in YE 45?: That I got away from those idiot mercs in Nepleslia. How the heck did we lose to them?!
What are your plans for YE 46?: I might sign up for the Fujiko Self Defense Force to keep my skills up.
Mikael Harris
  • Rank Pin, Enlisted (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 23-54, IC: 1299-82569-75)
  • Disgusting biomass (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 32-3, IC: 121-4644-32)
  • Small Box Full of Gold Bars (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 56-20, IC: 1121-30657-70)
  • Oven (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 39-64, IC: 2553-98041-99)
  • NMX Meat grinder and sausage making kit (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 63-77, IC: 4908-118021-133)
Radcliff Yingzi
  • Ke-M2-W3000 General Equipment Pack (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 2-52, IC: 159-122517-54)
  • Lo-Moto Motor Bike - Elderly Edition (Slow Motorcycle) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 80-55, IC: 4457-129637-126)
  • Acoustic Guitar with broken string (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 99-7, IC: 453-16556-95)
  • Wad of burnt plastic (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 10-1, IC: 57-2415-10)
  • Hand Cannon Ammunition (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 25-65, IC: 1682-153392-87)
Vedica Radcliff
  • Men's Work Clothing (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 52-27, IC: 1409-55245-73)
  • Blast shutter assembly, Andrium (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 38-87, IC: 3363-177972-121)
  • SDI Water Filter Device (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 74-75, IC: 5533-153507-141)
  • 3 Type 31 Field Rations, Breakfast Version (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 17-11, IC: 227-22574-26)
  • Star Army Weather Gear (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 18-72, IC: 1335-147513-88)
Name: Yayoi Asakura
Delivery location: Kakushi Nekoba
What are you thankful for in YE 45?
That I can continue to serve the Star Army and our great empire
What are your plans for YE 46?
same old, continuing to be a soldier and a bar owner, maybe help the Star Army to win the new war.

Name: Yuri Asakura
Delivery location: Kakushi nekoba
What are you thankful for in YE 45?
Being able to meet so many people, and making new friends and experiencing new things
What are your plans for YE 46?
find love like my cousin Luna-chan has and continuing to learn from Poppy-Sempai as much as I can

Name: Runa Seo
Delivery location: Yss Wakaba
What are you thankful for in YE 45?
being able to be a mother, and being able to reunite with my old gang
What are your plans for YE 46?
no plans

Name: Mileena Belmont
Delivery location: Sood Zandra spaceport Hanger A122ITZ-LF
What are you thankful for in YE 45?
I’m thankful that I was able to join a independent crew.
What are your plans for YE 46?
continuing being a crewmember, maybe go on a date.. *subtly blushes as she glances to Nikicon* train to be better support to my fellow crewmates

Name: Auli’i
Delivery location: Port Jiyuu section assigned to Iron Compnany
What are you thankful for in YE 45?
kicking butt and taking names
What are your plans for YE 46?
eat new exotic food. continuing to hold off not taking Revjack out on a horrible time into the nearest star
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Yayoi Asakura

  • Box of heavy duty trash bags (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 55-69, IC: 3852-111216-118)
  • Partially burnt cushion (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 87-15, IC: 1275-24237-92)
  • Blast shutter assembly, Zesuaium (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 11-83, IC: 970-133936-93)
  • Firefly Utility Craft (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 46-19, IC: 885-30723-60)
  • Water pump and filtration system (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 40-55, IC: 2257-88882-91)
Yuri Asakura
  • Brainwave Helmet (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 40-70, IC: 2857-148177-106)
  • Large chunk of a warship, mostly intact (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 39-97, IC: 3840-205406-132)
    • Aft/Engine section of a Sharie-class Battleship
  • Personal Computer - New and Empty (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 73-46, IC: 3415-97485-111)
  • Medium Jewelry Box (Expensive Jewelry) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 70-63, IC: 4397-133554-125)
  • Padded case of 18 fine Yamataian Wine bottles (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 56-8, IC: 449-17017-58)
Runa Seo

  • Type 28 10 mm Mass Production Pistol (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 24-78, IC: 1905-208707-100)
  • Ship's bridge (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 37-95, IC: 3535-254277-128)
  • Nepleslian Automotive Tool Chest and Tool Set (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 54-63, IC: 3459-168708-111)
  • Toiletries Kit (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 48-65, IC: 3177-174127-108)
  • Anti-gravity generator (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 39-63, IC: 2475-168834-98)
Mileena Belmont
  • Manicure/Pedicure Kit (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 95-91, IC: 6137-268052-175)
  • 3 Type 29 Field Rations SC-Type (15 KS each) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 21-6, IC: 162-17733-25)
  • Encrypted Laser Transmitter (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 24-44, IC: 1113-129725-66)
  • Rolling chair, cushioned (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 91-60, IC: 5426-176937-141)
  • 3 Type 29 Field Rations SV-Type (10 KS each) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 21-7, IC: 183-20700-26)
  • Type 30 35mm Machine Gun (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 20-82, IC: 1697-244499-100)
  • Lubricant (Mechanical, not personal) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 14-14, IC: 239-41805-27)
  • "Mobile Spanner" Drone (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 55-54, IC: 2972-161139-103)
  • Single Book (Novel... With A Mostly Naked ID-SOL On The Cover... Such Flowing Hair!) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 70-19, IC: 1387-56753-81)
  • Nanomuscle Strands (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 44-48, IC: 2125-143337-87)
  • Name: Taii Aliset of Koun
  • Delivery location: Starmount Self Storage, unit 281B (Keycode included), contact address 42 Starmount Drive
  • What are you thankful for in YE 45?
After both of my husbands wound up dead or missing in YE 42, I finally found someone. Taii Sanssinia has been a great help to my mental and physical health, offering the care and protection I thought I had sworn off. She broke my silly belief in some lethal curse, and we have a delightful, energetic, and fierce young daughter who reminds me just by existing that the darkest pasts can hold the brightest lights just waiting for a spark. And my own hurt doesn't seem so bad.
  • What are your plans for YE 46?
I plan on continuing my education at the Star Army Academy of Military and Medical Sciences, finishing the ISS Starbreaker restoration as a coming of age gift to my daughter (With indefinite flight space worthiness certification issued by Capricorn Module engineers and the Council of Shuristan Shipbuilders), and plan on earning a slot as a Star Army First Officer by mid year. I plan on completing as many Star Army qualifications as my Captain will allow me to be ordered to. And I will graduate SAAMMS as a fully captain qualified officer.
Taii Aliset of Koun
  • Expensive Tie (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 73-16, IC: 1152-26889-81)
  • Intact drum (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 96-37, IC: 2553-62143-122)
  • Lorath First Aid Kit - Pocket Size (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 76-6, IC: 437-10131-73)
  • Crate of Compressed Garbage (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 47-90, IC: 4287-151257-132)
  • Escape Pod with Nekovalkyrja warrior in stasis (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 10-94, IC: 997-158071-103)
    • Itto Hei Kurahashi Meiri is a petite marmoreal Nekovalkyrja soldier with gorgeous sky blue eyes and French braided shiny black hair. She is wearing a volumetric Type 35 Duty Uniform with a skirt and boots and carrying a Type 33 NSP and a Type 30 flashlight.
Name: Ancilla
Delivery location: YSS Koun, or 11034 AVE Obsidian City
What are you thankful for in YE 45?
Being able to serve alongside Spark, and also this amazing body Yugumo Corporation had made for those like me.
What are your plans for YE 46?
honestly I have no plans, I go where Spark goes, but if there's an event, she might want me to participate and have fun so that.
Reactions: Wes
Fuji, Lenna
Sood Zandra spaceport Hanger A122ITZ-LF
I am thankful for my crew, and family that I have onboad the ISS Sobek and the people I have helped with my craft.
I Look forward to getting more of my craft repaired and fixed, and looking forward to missions that are to come.

Nikicon Swiftfoot
Sood Zandra spaceport Hanger A122ITZ-NS
I am thankful that I have caring friends around me who are protective and caring.
I Look forward to new friends that are about to be discovered. I also look forward to repairing our craft the ISS Sobek.

Zeck D'rakol
Sood Zandra spaceport Hanger A122ITZ-ZD
I am thankful that I have a dependable and caring family onboard the ISS Sobek.
I look forward to the adventure that is about to happen.

Toyoda, Yujin
YSS Teisenjou
I am thankful that I was accepted into the Star Army as a pilot, and have been stationed to the YSS Teisenjou.
I look forward to exploring of new systems and discovering new people and places.

Crysta O'neil
YSS Wakaba
I am thankful that we are back home safely in Yamatai space, and that my friends Ryoko and Hotaru are safe, I am also glad that I was able to save their mother Setsunu Meiosei.
I Look forward to my time with my Mother Runa, and look forward to trying to get back to knowing my birthparents once more after they are restored from backup STs.
  • Name: Machariel Valeria
  • Delivery Location: YSS Wakaba
  • What are you thankful for in YE 45?
    I’m thankful that God forgave my sins and, with His divine grace, guided my rescuers - the crew of the YSS Wakaba - to me.
  • What are your plans for YE 46?
    My intentions for AD 4017 are simple: to continue serving my country and continue seeking atonement for the sins I’ve committed.
  • Name: Matokai Masato
  • Delivery Location: Funky City, Nepleslia
  • What are you thankful for in YE 45?
    I’m grateful that I found a new family in the form of my squad in the Nepleslian Space Marine Corp’s 309th Armored Infantry.
  • What are your plans for YE 46?
    My plans for YE 46 are to continue my career in the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia and find a permanent place to live in Funky City, Nepleslia.
Name: Taisa Thomas Canterbury
Delivery Location: YSS Wakaba
Thankful for YE 45: being rescued and returned to Yamatai space. My Family
Plans for YE 46: Take command of the refitted Wakaba and take the fight back to the Mishhu.

Name: Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei
Delivery Location: YSS Wakaba
Thankful for YE 45: Being rescued and returned to Yamatai Space. My daughters. Being awarded the Order of the Blazing Sun by Mistress Taisho Yui herself.
Plans for YE 46: To rebuild the Angels of Death and bring swift death to all Yamatai's enemies.

Name: Ryoko
Delivery Location: YSS Wakaba
Thankful for YE 45: Being rescued (I guess). Being able to take the Canterbury Clan right of passage so that I can finally get my clan tattoos.
Plans for YE 46: Looks like I've got 3 years mandatory duty to the Star Army. I guess I'm stuck doing that.

Name: Hotaru
Delivery Location: YSS Wakaba
Thankful for YE 45: Being rescued. My family.
Plans for YE 46: As a scientist officer, I am expected to attend University to become an Officer. I plan to graduate and serve out my mandatory 3 years to the Star Army. After that we'll see.
Name: Kira Satoko
Delivery Location: YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City
What are you thankful for in YE 45?: In YE 45 I am thankful for receiving my first assignment and beginning adventures with the Star Army of Yamatai! Oh also all the incredible friends I have made this year!
What are your plans for YE 46?: To make more friends!

Name: Nuriel
Delivery Location: APT 999, Heavenly Apartment Complex, Yamatai
What are you thankful for in YE 45?: Making new friends and convincing my friend Majnun to join me in the Star Army of Yamatai!
What are your plans for YE 46?: Perhaps link up with Majnun later this year to talk about how our careers are going.

Name: Aelya Eitan
Delivery Location: Saleloria
What are you thankful for in YE 45?: The norian people thriving in their new home and ringing in the new year with wonderful partners.
What are your plans for YE 46?: Chaos, mayhem, lewd things, who knows really?
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  • Civilian Shoes, Common (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 52-82, IC: 4321-133717-128)
  • Frozen food from a ship's galley (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 16-23, IC: 409-37570-38)
  • Refrigerated Crate of Jiyuuan Beef (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 70-85, IC: 6007-138777-147)
  • Complete Exo-Skeleton Arm (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 37-85, IC: 3202-138862-118)
  • Major components of an AI system (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 11-90, IC: 1047-147117-100)
Fuji, Lenna
  • Recovery STV (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 6-74, IC: 495-193789-80)
  • Stack of Data Disks (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 49-97, IC: 4810-254100-141)
  • Water Tank (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 44-89, IC: 3973-233237-128)
  • Mini Fridge (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 41-67, IC: 2763-175664-104)
  • Discarded Trans-atmospheric Thrusters (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 29-60, IC: 1768-157377-86)
Nikicon Swiftfoot
  • Sound-powered telephone (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 16-27, IC: 473-61401-42)
  • Child's Coloring Book (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 94-57, IC: 3817-129618-140)
  • Large collection of glass bottles (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 99-98, IC: 6987-222909-186)
  • Ship's wardroom table (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 12-57, IC: 741-129732-68)
  • Bacterial Charge Pack - Large (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 80-2, IC: 137-4609-73)
Zeck D'rakol
  • Slave Control Collar (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 27-54, IC: 1515-99039-78)
  • Electrical cabling. 5m. (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 36-22, IC: 813-40405-54)
  • Starship Environmental Systems Installation Kit (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 58-37, IC: 2145-67952-89)
  • Pack of Purified medical-grade water bottles (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 63-27, IC: 1758-49629-83)
  • Data Pad (Financial Information, 100 - 1000 HS) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 74-5, IC: 353-9242-71)
Matokai Masato
  • Ke-M2-W2903 Upper Leg NSD Launchers (for Mindy M2-2A Power Armor) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 2-42, IC: 139-90777-44)
  • 6 issues of "BOOM: HEADSHOT!" monthly arms Magazine (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 62-21, IC: 1297-45438-76)
  • Music Disk/Album (mod decides what of) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 92-32, IC: 2081-69241-113)
  • Small Jewelry Box (Costume Jewelry) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 70-55, IC: 3907-119022-117)
  • Airbike Boots (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 37-29, IC: 1093-62813-62)
Taisa Thomas Canterbury
  • Portable Medical Scanner PMS-1M (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 24-52, IC: 1305-115237-74)
  • Helashio In A Box! (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 81-77, IC: 6213-170689-149)
  • Miscellaneous EMBLEM shielding components (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 87-79, IC: 6930-175200-156)
  • Blast shutter assembly, Zesuaium (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 10-83, IC: 887-184151-92)
  • Random severed chunk of flesh (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 34-3, IC: 159-6714-33)
Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei
  • Big Jewelry Box (Costume Jewelry) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 72-65, IC: 4737-137077-129)
  • Someone's desktop sculpture (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 84-93, IC: 7869-196194-167)
  • Utility STV (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 7-93, IC: 708-196287-100)
  • Civilian Conversion Bringer of Thunder (Yellow, Has A Hand Replaced With A Shovel Or Drill) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 78-90, IC: 7077-190047-159)
  • Wad of burnt plastic (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 25-1, IC: 57-2169-23)
  • Box of NAM Bullets (400 Bullets) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 45-61, IC: 2802-116323-101)
  • Airlock for starship hull (intact) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 32-62, IC: 2041-118291-91)
  • Monoeyes (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 49-30, IC: 1527-57297-74)
  • Neutronium(from Super Demon Power Armor) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 87-88, IC: 7713-168049-165)
  • Vixen T4-2 Command Aeroshuttle (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 8-99, IC: 849-189147-107)
  • Remote Medical Drone - New and Usable! (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 79-22, IC: 1716-42275-92)
  • P/P System (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 47-38, IC: 1843-73017-80)
  • Box of information-holding Devices - Contains Music (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 73-78, IC: 5751-149895-143)
  • Headphones, Omniphonic "beamed" sound (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 94-50, IC: 3347-96157-133)
  • Crate of Lorath Ammunition - Light Antivehicle Caliber (20mm - 29mm) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 81-65, IC: 5322-125052-137)
Toyoda, Yujin
  • Intact elevator car from ship lift system (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 9-65, IC: 642-124272-73)
  • Disgusting biomass (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 11-2, IC: 68-3881-12)
  • Multi-Bonding Module System (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 17-49, IC: 873-93794-64)
  • Crate of Lorath Wine (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 82-36, IC: 2927-68961-109)
  • 6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian "bodily fluids" (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 62-25, IC: 1545-47932-80)
Crysta O'neil
  • Complete PRISM Computer System (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 39-68, IC: 2709-137009-103)
  • Expensive Suit (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 70-14, IC: 967-28267-76)
  • NMX manufactured meat grinder and sausage making kit (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 94-80, IC: 5321-161337-163)
  • Complete Exo-Skeleton Arm (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 36-85, IC: 3117-171502-117)
  • Airlock for starship hull (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 9-81, IC: 786-163515-89)
Machariel Valeria
  • Diamond Survival Knife (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 11-11, IC: 167-23509-21)
  • Drum, broken (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 95-35, IC: 2337-74712-119)
  • Oxygen canister (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 87-58, IC: 5103-123829-135)
  • Banjo (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 95-26, IC: 1767-55567-110)
  • Banjo (missing strings) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 95-22, IC: 1482-47049-106)
Kira Satoko
  • Medium Jewelry Box (Costume Jewelry) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 68-61, IC: 4137-119007-121)
  • Roofing shingles (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 96-84, IC: 5721-163941-169)
  • Hydrogen Canister (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 85-72, IC: 6092-140601-147)
  • Mortar Launcher (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 34-81, IC: 2811-158250-111)
  • Covert Directional Listening Device (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 17-42, IC: 754-82125-57)
  • Subspace transceiver, ship (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 13-68, IC: 941-132997-80)
  • Heavily damaged Irim or Plumeria Gunship (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 2-21, IC: 97-41133-23)
  • Random Musical Instrument (mod decides) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 94-33, IC: 2219-64638-116)
  • Broken Electrostimulant Pack (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 79-13, IC: 1084-25511-83)
  • Escape Pod, Type 30 (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 8-15, IC: 169-29472-23)
Aelya Eitan
  • Type 30 Container Handling Vehicle (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 4-86, IC: 401-168875-90)
  • Lorath experimental space vessel. (Powered down, may contain cryogenically frozen crew.) (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 29-96, IC: 2841-188601-122)
  • Missile, unfired, from power armor (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 14-63, IC: 939-123852-76)
  • Oxygen canister (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 37-63, IC: 2388-123915-96)
  • Package of Yamatai Vocal Trance Music Disks/crystal (YE 45 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 92-60, IC: 3921-118077-141)
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